
clarkksarnold, I'm pleased to say, it's working now. :)   The only outstanding issue is why the process is listed as 1/init      https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Sh6MxGNDJr/00:02
pikapikaWhere would I place some commands/script to be executed after X11 has started but before the display manager/login screen has started?00:03
pragmaticenigmaclarkk: possibly in the way it's getting started?00:04
pragmaticenigmawhat application are you using for dnscrypt?00:04
sarnoldclarkk: that's an excellent question. maybe use tcpdump or tshark to verify that *that* socket is the one that's being used?00:08
pragmaticenigmapikapika: I think you need to create a systemd config file for the application you want to start... may I ask what are you trying to get to start before GUI is available?00:09
geniipikapika: In /etc/gdm3 there are subdirectories with names like PostLogin, PostSession, PreSession and so on. You want to edit the /etc/gdm3/PreSession/Default file00:17
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pikapikapragmaticenigma, disabling a keyboard00:53
pragmaticenigmapikapika: going to be hard to login in? no?00:56
pikapikaThats what the other keyboard is for00:57
pikapikaBroken laptop keyboards are a "gift from the gods"00:58
pragmaticenigmaah, I see, not possible to open up the chassis and unplug the keyboard I'm guessing?00:58
pikapikaProbably is, I don't know enough in order to trust myself to safely do that01:00
pragmaticenigmawell, hopefully the suggestion from genii helps you out there pikapika01:00
pikapikagenii, I think I found the equivalent in lightdm, thanks for pointing out where to look01:01
geniipikapika: Yes, each dm has it's own sort of method by a file in the /etc hierarchy someplace01:02
genii..since you were asking in #ubuntu I did make the assumption you were on the default, which is gdm01:03
pikapikaIt's actually xubuntu01:03
geniiXubuntu uses lightdm, ubuntu uses gdm, kubuntu uses sddm, and so on01:04
pikapikaBut yes, thanks for letting me know the dm typically tends to have hooks for this purpose01:04
geniiGlad to assist01:04
clarkkThanks for your help.  It's working as expected now. Thanks also pragmaticenigma01:25
clarkk*** to sarnold ^^^01:26
sarnoldclarkk: yay :)01:26
pikapikaIt works! Thanks genii and pragmaticenigma01:29
fructoseI'm on kernel 5.0.0-38-generic, but when I apt source kernel-source, edit and build a driver, and insmod it, it fails and dmesg reports a version magic 5.0.21. How do I get that to match 5.0.0-38-generic instead?02:01
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TravisBarkerhi all02:55
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insanidadehi all. how to list all services I have configured - no matter their statuses ?04:35
insanidadeI know how to check the status of a single service, but I'd like to list all of them.04:36
Bashing-ominsanidade: To see the list of available services, run ' sudo systemctl list-unit-files ' .04:37
lotuspsychje!info stacer | insanidade see also04:38
ubottuinsanidade see also: Package stacer does not exist in eoan04:38
insanidadethanks, Bashing-om . I just tried systemctl --type=service and it looks pretty similar to what I want04:39
lotuspsychjenvm, seems like stacer will be on 20.04 and higher04:39
Bashing-ominsanidade: :D04:43
nt0hello all. i've got a dell 9560 that i'm going to install some flavor of *nix on soon, and am leaning towards ubuntu as you guys seem to have the best (semi-modern) laptop support.  have read a few writeups on the web but many are old and haven't been updated.04:54
nt0if anybody here has experience with ubuntu on a 9560 and has advice/warnings/positive-surprises i'm all ears.04:55
lotuspsychje!hardware | nt0 start here04:55
ubottunt0 start here: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:55
lotuspsychjent0: a good approach before buying is trying a liveusb on hardware, for experiences, maybe try #ubuntu-discuss04:56
nt0lotuspsychje: thanks!  #ubuntu-discuss sounds perfect.  i've read up on the compatibility w/ laptop for a couple of years, and at this point i'm just looking for realtime testimony if it's available05:02
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.05:07
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nt0evilscrew: hello06:34
evilscrewhey. need some assistance06:34
nt0what it is?06:40
nt0evilscrew: not sure if you're still here but i'll try to help07:01
evilscrewthank you07:02
evilscrewhow do i change from graphics card sound to on board sound07:02
nt0i'm an ubuntu fan though i don't use it on my home rig.  i'll do my best to help in the hope that somebody corrects my advice07:03
nt0what shell are you using?  that is--gnome/kde/xfce/so on07:03
nt0*graphical shell07:04
nt0evilscrew: i'm using the KDE environment and whatever audio daemon/status functions it has cooked up allows me to adjust levels of all sorts of sounds, from onboard to external usb to what have you07:07
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vltCarlFK: Hello :-)  My problem with the silent audio track in olive-editor's rendered export could be fixed simply by `apt install pulseaudio`. Solved.07:18
CarlFKvlt: huh.  'good.07:19
