
=== ian_ is now known as Guest76977
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lubotedum95 was added by: edum9516:28
Noboru55wxl hello, i did not like the qt.17:16
Noboru55they should not change the lxde for lxqt17:16
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> I am not sure why you think "I dislike qt" means that developers are obligated to not do this.17:33
dsc_I dislike computers can you stop developing lubuntu17:40
wxltwo things i'll say on the subject17:40
wxlⒶ there's no accounting for taste17:40
wxlⒷ you can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time17:40
wxlqt flair, don't care17:42
=== ian_ is now known as Guest18302
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest24505

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