
=== SuperKaramba is now known as BenderRodriguez
okdanahello, i'm getting a subiquity crash every time i try to install 18.04.406:23
okdanai've reported it here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/1844118/comments/306:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1844118 in subiquity "crash on edit logical partition" [Undecided,Expired]06:23
okdanabut i was hoping someone might have some work-around ideas...?06:23
mwhudsonokdana: ugggh can MBR please die07:01
mwhudsonokdana: looks like a bug, hopefully a simple fix07:01
mwhudsonokdana: commented on the bug but could you try a focal daily from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/pending/? it will probably fail to but the crash file should be saved to the usb stick you are installing from with focal07:06
okdanaoh, sorry, i was experimenting with it07:25
okdanai've been using a dvd, but i'll find a usb stick somewhere07:25
mwhudsonokdana: oh wow you actually wrote the iso to optical media?07:27
mwhudsonokdana: i've been assuming noone does that any more, good to know that's not true i guess07:28
okdanayes, i have been reliving the bad old days trying to get this set up to triple-boot with xp07:28
okdanait's been an ordeal07:28
mwhudsonokdana: did you try the desktop installer?07:29
mwhudsonnot sure if that's going to be better for this, different at least07:29
okdanayes, but the desk-top installer's partitioning thing uses base-1007:29
okdanaso when i try to edit the partitions, it thinks i'm trying to resize them, because they're not exactly the same07:30
okdanaor at least that's how it seems07:30
okdananow that i finally have my two windows partitions installed correctly, all of the alignment is right, &c., i don't really want to say yes to the scary warning it gives me about resizing them to find out if it's actually trying to do that or if it just says that07:33
mwhudsonyeah that doesn't sound fun07:35
mwhudsonokdana: alternative approach, switch to a shell and run sudo probert | pastebinit07:35
okdanahad to apt install probert07:37
okdanathen when i run it it crashes07:37
okdana'NetworkInfo' object has no attribute 'ip'07:38
mwhudsonoh sorry subiquity.probert07:39
mwhudsonhm no07:41
mwhudsonprobert should work in a live session07:41
okdanasubiquity.probert works but i don't see any of the crash information07:45
okdanais that expected07:45
mwhudsonbut i see the same and i don't quite know what's going on07:46
mwhudsonprobert is installed (and working) in the focal iso though07:47
okdanaalmost done with that07:47
mwhudsonanyway, i've read the code now and i think https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/subiquity/pull/640 is the fix07:47
okdanathat does seem promising07:48
okdanai also noticed in the filesystem model that it unconditionally subtracts GPT_OVERHEAD07:49
okdanaidk if that's an issue07:49
okdanait's only 2 MiB or whatever so maybe it doesn't matter07:49
okdanais there any way i can apply your patch to a running system? i was trying to figure out how to overlay-mount over the snap thing but i didn't have any luck07:50
mwhudsonoh yeah i guess that's possibly an issue07:52
mwhudsonyou can bind mount things over /snap/subiquity or whatever but it's very tedious07:52
mwhudsonokdana: i'm building a snap, i'll publish it to a branch and you can refresh to it, will take a couple minutes07:53
okdanacool, ty07:53
mwhudsonokdana: snap refresh --channel edge/lp1844118 subiquity07:55
okdanai should do that on the focal one?07:55
okdanait doesn't crash any more07:58
okdanai had already deleted my final 'remainder' partition to see if that'd clear the issue07:59
okdanaso i don't think that confirms anything about GPT_OVERHEAD08:00
okdanai think it's good with the way i had it though, it's taking me through all of the package settings and stuff08:01
mwhudsonokdana: yeah i guess the mbr overhead is lower, should probably account for that too08:01
mwhudson(this is all a bit stupid because we don't allow editing the size of the partitions or even adding more partitions to an existing one)08:01
mwhudsonanyway sounds like this PR helps (and it makes sense too)08:02
okdanayeah i have to say it's been a bit frustrating with the base-10 thing and having to set it up separately with parted and stuff08:03
okdananormally when i install ubuntu i use up the whole disk so i haven't had to deal with it before08:03
okdanai agree that it helps though08:03
okdanathank you very much for helping me so quickly08:04
mwhudsonokdana: thanks for testing the fix!08:04
okdanafor sure08:05
* mwhudson afk for a while08:10
sanekminpls, help!10:45
sanekminI need disable apt-get because he autostarting and use cpu10:46
sanekmini starting webmin and webmin starting apt-get -_-10:46
=== Spydar is now known as Spydar007
IsntFunnyHey everyone! What's the goto way to set a dns server in ubuntu 19.10?  resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf and nmcli says all connections are unmanaged19:04

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