CarlFKI thought pulseaudio was about providing interface to hardware (mics and speakers) not converting this data to that data.07:20
vltCarlFK: That's what confuses me, too. I have no idea why olive needs an audio output interface to render and export sequences.07:27
vltCarlFK: Speaking of sequences. I had a look at Shotcut. Is there a way to combine the contents of a timeline into one sequence object that I can use like a clip in another one?07:30
vlt(another timeline, that is)07:30
kevrso i have iproute2 installed, version 4.18.0-1ubuntu2.1, but it doesn't have the color option available that was introduced in this commit https://github.com/hustcat/iproute2/commit/d7bd2db52c1fcfe5159dda101f786020e830482008:09
kevras far as i can tell, everything above 4.13.0 has this commit in it, and i'm on 4.18.008:09
kevrdoes ubuntu strip commits out of iproute2 when building?08:10
kevroh i see08:12
kevrit's not actually a problem with iproute2, someone suggested i use `-c=auto` which doesn't work in my shell. perhaps thats a bash thing or something08:15
kevr`-c|--color` works fine alone08:15
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sassynhi all09:25
sassyngood morning.09:25
sassynwhat is the use of ubuntu-18.04-server-amd64.template?09:25
sassynthere is ISO, torrent and metalink but ubuntu-18.04-server-amd64.template? what is the use of this file? Googling it gives nothing09:25
rorysassyn: It's used for building custom ISO images, for example to standardise across an organisation09:36
rorysassyn: look into the "mkimage" command http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/jigit-mkimage.1.html09:36
metnelHi, I have a mount point which with ls lists two files, however when I try to remove them with rm -i it says the files do not exists once I confirm deletion09:46
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sentimenthi. I need help with running a Windows application using wine. what's the channel?11:10
EriC^^!wine | sentiment11:15
ubottusentiment: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:15
evilscrewachron banned me in linux mint11:19
jeremy31evilscrew: nobody here cares11:22
evilscrewstart carin. cause were sick of gettin banned11:23
evilscrewand were gonna band together and revolt11:23
jeremy31evilscrew: ircs://irc.spotchat.org/#linuxmint-help11:24
evilscrewit wasnt spot chat11:25
evilscrewit was here on freenode11:26
jeremy31evilscrew: if you want help with Mint, use the official channel11:26
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hemangpatelHello there. When I share my screen on Hangout or access my PC through Teamviewer, I see black screen. How can I fix ?12:18
code1o6 Hi everyone, I followed this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization . Unfortunately, my resulting iso doesn't have a partition table. I'm able to boot my image from KVM but not from a usb12:31
code1o6the only step I didn't follow was cdrecord as I used dd instead.12:31
BluesKajHowdy folks12:49
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takov751Greetings I just have one specific edge case . I have installed discord trought snap and wanted multiple accounts. so i used snap parlell installs.I sucessfully created my second instance,however when i tryed to run the original discord snap its just does not start. ```/snap/discord/108/usr/share/discord/Discord: error while loading shared libraries: libX11.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory```13:18
takov751I have check the snap connections everything in the right places.13:18
takov751what did i missed13:18
pragmaticenigmatakov751: Is it possible that, that particular snap doesn't work with that sort of setup?13:20
takov751@pragmaticenigma fair enough13:23
takov751WOW its works13:24
pragmaticenigmatakov751: I'm guessing with it being a server, it's trying to use the same resources. It might be possible to configure each instance to use it's own stuff, but I'm not familiar enough with snaps13:25
takov751i just had to reinstall the original snap13:25
takov751I have successfully run both instance at once13:25
takov751both works13:25
takov751perfectly as it should be13:25
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khanm78_hey all, im a new to linux, tried to change to ubuntu but was having issues with 90% cpu usage on all cores (gnome shell acording to task view) so currently using kubuntu, kubuntu is running ok with no major issues im aware of but I realy wanted ubuntu.13:41
khanm78_dear god that nickserv hates me13:41
khanm78_also, the ubuntu was fresh clean install using all m.2 drive with no grub13:45
leftyfbkhanm78_: they are both ubuntu. kubuntu just uses a different DE called KDE. The default DE is called Gnome/Gnome Shell13:46
leftyfbkhanm78_: how did you install and running ubuntu with no grub?13:46
khanm78_maybe my lack of knowlage, im using "grub" as in not duel booting win / linux13:47
khanm78_just all linux on sdd13:47
leftyfbok, then you are definitely using grub. That is the default boot loader for Ubuntu13:48
khanm78_ahh, kk knowlage updated13:48
khanm78_so im not duel booting is what i mean, full clean linux install. is there a fix for the high cpu usage on ubuntu atm or is it still in the fixing stage?13:50
leftyfbkhanm78_: maybe look into better video drivers? Open up the Software and Updates util and go to the Addtional Drivers tab13:52
