
zygaI'll EODnow00:22
zygatests in spread are more comprehensive00:22
zygatomorrow I'll rebase on master and propose00:22
cachioijohnson, nice, thanks02:31
zygamy tests passed07:48
zygamborzecki: I massaged that silly session tool more07:48
zygamborzecki: and learned a few interesting things along the way07:48
mborzeckizyga: hey07:48
zygamborzecki: for instance, certain invocations of su/sudo spawn all the session services07:49
zygamborzecki: and that may include pulseaudio, bluetooth, gpg daemon, apt daemon and a hell lot more07:49
zygamborzecki: and they stick around07:49
zygamborzecki: they are shut down asynchronously, roughly 10-20 seconds later07:49
zygamborzecki: I think this could explain some cases of tests seeing weird processes07:50
zygawhat is worse is that this is per-distro07:50
zygait depends on PAM configuration07:50
mborzeckihow come it evolved to be so complex07:50
zygathe upside is I know how to handle that07:50
zygabut it's not clear how to handle that for root07:50
zygafor non-root that's just loginctl kill-user test07:50
zygafor root I think we could enumerate sessions, kill all but the ssh incoming remote session07:51
zygathat would reliably shut stuff we run between invocations07:51
zyga_except_ if that populates the remote session07:51
zygathen we're SOL07:51
mborzeckiin the meantime i'm trying differnt daily images in hope of triggering https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/186506307:54
mupBug #1865063: snapd package hangs on deb postinst <focal> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1865063>07:54
zygamborzecki: ready for the sprint?07:54
zygaI remember hearing about it07:55
zygamborzecki: what does postinst do?07:55
zygamborzecki: could this be arm64?07:55
zygais master better08:02
zygaI heard some horror stories from yesterday08:03
mborzeckihmm nothing super werid about postinst08:04
zygamborzecki: does it interact with snap?08:05
zygaas in, run anything that would have it wait for snapd that's panicking08:05
zygaI stopped working at 2AM08:07
zygaplease don't expect me to be around much today08:07
zygaI need to prepare for the sprint, specifically the apparmor prompting demo needs some work08:07
mborzeckizyga: no not really, there's services started ofc, so unless snapd was stopped it will be started on install and may do things it does on startup, like rebuilding seccomp profiles etc08:07
zygaand I have a haircut at 10:3008:07
mborzeckiwow, haircut? :)08:08
zygamborzecki: anything in autogen postinst?08:08
zygamborzecki: I call it yak shaving08:08
zygamborzecki: and speaking of PAM08:09
zygamborzecki: my test passed everything but debian08:10
zygaboth sid and 9 hang08:10
zygatime to debug08:10
zygaoh well08:10
zygaI'll go upstairs and make another coffee08:10
zygaI feel so sleepy still08:10
zygadaughter woke me up at 6:40 by kicking me in the head08:10
mborzeckizyga: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8083 ?08:22
mupPR #8083: spread, data/selinux: add CentOS 8, update policy <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8083>08:22
mborzeckihope we could land it today, as there's some selinux fixes included08:23
mborzeckimvo:  hey08:43
mvohey mborzecki08:46
zygamborzecki: yep09:08
pedronishi, #7999 and #8185 need 2nd review.  #8185 shows some problems with test/mock code org, but I don't think it should be blocked on that.09:09
mupPR #7999: devicestate: allow encryption regardless of grade <UC20> <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7999>09:09
mupPR #8185: tests: add uc20 kernel snap upgrade managers test, fix bootloadertest bugs <Test Robustness> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8185>09:09
pedronissee my comment here: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8185#discussion_r38557987309:10
zygamborzecki: done09:10
zygaI'm off for a yak shaving session09:11
mborzeckipstolowski: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8083 ?09:31
mupPR #8083: spread, data/selinux: add CentOS 8, update policy <Squash-merge> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8083>09:32
mborzeckipstolowski: there's some selinux bits in there09:32
pstolowskimborzecki: will do09:32
mborzeckipstolowski: thanks!09:32
pedronismborzecki: hi, I made an high-level comment in #819110:03
