
didrocksgood morning07:00
seb128goood morning desktopers, happy post-ff friday!08:36
didrockssalut seb128, ça va ?08:38
seb128didrocks, ouais, content qu'on soit au ff, la semaine a été fatiguante, j'ai bossé un peu en soirée presque tous les jours pour finir les updates GNOME08:38
seb128didrocks, et toi ?08:38
didrocksseb128: ça va, on n'a pas voulu uploader dans le rush ubiquity qui intègre zsys à cause des régressions que l’on a eu dûes à la création de l’EFI dans partman-auto de manière inconditionnel sans prendre en compte le cas ZFS08:40
didrocksseb128: donc on a fini de fixer, mais il reste pas mal de testing avant l’upload (que je pense aujourd’hui)08:40
didrocksmais ça nous a planté l’upload pour le jeudi08:41
seb128didrocks, nouvelle stack shell pas uploadée non plus donc vous êtes pas seuls :)08:41
seb128ouais :-/08:41
didrocksbon, je pense qu’un upload aujourd’hui, c’est ok08:41
seb128friday upload08:41
didrocks(vu que le seul "feature" c’est apt-install zsys)08:41
seb128those are the best :p08:41
marcustomlinsonmorning desktoppers08:47
seb128hey marcustomlinson, how are you?08:48
didrockshey marcustomlinson08:48
marcustomlinsonmorning seb128 and didrocks, I'm doing well thanks :) you?08:48
didrocksgood good :)08:48
seb128marcustomlinson, a bit tired but ff is over and it's friday so should be good08:49
marcustomlinsonseb128: sleep time :)08:49
didrocksseb128: take it easy08:49
marcustomlinsoncongrats by the way seb128! great job! and to all desktoppers!08:50
seb128thanks marcustomlinson, great team effort on the ff line indeed, congrats to you as well :)08:50
marcustomlinsonmorning Laney!09:02
marcustomlinsonthanks for uploading u-r-u for me :)))09:02
Laneyno problemo, well done on that work09:03
Laneylooking forward to the other half next :>09:03
Laneyit seems to have ended up at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/dist-upgrader-all/current/ correctly09:04
didrockshey Laney!09:04
Laneymoin didrocks09:04
Laneyyou good?09:04
marcustomlinsonLaney: oh! so it is \o/09:05
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers09:08
marcustomlinsonmorning oSoMoN09:08
oSoMoNhey marcustomlinson09:09
Laneyhey oSoMoN09:10
seb128hey Laney, oSoMoN, how are you? happy ff friday!09:11
didrocksLaney: hey! Doing alright, thanks, and you?09:11
didrockssalut oSoMoN09:11
oSoMoNhey Laney, salut seb128 & didrocks09:14
oSoMoNdoing good, looking forward to a family Saturday and to seeing y’all in Frankfurt09:15
Laneyalllllllll gooooooddddddd09:15
seb128launchpad git support isn't as nice as gitlab/github's one09:20
seb128but it feels like compared to sourceforge's one09:21
* seb128 trying to find a commit on the webui of a sourceforge project09:21
seb128that's not fun09:21
RikMills^ yeah. I have that pain when patch hunting!09:22
seb128rikMills, just I don't dup work, which poppler rdepends are you looking at?09:22
RikMillsseb128: kitinery I just dropped the build with poppler, as will be FFe'ing a fixed version soon09:23
RikMillstesting calligra build now09:23
RikMillspatch hunting for scribus09:24
seb128k, thanks09:25
seb128I'm done gambas3 and I'm doing ipe-tools and was looking if gdcm has a fix upstream (but it doesn't :()09:25
seb128(brb, changing location)09:27
* RikMills pokes seb12809:37
RikMills(come back. I have a link with patches)09:37
Laneymake a debdiff!09:38
=== didrocks999 is now known as didrocks
RikMillsseb128: some poppler patches here https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/gdcm/tree/master09:41
seb128RikMills, thx09:42
seb128RIkMills, do you want to do the upload or should I?09:42
RikMillsseb128: still looking at scribus. I just found that, that is all09:43
seb128RikMills, k, let me try them, thx for the pointer!09:43
Laneyah poppler transitions09:44
seb128indeed :-/09:44