khanm78_so if im understanding the high cpu load on shell is due to video driver issues?13:53
leftyfbit's a theory13:55
khanm78_its a start :)13:55
khanm78_im a bit of an obsesive person, i know i can keep using kde kubuntu but i really really want ubuntu, any ideas would be great to get my machine to work on ubuntu, it has ok specs 7800cpu 16gb ram 1060 nvidia card, i dont realy play games and i want to use linux. :)13:58
leftyfbkhanm78_: did you check the drivers tb?13:59
khanm78_if i can get it to work i can get my next 16gb of ram and knock of a bucket list goal14:00
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khanm78_ahh sorry, no can do atm, im still on kubuntu typing here cause if this was ubuntu I couldnt even have opened xchat, i need to install ubuntu again. just trying to get info before the battle so to speak :D14:01
leftyfbtechnically you can do all this with the same install, but I'd recommend going from a clean vanilla install anyway14:02
two4teaHi All14:03
khanm78_nice to know but my linux experiance is noob tbh, and i too think a clean fresh install is the best that way only one thing at a time to worry about.14:04
pragmaticenigmakhanm78_: You can still check if there are graphics drivers available even in Kubuntu, and the interface will be the same if and when you move from a Kubuntu to an Ubuntu install.14:05
khanm78_on kubuntu i have nvidia drivers14:07
pragmaticenigmakhanm78_: In the applications menu, just start typing "Software & Updates" or find it in the Applications => Settings => Software & Updates14:07
pragmaticenigmakhanm78_: Then go to the "Additional Drivers" tab14:07
pragmaticenigmakhanm78_: Did you use the ones Ubuntu provides? or did you install drivers from somewhere else?14:07
khanm78_sorry a little slow, looking for what you asked just slower14:08
khanm78_drivers were auto installed with instal14:09
khanm78_ok sorry for slow response, im currently using nvidia-driver-435 (recomended) on kubuntu14:11
pragmaticenigmaDo you know if that driver was also installed when you did Ubuntu?14:12
khanm78_i also have available, nvidia 390, 430, and x.org x server14:12
khanm78_in all honesty ubuntu was so slow and laggy I couldnt even contrll mouse movement or type, one key stroke on ubuntu produced multiple letters14:13
khanm78_e was like eeeee14:13
khanm78_but we will see , i would liketo solve this, just gona be a while lol14:14
pragmaticenigmaI think you're on the right driver khanm78_ ... I guess the question is what was potentially in use when you were in Ubuntu. Something you might be able to do (and can try now) is switch to TTY mode by pressing "Ctrl + Alt + F2" ... that will put you in a full screen terminal window. From there you can login like you would for the Graphical login. Then you can type the command "top" which will bring up a task/process manager. In14:15
pragmaticenigmathere you might be able to see what program on your machine is using up all the resources.14:15
khanm78_when i was on ubuntu it was a clean fresh install of the 18 lts, i had nothing installed, it all ran smooth on the usb stick and no issues, as soon as it was done installing and rebooted the go slow started even before i logged in. took me 5 min to log14:17
pragmaticenigmakhanm78_: A suggestion might be, don't check the box for "Install updates and additional software" during the install. That might have pulled down a buggy update14:18
khanm78_when i finaly saw the resource view i saw shell was the culprit and using all my cpu, 90% on all cores used, i freeked out restarted and dissabled hyperthredding but nothing changed14:18
khanm78_kk, will also keep that suggestion.14:19
khanm78_no updates :) see im learning14:19
qfivekhanm78_: do you have an nvidia card in your pc?14:20
khanm78_yes a gtx 1060 3gb14:20
togoI have some sd cards I can't access or format anymore is there a special tool?14:20
khanm78_works well on kubutu, so drivers work good.14:21
qfivekhanm78_: try running 'ubuntu-drivers autoinstall' (without the quotes) in a terminal. this will install the correct drivers which might help solve the issue14:21
khanm78_kk will do, but so were all in line, im currently on kubuntu due to the above ubuntu issues, just re downloading ubuntu to burn to usb and attempt a reinstall. will transfer xchat to laptop14:23
khanm78_dont want all you good people thinking im waisting your time. :p14:23
pragmaticenigmakhanm78_: Please make sure you're using hexchat... xchat is no longer being maintained14:24
khanm78_kk, is hex chat available on windows?14:24
pragmaticenigmakhanm78_: Yes, it available for both14:24
BluesKajtogo, if the sd cards were written to a lot then they might be "cooked", that's my experience with them14:24
pragmaticenigmakhanm78_: To get it for windows go here: https://hexchat.github.io/14:25
pragmaticenigmakhanm78_: Just make sure to grab the Windows 7 version... the "Window 10 App" they are trying to charge money for14:25
pragmaticenigmaThe Windows 7 version will work just fine in Windows 1014:26
togoBluesKaj, you mean if the develop bad sectors? Or something fails in the circuitry that provides access?14:26
khanm78_np, cf trying to charge for a free program, it things like this is  why im changing to linux.14:27
