
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Robert18Is there a way to set a working equalizer which whould equalize all the sounds in the system before playing them?05:51
Robert18Haven't found anything working yet.05:51
daffy1234I hear a lot of crackling from fluidsynth/qsynth when theres a lot of sound going on (e.g. 4+ notes being played and a youtube video in the background, or just using a complicated soundfont). Qsynth complains about not being able to change priority, and when ran as root it freezes the computer, requiring me to go into a tty to pkill -9 qsynth. Any05:59
xubuntu88wGood morning. Whats the alternative to "/etc/rc.local" on Xubuntu last version? I need to start a command when the SO boot up08:25
xubuntu88wI thought to do it with crontab @reboot but I reed that in some distros and versions doesnt work always fine08:26
pmjdebruijnjust add a oneshot service08:35
pmjdebruijnrc.local really wasn't a good solution for anything at any point in time :)08:35
xubuntu88wAnd how can I do that? I mean add the service08:36
ubottusystemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units08:38
pmjdebruijnxubuntu88w: https://pastebin.com/raw/RXd5BMv508:38
pmjdebruijnput that in /etc/systemd/system08:38
pmjdebruijnsystemctl daemon-reload08:38
pmjdebruijnsystemctl enable whateveryoucalledit.service08:38
xubuntu88wSo, if I get it right, I created a file on /etc/systemd/system/ and the file have the next info:09:11
xubuntu88wExecStart=x11vnc -forever -rfbauth [pathfile]09:12
xubuntu88wUps, actually the ExecStart= it contain the path to a .sh file where is the command line09:15
well_laid_lawnyou might need to add some Requires= in that, like X as a guess09:21
well_laid_lawnhttps://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/402201/creating-x11vnc-system-service might help09:26
lighterowlwhy anyone would want to use -rfbauth is beyond me. "Note that due to the VNC protocol only the first 8 characters of a password are used (DES key)."09:51
well_laid_lawnssh is enough for most people09:53
lighterowlexactly. and heaps more secure by default.09:54
well_laid_lawnsome demand the gui though ...09:54
lighterowlbut you can still run x11vnc and tunnel the actual VNC data over a ssh session. this is exactly what I suggested yesterday, but this wasn't taken into account by this individual for some reason.09:54
lighterowloh well09:55
well_laid_lawnsecurity can be hard sometimes <shrug>09:55
xubuntu11wHi to everyone, I still trying to run the service when the so boot up. The "systemctl status x11vnc.service" command give me the next error "x11vnc.service: Failed to execute command: Permision denied, and x11vnc.service_ Failed at step EXEC spawning /etc/.vnc/x11vncstart.sh: Permission denied10:25
xubuntu11wBoth files x11vnc.service and x11vncstart.sh are in /etc/ with permissions for root10:25
well_laid_lawndid you see "https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/402201/creating-x11vnc-system-service might help"10:27
pmjdebruijnxubuntu11w: uhm? a .sh file in /etc ?10:32
pmjdebruijnxubuntu11w: is your .sh executable?10:33
pmjdebruijnalso, isn't x11vnc supposed to run in your session?10:33
pmjdebruijnah no10:34
xubuntu11wOk, now the status service is right, the problem was the passwd file owner after changed the owner to root the service work fine now10:39
xubuntu11wFor some reason, after reboot the system the service failed again with the same permissions error :/10:49
xubuntu11wAnd yes well_laid_lawn i checked that link10:50
xubuntu11wpmjdebruijn the .sh is executable yes, if I executed the .sh from shell the vnc server start fine10:51
pmjdebruijnkeep in mind that systemd does not impart env vars like your shell does10:51
pmjdebruijnyou need to use Environment=WHATEVER=whatever to set anything that process needs in an env var10:51
xubuntu11wBut if I put the order command into the "ExecStart=" or if the "ExecStart=" target a .sh file, should work fine, no?10:55
pmjdebruijnnot sure what you mean10:57
xubuntu11wFor example: I have the next file into /etc/xdg/autostart/whatever.desktop10:57
xubuntu11w[Desktop Entry]10:58
pmjdebruijnplease use pastebin10:58
xubuntu11wExec= xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 99"10:58
pmjdebruijnkeep in mind a .desktop is executed inside your desktop session10:58
pmjdebruijna .service is not, and that's a HUUUUUUGE difference10:58
xubuntu11wAnd that file execute that command when a user log in, basicly i wnat to do the same but with x11vnc command but when the SO boot up10:59
xubuntu11wOS* sorry11:00
xubuntu11wOperative System11:00
pmjdebruijnyeah no clue about the specifics11:00
pmjdebruijnagain, it seems x11vnc is built to run in session11:00
pmjdebruijnwithout a user logged in, there is no session11:00
pmjdebruijnthe tricks in that stackexchange thing is probably to simulate a session environment11:02
pmjdebruijnbut you'll have to struggle through that11:02
xubuntu11wI've seen the vnc working without a session and then, login with a user11:06
pmjdebruijnI never said I couldn't be done11:07
pmjdebruijnI'm just saying it's non-trivial11:07
pmjdebruijnagain, did you read the stackexchange article thoroughly11:07
pmjdebruijnalso what specific permissions error11:08
pmjdebruijnpastebin journalctl -u yourservice11:08
xubuntu11wI didnt see any "stackexchange article". It didnt say anything else, just "Failed to execute command: Permission denied"11:09
xubuntu11wWait, because Im in another machine11:09
xubuntu11w-- Logs begin at Fri 2020-02-14 13:52:15 CET, end at Wed 2020-02-26 12:00:58 CET. --11:11
xubuntu11wx11vnc -forever -rfbauth /etc/.vnc/passwd11:11
xubuntu11w/etc/.vnc/x11vncstart.sh: Permission denied11:11
xubuntu34wsorry, the session expired. Here is the journal11:13
xubuntu34w-- Logs begin at Fri 2020-02-14 13:52:15 CET, end at Wed 2020-02-26 12:00:58 CET. --11:13
xubuntu34wx11vnc -forever -rfbauth /etc/.vnc/passwd11:13
xubuntu34w/etc/.vnc/x11vncstart.sh: Permission denied11:13
xubuntu35wThe chat is just send me out when I paste the journal xD11:15
xubuntu35w-- Logs begin at Fri 2020-02-14 13:52:15 CET, end at Wed 2020-02-26 12:00:58 CET. --11:15
xubuntu35wx11vnc -forever -rfbauth /etc/.vnc/passwd11:15
xubuntu35w-- Reboot --11:16
xubuntu35wviladomat-pc systemd[1]: x11vnc.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC11:16
xubuntu35wfeb 26 11:29:14 viladomat-pc systemd[1]: Started Inicia x11vnc al arrancar.11:16
xubuntu35wsystemd[1]: x11vnc.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC11:16
xubuntu35wNow with the journal I see the "Executable path is not absolute error"11:17
xubuntu82wi downloaded  Xubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) i found now that it was supported until July 2020D:11:24
xubuntu35wWell, I have to leave now, I will try to run the service later11:25
xubuntu35wAnyway, thanks to everyone for your help and patient :)11:25
brainwashxubuntu82w: was? it still is supported11:29
xubuntu82wyes, i means ... just till july 2020?11:30
brainwashxubuntu82w: you will keep upgrading to the next release11:37
brainwashevery 6 months basically, unless you switch to the LTS cycle11:37
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
DarkTrickIs there a place where the raw images for the mouse pointer graphics are stored? I mean in a kind of GIMP file, where mouse arrow and shadow are still separated?15:09
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube

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