
=== __zxq9__ is now known as _zxq9_
IrcsomeBot<Alang59> How can I compile Kamoso by myself ?01:14
IrcsomeBot<Alang59> Kamoso is not available in Solus Plasma and I don't want to disturb KDE maintener on it01:15
oerhekshttps://kde.org/applications/multimedia/org.kde.kamoso perhaps?01:24
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da-viperHi there, new to linux and do not what this is04:27
da-viperwhat does this do ?04:28
valoriewhat does what do?04:35
valoriedo you mean IRC?04:35
valorieirc, for the record, doesn't have much to do with linux04:35
valorieI used it for years from windows04:36
da-viperi just saw it on my laptop  after instaling04:36
valoriefreenode, the server we're on (or rather network) is almost all linux or bsd though04:36
valorieit is all for free and open source software/groups04:36
da-viperwhat can i do  with it please04:38
valoriedo with IRC?04:45
valorieit is (IMO) the best place to have real-time meetings04:46
valoriethis is a help channel, so if you have an issue, you can ask here04:46
valorieand if you hang around, you'll learn so much04:46
valorieI'm in over 20 channels on three different networks and find it endlessly useful04:47
ailionI can't have ibus working on Kubuntu 18.04 LTS.06:42
ailionIt doesn't show up.06:42
ailionAny ideas?06:42
diogenes_ailion, why do you need it?06:43
ailionI want to install RIME, a Chinese input method.06:43
ailionfcitx-rime works, but the official project is ibus-rime, so I want to have a try.06:44
diogenes_ailion, is ibus set to autostart?06:45
ailionI'm not pretty sure.06:46
ailionAll I have done is 'apt install ibus && im-config -n ibus'06:47
ailionpidof ibus returns a pid, so I believe its running.06:48
diogenes_try ibus-setup in terminal.06:49
elsHi everyone,I am using Kubuntu 19.10.I just installed Kalzium app 19.04.3 but I find a problem.In Kalzium 19.04.3 the "molecular editor" is grey,this function can't be used.Why? how to solve this problem? thanks team.Very need your help.06:53
elsHi everyone,I am using Kubuntu 19.10.I just installed Kalzium app 19.04.3 but I find a problem.In Kalzium 19.04.3 the "molecular editor" is grey,this function can't be used.Why? how to solve this problem? thanks team.Very need your help.07:02
diogenes_!patience | els07:03
ubottuels: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.07:03
els Hi everyone,I am using Kubuntu 19.10.I just installed Kalzium app 19.04.3 but I find a problem.In Kalzium 19.04.3 the "molecular editor" is grey,this function can't be used.Why? how to solve this problem? thanks team.07:04
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lordievaderGood morning07:23
elsI am using Kubuntu 19.10.I just installed Kalzium app 19.04.3 but I find a problem.In Kalzium 19.04.3 the "molecular editor" is grey,this function can't be used.Why? how to solve this problem?07:24
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troozersMorning Gurus, I am a newb to KDE so apologies for any daft questions... I am running the "System Load Viewer" widget on my desktop, but it's not showing any values for the CPU, Memory, or Swap.  Is there something that I am missing?11:07
BluesKajHowdy all12:05
elsgood evening,I use kubuntu 19.10 and Kalzium 19.04.3,But kalzium 19.04.3 has a problem.the "molecular editior" function is disabled and is grey color.Why and how to solve it? thanks.12:42
IrcsomeBot19029170015 was added by: 1902917001513:15
IrcsomeBot<19029170015> How are you doing?13:15
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IrcsomeBot19022007433 was added by: 1902200743314:29
IrcsomeBotعلی was added by: علی15:10
IrcsomeBot<علی> How are you getting along with...?15:10
oh4having an issue where my DNS keeps dropping ofter and I keep seeing "temporary failure in name resolution". This occurs every few minutes15:57
oh4system was working fine for the first 2 days...I've seen a few posts about making some changes to use a different network manager and a lot of conflicting info15:58
oh4before working on some hack, curious if anyone has seen this issue here and what solution they are going with to ensure it's update/upgrade proof15:58
BluesKajoh4, maybe the dns server is to blame16:07
oh4BluesKaj: perhaps. I haven't thought about changing that on my router16:46
oh4maybe I should give that a shot first and change it from my ISP DNS to something else16:46
oh4strange enough, this only occurs on my one single linux machine...doesn't happen on any other machine or device16:48
jaafarWhat's the process for getting an upstream KDE fix incorporated into Kubuntu?16:50
oh4actually, it's not my external DNS...i can't resolve to anything internal either16:50
jaafarAsking for https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39276816:50
ubottuKDE bug 392768 in general "KIO::AccessManager keeps ioslave spinning indefinitely" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]16:50
jaafarmy poor fans just keep running and I think it's that16:51