WimpressMorning desktopers09:44
marcustomlinsonhey Wimpress09:44
seb128hey Wimpress!09:45
WimpressLaney: I have new wallpapers. Should I submit merge proposals for ubuntu wallpapers and ubiquity slideshow?09:49
WimpressOs is there some other process I should follow?09:49
LaneyWimpress: If you wanna do it, you can do it, follow the pattern of previous releases09:51
Laneythe main thing you need to do is make sure they're a reasonable size09:51
Laneyusually they arrive quite huge indeed and Will spends a while messing about with them to get them smaller without impacting the quality (e.g. causing banding)09:52
WimpressLaney: Will made me aware of size issues.09:52
WimpressI explained our requirements to design.09:53
WimpressThat have all arrived ready-optimised.09:53
LaneyOK, well I don't know what size you have09:53
Laneybut our current one is 1.8M and I wouldn't want to go bigger than that ideally09:53
WimpressWill said 2MB or less.09:53
Laneyso if it's good already, feel free to crack on and well done for saving yourself that effort09:54
WimpressYep, largest file size is the 4K res PNG at 2MB09:55
seb128I wonder if there is value to keep xpdf in the archive10:19
seb128we need to do non trivial updating every time poppler change, is that really worth the effort?10:19
RikMillsI have wondered the same before10:29
Laneykick it out to proposed, let someone fix it if they want to10:31
Laneynice middle ground..?10:31
RikMillsscribus looks like it might need 4 upstream poppler and 2 python 3.8 patches. fedora wimped out and did a svn snapshot +1 patch10:34
* RikMills goes to poke scribus debian maintainer10:35
tjaaltonwhat's the tag to block a package from leaving proposed? block-proposed?11:09
tjaaltonoh, too late11:09
Laneycorrect, or block-proposed-<series>11:10
Laneyfor next time11:10
tjaaltonapparently xkb-data has some issues at least on debian. the correct layout doesn't work on all apps, at least under gnome11:11
tjaaltonnever seen that one before11:11
Laneymight have made up the $series bit ...11:11
tjaaltonseems to work fine here with .fi11:15
GunnarHjThanks for fixing xkeyboard-config, tjaalton!11:18
tjaaltonGunnarHj: well, some folks reported issues on debian11:18
tjaaltonso I wonder if we're affected11:18
ubot5Debian bug 952731 in xkb-data "xkb-data: Italian keyboard layout not working in some apps" [Grave,Open]11:19
GunnarHjtjaalton: Worth following up, reasonably. I'll look later.11:19
Laneyah I guess I need to upload budgie12:20
Laneyfossfreedom: fyi12:20
RikMillsseb128: test building scribus + patches12:49
hellsworthgood morning desktopers13:07
marcustomlinsonmorning hellsworth13:08
hellsworthhey marcustomlinson13:08
Laneymorning early morning hellsworth?13:09
hellsworthi can't build LO to save my life last night and then it kept me up so i finally gave up13:11
GunnarHjtjaalton: That was a low quality bug report; probably nothing to worry about. I still posted a reply with a couple of questions.13:14
tjaaltonGunnarHj: yep, noticed13:14
GunnarHjtjaalton: yw13:15
seb128Laney, thx for fixing the dogtail autopkgtest!13:25
Laneythose emails from proposed-migration are useful for reminders13:27
RikMillsseb128: "did some extra fixes for newer pooppler". LOL14:40
RikMillsif that is a typo, it is an 'apt' one14:40
seb128RikMills, what, it's true! :p14:40
* RikMills nods14:40
seb128I see the typo now14:41
seb128wasn't on purpose: )14:41
seb128bah, archive transitions are never easy right?14:51
seb128inkscape hits a gcc ICE on ppc64el14:51
seb128gdcm doesn't build on s390x due to vtk7 not being installable14:52
tjaaltonGunnarHj: apparently the kb failure is with wayland15:04
hellsworththe gimp deb doesn't work in focal just fyi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gimp/+bug/186516615:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1865166 in gimp (Ubuntu) "undefined symbol: gegl_rectangle_subtract" [Undecided,New]15:10