mupPR #8191: [RFC] cmd/snap-recovery-chooser: add a recovery chooser <Needs Samuele review> <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8191>10:03
mborzeckipedronis: thanks, it's totally up for discussion, we can surely brainstorm in FRA10:05
pedronismborzecki: ok, also to clear we quite likely will need that kind of JSON I described somewhere in snapd, because snapd will a API endpoint to list the recovery systems10:09
pedronis*will have10:09
pedronis#8187 also needs a 2nd review10:27
mupPR #8187: boot: misc UC20 changes <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8187>10:27
mupPR snapd#8083 closed: spread, data/selinux: add CentOS 8, update policy <Squash-merge> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8083>10:39
mborzeckimvo: can you cherry-pick the patch? ^^10:39
zygaI think I know why debian is failing now10:39
zygaawk/gawk probably10:40
mvomborzecki: yes, thank you!10:40
zygarunning a test to confirm10:40
zygaI'll take a shower, my face is full of sharp pieces of hair10:40
mvomborzecki: done10:40
mborzeckimvo: thanks!10:42
mupPR snapd#8214 opened: tests: test that after "remove-user" the system is unmanaged <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8214>10:47
ograzyga, sorry, i was at embeddedworld this week, i havent used snapd-docker for a long time, technically it should still work, practically i think some defaults would need updating (IIRC it points to old releases etc)11:05
pedronismvo: hi, still fixing tests issues?  as I mentioned there are UC20 things needing 2nd review, but maybe mborzecki is on those already11:11
mvopedronis: in a meeting right now, was mostly on tests+2.44 cherry-picks today11:13
mborzeckipedronis: i've updated 8187, looking at 8185 now11:16
mborzeckizyga: so review tools is updated now?11:18
zygamborzecki: dunno, I didn't hear anything about that11:18
pedronismborzecki: updated for which issue?11:19
pedronisI think it has been updated for the setgid changes11:19
mborzeckipedronis: snapd setgid11:19
zygashall we merge the revert then?11:19
pedronisin principle yes,  but really for mvo to decide, I see the PR is running tests atm, #818111:21
mupPR #8181: packaging: revert "work around review-tools and snap-confine" <β›” Blocked> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8181>11:21
mborzeckipedronis: yeah, restated them just now, fwiw the change looks ok11:22
mupPR snapd#8215 opened: interfaces: make the network-status interface implicit on classic <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8215>11:28
mborzeckipedronis: heh, missed that odd wording thing when i moved the comments around11:32
* pstolowski early lunch and sprint-related errand11:37
mvopedronis, zyga +1 for reverting the setgid change11:41
mborzeckiinterestin failure with nonce is invalid https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6F9z9rWZDy/11:41
* zyga debugs the debian issue11:41
zygaeasy to repro, just unclear why it hangs in something that passes elsewhere11:42
mborzeckiheh when POSTing to /api/v1/snaps/auth/sessions there's sometimes 503 service unavailable recived back11:44
zygaso it's not mawk vs gawk11:46
zygasomething more subtle ...11:46
zygaNOW it works?11:49
zygawhat did I fix11:49
zygapopey: that log is cut12:04
zygacould you get more with journalctl -u snapd.service please12:04
zygajournalctl -u snapd.service -o ... # e.g. -o cut12:04
zygaor something similar12:04
zygathis should give you all the logs12:04
popeysorry, give me one command12:04
zygasure, one sec12:04
zygasudo journalctl -u snapd.service -o short | cat12:05
zygathat ought to work12:05
popeyi do not believe you will learn more from that output :D12:05
popeybut okay :D12:06
zygapopey: current output is cut12:06
zygabut also, memory 1.7G12:06
zygaouch :/12:06
popeyok, added to the forum post12:07
zygapopey: does snap version now work?12:07
popeysnap version always worked12:08
popeysnap refresh didnt12:08
zygajust checking id daemon is up12:08
zygahow many snaps do you have?12:09
popeyhow many do you have? :)12:10
mupPR snapd#8203 closed: netlink: fix panic on arm64 with the new rawsockstop code <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8203>12:10
zygapopey: about a dozen per system12:10