BluesKajtogo, not sure, IME they just become inaccessible14:27
BluesKajtogo, don't think the circuitry on the device fails, just the card's storage area gets worn out from too many writes14:30
chullpragmaticenigma, there is a 'trial version' of HexChat on 10 that works fine too, and doesn't expire.14:30
pragmaticenigmachull: Thank you for the update14:31
khanm78_brb in a few  changing computers14:32
togoBluesKaj, Yes but don't they have some scheme to mark bad sectors because there is a chance that some fail and you can still work with the volume?14:33
BluesKajtogo, I haven't explored that possibility14:34
pragmaticenigmatogo: I think some controllers have a threshold of how many bad blocks they'll tolerate before they just stop allowing any activity14:35
BluesKaji was using them in my rpi3 and because they're cheap I just replaced them14:35
pragmaticenigmaMost will allow infinite reads though, even if a memory cells can no longer write14:36
tfmI'm having trouble with preseeding, specifically partitioning with LVM. No matter what I do (custom recipe or the atomic recipe), the installer fails at the partitioning step with "No root file system". It works fine if I don't use LVM, but I would like to use LVM for snapshots. I'm at the end of my tether with this tbh, it should work but it doesn't. My preseed file is here: https://0x0.st/ibNA.cfg14:37
togopragmaticenigma, I just made some progress with gparted and found that it sees one microsd that I thought was completely dead...14:37
tfmIt seems to not even bother trying to partition when I set partman-auto/method to lvm.14:37
togopragmaticenigma, however it asked for a gpart program when I wanted to recover data, and that program is not readily available in the software tool14:41
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khanm1978yay kinda made it back15:12
khanm1978hey ppl, ook im the nub with ubuntu install issues, sorry for delay in returning15:13
lotuspsychjekhanm1978: could you feedback what issue you solved?15:14
khanm1978jsut about to retry, so i had prev installed ubuntu 18 lts but got cpu overload, 90% on all cores, had to swap to kubuntu but got some advice here and about to try ubuntu install again. change gfx drivers to nvidia so far als have to install without updates to see if its a bad update file. ur now on my laptop so i can use pc to install.15:16
khanm1978going to install using live usb, clean install using full hdd.15:16
lotuspsychjeok good luck to you khanm197815:17
khanm1978fingers crossed :)15:17
khanm1978can ubuntu use / find a unallocated drive? or do i need to format it?15:19
sixwheeledbeastthe installer on the usb will find all the d15:21
sixwheeledbeastrives in the machine15:21
khanm1978ok now the hard part.15:25
khanm1978before i reboot cn i alter the dispplay setting and drivers to use after reboot?15:26
khanm1978my level is neewbie15:26
lotuspsychjekhanm1978: ubuntu will automaticly try to load drivers/modules at your boot15:27
lotuspsychjekhanm1978: some cases, its possible a driver is not loaded by an error, but try first :p15:28
khanm1978im just worried abou gnome-shell using 90%+ ofcpu like last time, reboot under way15:28
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sixwheeledbeastwhat version and what laptop15:30
khanm1978ok its stable :) but need to update lol15:31
khanm1978do i want live patch?15:32
khanm1978dont want to jinx it but all looks good15:44
andenso, say i wanted to temporarily mount a USB thumbdrive as read only, because i wanted to be extra careful with its content, which process do i kill to prevent it from automounting as RW in the GUI as usual, so i can manually issue the mount command? something related to gvfs/fuse maybe?16:29
dragonriverIf your device automounts, you can use "sudo umount /dev/sdX to unmount it. I don't think the drive is mounted automatically though, usually it is mounted when you click on it.16:32
andenin my distro (lubuntu) it automounts when i plug it in, i don't need to click on it16:32
andenand i would like to prevent that16:32
andeni know i can manually unmount it, but like i said, if you want to be extra careful, it's better if it doesn't mount at all as rw at first, in case some program is running and automatically starts doing something to the drive16:35
ioriaanden, you can temporary disableautomount16:35
andengreat, that's what i was looking to do, how do i do that?16:35
andeni saw some gconf command for it or whatever, but i guess that's a bit distro-specific?16:36
ioriaanden, gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false16:36
andenmaybe that would work under lubuntu too, i guess i could try16:36
ioriait should16:36
andenhm nope, it's still mounting16:37
ioriaanden, gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount16:38
andenit returns "false"16:38
andeni'm not running gnome, though16:38
ioriaanden,  gsettings list-recursively | grep automount16:39
andeni get one like the previous command, but it's instead "automount-open true16:39
dragonriverIf you aren't running gnome, what are you running?16:40
ioriaanden,  maybe via pcmanfm :16:40
ioria    pcmanfm > edit > preferences > volume management16:40
andenLXDE, that's the default of Lubuntu16:40
