
wallyworldkelvinliu: babbageclunk: forgot to check, it shouldn't be too hard to support tag constraints in vsphere i hope. main thing is to be able to query the nodes for what tags they have i think?00:52
wallyworldie as per the discourse discussion00:53
kelvinliutags is marked as validator.RegisterUnsupported(unsupportedConstraints) , i m not sure why we decided to not support it00:58
babbageclunkwallyworld: just reading about tag handling in the vsphere api, I haven't seen it before00:59
wallyworldkelvinliu: i'm guess because we didn't yet implelent the api calls to ask vsphere about tags01:05
wallyworldi reckon we could do something (he says all handwavy)01:05
kelvinliucurrently, we just fetch all instances then filter tags in  metadata field from client side, https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/develop/provider/vsphere/environ_instance.go#L8801:05
wallyworldso we could do that server side too and support tag placement01:06
wallyworldhpidcock: in the for loop to hande the process cancel/kill/exit, i think we'd want to cap the amount of times we retry kill and not get notification of process exit? with a suitable user facing message surfaced01:26
wallyworldkelvinliu: tlm: hpidcock: i have a stateful set issue if any of you guys have time for a HO in standup03:49
kelvinliuUpdates to the volume claim template are not currently permitted. A feature request to permit this is open at #6904104:27
mupBug #69041: Beagle: German translation incomplete <beagle (Ubuntu):Fix Released by ubuntu-l10n-de> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/69041>04:27
kelvinliuwallyworld: tlm https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/8595504:28
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=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
skaywhat do I do when my unit thinks there is a relation when there isn't? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/w5b8Hw82tZ/14:39
rick_hskay:  um don't know? and it skipped it so all good? :)14:40
skayrick_h: no, juju status says that the agent is in error14:40
skayI'm trying to figure out why and that's a suspicious thing in the logs14:40
skayI restarted the service for that unit and the service for the machine, btw14:41
rick_hskay:  oh hmmm, what does juju status --relations show? and are there > 1 units (peer relation?)14:41
skayrick_h: there's only 1 postgresql unit. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/t5kBzghkg2/14:42
skayI did recently remove a relation I no longer needed. Previously there was pgbouncer. I removed it and connected things to postgresql directly14:43
skayand since this is my test environment, I take down units that are connected to it willy-nilly and then spin up new units. sometimes apps14:44
skayI like how this unit is on machine 101. it is juju failed 101. I should learn some lessons from this14:45
skayif I had more ranks in dadjoke I would be able to make a good-worse joke than that14:47
skayrick_h: do you have any troubleshooting tips for this? I am at a loss.14:54
rick_hskay:  sorry, getting pulled in a few directions atm and we've got a bunch of folks out of the office today14:56
rick_hskay:  no, I mean I would mark it --resolved and try to see if you can get past it14:56
rick_hI'm not sure what is up with "skipping" but then an error14:56
skayrick_h: I tried marking it as resolved. I can ask again later when things are less hectic14:57
skayit's not in an error state, it's 'active' and 'failed'14:57
skayI just noticed the yaml status has a better message. 'message: resolver loop error'14:58
rick_hskay:  oh sorry, I thought you mentioned it was in an agent error14:58
rick_hskay:  hmmm, can you paste more of the unit log on there then please?14:58
skaybrb standup15:00
skay(the only thing I see in the log is the thing I pasted. I'm tailing it. I'll restart it to see if it has different output after)15:00
rick_hskay:  ok15:06
skayrick_h: I've been tailing hte postgres unit's log for a while now and those two lines are the only thing that show up.15:21
rick_hachilleasa:  do you have any ideas around this agent error skay is seeing? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/w5b8Hw82tZ/15:22
skayachilleasa: here's a snippit from the status. the juju-status messages is 'resolver loop error' https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GxVq58pH3z/15:26
achilleasaskay: looking15:43
achilleasaskay: which juju version are you using on the controller?15:47
skayachilleasa: 2.6.1015:47
skaythey will be upgrading the controller soon15:49
achilleasaskay rick_h: so there are a couple of places in (https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/2.6/worker/uniter/relation/relations.go) where this error is raised but there is not enough context to figure out which one is it (best guess is L383 or L400)16:02
