
lotuspsychjegood morning04:15
lotuspsychje!info stacer04:38
ubottustacer (source: stacer): Linux system optimizer and monitoring. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.0-3 (focal), package size 706 kB, installed size 1706 kB04:39
feohYay the Firefox bluetooth sound bug in 20.04 was fixed and I never got around to reporting it :)06:05
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puxavidaI installed 20.04 and did the updates and that worked fine.  Today ran updates (sudo apt update; sudo apt dist-upgrade) and it got stuck on Setting up snapd (2.44....)15:31
puxavidaRebooted and tried the update again and it said to run dpkg --configure -a - did that, stuck in the same place.15:32
lotuspsychjepuxavida: can you pastebin plz?15:32
lotuspsychje!info snapd15:34
ubottusnapd (source: snapd): Daemon and tooling that enable snap packages. In component main, is optional. Version 2.44~pre1+20.04 (focal), package size 22461 kB, installed size 101360 kB15:34
puxavidasnapd came with 20.04.  I didn't do any extra to install it.15:38
lotuspsychjepuxavida: can you install stacer, and check your snapd services running?15:39
puxavidayeah.  I'll need to kill the current dpkg --configure....15:41
lotuspsychjepuxavida: sudo dpkg -r snapd gnome-software-plugin-snap15:43
lotuspsychjethen sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade15:43
lotuspsychjeand install snapd back15:44
puxavidacan't do dpkg -r snapd  - dependency problems prevent removal15:49
lotuspsychjepuxavida: did you add external ppa's to your system?15:49
puxavidacan't install stacer - it won't install with the previous update unfinished15:49
puxavidano - just have kubuntu-desktop installed after installing initial 20.10 daily (which is gnome desktop)15:50
puxavidaI could reinstall with today's daily and see what happens.  This is a test box15:51
puxavida20.04, that is....15:53
jonfhello, I've been testing out the dev version of 20.04, I've noticed occassional UI freezes (requires hard restart). I'd like to troubleshoot this further and see if I can find the problem/submit a bug if relevant. Where should I start looking for logs regarding freezing UI? 16:19
puxavidaJust install 20.04 again and checked and installed some 300+ updates.  No issues this time...16:45
mateuszmHi guys, yesterday I ran "apt-get update" and it installed 3 packages that were already installed as snaps: gnome-calculator, gnome-characters, gnome-logs. I assume that they were added as dependencies to some metapackage. But now I have those three applications in both deb and snap version. Am I supposed to uninstall the snap version manually? I'm17:08
mateuszmReciprocally, it also marked ubuntu-software as autoremovable, and I removed it, which didn't actually remove the Software Center, as ubuntu-software is just a metapackage for gnome-software. Am I supposed to remove the deb version of the Software Center and install the snap version myself?17:12
mateuszmI used to believe that regularly running "apt-get update" on the pre-release version would ensure I end up with the same system as a fresh install of Focal Fossa when it is released in April, but now I'm not sure, what with snap situation17:16
lotuspsychje!final | mateuszm 18:10
ubottumateuszm: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Focal and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 20.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.18:10
lotuspsychjei updated 207mb fine today, no snap issues here18:10
lotuspsychjesoftware center does show as removable, lets do that18:15
mateuszmlotuspsychje thanks! You don't have two calculators, two log viewers, and two characters apps in the Applications list? I've got two of each, the deb and the snap...18:16
lotuspsychjethings gonna change mateuszm see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/focal-changes/2020-February/010667.html18:17
lotuspsychjegonna reboot first holdon18:17
daxyeah, there's some discussion of that focal-changes link at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/is-ubuntu-software-going-to-be-remove-for-snap-snap-store/14542/918:21
lotuspsychjemateuszm: seems like i also have 2 gnome calculators in the snap list here18:22
lotuspsychjetnx dax, reading18:22
daxif there's an issue with it leaving the snap version of -calculator, -characters, and -logs installed and then also pulling in the apt versions, might wanna ask about it there18:22
dax(i know very little about snap stuff, unfortunately)18:23
mateuszmlotuspsychje I have one gnome-calculator in the output of the "snap list" command and another in the output of "apt-cache policy gnome-calculator"18:24
lotuspsychjemateuszm: yeah i also got an orange and a yellow gnome-calculator now18:51
lotuspsychjemaybe later updates might remove things18:52
mateuszmOK, glad I'm not the only one. Yes, wait and see I guess. Otherwise I'll post in the forum dax mentioned18:53
lotuspsychjemateuszm: seems like the plan will be the snapstore instead of gnome software19:03
lotuspsychjeand install debs from there too19:03
lotuspsychjemateuszm: on systemsettings/search i got the yellow calculator, guess thats what they gonna keep?19:29
mateuszmI suppose so, yeah. The orange one was the only one I had before yesterday's update, so it must be the snap one19:31
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puxavidaJust ran updates and it didn't choke on any snapd stuff.....22:30
mateuszmHow many calculator apps do you have now puxavida?22:35

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