andenyeah, those settings appear to do the trick, thanks16:41
giacotalking about disk encryption, luks in particular, would you encrypt the whole disk or would you encrypt the root/user partition(s) only?17:02
giacoI've never used luks before and I'm now learning how to use it from command line, but not sure which are the best patterns17:03
tomreyngiaco: it depends on your needs really. you could also do both.17:05
giacotomreyn: the only point that keeps me from encrypting the whole disk is that a pluggen in disk would present as without partition table, that would drive to easy re-format17:07
pragmaticenigmagiaco: With learning how to do it, i'd recommend a partition rather than full system. If something goes wrong, you have a better chance of unlocking the volume with a working computer, instead of trying to do it through a chroot live instance17:07
giacopragmaticenigma: I would agree this for /home, but sometime encrypting database and service folders should be important too17:09
dragonriverI've only ever used luks on whole devices. I would look at your sector size of your device. If 4k physical, use luks2 format and set sector size to 4k. That will help a lot.17:10
pragmaticenigmagiaco: Perhaps this is a topic better suited for #ubuntu-discuss ... If you aren't currently experiencing an issue, we bet carry on in the #ubuntu-discuss channel please17:10
giacopragmaticenigma: sure, thanks17:12
giacodragonriver: before moving to other channel, could you tell/link me why this would help?17:12
khanm1978bck later thanks for the help :)17:20
yateswhere are the loadable kernel modules typically kept?17:29
yatesLinux Lubuntu-25316 4.15.0-88-generic #88-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 11 20:11:34 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:29
tzvikaus.archive.ubuntu.com translates into 4 possible IPs:17:30
tzvikahow come I get really slow speeds from .26 but fast from .24? any idea?17:31
pragmaticenigmatzvika: Are you experiencing an actual issue with Ubuntu? If not, please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic17:31
tzvikaisnt it? this is a ubuntu service. isnt it?17:32
yatesi guess it's /lib/modules/...17:33
acresearchpeople i am trying to convert a PDF to a JPG using this command: convert -density 300 rama.pdf 7.jpg   i get this error: https://hastebin.com/uxagaceloh.rb    can someone help me figure this out?17:42
acresearchmy pdf was generated from gnuplot17:42
konradosHello. Hmm, I tried on #linux, but it seems that today the channel isn't very active, so I'll try here:)17:46
konradosIf I'll do e.g. `sudo dkms install rtl8192eu/1.0` (this is about installing a driver for my TP-Link TL-WN823N wifi adapter) - and I'll have troubles, how will I be able to to get back to current setup (which kinda works, but slowly)?17:46
ioriaacresearch, i'd check /etc/ImageMagick-  ... /policy.xml maybe a permission issue17:48
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acresearchioria: i have <policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="PDF" />17:50
ioriaacresearch, should be ok17:50
acresearchand <policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="LABEL" />17:50
acresearchbut it is not working17:51
acresearchi don't understand why,   other PDFs work just fine,   why this particular one17:51
dragonriverkonrados, depends what trouble you expect. I would think doing dkms remove would bring you back to where you were.17:55
leftyfbkonrados: what version of ubuntu are you running?17:56
konradosdragonriver, ok, thanks, I hope it will work like that :)17:56
V7Hey  all o/17:56
konradosleftyfb, 18.0417:57
V7How is it possible to restore grub issue if it says "no such device blubluh"17:57
V7I've booted up into correct linux using grub-rescue17:58
V7After that I've tried updating grub, but it says "grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdc1.  Check your device.map."17:58
NelsonMinarA week or two ago I came here looking for help on how to upgrade an old unsupported Ubuntu 18.10 system. I finally figured out a hacky solution and wrote it up, and enough people have come to my blog to say it was helpful I thought I should come back and share it here too.17:59
dragonriverV7 So what's your device map? Print out lsblk.17:59
NelsonMinarUpgrading from 18.10 basically involves hacking a couple of the data files do-release-upgrade uses. Details are here: https://nelsonslog.wordpress.com/2020/02/21/upgrading-from-an-unsupported-ubuntu/#comment-127817:59
V7dragonriver: https://termbin.com/sfbh17:59
dragonriverV7, what command are you using to reinstall grub? Is your primary disk sda?18:01
V7Yes, currently sda is a main one18:01
V7Also, tried "sudo grub-install /dev/sda; sudo upgrade-grub"18:02
V7grub-install says no issues18:02
V7update-grub says above error18:02
V7after rebooting the same error appears: no such device and some random UUID18:04
dragonrivertry grub-install again but with the --recheck option.18:05
ice99how to generate timestamp like this "20200101175842"?18:05
pragmaticenigmaice99: In the future, please ask programming and bash questions in #bash. The answer to your question is: "date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S"18:07
V7ice99: https://cutt.ly/4r4PVdO18:10
