
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r
henninbgreetings, I am looking for some help with configurations for the lf file manager.00:33
henninbanyone know how to set a font to display icons.00:34
pragmaticenigmahenninb: the font itself has to have support for displaying "glyphs" ... there are no icons in fonts00:35
henninbagree pragmaticenigma, I am using monofur font and I think it has limited glyphs.00:36
henninbi am using iterm, so I am not sure if I can install a secondary font.00:36
sarnoldI've heard about "powerline fonts", where folks have added some extra glyphs to popular fonts https://github.com/powerline/fonts00:37
TJ-sarnold: henninb they're useful as long as the application knows which to use :)00:38
sarnoldheya TJ- :)00:38
TJ-although powerline itself is a CPU hog, especially with tmux00:38
henninbsarnold, i can try to change font, do you know what unicode char code i should test my font for?00:38
henninbi can try to see if i can find something in the lf repo.00:39
pragmaticenigmafont's are complicated... it's not just the font that has to have the glyph, but the application/OS needs to know how to request that glyph too00:40
henninbthanks for the tip. Font management can be a pain.00:41
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veeboxim using gedit, what highlight mode would you recommend for .conf files? its hard to read no highlighting01:53
sarnoldfor while file? there's different formats for different programs01:55
veeboxwell just ingeneral if NON commented lines were highlighted would be grand01:56
veeboxi would like lines without # to be colored01:57
veeboxor inverse01:57
veeboxi picked 'awk' and its ok01:58
veeboxits blue and black not ideal though02:00
veeboxooh yaml is blue and pink it works nice02:01
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imbezoli'm a bit lost in the layers of network configuration on a server install05:13
imbezoli cannot for the life of me get resolv.conf to update05:13
imbezoli made a type in my domain name during install. i have corrected the domain name in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/50-curtin-networking.cfg05:15
imbezolthen i did a cloud-init clean, and restarted the cloud-init-local service05:15
imbezolit added the new domain spelling, but didn't remove the old one05:15
imbezoloh, and a netplan apply05:15
imbezolis there a guide to how all this ties together?05:16
imbezolfigured it out. had to remove resolvconf package05:31
=== SickHotDog is now known as HappyHotDog
BluewolfGood day all. I've just upgraded my hardware and installed both Windows 10 (first) and Ubuntu 18.04 (Second) on separate hard drives. My boot loader during the ubuntu setup failed and now my machine only boots into Windows 10?07:13
BluewolfMy drives are plugged into SATA 4 and 5 on my board to enable Raid. Its also worth mentioning that when I open up the Disks manager with the live ubuntu boot, the boot usb is listed as SDA, windows as SDB and Linux as SDC - I can't get the boot loader to install and I don't know why?07:15
omega_doomhello. I have a problem with wi-fi hotspot in ubuntu 18.04. Sometime it works, sometimes not. It is the known problem?07:21
omega_doomAfter reboot wi-fi hotspot usually works but it doesn't if i disconnet/connect.07:23
BluewolfI've tried "sudo grub-install /dev/sdb" and this is the error I get, "grub-install: error: failed to get a canonical path of '/cow'. "07:37
BluewolfI can't get the ubuntu boot loader to install on my windows 10 drive as it keeps failing, is there any other method to achieve this?07:58
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greymanhi all09:55
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z0maland1911Is there another way to retrieve user's sudo permissions apart from sudo -lU or parsing sudoers file?10:41
z0maland1911I'm working on a remote server where my account also has sudo permissions doesn't have enough to run sudo -l on other users and sudoers has a lot of include and includedir10:42
z0maland1911I'm working on a remote server where my account has sudo permissions but doesn't have enough to run sudo -l on other users and sudoers has a lot of include and includedir (and I don't want to go down that path)10:43
z0maland1911The purpose is to check who can do what on the system so necessary changes can be made10:44
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sanekminHi. Pls HELP. How i can disable apt service? If i dont want update and start again when i need apt11:09
