
notguest96Hi, I can't seem to install "ungooled chromium" with a debian package, Is this normal?01:25
notguest96The problem with debian packages I mean01:25
valorienotguest96: chromium is now only provided as a snap02:15
valoriewhy, I don't know02:15
notguest96What does that mean valorie02:16
notguest96I don't understand what snaps are02:16
valoriewell, I don't quite understand them either02:16
ubottuSnaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io02:16
valoriethat's simple enough....02:16
notguest96Oh like a package?02:17
notguest96Well I got .deb package02:18
notguest96But whenever I click install I can't install it02:18
notguest96Not sure if it's because of snapcraft or not02:18
valoriefor whatever reason, it is no long available except as a snap02:18
notguest96This is their download page02:20
notguest96I click on 19.1002:20
notguest96Maybe that's the problem02:20
notguest96Maybe Kubuntu can't support 19.10 applications yet02:20
valorieI'm running 19.10 and have been for 5 months02:20
valorienext month is 20.0402:21
notguest96qApt package installer recognize it02:21
notguest96but won't install02:21
notguest96So that's where i'm a little bit confused02:22
notguest96I know kubuntu is running on ubuntu02:22
valoriekubuntu IS ubuntu02:22
valoriewith KDE software02:22
valoriechromium isn't ours; we don't package it02:22
valorieperhaps ask in #ubuntu02:22
notguest96ok thanks02:23
IrcsomeBotKiritoLovesasuna was added by: KiritoLovesasuna04:27
ili delete my drive and know ,this like "sda1,sda3,sda4" its can make problem for my boot?07:18
lordievaderGood morning07:21
lordievaderil: What did you do exactly?07:22
illordievader, i delete sda2 drive07:24
lordievaderWhy and how?07:24
ilbc i wanna install linux on this drive and when i trying to install linux windows said you have to install drivers first07:26
ilwith fdisk07:26
lordievaderWas there  important data on that partition?07:31
illordievader, no07:51
ilim worry about grub and bootloader07:52
lordievaderGrub is typically installed to the MBR and the partition mounted as /boot. Is that sda1 in your case?07:53
illordievader,in sda408:47
lordievaderThen there should be no worries. Be sure to keep a live-usb ready and try a reboot to verify.08:58
IrcsomeBotDanielle Lynn was added by: Danielle Lynn10:39
calamityheya, I'm running kubuntu 19.10 on Parallels and I'm having trouble getting full resolution. I've tried to install parallels tools and I got the error "could not build kernel modules"11:44
calamity(also I tried https://gist.github.com/rudolfratusinski/a4d9e3caff11a4d9d81d2e84abc9afbf to no avail)11:46
BluesKajHi folks12:07
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IrcsomeBotMMS Lacazette was added by: MMS Lacazette13:30
IrcsomeBot<MMS Lacazette> πŸš¨πŸ’°πŸš¨ … Yooo BCTO Traders - many of you may not know this, but there’s now derivatives on BTC πŸ’Ž No binary derivatives, actual real derivatives fully regulated in the US by the CFTC 🀝 … Instead of getting liquidated by a BitMex flash crash (r.i.p. XRP bulls 02/13/2020) 😀 you can buy puts and calls on bitcoin from next day all the way to 2021. One of the only places you can currently do this is … ▢️ Led13:30
IrcsomeBothttp://bit.ly/2T0rNDh … If you want to give it a go, try it out for free using this link πŸ“ˆ … http://bit.ly/2T0rNDh … πŸš¨πŸ’°πŸš¨13:30
BluesKajlacazette, no spamming please13:32
IrcsomeBot19029053047 was added by: 1902905304714:28
mysmahhello world15:35
IrcsomeBotJonathan Pfeifer was added by: Jonathan Pfeifer15:47
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daftykinshi all, i got a report that a bug was fixed and closed on gnome's gitlab today, regarding networkmanager-openvpn - i'm wondering how to find out whether it'll make it into focal or not? if it got into daily images i could test it out for example18:26
daftykinsit's extremely fresh though, appears the dev only merged his fix 20 hours ago18:27
IrcsomeBotsudoWiz was added by: sudoWiz18:32
genii!info network-manager-openvpn focal18:34
ubottunetwork-manager-openvpn (source: network-manager-openvpn): network management framework (OpenVPN plugin core). In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.10-1ubuntu1 (focal), package size 50 kB, installed size 280 kB (Only available for linux-any)18:34
geniidaftykins: What version was in git?18:34
