
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:24
dufluMorning oSoMoN06:39
oSoMoNhey duflu06:51
didrocksgood morning07:16
dufluHi didrocks07:22
didrockshey duflu07:25
oSoMoNsalut didrocks07:30
didrocksbonjour oSoMoN07:32
seb128gooood morning desktopers08:31
didrockssalut seb12808:45
seb128lut didrocks, comment ça va ?08:45
didrocksseb128: ça va, mais rush de fixes avant de faire une release de zsys :p08:46
seb128the ff fun!08:47
marcustomlinsonmorning oSoMoN duflu didrocks and seb12809:02
marcustomlinsonaaaaand Laney09:02
seb128hey Laney, marcustomlinson, how are you today?09:02
seb128Laney one minute earlier than usual, change of routine! :)09:03
marcustomlinsonseb128: yeah ok, stressing over every stomach cramp my wife has, but otherwise just fine ;) yourself?09:03
didrocksgood morning marcustomlinson & Laney09:03
seb128marcustomlinson, oh, good luck with that!09:03
didrocksmarcustomlinson: good luck, this is the end of the road :p09:03
marcustomlinsonthe end of my life forever...09:04
Laneyhi marcustomlinson seb128 didrocks09:06
Laneyhmm, keeping a log of what time I say hello, interesting09:06
seb128it's part of the KPIs!09:07
* Laney writes a script09:07
dufluMorning Laney and marcustomlinson09:07
WimpressMorning desktopers o/09:08
marcustomlinsonhey Wimpress09:08
Wimpressmarcustomlinson: Morning09:09
Laneyerror: cannot validate seed:09:11
Laney- cannot use snap "snap-store": default provider "gnome-3-28-1804" is missing09:11
Laneykenvandine: please can you do the fixing of the iso?09:12
Laneyhi Wimpress09:12
WimpressMorning Laney09:13
didrockshey Wimpress09:15
WimpressMorning didrocks09:15
Laneyand duflu!09:16
WimpressYou might want to have a chat with popey about zsys09:16
popeywe have emailed09:16
WimpressBrilliant :-D09:16
popeyits all in hand09:16
jibeland we replied :)09:16
WimpressDouble brilliant  :-D09:16
* Wimpress is awestruck09:17
seb128duflu, hum, bluez 5.53 was tagged 11 days ago and has a tarball on https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/bluetooth/ , weird that it's not mentioned on their website09:42
dufluI probably don't have enough work days before before FF09:43
seb128don't worry, we can always ask for a ffe if it includes features09:45
dufluThere's no NEWS for it either. Let me see09:46
dufluAh, yes wrong file09:47
duflu+ver 5.53:09:47
duflu+       Fix issue with handling unregistration for advertisment.09:47
duflu+       Fix issue with A2DP and handling recovering process.09:47
duflu+       Fix issue with udpating input device information.09:47
duflu+       Add support for loading blocked keys.09:47
seb128unsure what the support for loading blocked keys is09:48
seb128but sounds like it should be a ffe easy to get if needed09:49
dufluseb128, trying to roll it now09:55
seb128duflu, thx10:05
dufluseb128, it seems to work -> bug 186482410:11
ubot5bug 1864824 in bluez (Ubuntu) "BlueZ 5.53 release" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186482410:11
seb128duflu, thx!10:13
dufluAlso https://git.launchpad.net/~bluetooth/bluez10:13
seb128and thanks again for squeezing that before your eod10:14
dufluThat's OK. It's done now, I hope10:15
ricotzhello desktopers :)11:31
ricotzI am wondering what is up with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsoup2.4/2.69.90-111:31
ricotzseb128, hi :), meson 0.53.2-1ubuntu1 at https://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/sponsoring/11:46
xnoxLaney:  seb128: kenvandine: ubuntu desktop ISO failed to build today, because snap:snap-store uses the old snap:gnome-3-28-1804 which was no longer seeded.12:03
xnoxonly snap:gnome-3-34-1804 was seeded.12:03
xnoxi have now seeded snap:gnome-3-28-1804 into ubuntu desktop-minimal12:04
xnoxbut i don't know if everything should be using 3-28 or 3-34 or both12:04
xnoxhowever, i do want a fresh ubuntu iso =)12:04
xnoxcan you please request ubuntu desktop respin on the iso tracker?12:04
LaneyI already pinged kenvandine about that earlier12:05
kenvandineI need to ask jdstrand to approve a revision in the store12:05