sixwheeledbeastyou would generally pin or hold a single package11:27
ecbrowni'm playing with ZFS on root volume in 19.10.  anyone know if it11:33
ecbrown's possible to mirror the root volume so that it's bootable?11:33
ecbrown"root pool" pardon these are new terms11:33
BluesKajHowdy folks11:40
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blip99hi all, I'm trying to set this command permanently so it doesn't go away on boot, but I can't find the right way to do it for my distro.  Documentation is for older ubuntus12:03
blip99echo 2 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode12:03
blip99there is no /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple.conf or /etc/sysfs.conf on latest ubuntu12:03
tomreynblip99: this is for centos 7 but should also work on systemd based ubuntu: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27511139/how-to-make-sysfs-changes-persistent-in-centos-7-systemd12:19
tomreyn(use the instructions from the "With systemd:" section which end before "With udev rules:")12:19
lotuspsychjeblip99: maybe if you explain wich device you are trying to make work, volunteers could also think along with you better12:19
lotuspsychje(or end goal)12:20
tomreynbased on the sysfs path this is about apple usb keyboard function keys12:22
blip99thanks tomreyn and lotuspsychje.  I'm basically looking to swap Fn and Ctrl keys on apple wireless keyboard, according to potentially outdated docs - this can only be done with a kernel patch12:25
blip99Thus I'm trying to use dkms to install it https://github.com/free5lot/hid-apple-patched#installation-via-dkms-recommended12:25
blip99but sudo dkms add . fails12:25
blip99wait, my bad. it doesn't :)12:26
blip99give me afew mins, i'll report back if i get stuck again12:26
HaxxaHey can I install 20.04 daily andupgrade to 20.04 full later?13:12
Haxxai.e. I want to try 20.04 lts on my laptop and migrate later to ull release13:12
lotuspsychjeHaxxa: #ubuntu+1 please13:14
leftyfbHaxxa: the short answer is yes. But 20.04 is only meant to be used for testing and reporting bugs a the moment till it's released13:25
CrazyHXubuntu 9.10 / XFCE-4. The screen times out and turns black after a few minutes of inactivity. No matter what I set the power / screen saver settings to it keeps happening. How do I stop it?13:32
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see https://ubottu.com/y/karmic for details.13:32
CrazyHXubuntu 9.1013:33
tomreynyes, you're 9 years late to get support with this release13:33
CrazyHWait... hold on... I think I meant 19.1013:33
CrazyHlet me check13:33
pragmaticenigmaCrazyH: lsb_release -a13:33
CrazyHpragmaticenigma, Description:Ubuntu 19.1013:34
CrazyHok, so it's Xubuntu 19.10 / XCFE-413:35
CrazyHcan't get the screen to stop timing out and turning black ( it's not my monitor, it's the computer )13:35
CrazyHI tried killing: xfce4-power-manager   didn't help13:36
tomreynxubuntu uses a different screen locking mechanism than standard (gnome-shell / mutter) ubuntu, and at least personally i'm not familiar with how xubuntu 19.10 does it. did you ask in the flavor specific channel #xubuntu , yet?13:36
CrazyHmaybe this?   /usr/lib/upower/upowerd13:36
CrazyHoh, I didn't know there was a #xubuntu channel. Thanks. I'll go ask there13:37
irelandi can't seem to upload a rev.com facebook .srt file from my ubuntu laptop. it's telling me wrong format14:19
irelandi've downloaded the correct fb srt file and checked it for formatting issues.14:19
irelandI don't have the same problem with windows14:19
irelandwhy is there noone in the #ubuntu channel ? where is everyone ?14:22
pragmaticenigmaireland: there are many people here, but it would appear that someone that might understand your problem isn't available right now. I'm not entirely sure what all you wrote means14:33
DynVCould you suggest a text editor with syntax highlighting for a multitude of languages and that is somewhat small? notepadqq is > 150 Mb.15:29
DynV3rd requirement: GUI editor.15:31
DynV(not through terminal)15:31
DynVI don't see the option to select the language in gedit.15:34
pragmaticenigmaDynV: It is auto detected by the file extension15:34
DynVDo you know of one I could select the language?16:08
pragmaticenigmaDynV: This is a support channel, unless you are having an issue with Ubuntu. Please ask for software recommendations in #ubuntu-offtopic16:09
rapidwaveI'm using LxQt Desktop. I accidentally changed the theme for panel to black and cannot find how to change it to a blue or something.16:10