GunnarHjtjaalton: Aha, didn't realize that Debian uses Wayland by default.15:14
GunnarHjtjaalton: But why would an xkb-data update make a difference on wayland?15:15
tjaaltonbeats me15:19
LaneyThose keymaps are used under Wayland sessions too15:22
tjaaltonbut only non-native apps (using xwayland) seem affected15:26
k_alamseb128: Hi, good afternoon15:28
seb128hey k_alam, how are you? thx for the unity/gnome-desktop fixes!15:28
k_alamseb128: I am fine . you ?15:29
seb128I'm good thanks!15:29
k_alamseb128: There is this issue, unity already landed but it is supposed to be compiled against new unity-settings-daemon-deb which is still in proposed15:30
seb128ah, you didn't bump the depends I guess?15:31
seb128also I noticed after upload that in the new symbols in usd you didn't use the right version15:31
k_alamno, I didn't.....15:31
Laneyhellsworth: your bug ...15:33
Laney gimp: /usr/local/lib/libbabl-0.1.so.0: no version information available (required by gimp)15:33
Laneylocal ...15:33
Laneylooks like you've got some random stuff installed15:33
hellsworthyeah that's strange.. i'm trying to reproduce this on a different system. if i can't, i'll close the bug.15:35
Laney/usr/local sux15:36
k_alamseb128: It will just require a rebuild against newer u-s-d..15:36
hellsworthi have 3 versions of libbabl-0.1.so.0* in /usr and none of them match what dpkg -l shows. lol15:37
Laneyit's probably something you sudo make installed at some point15:37
seb128k_alam, not that easy since any rebuild will block on the gnome-desktop/poppler transitions15:38
k_alamseb128: It can land after the transition. I will bump symbol version along with gschema-key merge. Unity will require a rebuild then anyway. If this is alright.15:45
seb128k_alam, yes15:45
k_alamseb128: Another issue, there is no hud in focal...can you copy it from eoan ?15:46
RikMillshellsworth: gimp starts ok here in my focal VM. that symbol is one in gegl lib since 4.18, as seems to not have been dropped in the 4.22 symbols file is to be believed15:49
RikMills*and seems15:49
hellsworthyeah it's definitely my host. i've run gimp just fine on a focal vm, focal laptop, and 19.10 vm upgraded to focal15:49
hellsworthi just panicked when it didn't run15:50
seb128k_alam, you would need to fix it, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hud/+bug/185074815:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1850748 in hud (Ubuntu) "hud-tools depends on obsolete python-polib" [Critical,Fix released]15:57
k_alamseb128: Ah..right. Thanks.15:59
seb128Trevinho, Laney, adwaita didn't land in Ubuntu, did the upload or fail or was it not part of the silo?16:04
LaneyIt needs to be merged16:04
seb128Trevinho, ^ were you going to look at that?16:05
Trevinhoseb128: ok, let me finish libfprint thingy I was changing, but yes16:05
seb128Trevinho, no hurry, can be next week16:05
Trevinhoseb128: shouldn't be a rush for FF though16:05
Laneyguessing we should move cards backwards for .92 updates16:10
seb128guess so, the trello board makes it easy to synchronize/not overlap16:21
=== William__ is now known as wiljav
RikMillsseb128: gdcm s390x build deps sorted themselves \o/ ...... but ftbfs against new openmpi that landed this afternoon /o\17:53
Laneyok, night, see some of you sunday!18:02
oSoMoNgood night all18:08
hellsworthgood night18:09
tjaaltonthe xkb fail with wayland is fixed by updating xkbcomp in x11-xkb-utils..20:19
tjaaltonjust uploaded to debian20:19
tjaaltonit hadn't had updates since 2y ago..20:19
kenvandinehellsworth: don't forget to email me your mm issues21:22
hellsworthoh i forgot21:28
hellsworthdoing it now :)21:28

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