Laneyso no, not yet, and probably leave it to the person responsible12:06
kenvandineIt will need 3-3412:06
seb128ricotz, hey12:06
seb128ricotz, i386 installability issue... I've pinged Steve about it yesterday12:07
ricotzseb128, hi, I see12:07
ricotzseb128, meson builds here https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+build/1876679912:07
seb128ricotz, thx, I meant to have a look today so it spares me some work :)12:08
seb128ricotz, uploaded :)12:09
xnoxwell at least tomorrow's daily will build an iso irrespective of which revision is approved in the store.12:10
xnoxi will revert the seed of old gnome-3.28 once the new snap-store snap lands12:10
kenvandinexnox: thanks12:15
ricotzseb128, thx12:15
xnoxwow the new ubiquity icon is extra slick!12:47
didrocksisn’t it? :)12:47
didrockskudos to Stuart from the Yaru team12:48
xnoxit like actually makes sense12:48
didrocksonce you see it, it’s just… so obvious12:48
didrockswe are in agreement12:48
xnoxcause previous disk-drive => nobody knows how those look like, and the new tiny nvmes look nothing like the disk12:48
didrocksexactly, this is where the discussion started within the team12:49
jibelxnox, about 1847721, which version of partman-auto has this change?12:59
jibelbug 184772113:00
ubot5bug 1847721 in partman-efi (Ubuntu) "Always create the ESP" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184772113:00
Laneywho was asking for the package-team-mapping a few days ago?13:01
didrocksseb128 IIRC13:01
seb128Laney, it was me13:01
Laneybecause I just found it: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/package-team-mapping.json13:01
jdstrandkenvandine: I approved r287 and r28813:06
Laneytseliot: btw, proposed a PR for ubuntu-drivers-common to support the OEM work we've been doing, review would be appreciated13:06
Laneyplease don't make me change the external interfaces :-)13:07
Laneyubiquity is relying on those now :P13:07
Laneywell "now" -> in a branch13:07
tseliotLaney, sure, I'll have a look13:23
kenvandinejdstrand: thanks!13:24
seb128tjaalton, you got lucky, xorg-server tests flipped green on a retry and it migrated :p13:45
tjaaltonseb128: which version was that?13:45
tjaaltonoh a rebuild13:46
seb128tjaalton, 2:1.20.7-2ubuntu2  migrated13:46
tjaaltonhad no idea13:46
seb128I pinged you about it during the team meeting yesterday!13:46
tjaaltonand I repliead13:47
seb128ah, you had no idea it migrated13:47
seb128I though you were saying you had no idea it was blocked :)13:47
tjaaltonhad no idea of the upload13:47
seb128well, you can forget about it, things sorted out themselve :)13:48
tjaaltonright, good13:48
Laneyyou can NEVER forget about flaky tests!13:48
* Laney haunts tjaalton's dreams13:48
tjaaltonhaven't slept well these past weeks ;)13:49
seb128don't you have items blocked on propose-migration waking you up at night?!13:49
tjaaltonnot at the moment, afaik :)13:50
xnoxjibel:  i mean, do i have to do this for you? =) got to pad.lv/u/partman-auto look that there is only one upload to focal since eoan, click on it read it https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/partman-auto/134ubuntu13 then check ubiquity changelog to see that said partman-auto was included there and uploaded.14:05
xnoxjibel:  i don't memorize version numbers of all of my uploads for a quick hash-table lookup14:05
jibelxnox, if you don't have the version number in mind that's fine, i'll check it out.14:11
xnoxjibel:  note, it only creates an empty esp when booted in bios mode. Other components have not yet been changed to always dual-install pc+efi platforms of grub, when booted under efi14:56
hellsworthgood morning desktopers15:03
jibelxnox, okay, I was asking to see if we can remove the code that creates an ESP to store grub configuration on zfs systems.15:03
jibelit'll have to be updated anyway.15:03
marcustomlinsonhey hellsworth15:05
hellsworthhi marcustomlinson15:05
hellsworthdid you see my messages on ubuntu-release last night?15:05
hellsworth(honestly not sure if that was the right place)15:05