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caryl‏keyboard not respond when telinit 3 or 1 ....after switching from level 516:17
caryl‏got to add level 3 on grub to move on16:17
pragmaticenigmacaryl: What version of Ubuntu are you running... SystemD does not have runlevels16:18
pragmaticenigmawhat are you trying to do with runlevels caryl?16:19
caryl‏got to run some script where some how it has to be run under pure linux16:20
pragmaticenigmacaryl: There is no such thing as "pure linux" ... what ever the script is, it sounds like it is outdated and should not be used16:21
caryl‏i duno i had to run it in save mode where nothing loaded , and its runs fine16:23
pragmaticenigmawhat is this script?16:24
caryl‏it was a checkra1n jailbreak16:24
caryl‏i think the keyboard had to do with an useb conflic , hope someone notice this bug16:27
caryl‏keyboard issue* usb bug*16:28
pragmaticenigmacaryl: That's up to the developer of that script. That is not an ubuntu support issue or bug16:29
caryl‏pragmaticenigma scroll up again and read again whats my question was16:30
caryl‏"no keyboard inputs in a console"16:31
pragmaticenigmacaryl: And that was based on some attempt you made to change runlevels... which I told you are no longer a thing in the latest Ubuntu releases16:33
pragmaticenigmacaryl: What you were looking for is "Single User Mode" or "Rescue Mode" which only run essential system services. And those work with the keyboard just fine16:33
caryl‏yea i remeber i worked fine with previous ubuntus16:34
caryl‏it worked*16:34
Fuseteamhey guys, if i would like to build up my own desktop enviroment on of ubuntu what image would be most suited for it?16:34
pragmaticenigmacaryl: Search of the web found plenty of tutorials for Ubuntu 18.04 and that script. most of them suggest using rescue mode and give instructions on how to do it. I suggest you find a new tutorial16:35
pragmaticenigmaFuseteam: Ubuntu Server is probably best suited for that. It does not install any GUI by default16:36
Fuseteamohw cool but doesn't that ship with packages for server?16:37
caryl‏funny i couldn't see anybody sugest running it under rescue mode last night16:38
pragmaticenigmaFuseteam: No, it is a barebones Ubuntu instance ... that is suited for any purpose16:38
pragmaticenigmaThe only "server" bit of it is that it install netplan.io instead of network manager16:38
Fuseteamohw cool did not know that's the only difference16:39
Fuseteam*did not know that that's16:39
pragmaticenigmaFuseteam: there are others, but I will leave that research up to you16:40
Fuseteamah hmm ok any links i can refer?16:40
pragmaticenigmaFuseteam: Effectively all Ubuntu flavors have the same core components. The "flavor" just indicates the experience you will have. Ubuntu => Gnome Shell, Kubuntu => KDE, Server => terminal16:40
caryl‏i just downgrade usbmuxd , and it switch to level 3 with no keyboard issues16:41
pragmaticenigmacaryl: This is no longer an Ubuntu support topic, please feel free to continue in #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux16:42
Fuseteampragmatic: yeah i'm more trying to learn more about which components are the "core"16:42
Fuseteami know at least apt is an core component16:43
caryl‏pragmaticenigma how come its not an ubuntu issue while its happening under ubuntu16:43
organixpearwhat's the secret to getting w3m to display images in the console? i have w3m-img installed and mplayer -vo fbdev2 works fine16:44
pragmaticenigmacaryl: because what you are trying to do is run an application that is not provided by Ubuntu or distributed through official Ubuntu channels. Continue this discussion in reference to that script and how you got it to run is off topic. I told you to use Single User/Rescue mode, that's where the support ends.16:45
lotuspsychje!discuss | Fuseteam16:45
ubottuFuseteam: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!16:45
pragmaticenigmacaryl: Beyond that, I know that in rescue mode/single user mode the keyboard works just fine.16:46
caryl‏pragmaticenigma i am keep saying the keyboard not responding under it self console , regardless i am running a script or no16:46
pragmaticenigmacaryl: and i told you that there are no runlevels... what ever you are doing isn't supported16:46
pragmaticenigmacaryl: runlevels/init levels are no longer a thing in the latest ubuntu releases.16:46
lotuspsychjeFuseteam: this is the ubuntu support channel here, you can discuss more about creating your own distro in a better channel16:47
Fuseteami'm not exactly talking about creating my own distro perse tho16:47