zygapopey: I think this is a real bug, just one we are not experiencing ourselves :)12:10
pedroniswe have performance improvements related to systems with many snaps coming this cycle thanks to changes the store is doing, but nothing immediate12:10
zygaI guess the client times out, waiting for snapd to compute the response12:10
popeyoh dear12:11
zygapopey: can you snap refresh foo # replace foo with one snap12:11
mborzeckizyga: yeah, that'd be my guess, that's the client deadline context bit12:11
mupPR snapd#8181 closed: packaging: revert "work around review-tools and snap-confine" <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8181>12:11
mborzeckiiirc the deadline is quite generous though, 10s or so12:11
pedronispopey: how big is your state.json for reference12:11
zygabut that's weird, everything is async12:12
zygait must be slow to get the ansync response!12:12
pedronismborzecki: for historical and complexity reasons we do some things synchronously in the refresh case, it's an issue, it will improve a bit this cycle12:12
zygapopey: if you gzip it, how big would it be?12:14
zygaanyway, that's probably not going to help12:14
pedronisit's not the problem anyway, not mainly12:14
zygaright, I suppose we block on O(N) requests somehow12:15
pedroniszyga: yes, the bulk assert refresh work will help here12:16
zygaI managed to reproduce a hand once on my machine12:35
zygathen it's gone12:35
zygareproduces ok in spread12:35
zyga... what am I missing12:35
zyganow it breaks on focal12:47
zygaok, feels like it's buffering12:47
zygaadded fflush12:47
mupPR snapd#8173 closed: tests: adding arch-linux execution <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8173>12:47
popeyI found a workaround12:49
ograpopey, sosumi ?!? wow !13:05
* diddledan sues ogra13:05
diddledanlive feed of new snaps as they appear: https://twitter.com/snapstats_org :-)13:06
* diddledan promotes13:06
diddledanit's on a 30minute cycle13:07
diddledanso the longest you'll be behind live is 29 minutes :-)13:07
popeythe day it gets overwhelmed in a 30 min period is a good day :D13:08
diddledanaye. usually only one or two snaps per weekday13:08
popeyrarely zero per day13:09
popeythere was a day recently when something like 22 landed in the store13:09
diddledanthe graph is fairly linear: https://snapstats.org/13:10
diddledanthose are weekly ticks13:11
zygadiddledan: what are "developer counts"?13:17
zyganumber of developers publishing snaps?13:17
diddledanthe number of developers that have a published snap13:17
zygaoh wow13:17
diddledani.e. the number of unique developer names on publicly visible snaps13:17
zygaI wished for 2^X but13:18
mborzeckididdledan: nice!13:19
diddledanthanks :-)13:19
mborzeckididdledan: how often is the snap count updated? daily?13:19
diddledanevery 30 minutes13:19
diddledanbut then it gets thinned out to one per day13:20
diddledan... at the end of each day13:20
ograhmm, who is admin on the forum ? i would like to edit the pi4 thread to remove the links to my experimental images (and point to the new official ones) but i seem not to be able to edit my own posts there13:20
zygaogra: hmmm13:21
zyganot sure13:21
diddledanI suspect popey can do that?13:21
zygamvo: ^13:21
diddledanmvo would know for sure. good call.13:21
diddledanthis one? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/raspberry-pi-4-chromium-mir-kiosk/1572513:22
popeydont think so13:22
diddledanoh no. not that one13:22
diddledanhttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/support-for-raspberry-pi-4/11970/4 ?13:22
ograright ...13:23
popeyyou know what would be better13:23
popeyput a readme in that folder and move the content out the way13:23
diddledanspeaking of pis. you see they dropped the 1GB model and reduced the 2GB price?13:23
ograyeah, i wanted to do that additionally13:23
ograbut most people might find the thread so i wouldnt want to detour them through people.c.c13:24
popeybut people might find people.c.c too13:24
ograyes, thats why i wanted to do it there additionally :)13:25
ogra(do it: update readme etc)13:25
zygatests passed!!!13:25
zygaawk is such a beast13:25
ogrause sed :P13:25
diddledantests? pass? that's unpossible!13:25
diddledanthere must be something wrong13:25
ograawk is just for people that fear sed :)13:25
zygadiddledan: I was telling myself that for a few hours13:26