V7dragonriver: Installation finished. No error reported.18:11
dragonriverV7 did you mess with your grub config files? I'm a bit at a loss how to fix your issue. Maybe your device letters have changed. You might check your fstab and cryptab and make sure everything is mapped how you want, using uuids instead of devices if you sometimes add or remove sata disks.18:12
V7I've jsut added a new drive18:13
V7How to reset grub then?18:14
dragonriverV7, I think your problem is that the letters changed when you added a new drive. Check your /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab files and fix accordingly. In the future, you'll want to use uuids to prevent this problem, which can happen when you add or remove a drive.18:19
V7dragonriver: /etc/fstab contains only UUID18:19
V7UUIDS and no letters18:19
dragonriverThen recheck the UUIDS of your drives, and make sure they are identical. I have a feeling that's where your problem is coming from.18:20
V7dragonriver: They are18:22
acresearchioria: i am not sure why 2 PDFs are different,,, one converts and the other one doesn't18:26
dragonriverV7, I don't know. You can try "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg", but if you haven't messed with the config files in the past, you shouldn't have that problem.18:30
pragmaticenigmaacresearch: Did GnuPlot add a password or something to the document?18:31
acresearchpragmaticenigma: no18:32
acresearchi think it is exporting as EPS and not PDF,    i changed the permissions: <policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="EPS" />   but it is still not working18:32
acresearchpragmaticenigma: what else should i change?18:32
pragmaticenigmaacresearch: is Ghostscript installed on your system?18:33
acresearchpragmaticenigma:  i don't know what that is18:34
acresearchwhat is it?18:34
acresearchpragmaticenigma: i found this:   <!-- disable ghostscript format types -->18:34
pragmaticenigmaghostscript is an application and set of libraries most other applications use to create PDFs18:34
acresearchpragmaticenigma: aha,   how do i install it?18:35
pragmaticenigmaI think it is as simple as "sudo apt install ghostscript"18:36
acresearchpragmaticenigma: already installed18:36
ioriaacresearch, you created the .pdf from gnuplot 'Export as pdf', right ?18:37
acresearchioria: yes,  but i think it is EPS instead,   so i am re-exporting it as EPS18:38
dragonriveracresearch, remove the disable part for ghostscript. Ghostscript is disabled for security reasons. If you're generating a gnuplot, I think it goes into PS then PDF. Might be related. PS is disabled by default because it is a scripting language.18:39
acresearchdragonriver: i removed that line: <!-- disable ghostscript format types -->    but same problem   same error18:40
acresearchdragonriver: i have this line: <policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="EPS" />18:40
dragonriveracresearch, read this: https://cromwell-intl.com/open-source/pdf-not-authorized.html18:41
hailhydraI can't open additional drivers GUI. Can someone help me?18:42
acresearchgot it.... i just enabled everything and it worked18:42
dragonriverhailhydra, in "software and updates", you have no additional driver tab?18:44
ioriaacresearch, you can also save the plot as png and then convert to jpg ...18:45
oerheksdrivers menu takes a minut or so, to load18:47
V7dragonriver: It was an order of BIOS hard drives xD18:48
dragonriverWow V7. Glad you found a way to fix it.18:51
acresearchioria: i tried, was bad quality18:54
=== StathisA_ is now known as StathisA
yatesis there a command-line utility for pasting? something like fedora's fpaste in which you could do, e.g., "ls | fpaste" and it returns a url of the paste?19:18
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit19:18
yatesthanks lotuspsychje19:21
banisterfienddoes anyone know how to prevent networkmanager applying the DNS server defined in the dhcp packet when connecting to a network? i want everything else; i just dont want it to apply DNS19:45
sarnoldbanisterfiend: I'm not 100% sure that networkmanager is the correct thing to start manipulating, but look at the dns entry on https://developer.gnome.org/NetworkManager/stable/NetworkManager.conf.html19:47
donofriobanisterfiend, just set it to dhcp for ip adres only then hard set your prefered dns....simple19:48
banisterfienddonofrio where do i do that?19:49
pragmaticenigmadonofrio: If it is that simple, why don't you please tell us how to do it rather than the summary? You didn't tell us where to make said change or how to apply the change.19:50
banisterfiendalso does anyone know the linux equivalent of `ipconfig getpacket en0` (this returns all the data in the dhcp packet used to setup the en0 interface)19:52
banisterfiendtells me things like router ip, ip address, dns, etc19:53
leftyfbbanisterfiend: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Cumpo.png19:53
banisterfiendleftyfb that's cool! do you know how to do it via command line though? (this is a script :P)19:54
ioriawith nmcli probably19:55
leftyfbbanisterfiend: edit /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/<your profile> and add in the "dns=<ip address> ;" under the [ipv4] section19:55
ioriaor that ^19:55
