[19:36] Eickmeyer[m]: FYI, the old cd /tmp && wget http://jackaudio.org/downloads/adevices.sh && bash ./adevices.sh |pastebinit [19:36] no longer works and should be replaced with: [19:36] cd /tmp && wget https://community.ardour.org/files/adevices.sh && bash ./adevices.sh |pastebinit [19:43] Eickmeyer[m]: we should perhaps host the adevices.sh file somewhere in the wiki or something so if it vanishes from ardour.org too we still have it. [19:44] though honestly, if it vanishes from Ardour.org, it is likely because it is no longer relevant. [22:36] OvenWerks: Probably true. [22:36] * OvenWerks guesses actuall code or scripts in the wiki would be frowned on... [22:37] I'm working on porting -controls, but I'm having trouble figure out where /usr/bin/jack_connect comes from. [22:37] it is either a part of jackd2 or jack-tools [22:37] Yeah, I got my hand slapped for trying it once (RE: adevices.sh)