popeyi have marked Steve's most recent post as "solution" so it's right at the top13:26
popeywhich should help13:26
ograi have never tried to edit such an old post, is it normal that it loses editing capabilities over time ?13:27
popeyi guess13:28
popeydiscourse be discourse13:28
ograhmpf ..13:28
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/821613:46
mupPR #8216: tests: add session-tool, a su / sudo replacement <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8216>13:46
zygaI think I cannot believe this really works13:46
* zyga runs more tests13:46
mupPR snapd#8216 opened: tests: add session-tool, a su / sudo replacement <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8216>13:46
ijohnsonpedronis: sorry I didn't finish those docs yesterday, please take a look at the booting doc again I finished the expected kernel mounting section just now13:53
ijohnsonpedronis: also I went back and move some things that were in yellow in the boot envs doc to actual sentences and such in the "Run /var/lib/snapd/modeenv" section13:54
mupPR snapd#8187 closed: boot: misc UC20 changes <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8187>13:55
ograzyga, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/requesting-uninstall-reason-via-popup/15655 ... shouldnt the teardown of the namespace on uninstall kill all processes and their kids ?14:17
zygain a call14:17
zygaI'll check soon14:18
zygacmatsuoka: that was the bult-in laptop mic14:27
zygacmatsuoka: I often use the external mic14:27
zygacmatsuoka: and I sometimes use the built-in imac mic14:27
ijohnsonogra: could be a bug with systemd timers that are created for snaps14:31
cmatsuokazyga: the sound quality was quite good frequency-wise, but it picked some background noise14:36
mborzeckihttps://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/fa8ewy/ubuntu_2004_lts_to_revert_gnome_calculator_and/ heh14:36
diddledanregarding that link, zyga, and ogra, does snapd not set up a cgroup to collect a snap's processes and kill the cgroup when it removes a snap?14:37
zygadiddledan: no14:38
zygadiddledan: not yet14:38
diddledanaah. that's coming?14:38
zygadiddledan: not exactly that14:39
zygadiddledan: we cannot kill some14:39
diddledanoh, I see14:39
zygadiddledan: because of compatibility14:39
zygadiddledan: but we can probably kill most (all desktop apps)14:39
diddledanbah. compatibility be damned :-p14:39
zygadiddledan: what will more likely happen is reverse14:40
zygadiddledan: snapd will tell you "you cannot remove this snap because it is still running"14:40
zygadiddledan: close "app foo" and try again14:40
zygadiddledan: this is compatible and in line with other work14:40
diddledanregarding uninstall surveys. if we want to support such a feature we could add a snap.yaml field for "uninstall url" that fires up the system web browser or prints the url on the terminal for non-gui installs14:41
diddledanthat makes sense. I like that, rather than just killing stuff, give the user the choice14:41
diddledanI think uninstall surveys are a bit of an antipattern though14:42
ograas long as there is also a --force option for admins that dont want to give heir users choices ;)14:42
diddledanI see them as the developer saying "I've annoyed you enough to make you uninstall my app. let me annoy you even more with this obnoxious survey."14:43
diddledanI get that the developer wants to understand what they did wrong. but an uninstall survey is the wrong way IMO14:44
diddledanhowever, snap needs to be pragmatic, and it is a common enough pattern that we might be wise to bend to the will14:45
ijohnsonIMHO people should be able to uninstall snaps without going through a survey14:52
ijohnsonOTOH, we should at least enable that use case for developers that want it14:52
diddledanthat's my view, ijohnson14:52
ijohnsonyeah agreed diddledan14:52
ijohnsonnot sure what the right technical solution is though14:52
diddledanstop stealing my ideas. get your own ;-p14:52
ijohnsonhaha but it's so hard to think on my own14:53
diddledanI hear that!14:53
* diddledan goes to find a sheep to follow14:53
diddledanaww, that emoji doesn't work here :-(14:54
diddledanlooks to be brave-specific failure thouhg14:54
diddledanit works fine in my terminal14:55