elshi,does kalzium bug can be solved?thanks16:52
jaafarhi kfunk I see you're the committer16:53
kfunk wat?16:55
kfunkah, yes16:55
kfunkguilty as charged16:55
jaafarJust googling my weird http.so high CPU usage and came across it16:55
kfunkrunning Spotify or sth? :)16:55
jaafarActually I am!16:56
kfunkyep, that's where I noticed it ;)16:56
* jaafar closes Spotify16:56
kfunkhttp.so is trying to get album cover art, i.e. when switching songs it'll spawn these little processes16:56
jaafaroh gross16:56
jaafarhttp.so is still getting 5%16:57
jaafartwo processes16:57
kfunkjep. it calms down after a while though.16:57
jaafaroh good16:57
jaafarout of curiosity though, how does the procedure work to get stuff into kubuntu? Or is "wait for the next release" the most likely scenario here16:58
kfunk`killall -9 http.so` for a 'quick' fix ;016:58
kfunkunfortunately, I guess so. people/maintainers probably won't bother enough for above fix to spin a new pkg.16:58
jaafargot it. More for security flaws etc.16:58
kfunkit'll just kill a few more trees while playing songs on Spotify, nothing major.16:59
* jaafar imagines all the power-increasing bugs in the world16:59
kfunkyeah, I have a certain "dislike" against tools just hogging my CPU. hello Electron-based web apps running on my desktop... in the KDE world I can at least fix the most prominent issues myself.17:00
oh4solved my issue by following the suggested solution here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53687051/ping-google-com-temporary-failure-in-name-resolution17:00
IrcsomeBotpinkelephantdev was added by: pinkelephantdev17:04
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> I put my computer into standby and since then all desktop effects gone missing, even transparency! 3D acceleration is intact.17:20
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/HJn1s0MT/file_24525.jpg17:20
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> It looks too edgy without effects D:17:21
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> @tuxifan, and no, reboot does not help17:26
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ilhi , i cant use headset mic in kubuntu 19.1018:44
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> @tuxifan, Search for composition18:46
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> Something is blocking it18:46
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> @darltrash, Alright18:53
rangergordany Kubuntu devs here? What's the usage % split between Kubuntu LTS and latest?18:58
rangergordI'm an LTS person myself, just wondering how many people are running LTS exclusively vs 19.1018:58
rangergordHow do I disable the update notifier? It's the popup that shows up after you boot.19:16
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IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> @rangergord, Wait19:46
AndersonDekonHello, I just received my new pc, and I don't know the Kubuntu password that came on it19:46
AndersonDekon#kubuntu Hello, I just received my new pc, and I don't know the Kubuntu password that came on it19:47
AndersonDekonCan someone help me?19:47
diogenes_AndersonDekon, huh?19:47
diogenes_i didn't get that.19:47
AndersonDekon@diogenes_ my computer arrived with kubuntu installed, and it asks for a password, but I didn't set any password19:49
rangergordAndersonDekon, what's the username?19:49
geniiSo just hit the enter key19:49
AndersonDekonI went to download something, and a message appeared asking for a password19:49
geniiThis sounds more like a website wants a password19:50
AndersonDekonI hit enter, but says the password is wrong19:50
AndersonDekonI left unintentionally19:52
AndersonDekonis there a default password in kubuntu?19:52
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valorieUFFR_87: there is no default password20:33
valorieI would ask the seller of the computer what they used20:33
valorieoops, mentioned the wrong person, sorry20:34
UFFR_87It's ok20:34
valorieand the asker left20:34
valoriehopefully writing to the seller20:34
UFFR_87I was just about to ask about if anyone here could help me with KMail20:35
UFFR_87I can't get it to work with Google or AOL20:35
UFFR_87Though AOL isn't as important and seems to be having problems with all mail clients20:36
valoriesorry, haven't been a kmail user for many years20:37
valoriethe gmail issue is between KDE and Google, and still in flux20:37
valorieunsure if /when Google will accept outside email handlers20:37
UFFR_87I guessed as much because it works with CLAW20:38
UFFR_87As for AOL, I don't know. That doesn't want to work with *anything*20:39
UFFR_87(Don't ask me why I use AOL)20:39
ecovanyone had this issue? in my plasma audio volume settings my notification volume is at 0% and after changing it it immediately reverts back to 0%21:53
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user110558bluetooth not working23:54

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