
lotuspsychjegood morning02:43
Psi-JackOops. Meant that for here, about Gnome/GDM themes. After looking at themes for GDM I'm still scratching my head going... What happened? This used to be much easier...03:04
ubot5Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:05
Psi-JackSure, they exist, but they are all varrying in how to "install" them.03:05
Psi-JackIncluding..... Replacing parts of the Yaru theme to accomplish it.03:05
lotuspsychjecheckout deviantart & unixporn for the theme parts you trying, alot of screenshot showoffs include their techniques03:06
Psi-JackWell, keep in mind, I'm not trying to make a theme, but use a theme. I don't much like the Yaru purple gdm login. :)03:07
lotuspsychjei never said make03:07
Psi-JackHmm. true.03:08
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sarnold.. and possibly how he found the desire for two different libssls installed at once03:41
lotuspsychjehelp im in trouble, no i dont need help, help i need latest, no i wont show you what i did wrong..03:42
sarnoldnice summary :)03:43
ubot5To change GNOME themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu (KDE) themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu (Xfce): !xfce-themes03:44
Psi-JackFirst link is so old it's way outdated from 11.04.. Wow. :)03:45
lotuspsychjefeel free to find a newer wiki03:45
lotuspsychjeyou are part of the community Psi-Jack03:45
sarnoldI've thought before that we might be well-served to find and delete one old wiki page a day03:45
sarnold(a) find something no longer useful (b) submit it to archive.org (c) after they index it, kill it03:46
sarnoldof course I've only ever done this like three times because following through on this would be a bit of an undertaking :)03:47
Psi-JackFinally. Changed the background image at least of the login theme to something acceptable.04:32
lotuspsychjewich theme are you plaing with? got a link?04:33
Psi-JackIt's just Yaru, with #lockDialogGroup background image added.04:34
Psi-JackInstead of purple noise.04:35
Psi-JackAnnnd, now my plymouth stuff is a nice b.... Well, it shut down as blue, but booted up purple. :/04:54
lotuspsychjei just autologin, never need a login background04:55
Psi-JackOh man.. Not me. Autologin is bad.04:55
lotuspsychjeits the users choice04:56
Psi-JackHmm, well, this is getting close.... but it's still not perfect.. :/06:31
Psi-JackShutdown, the plymouth is blue. Boot, however, it's purple.06:31
ducassegood morning07:22
lordievaderGood morning07:23
code1o6Is it possible to do a fresh install on a vm, install what I need and then repackage it to a livecd?12:43
code1o62Psi-jack, that is not exactly what I'm asking for13:14
Psi-JackNo, it's not. But that's how you create a Live CD generally speaking. :)13:14
Psi-JackConverting a VM to an ISO.... That's a whole different ballgame.13:15
code1o62Psi-Jack, how do I add files to the home directory?13:15
code1o62Is that possible?13:15
Psi-JackWhat is your /actual/ goal?13:15
code1o62Sigh, well I'm building an offline CA generation usb key. I need to install some python tools that I wrote and I'd like to have them built in to my image13:16
pragmaticenigmacode1o62: Why not use Live USB with persistance?13:17
code1o62How can I assure no one has made modification to my Live USB13:18
Psi-JackSo, you'd follow the guide accordingly, and you could go a step futher, and make a multi-partition bootable USB drive with storage space you can mount.13:18
Psi-Jacksha512 checksums.13:18
pragmaticenigmacode1o62: that's on you to protect the drive...13:19
Psi-JackArmed Guards. :)13:19
pragmaticenigmacode1o62: Ubuntu isn't designed for this sort of application. There are specialized distros out there capable of such feature sets. I think you should research and find something that is more applicable to your use case13:20
code1o62Can i follow the same steps for an ubuntu image https://www.kali.org/docs/usb/dojo-kali-linux-usb-persistence-encryption/?13:22
code1o62using luks13:22
pragmaticenigmacode1o62: It might work, but there are no guarantees. Kali is not Ubuntu13:22
code1o62I'll give it a try and report back :)13:23
code1o62Thank you all13:23
Psi-JackHmmm.. Did libgnome-keyring (and libgnome-keyring-dev) up and vanish?17:47
oerheksdisco was the latest? https://launchpad.net/libgnome-keyring/+packages17:49
Psi-JackHmmm,. Seems gnome-keyring was deprecated for libsecret. grrr. LOL17:49
Psi-JackOne aspect of Gnome I've always hated. "Hey! Here's a thing!" Later..... "Here's a new thing! The old one's deprecated!"17:50
Ussatbest GUI is CLI17:52
Psi-JackI like libsecret to remember/save/use stored passwords. :)18:00
Psi-JackAnd, Ussat, Bitwarden people are fast! Within 2 hours I had my 2-week trial license.18:00
Psi-JackStill not sure about running it though. 2GB RAM just to run something small-time, because mssql..18:01
Psi-JackYa.. Easy enough,..18:08
Psi-JackNow, just trying to recall how to get yadm to properly apply my dotfile variations. I have a .gitconfig##o.Fedora and now .gitconfig##o.Ubuntu, but it's not linking the Ubuntu one over. :/18:10
Psi-JackOh, dang. d, not o. LOL18:11
lotuspsychjegood evening18:16
JanCwhy would mssql need 2 GiB RAM?18:42
sarnolddo you expect it to use more or less?18:43
JanCI would expect it to use much less when configured properly?18:44
daftykinsit sounds very specific to that webapp18:47
Psi-JackGood question. That's the error I was getting from the mssql docker container for bitwarden.18:50
JanCmaybe it's made for enterprise use?18:50
Psi-JackProbably, but still, they don't provide good documentation on it.18:50
lotuspsychje!info lcov bionic19:29
ubot5lcov (source: lcov): Summarise Code coverage information from GCOV. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13-3 (bionic), package size 90 kB, installed size 404 kB19:29
lotuspsychjedid he add an external ppa, or playing with backports?19:39
pragmaticenigmajust ban him already... this is a regular joke to them... they're not even running ubuntu... and has said as much before19:55
hggdhsarnold: thank you. I lost my patience there19:57
sarnoldhggdh: yeah.. he doesn't seem great at The Google19:58
sarnoldI'm off to lunch now ;)19:58
hggdhand his attitude sucks19:58
lotuspsychjebon apetit19:58
Ben64yeah that attitude is really poopy20:23
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