genii!info network-manager-openvpn-gnome focal18:35
ubottunetwork-manager-openvpn-gnome (source: network-manager-openvpn): network management framework (OpenVPN plugin GNOME GUI). In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.10-1ubuntu1 (focal), package size 41 kB, installed size 269 kB (Only available for linux-any)18:35
daftykinsnot sure how to work that out - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/NetworkManager-openvpn/-/commit/bad43d497b37b8f64cdad4315dd2665ad002822a18:35
RikMillsdaftykins: that package is in 'main' so maintained by the people in #ubuntu-desktop18:35
RikMillswho are mostly away now until monday18:35
daftykinsah ok so it'll be at the mercy of whichever they decide to pull in last prior to feature freeze?18:36
RikMillstags https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/NetworkManager-openvpn/-/tags18:37
RikMillsthe last proper release is the one we have, 1.8.1018:37
daftykinsugh it's going to be so disappointing if focal carries on with this issue, openvpn 2.4 changed the compression fields - so right now if i have a server such as pfsense routers, i can only connect if i drop to a shell and bring it up by hand18:39
daftykinsnot the end of the world, but not ideal of course18:40
daftykinsah well, thanks guys :) i'll take another look next week perhaps18:40
RikMills(a) is there a launchpad bug? (b) talk to the people in #ubuntu-desktop next week18:41
IrcsomeBot<sudoWiz> Is there a way to check for and update firmware for my Lenovo laptop built into kubuntu?18:42
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
DualBootDudeHello people, I am searching for help for the topic of installing kubuntu 19.10 as dual boot beside win10. All Tutorials i could find mention an install option "install alongside windows" which the kubuntu install just won't give me. I would configure the free space manually but i dont want to mess up something boot related because i really am an a19:49
DualBootDudemateur regarding the boot topic. If someone is able to provide helpful information or point me in the right direction i would greatly appreciate it.19:49
oerheksmake free space from within windows, preferrably19:50
DualBootDudeI tried that and i could use the free space. But the installer then wanted to know where to install the bootloader and at that point i decided to step back and ask for help because i really dont know anything about bootloaders.19:52
DualBootDudeDoes anyone know if i can install the bootloader on the same partition that i mount my / on and then still boot into windows like before?19:54
daftykinsdo you know if your Windows 10 install is using legacy or EFI boot at the moment?19:57
DualBootDudein the msinfo32 it says "UEFI" under BIOS Mode19:59
DualBootDudeso EFI i guess?19:59
oerheksmost likely yes20:00
daftykinsyep sounds likely, so did you mean you already have some free space prepared? how much?20:00
oerheksnow check if you have mbr and number of partitions, 4 primairy max..20:01
DualBootDudei prepared 64 GiB. I can see those as "Free space" in the disk configuration in the Kubuntu installer20:01
* daftykins leaves this to oerheks 20:02
DualBootDudeokay let me check20:02
DualBootDudeMy main disk where i want to install it has a 500MB Recovery Partition and a 100MB EFI Partition. It is GPT Partition20:04
DualBootDudeMaybe i should also mention that it is an NVMe SSD in case there are any driver problems or something alike20:06
oerheksGPT, no problem with the number of primairy partitions then20:07
oerheksjust make sure you start kubuntu usb in UEFI mode..20:10
DualBootDudeis this an advanced option in the menu at the start?20:11
DualBootDudeokay. I found something regarding the boot into UEFI mode. Maybe i need to check my BIOS settings again but i know where to look now. Thank you very much for the advice!20:14
IrcsomeBotGalantGTR was added by: GalantGTR21:24
IrcsomeBot<GalantGTR> Hi. Ist anybody know why by KUbuntu 19.10 on one of the super Button Kombination ist not available and I can't block the widgets on desktop...? I can move them all of the time and by right mouse click I didn't see that option21:26
IrcsomeBot<GalantGTR> Thx for your reply21:26
IrcsomeBotHassan Robinson was added by: Hassan Robinson22:10
IrcsomeBotBrandi Gomez was added by: Brandi Gomez23:46

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