hellsworthi was looking for autotests to be relaunched15:05
didrockshey hellsworth!15:06
hellsworthhi didrocks :)15:06
didrocksseb128: may I abuse the transitions ppa to testbuild on armhf builder?15:17
didrocks(I see you have libsecret building there)15:17
seb128didrocks, sure, it's empty/not being used for any transition atm15:18
didrocksthx, doing, zsys failed there so I want to testbuild before doing an upload to the archive15:18
seb128I just tested the old libsecret on s390x there, to rule out an issue due to new glib or similar15:19
didrocksack :)15:19
kenvandinexnox: you can revert your change adding gnome-3-28-180415:36
kenvandineall good now15:36
kenvandinethat is not needed15:36
jdstrandoSoMoN: hey, I was in a meeting when chromium updated in the background. everything went fine, but if it weren't for me running aa-notify, I wouldn't have known17:37
jdstrandoSoMoN: this is obviously refresh-app-awareness17:37
oSoMoNjdstrand, yes, I suggest enabling the experimental flag, it works very well for me17:38
jdstrandoSoMoN: it did occur to me though, that it would be possible for you to run something in the background that could occasionally see if the current symlink changed17:38
Trevinhodesktoppers, if someone is happy to test new shell stack... It's at https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/3944.2/17:38
jdstrandoSoMoN: and then prompt to restart17:38
jdstrandoSoMoN: s/prompt/alert/17:39
oSoMoNjdstrand, that's an interesting idea17:39
jdstrandoSoMoN: whenever refresh app awareness lands, it could be converted to see if something is pending, if so, prompt/alert to stop to have updates applied, or something17:39
oSoMoNnot a great UX, but better than having the app starting to behave funny without a warning17:40
jdstrandoSoMoN: simple idea is to nohup a script in a wrapper before invoking chromium proper17:40
jdstrandoSoMoN: yeah. just an idea in case you thought there was something there17:41
TrevinhoLaney, seb128: that silo is also fine to publish once the eappindicator thingy is uploaded to debian17:41
oSoMoNjdstrand, thanks for sharing it. I'll file a bug to track it, as I'm too busy with other tasks right now, but it's probably something I can experiment with next week17:41
jdstrandoSoMoN: iirc, firefox used to have UX built into it letting the user know it needed to be restarted, so there is some precedent for this sort of thing17:42
jdstrandoSoMoN: cool, see you next week if I don't talk to you sooner :)17:42
oSoMoNjdstrand, yes indeed, see you next week :)17:43
oSoMoNjdstrand, bug #186490117:48
ubot5bug 1864901 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "[snap] suggestion: alert users when the snap has been refreshed while running" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186490117:48
LaneyTrevinho: I'll help you upload it all tomorrow17:59
marcustomlinsonLaney: could I request your help with ubuntu-release-upgrader too? that is if you're happy with my fixes (which I'll complete tonight)18:02
Laneymarcustomlinson: yus ok18:02
jdstrandoSoMoN: thanks! :)18:03
marcustomlinsonLaney: :)))))18:03
Laneyyes that's how it makes me feel too!18:05
marcustomlinsonLaney: I blame kenvandine for it being late18:09
Laneypiling on extra requirements?18:10
marcustomlinsonhaha, the gnome platform snap changes and it threw me a tasty curveball18:10
LaneyI guess you don't want to rip that out unless it's unused18:11
Laneygude pointe welle made18:11
marcustomlinsonand if it is used it needs to switch away from the release track to stable18:11
marcustomlinsonanywho, this stuff is looking good now, just getting to your review comments now18:12
Laneyon that note, au revoir18:12
Trevinhoseb128: you know Error looking up permission: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.portal.Error.NotFound: No entry for geolocation what could be caused from? what isn't updated?18:20
k_alamI am getting errors with libx11 in proposed...Can anyone tell ?19:16
k_alamUnpacking libx11-dev:amd64 (2:1.6.9-1) ...19:16