* diddledan tries firefox14:55
ijohnsondiddledan: do you use the lounge snap thing I seem to remember you worked on a while ago?14:55
diddledanyes, I do14:55
ijohnsonseemed really cool but I haven't given it a try yet14:55
diddledanI'm chatting in it right now o/14:55
diddledanpopey and Wimpress did a great job enabling ssl/tls support the other day14:56
diddledanwhich means that if you access it through a mobile device you can enable push notifications14:56
* cachio lunch and school14:57
* zyga had a bowl of ΕΌurek for dinner15:34
mupPR snapd#8170 closed: snap-preseed: support for preseeding of snapd and core18 <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8170>15:37
pedronisijohnson: I made some suggestion and add some bits to the doc15:57
zygaijohnson: thank you for the review!15:57
ijohnsonthanks pedronis looking now15:58
ijohnsonyaw yga15:58
mupPR pc-amd64-gadget#38 opened: grub.cfg-recovery: fix typo, filter vars when loading them <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/pc-amd64-gadget/pull/38>16:21
zygaijohnson: check this out :) https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8216/files#diff-a8fce2de6a6829d98f798117050b6c93R5916:25
mupPR #8216: tests: add session-tool, a su / sudo replacement <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8216>16:25
ijohnsonzyga: ah much easier to read thanks16:26
zygait's not a heredoc but has the same property16:26
zygajust a multi-line value :)16:26
ijohnsonyes multi-line is what I was after, heredoc was just the first thing I could think of that was multi-line :-)16:26
zygaI want to make sure this really works16:46
zygaspawned this test across the fleet, with ... -repeat 10016:46
zygait's a quick test16:46
zygabut this gives me more confidence16:46
zygabrb, coffee16:46
zygadaughter asleep :)16:55
zygaso quiet upstairs16:55
zygalet's try to solve the issue I've built this for :)16:56
zygaholly molly17:10
zygazyga@focal:~/go/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd/tests$ git grep 'su -l' | wc -l17:10
zygathat's a lot of tests to fix17:10
zygaijohnson: ^17:10
ijohnsonoh boy17:11
zygathere's one interesting thing17:11
zygahttps://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/loginctl.html < check for "linger"17:11
zygaEnable/disable user lingering for one or more users. If enabled for a specific user, a user manager is spawned for the user at boot and kept around after logouts. This allows users who are not logged in to run long-running services. Takes one or more user names or numeric UIDs as argument. If no argument is specified, enables/disables lingering for the user of the session of the caller.17:11
zygait means we'd have a "test" user session that we can always hop into17:11
ijohnsonah seems cool17:12
zygaprobably faster than spawning and shutting one for each command17:12
zygaI'll explore some more17:12
zygaI wonder if this means I can ssh into a system17:12
ograpfft ... ln -s /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/linger17:12
zygastart a systemd user session17:12
zygaand log out17:12
zygaand log in17:13
zygaand it's still there17:13
zygawith all dbus stuff and all the other good bits17:13
zygaogra: that's so 90s :-)17:13
zygaogra: for context: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/821617:13
mupPR #8216: tests: add session-tool, a su / sudo replacement <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8216>17:13
zygaogra: you'd be proud of me, it's shell17:13
zygaand awk17:14
zygaand not even bash17:14
zygaand works with mawk17:14
ograwell, awk always makes me shudder :)17:14
mtlswhi guys, I have two users, 1 has customizations(my account) and another has no activity(newly created) -- theres' a snap app that runs well on both but only on the first instance.  Is there a "log" for snap?18:07
pedronisijohnson: I don't think I'll get to propose the separation of responsabilities between boottest and bootloadertest today, it's a bit more involved than I had hoped18:43
ijohnsonpedronis: ok, safe travels, see you on Monday18:49
NickZHow do I set up an org on snapcraft.io?19:25
mupPR snapd#8205 closed: tests: just remove user when the system is not managed on create-user-2 test <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8205>19:25