achilleasamaybe you could try to remove-unit --force to get rif of the stuck unit and spin up a new one?16:03
skayachilleasa: ouch. that's my postgresql unit.  it's not extremely painful since i don't care about the database in this environment, but if it happens in a real environment it would be painful16:06
achilleasaskay: can you share a mongo dump with me? maybe I can track down which relation name is associated with the 303 ID16:07
skayachilleasa: I do not have access to the controller. would I need that? if I don't, then are there docs on how to get a dump?16:11
achilleasaskay: you might be able to use "juju create-backup" (see https://jaas.ai/docs/controller-backups)16:15
hmlachilleasa: i’ve reviewed 11255 and added comments.  still have qa to do16:41
hmlachilleasa:  one is more of an observation and question, rather than a request to change as it’s a set pattern in the code there.  :-/16:42
achilleasahml: I keep messing up the import stanzas... :-(16:43
hmlachilleasa:  doesn’t help that the static analysis job isn’t working correctly for imports either.16:43
hmlmine get minimized, so i don’t see them until i push the code up to GH16:44
achilleasaI will clean up the commits and force-push the right version16:44
achilleasahml: I think I fixed the stanza issues; can you take another look?17:00
hmlachilleasa:  sure17:04
hmlachilleasa:  the qa isn’t working for me.  ho?17:15
achilleasahml: omw17:20
hmlachilleasa:  https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/kS82HDydk7/ model errors17:24
hmlachilleasa:  https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/BQxgqD7zqC/ controller errors17:25
gnuoyI'm after some advice if anyone has a sec. I have a charm with a hook erroring with:18:03
gnuoy2020-02-27 17:49:12 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:132 hook "ceph-client-relation-changed" failed: could not write settings from "ceph-client-relation-changed" to relation 0: permission denied18:03
gnuoyif I resolve the hook it works18:03
gnuoysorry, I meant:18:03
gnuoyif I resolve the hook using a debug-hook session the error goes away18:03
rick_hgnuoy:  ooh, I think achilleasa just fixed this one18:03
gnuoyif I do it without a debug-hook session it persists18:03
rick_hgnuoy:  single unit?18:04
gnuoyalways the non-leader of a two unit deploy in my case18:04
rick_hgnuoy:  hmmm yea non-leaders can't write leader data. Sounds like a charm logic problem then18:04
gnuoyright, but why does the debug-hook session make a difference ?18:05
rick_hgnuoy:  the charm should be checking if it's the leader before trying to write the data18:05
gnuoyyep, it should, and I believe it is18:05
rick_hgnuoy:  ok so the question is why does it not do it with debug-hooks?18:06
gnuoyyes. Full disclosure I'm using the operator framework and the bug could lie in there. but its hard to track down when using debug-hooks seems to make it go away18:08
gnuoyI'm ssh'd onto the unit and happily resolving the hook and reproducing the error18:09
gnuoyrick_h, I don't want to waste your time, the bug is almost certainly outside of juju. Just wonder if anything spring to mind about the difference in hook env when using debug-hooks ?18:10
rick_hgnuoy:  thinking but confused tbh...if you're ssh'd to the unit I would think you'd not have hook context and have issues18:10
gnuoyrick_h,oh, I'mm ssh'd in just to observe whats happining, not executing the hook from the ssh session18:10
rick_hdebug-hooks sets up the hook context, but I can't think of why it would affect leader data type stuff...unless maybe it's working around a check somehow?18:10
gnuoyI wonder if this is a focal'ism18:13
hmlgnuoy: which version of juju?18:18
gnuoyI tried with 2.8.1 and 2.7.318:19
hmlgnuoy:  there should be no difference between the context during debug-hook and the regular hook execute then.18:19
hmlpreviously the only diff i know of was an env var not set with debug hook18:20
gnuoyhmm, ok, I must be doing something truly stupid18:20
hmlbut nothing to do with leadership18:20
hmlgnuoy: it’s always possible something is off with not debug-hooks.  definitely shouldn’t be seeing a diff in hook execute18:26
gnuoyfwiw https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5df6Yw6XFH/18:27
hmlgnuoy:  are there any errors in the juju debug-log for that model?18:29
gnuoyhml, does juju just use the exit code of the hook to determine if the hook worked ?18:32
hmlgnuoy: yes18:32
gnuoyhml, I'm going to stop using up your time and go do some more digging, thanks for the ideas18:34
hmlgnuoy:  have fun.  i need to lunch, but will be back later18:34
rick_hmorning tlm20:42

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