ioriathere is also /etc/systemd/resolved.conf19:56
banisterfiendleftyfb hmm interesting, can that be tweaked while the interface is up? or do i have to bring it down first?19:56
leftyfbioria: NM would still pull and add in the dns from dhcp19:56
ioriaoh, yeah19:57
leftyfbbanisterfiend: any changes would require restarting the interface. Or just edit /etc/resolv.conf if you want to make dns changes realtime19:57
banisterfiendleftyfb i guess the dbus interface would also allow changes at runtime?19:58
leftyfbbanisterfiend: I've never messed with that19:58
banisterfiendleftyfb have you messed with wireguard before?20:00
dragonriverbanisterfiend, with the old net-tools, you could have just changed ipconfig with ifconfig and it would have worked.20:02
banisterfienddragonriver interesting, can you elaborate on dat one?20:03
leftyfbbanisterfiend: no20:03
leftyfbbanisterfiend: nmcli device show20:04
banisterfiendleftyfb  ah ok -- well i can explain what i'm trying to achieve. Basically i have set my own DNS servers to work with wireguard and i have firewall rules to only allow those DNS servers. However whenever i change network, those DNS servers get replaced, and so nothing works (as the firewall rule blocks them)20:04
banisterfiendso i essnetially want network manager to leave my DNS servers alone20:05
leftyfbbanisterfiend: so set it either by the GUI that I posted above or editing the profile file20:05
leftyfbeasily achieved as posted20:05
banisterfiendleftyfb that folder of profiles seems to be profiles for different wifi networks, rahter than "interface" profiles20:06
banisterfiendI need to set the DNS for a specific interface, rather than given networks20:07
leftyfbbanisterfiend: ah, so you want it edited for any profile that gets created20:07
banisterfiendyeah..or it's not possible to set it for the interface itself? like eth0 ?20:08
leftyfbI'm not sure20:10
dragonriverbanisterfiend, I don't know what you are trying to do, but the answer seems no "The Linux resolver only has a single, global configuration (/etc/resolv.conf). There is no per-interface, per-domain, or per-connection setting of any sort.".20:14
banisterfienddragonriver well systemd-resolve kind of "fakes" per interface DNS doesn't it?20:14
banisterfiendat least i can set per-interface DNS servers on it20:14
=== pauljw__ is now known as pauljw
hailhydraI have no "software and updates" nor do I have "additional drivers" I did install python3.7 recently. Can anyone help?20:15
leftyfbhailhydra: help with what?20:16
hailhydragetting these GUI's back20:17
leftyfbhailhydra: what version of ubuntu?20:17
dragonriverhailhydra, , what's your output of "software-properties-gtk"20:17
hailhydradragonriver: https://dpaste.org/wvdk20:18
leftyfbhailhydra: how did you install python3.7?20:18
hailhydrathrough deadsnakes ppa20:19
dragonriverYeah, I agree with leftyfb. You probably messed your python. If you're going to install different versions of Python, do it in a virtenv20:20
leftyfbhailhydra: you're going to need to remove everything that installed from that PPA and potentially reinstall python as needed20:20
leftyfbhailhydra: sudo apt install ppa-purge20:21
leftyfbhailhydra: then sudo ppa-purge deadsnakes/ppa20:22
leftyfbhailhydra: hopefully this "downgrades" your python packages. Take note. This could also make things worse and make your system unusable20:22
hailhydrayeah I'll run that after work20:24
hailhydrareinstalling python breaks systems I know that for a fact20:24
hailhydraAlmost lost a bitcoin wallet with 112 bitcoin that way20:25
leftyfbhailhydra: there's no reason you should lose access to any files on a system where you broke python20:25
hailhydraunless it's an AWS server that you're remoted into20:26
hailhydraIF you don't have physical access, you could definitely lose data20:26
leftyfbhailhydra: also, if you had 112 bitcoin, you probably wouldn't be talking on irc right now20:26
hailhydrawhat makes you think I'd quit using linux just because of money? lol20:27
celariuzHi everyone20:34
dragonriverYou never play with your system's python. You play with python inside a virtual python environment.20:34
celariuzIm just trying to get started with proxmox, comming from virtualbox. And i am wondering, how do i share a folder/mounted MergerFS pool with one or more VMs?20:34
styledashdont even play with venvs anymore... just containerize everything your doing dev work on20:35
oerhekscelariuz, proxmox.. that is debian based, right?20:36
celariuzoerheks Yes it is :)20:36
oerhekscelariuz, then join #debian or maybe ##proxmox?20:37
celariuzoerheks ok, i will try my luck at #debian, as everyone seems idling in ##proxmox20:38
ActionParsnipChannel is mega quiet20:46
leftyfbActionParsnip: can we help you with something?20:47
ActionParsnipAll good, just strange to see it so quiet20:48
ducasseActionParsnip: as this is a suoport channel, it's supposed to be quiet when nobody needs help20:57
oerheksUbuntu just gets better, Andy20:59
oerhekserr ActionParsnip21:00
ActionParsnipHehe nw dude :-)21:00
ActionParsnipducasse: oh I know. I've been around a long long time21:00
ducasseActionParsnip: i know, i recognize your nick, but it might be worth pointing out for the benefits of newcomers :)21:04
ActionParsnipducasse: makes sense21:04