k_alamdpkg: error processing archive /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-dvrEvm/292-libx11-dev_2%3a1.6.9-1_amd64.deb (--unpack):19:16
k_alam trying to overwrite '/usr/include/X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h', which is also in package x11proto-dev 2018.4-419:16
mitya57k_alam: that is debian #95258919:19
ubot5Debian bug 952589 in libx11-dev "libx11-dev: trying to overwrite '/usr/include/X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h', which is also in package x11proto-dev 2018.4-4" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/95258919:19
mitya57Already fixed in Debian, we need to wait until the autosyncer picks that19:20
k_alammitya57: Alright. Thanks.19:21
seb128Trevinho, no idea sorry20:36
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ChrisTownsendAnyone know why on focal that the latest update says ubuntu-software is no longer required and gnome-calculator and gnome-characters are being installed? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/QvHPTgHH9v/21:32
ChrisTownsendI already have those installed as snaps, so I don't want the deb:)21:33
kenvandineChrisTownsend: we are switching the seed back to the debs21:51
kenvandinefeel free to switch back to the snap if you like :)21:51
kenvandinethey will be maintained21:51
ChrisTownsendkenvandine: Oh?  Why's that?21:51
kenvandineand gnome-software is being replaced by snap-store21:51
ChrisTownsendkenvandine: Ok about snap-store.21:52
kenvandinethe primary reason to seed them as snaps was to help put pressure on improving snap integration on the desktop21:52
kenvandineand we've done that :)21:52
ChrisTownsendkenvandine: Ah, ok.  Well, do I have to have the debs or can I manually remove them after they install?21:52
kenvandineyou don't have to have them21:52
ChrisTownsendkenvandine: Ok, cool, thanks!21:53
kenvandineglad to hear you're sticking with the snap versions :)21:53
ChrisTownsendkenvandine: lol, I got used to them:)21:53
kenvandinei know i'm doing the same21:53
kenvandineChrisTownsend: on dist-upgrade you won't get snap-store automatically though21:55
kenvandineinstall it from the stable/ubuntu-20.04 channel21:55
ChrisTownsendkenvandine: Ah, ok, thanks for the tip!21:56
tkamppeterseb128, did you hit the gscan2pdf problem already a week ago, before my effort to update sane-backends?22:19
seb128tkamppeter, yes, did you look at the autopkgtest url? it has been failing regularly for a while, it was blocking xorg-server before22:23
tkamppeterseb128, I only saw that it was currently blocking 4 or 5 other packages, nice DoS attack to us of some Debian maintainer making us auto-sync an arm64-incompatible package in Universe which depends on important packages in Main.22:29
tkamppeterLater I have seen that the problem was there for longer time, so I made my merge request with "all" and not the current version number, so that we do not need to chase after it any more.22:30
tkamppeterHope that this was not the problem that our SANE was already 2 upstream versions behind.22:31
seb128not likely or your update would have worked22:31
seb128ideally the hang would be debugged/resolved still though, skip is only a workaround22:31
seb128but that should do for now22:31
tkamppeterseb128, I thin Universe packages should not get considered in the proposed migration of Main packages.22:31
seb128doko had been arguing for that as well I think22:32
tkamppeterseb128, by the way, there is also a Debian bug report on gscan2pdf and they found out that the problem is somewhere in our migration system infrastructure, manually running the arm64 autopkg test works.22:33
seb128right, I doubt it's the infrastructure though, it's just that something there triggers the code bug22:34
seb128could be because our builders are slow22:35
tkamppeterseb128, why did you move the Trello card into Done already? The merge request is not yet accepted.22:35
seb128or something22:35
seb128tkamppeter, I probably picked the wrong column, can you move it back to 'in review'?22:35
tkamppeterseb128, Done.22:36

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