
msalvatoreryanakca: Hey. I'm looking over the debdiff for opensmtpd. Why did you pull in changes from this commit? 555d2121736acdd70453b24b94c8c2996d9ab5f913:28
ryanakcamsalvatore: for stretch? I preferred not to introduce any code that was not already in an opensmtpd release. The upstream patch for smtpctl.c does not apply cleanly because the type of makemap changed. makemap from makemap.c used to take 2 arguments and determine how it was being called by examining __progname and then set the mode to either P_MAKEMAP or P_NEWALIASES. Recent releases instead pass14:33
ryanakcamakemap the mode directly. In particular, ...14:33
ryanakca... upstream's patch for smtpctl.c passes makemap the mode P_SENDMAIL. I could alternatively have backported the patch by adding P_SENDMAIL to the enum 'mode', setting __progname to "sendmail" in smtpctl.c, and extending the logic in makemap.c to account for this third possibility.14:33
ryanakca(I think, I didn't test.) It would have resulted a smaller patch, but it would also have meant diverging from code that opensmtpd has already released.14:34
msalvatoreryanakca: gotcha. thanks.14:41

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