[16:21] CVE-2020-8813 i forgot cacti was a thing [16:30] what was cactii agaib? other than the plural of cactus [16:31] an automated mrtg system [16:31] tie all your mrtgs togeteher with config for adding them. [16:32] webui [16:35] ah, oj [16:35] ok [17:13] https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2020/02/flaw-in-billions-of-wi-fi-devices-left-communications-open-to-eavesdroppng/ [17:19] yeah, that's a fun one [18:08] I just found out my smart vacuum robot can let people see my house insides: https://www.cnet.com/news/hackers-can-peep-through-this-smart-vacuums-camera-research-shows/ (the one pictured, in fact) [18:08] good thing we rarely use it :/ [18:10] greg-g: Oh that's nice.