LukewhNickZ: orgs don't exist in the snap store. You can create an account, register snaps with that account and add other accounts as collaborators. They will have complete access, but the org will be listed as the publisher20:15
NickZRight, I just figured that out20:16
Lukewhsorry for the late reply20:16
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8216 is green :)20:19
mupPR #8216: tests: add session-tool, a su / sudo replacement <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8216>20:19
diddledanzyga, something must be wrong. I don't trust passing tests20:20
zygaI ran that new tests across all enabled backends 100 times, it passed20:21
diddledanthe worst tests are the ones that pass first time out of the box20:21
zygait's so weird20:21
zyga(after finding edges that broke in this for the past week)20:21
zygadiddledan: this one _eventually_ got to work, I spent far too much time on this tool20:21
fundatillusI have one snap that won't start on my system and I receive no errors.20:51
fundatillusThe snap is standard-notes, but all others work (atom, chromium, signal, etc).20:51
fundatillusI've reverted and also switched to --edge with no luck.20:52
fundatillusAny tips on troubleshooting?20:52
fundatillusAlso removed and reinstalled.20:52
fundatillusMy Google-fu is failing me...20:53
mvofundatillus: can you check in "dmesg" if you see andthing that looks like "denials"20:53
diddledanfundatillus, try running `standard-notes` in the terminal - I'm seeing an error here when I do that20:54
diddledanspecifically: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/dllewellyn/snap/standard-notes/4/.config/Standard Notes/user-preferences.json'20:54
fundatillusI'm not seeing any denial messages.20:55
diddledanoh, the error is only first time - repeated attempts to launch silently fail though20:56
fundatillusThe last entry having to do with standard-notes is about 5000 seconds (?) ago:20:56
fundatillus[34486.619880] audit: type=1400 audit(1582902701.832:432): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" profile="unconfined" name="snap.standard-notes.standard-notes" pid=19147 comm="apparmor_parser"20:56
fundatillusI've contacted the publisher and they aren't able to duplicate...20:57
fundatillusI'm running kubuntu 19.10, if that matters.20:57
mvofundatillus: I just tried on my 19.10 ubuntu system and it's ok here, sorry that this is not helpful. you could try (in a terminal): "snap run --strace standard-notes" and see if there is anything obvious(ish)21:01
fundatillusChecking it now... weird, it won't let me redirect it to a file. But there is definitely something going on, exit with code 121:05
fundatillusLots of errors like this:21:05
fundatillus[pid 25508] openat(AT_FDCWD, "/snap/standard-notes/6/gnome-platform/usr/lib/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_NAME", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)21:05
fundatillus[pid 25704] openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/share/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/coreutils.mo", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)21:07
fundatillusLooks like it's looking for some locale files?21:07
fundatillusI'm seeing en and en_US locale directories, but not the en_US.UTF-8 it's looking for...21:09
mvofundatillus: exit 1 is good, pasting (to e.g. pastebin.ubuntu.com) the last couple of lines before the exit 1 is probably helpful.21:12
mvofundatillus: unfortunately I will have to go to bed soon here in my timezone but hopefully someone else in the channel can help21:12
fundatillusThanks mvo. Appreciate the help.21:13
mvofundatillus: my pleasure, good luck!21:21
NickZjdstrand: did you reserve the freedoom snap name?21:50
diddledanNickZ, there's a freedoom package in the Ubuntu repository so, yes, it will have been reserved21:51
NickZah, I see21:51
NickZI'll just request it21:51
diddledanbingo :-)21:51
diddledanunfortunately people are seeing the reserved message and assuming that means they're not allowed to claim it21:51
jdstrandNickZ: yeah, what diddledan said (and no, I didn't)21:53
NickZah hah, I saw that you had released a chocolate doom snap and I had guessed :)21:53
diddledanhow do you like your hellspawn? covered in chocolate, natch21:53

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