azxhow can i check if something is installed with apt-get ?21:35
azxand how can i check if i don't know the name of the app21:35
azxor it's slightly off21:35
leftyfbazx: apt-cache search21:35
azxi thought apt-cache search found packages that were in the repositories21:35
leftyfbazx: apt list --installed  # will show all instalked packages21:36
leftyfbazx: or dpkg -l21:36
azxok thanks!21:36
oerheksapt-mark showmanual21:36
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh-msft
azxif i wanted to page the output into less, could i do that? less | apt list --installed doesn'21:37
azxt seem to be working21:37
azxI'll just scroll through it21:37
Habbieazx, apt list --installed | less21:38
Habbieazx, data flows from left to right, with only a few exceptions21:38
bn_workhi, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, does Ubuntu normally configure an entry in /etc/hosts that maps its public IP to it's FQDN?22:04
oerheksbn_work, no, the local network ip22:06
oerhekssay 192.168.x.y22:06
bn_workoerheks:  there isn't one, but it _does_ set something there?22:06
_rubikHi folks. Does Canonical expose an API for USN data, or will I have to scrape the RSS feed myself? (I think getting the sense that they dont)22:07
bn_workoerheks:  (at least one that is exposed)22:07
oerheksbn_work, i have , besides some ipv6 stuff22:08
oerhekssee the example, you are right, FQDN name is possible, but not automatic added?22:09
mallu0987Ubuntu 18.04 login.def I have PASS_MAX_DAYS   90. Is there anyway to exclude one user from this policy?22:10
bn_workoerheks:  right, I'm asking if Ubuntu touches this as part of its install normally, ie:  what is default?  it seems like there _is_ an entry for your computername, or did you add it?22:12
bn_workalso, I think that's just the generic hosts man page, I don't see anything ubuntu specific in there?22:13
oerheksOnly the lines are added, with the computername22:14
bn_workoerheks: since what version?  or what version are you on?22:15
oerheksnot sure when this started, maybe from the beginning?22:15
ducassethat line has been added for a good while, i'm pretty sure22:16
bn_workif it has been like this forever, I think Linode's network helper feature may need to be updated to be aware of that it seems :|22:16
bn_workoerheks: regardless, thanks for checking!22:17
bn_workducasse: since 16.04?22:17
ducassemost likely way longer22:18
ifdef42wow I just found NetworkManager gone crazy on a 16.04 box. top 'M' showed 23.365g of VIRT, 0.012t RES mem used.22:27
ifdef425GB of Glib-GObject-WARNING...22:28
ifdef42<geoff> Feb 27 07:35:31 jackie-chan NetworkManager[900]: (NetworkManager:900): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: /build/glib2.0-pjKWYQ/glib2.0-2.48.2/./gobject/22:28
ifdef42messages in syslog over the last 31 hours. ring any bells?22:28
ifdef42oops pasted exactly the part i meant to leave out: /./gobject/gsignal.c:2635: instance '0xc549d0' has no handler with id '854413133'22:29
pragmaticenigmaifdef42: Have you tried rebooting the machine?22:37
krademigrackehello all22:37
ifdef42Yes, and the problem hasn't continued. Still, seems worrisome.22:39
bn_workducasse/oerheks:  will Ubuntu break if that public IP FQDN mapping is removed from /etc/hosts ?  I can understand why it may have been added but it seems different from what a lot of other distros do?22:39
ifdef42I've never seen a 't' for terabyte before in my top output. :)22:40
pragmaticenigmaifdef42: Something like that, feels like a service might have crashed or hung, got restarted, and a different process wasn't smart enough to find the new instance22:40
bn_work_not_ localhost/loopback entries but just that w.x.y.z  host.domain.tld entry22:40
pragmaticenigmabn_work: As long as the localhost addresses remain, I don't see how removing the unwanted entry could hurt anything. If it was me I would just "cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts_bak" then remove it22:41
pragmaticenigmaif something breaks you can just restore the copied back up file22:42
ducassebn_work: various tools (like sudo) needs to be able to resolve the hostname to work properly22:42
bn_workducasse: wouldn't it fallback to DNS and then cache it?22:42
bn_workducasse: wait.. sudo needs name resolution? :|22:42
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.22:43
ducassebn_work: ^^22:43
bn_workducasse: hmmm, very odd dependency22:44
pragmaticenigma_rubik: There is no API provided by Ubuntu. Support article that I found by web search appears to imply that you could use a different provider that does, as USN are also published to other CVE services22:44
ducassebn_work: you can set sudo rules per host, so it is needed22:45
bn_workducasse: weird... I mean... sudo has seemed to function on 2 of these machines for the last several months... despite them being different?  it wasn't intentional, the boxes were clones of another so it seems that hosts entry was never updated22:46
bn_workducasse: ahh, that's true!  does anyone use that? :)22:47
ducassebn_work: i guess so, to use the same rules across many hosts22:50
bn_workducasse: yeah, when I first read about it, I thought it was...interesting, but never had to use it yet :)23:46

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