
wolfgerAwesome (re: smart vacuum story)13:22
wolfgermorning. Happy Friday.13:22
Scary_GuySmart anything is horrible.  Most of it is from China anyway and most security is a an afterthought at best and backdoored at worst.13:56
Scary_GuyIn fact it's suggested to buy a separate router and hook in the devices through that so it's segregated from the rest of the systems/the internet.13:57
Scary_GuyDon't even get me started on how most of it is closed source proprietary voodoo so you don't know what it's doing.13:58
jrwrenbonus if you don't put it on the internet at all.14:30
jrwrenFocal Fossa feature freeze14:36
jrwrenfun to say14:36
Scary_Guyyeah, that's what I meant by "/the internet." Though many people like to have that so they can connect to it with their smartphones from anywhere in the world.  That seems only useful though for a few things.  Raising the temp before you get home so it's comfy and having a security system that you monitor yourself so you can call the cops/fire departments if needed are the only two I can really think of15:37
Scary_Guythough off the top of my head.15:37
jrwreni agree.15:44
jrwrenMy bed is on the internet, even though it has BT and could talk direct to my phone, that isn't how it works. it is also on wifi, talks to bed servers in amazon, then phone talks to those servers to tell me about previous nights sleep.15:44
jrwrenits pretty stupid for what it is.15:45
greg-gjrwren: hey, what are your thoughts on the stock market right now? :) :) I always like your opinions/insight17:33
jrwrengreat buying opportunity.17:41
jrwrena lot of big companies are still overvalued. all the FAANG is still overvalued.17:41
jrwrenbut 15% dip in s&p500 is exactly the kind of crash we needed.17:41
jrwrenand that is only so far.17:42
jrwrenhonestly, we could probably do with another 15% concentrated only in FAANG.17:42
jrwrenI'm always happy to talk about sotck market, but be warned - i have no idea wtf i'm takling about and I'm usually wrong.17:42
jrwrenI've lost so much on bad stock pics I don't even want to think about it.17:43
jrwrenmy latest strat, copied from a random web forum... is doing pretty well right now.17:43
greg-ghehe, I have ZERO knowledge when it comes to individual stock picks. I'm all in index funds or retirement date funds (and some left over money from my dad in Dodge & Cox mostly)17:43
cmaloneyGet out of Dodge17:44
cmaloneysorry, Had to be said17:44
greg-gcmaloney: :P17:44
greg-gjrwren: huh, TMF looks like it's always doing great?17:45
jrwrensure, upro is down 28% this week, but TMF is 9%.17:45
jrwrengreg-g: yeah, I hope so.17:45
jrwrenI'm mostly in index funds too. Ijust like to play a little on the side.17:46
jrwrenbut ya know... some folks have been saying a crash is coming for a while now. Hopefully this is it.17:46
jrwrenalthough, I still think a lot of stuff is overpriced out there.17:47
greg-gmy wife is freaking out and asking me to sell our index fund :(17:47
jrwrenno, why would you sell on a down turn.17:47
jrwrennow is when you buy more.17:47
jrwrenI bought more on Monday... oops, a few days early.17:47
greg-gshe believes it'll go down more based on what the news says17:47
jrwrenwho knows, maybe a month early.17:47
jrwrencan't predict the stock market.17:47
jrwrenI ain't sold nothing.17:48
jrwrenI wish I had more cash to buy.17:48
greg-gwe've been arguing all morning about this :)17:48
jrwrenif you sell, then you won't make gains when the market turns around.17:48
jrwrenyou can't time the market.17:48
jrwrenif you really believe you can time the market, then why haven't you been buying and selling many times in the past?17:48
greg-gjrwren: she said she would have sold right before trump was elected and admits that would have been the wrong move.17:49
greg-gshe just thinks we'll get it on the up-swing and just lose a little.17:50
jrwrenalso, there is a truth I heard during the 2008 crisis, hopefully I can recall it correctly: There are more up days than down days, but not all up days are equal, there are few big up days that make up a majority of gains. If you miss out on them, your avg return ends up being lower, much lower, to the point you may as well be in pure bonds.17:50
greg-gI think the fact that we want to do a kitchen remodel soon is most of this, even though we have a chunk of the money needed to do that and can probably get a low rate loan soon to do cover the rest17:51
jrwrenyeah, I thought about leaving market with trump in office... obviously with 30% returns in 2019 that would have been a stupid move.17:51
greg-gI was like "when would you have rebought?" ... "at a loss later"  ... ... ... ... ... ..17:52
jrwrenstay the course.17:56
jrwrenalso, it turns out a lot of my investments aren't pure stock market. wealthfront and tiaa both put things in bond and other non-stock funds for me.17:57
greg-gyeah, I noticed that too18:01
jrwrenall that said... i sure wish I'd sold more of my CSCO RSUs when they were granted recently :)18:03
cmaloneyHonestly if you treat the stock market as a savings account you'll do poorly18:38
cmaloneyyou have to consider it a shitty IRA18:38
jrwrenyup. it is all about when you need your dollars.18:39
jrwreni ahve the luxury of not needing them for at least 10 yrs... so i am agressive and take lots of risk18:51
cmaloneyI'm just waiting for the eventual destruction of the planet18:59
cmaloneybest retirement plan ever.18:59
jrwreni'm optimistic.18:59
cmaloneyThis is my optimism19:01

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