
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
xubuntu0wHi, how can I stop xubuntu from automatically connecting to the internet on startup?16:49
xubuntu0wIt only has a wired connection.16:50
diogenes_disable networking.16:52
=== rafo is now known as rafobr
rafobrHey. Sorry to bother you guys. Just installed xubuntu after a while using lubuntu. all fine except my cursor seems to 'left-click' by itself. i.e. i'm typing in a doc and suddenly the typing cursor changes to position where the mouse pointer is. tried searching online but no working solution so far. thx in advance for your help17:03
diogenes_rafobr, how old if PC?17:25
rafobrhey diogenes_ it is quite old, an ASUS k56c , but i had no problem on L/Ubuntu. what i found was this option to disable touchpad while typing. I'm still trying to figure out if it was the problem.18:42
diogenes_rafobr, if you enabled that and the bad behavior stopped, then that's it.18:44
rafobrthx diogenes_ :)19:00
Priem19Hey, about the wallpaper contest. Are the submission already being curated?19:10
Priem19Because my upload doesn't seem to show up. So I'm wondering if the photo is too bad, or my browser is blocking a successful upload19:11
=== tmager1 is now known as tmager
get43I just try to install xubuntu via PXE. No problem to connect laptop to the network when booting on lan, installation work fine.22:30
get43After reboot, the computer start well but I don't have any network.22:31
get43ip a show the 3 interfaces : lo, enp11s0, wlp2s022:32
get43I got for enp11s0, but nothing for 2 others.22:32
get43I'm on xubuntu 18.0422:34
get43What do I miss ?22:35
get43When I went to the Network Manager (top right), I can see that network is active, but I also got the message "Ethernet network unmanaged device"22:40
get43It's OK now, the file /etc/network/interfaces contains 2 lines for interface enp11s0, I had commented those and restart network-manager.service and the problem is solved.22:44
tomreynget43: hmm, weird, /etc/network/interfaces should only contain two lines about the loopback interface normally.22:53
geniiThe netboot image might have had some d-i thing to make one22:54
geniiget43: Did you use some preseed file?22:55
get43genii: not yet, preseed file is the next step.23:07
get43tomreyn: yes it's what I had read.23:10
get43I have 3 computers to reinstall, perhaps 4. So this installation must help me to generate the preseed file.23:11
get43The preseed file is like the kickstart for CentOS, am I right ?23:11
geniiSimilar idea, yes23:12
tomreynpressed will likely be replaced by a new mechanism with 20.04 LTS though23:13
get43So I confirm, no specific preseed yet.23:13
tomreynso you pxe booted what exactly, and did you then install manually?23:14
get43But I have a standard directory from ISO with 3 files :23:14
get43cli.seed  ltsp.seed  xubuntu.seed23:14
get43tomreyn: I pxe booted xubuntu 18.04, with casper initrd and vmlinuz.23:15
get43And then click on install xubuntu 18.04 icon on the desktop.23:16
get43I made no specific choice, all packages installed from standard and partitionning with default choice.23:17
tomreynokay so you pxe booted the standard xubuntu desktop installer (not debian-installer)23:18
get43Oh, I change language for french and azerty.23:18
tomreyndid you configure internet access while on the live / installer system?23:19
tomreynand if so, for wireless or wired or both (and in which order)?23:20
tomreynactually, i'll head to bed now, good luck!23:22
get43It ask me for only one kind of connection during installation. I think it was for wireless, but it didn't ask me for SSID, but I just see that I haven't turn wifi on23:22
get43material switch23:22
get43It is ok now, but I don't understand why I had those 2 "bogus" lines23:24
get43And as I will install other computer with the distro I want to be sure everything is ok.23:25
xubuntu0wHow do I disable networking at startup so the computer doesn't connect to the internet when I start?23:42
well_laid_lawnxubuntu0w:  you can disable the systemd networking service23:46

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