
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> I tried updating in the terminal but had a lock. I used Muon but it failed. I decided to reboot and get this:00:40
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/wedhWysV/file_24635.jpg00:40
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> How long does this unintended upgrade suppose to take? It has been 15 min or more!00:41
valoriehmmm, there is a link about this.....00:48
valorie@Anarchotaoist were you actually in the term or in konsole?00:50
valorieyou'll have to get to the term to fix I think00:50
valoriethat seems a rather complete answer though00:51
valoriebest of luck00:51
* valorie goes off to dinner00:51
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> ok, 30 minutes and now I am back up.01:00
IrcsomeBotAmy Carter was added by: Amy Carter02:44
IrcsomeBotVarun Krishna was added by: Varun Krishna03:45
valorie@Anarchotaoist good to hear04:26
IrcsomeBotvp205 was added by: vp20506:46
amin_how to make another desktop in kde??06:47
IrcsomeBot<vp205> Is there anyone using Dev C++ in Kubuntu?06:48
amin_let me see...06:48
Alabalisticworkspace behavor06:48
Alabalisticvirtual desktop06:48
Alabalisticthere you will find the settings06:49
amin_I found sth.06:50
amin_it worked!06:52
IrcsomeBot18737352500 was added by: 1873735250006:53
IrcsomeBot15876006125 was added by: 1587600612509:07
BluesKajHowdy folks11:40
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/hackerman_6876.jpg11:40
w-adminhi, I want to create an app. when I connect to my university wifi, asks me to login, I want to skip this step.15:44
w-adminwhen I connect to this AccessPoint, I want to see a notification with two button15:44
w-adminone is "auto-login" , and the other is "not-now"15:45
w-adminany one have any idea for this? in other word, I want to use button in notifications (plasma dekstop)15:46
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Noboru55Hello, i really wanted to run Kubuntu, because i like how it looks nice! but my hardware is too weak, can i do some configuration to do it running better?19:19
Noboru55for example, win10 i can configure my hardware to run better here, and it works, is it possible to do in kubuntu?19:19
Noboru55like, disable things on startup, disable compositor, plasma.. and this kind of thing..19:20
Noboru55thank you19:20
ailionWhat's the name of Kubuntu's graphical installer?19:21
diogenes_ailion, afaik calamares.19:24
ailionThank you!19:25
diogenes_you're welcome19:25
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valoriediogenes_: we don't use cala, although we're considering switching after the LTS is out20:17
valoriewe still use ubiquity20:17
diogenes_valorie, the screenshot doesn't look like ubiquity.20:19
valorieubiquity can look like anything20:20
valorieyou can check in #kubuntu-devel if you don20:20
valoriet believe me20:20
valoriewe have not switched yet20:21
diogenes_oh ok, i didn't know that, pardon me then.20:21
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valoriediogenes_: np, just wanted to keep the info in here as accurate as possible20:51
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pvci love plasma by kde22:36
pvcand all the kde soft22:36
valorieme too22:38
IrcsomeBotتعديل الاسم was added by: تعديل الاسم22:45
IrcsomeBot<تعديل الاسم> How's everything with you?22:46
IrcsomeBotMichelle Greenelsh was added by: Michelle Greenelsh23:19
IrcsomeBotKelly Baker was added by: Kelly Baker23:29

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