lotuspsychjeFuseteam: talking, discussing, chatting there are better channels for then here aswell16:48
pragmaticenigmaFuseteam: Please come join us in #ubuntu-discuss16:48
caryl‏i just downgraded usbmuxd and keyboard is back to normal what the hell is wrong with this guy16:48
Fuseteamat least i think i am......guess i'll move to #ubuntu-discuss16:48
pragmaticenigma!coc | caryl: Please mind your tone, there is no reason to make personal attacks against anyone.16:50
ubottucaryl: Please mind your tone, there is no reason to make personal attacks against anyone.: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv16:50
MrManTHello, I'm just new person into Linux and tried to install Ubuntu alongside Windows 10, but on different HDD. Ubuntu upon install did not detect my Windows 10, so I choose to set manual partitions. I Created EFI, SWAP, ROOT and HOME partitions. Ubuntu installed fine, but I don't see any GRUB options on pc load as I'm instantly loaded into Ubuntu.16:51
MrManTAnyone could give me a hand with that me with that?16:51
MrManTThis is Boot Info Script result.16:51
MrManTI tried editing '/boot/grub/custom.cfg', by adding Windows option there but nothing changed16:52
jeremy31MrManT: You should be able to use BIOS boot menu to boot into windows16:52
MrManTI would love to be the case, but it's not :/16:53
MrManTWorst part is I have no idea what I'm doing.16:53
pragmaticenigmaMrManT: Have you verified that your windows disk is still intact and available?16:53
MrManTHow can I do that? Please see my pasted URL with Boot Info Script result.16:53
MrManTI can see that disk there16:53
MrManTUpon install, I choice newly created EFI for Linux, so I guess my Windows is safe, but not visible.16:54
jeremy31MrManT: it looks like Windows uses BIOS/Legacy boot and Ubuntu uses UEFI16:54
MrManTjerem31, could you translate that to human words?16:54
jeremy31not sure if refifind or whatever it is called will work16:54
MrManTCan I have dual load?16:54
jeremy31MrManT: check BIOS to see if UEFI and Legacy/CSM are both enabled16:55
MrManTHmm, what can I do to make it work? I'm fine google myself, just need to know what to google16:55
MrManTAll, right - will do16:55
MrManTComing back soon to let you know16:55
MrMantjeremy31, In BIOS I changed 'Boot -> Boot List Option' from UEFI to Legacy and now Windows is loaded by default. I restarted PC again and pressed 'F12' which open Boot Options instea of BIOS and I can see that I can choose between Legacy and UEFI (though, I see two Ubuntu options there, one with lowercase). This is not too comfy, but something I17:09
MrMantcan live with. However, maybe it's not too hard to make a regular GRUB select option with timeout?17:09
p0aHello how can I find my latex files on ubuntu?17:10
p0aI've installed texlive-full17:10
p0aI'm trying to locate the definition of \caption17:10
pragmaticenigmaMrMant: The other option is to install Ubuntu in legacy mode (don't follow the instructions for UEFI)17:11
MrMantp0a, Uuuu, latex... Someone about to get kinky tonight17:11
MrMantpragmaticenigma, is that recommended or I better stay that way as I am now?17:12
pragmaticenigmaMrMant: please remain on topic here17:12
MrMantWill do.17:12
pragmaticenigmaMrMant: For your situation and desire to not have to use the BIOS to select OSes17:12
p0aMrMant: the joke nobody asked for17:13
MrMantp0a, best jokes are not asked ones, but my apologies if that hurt you - no harsh feelings.17:13
MrMantpragmaticenigma, I understand. But is installing ubuntu as Legacy17:14
MrMant<..> Ooops, early enter <...>17:14
MrMant.. is more complicated?17:14
MrMantMaybe UEFI is by default recommended by Ubuntu etc.17:14
pragmaticenigmaMrMant: Legacy install is much simpliar17:14
MrMantpragmaticenigma, thanks for info! Going to google about it :)17:15
MrMantIn order to install as Legacy, the main difference is I have to create /boot partition instead of /efi and root with home has to be Logical instead of Primary?17:20
Betalis the default-jre package free for comercial usage?17:22
pragmaticenigmaMrMant: There is no need to create a /boot partition17:22
jeremy31MrMant: If the disk is GPT partitioned a small bios_grub partition is needed when using legacy boot17:24
MrMantpragmaticenigma, ok so device for a boot loader I will pick Windows disk, but how to install Ubuntu in Legacy, is this Primary vs Logical is the main thing here or I have to create USB with Rufus differently?17:24
jeremy31MrMant: if grub is installed to the Windows drive, then the bios_grub isn't needed17:25
MrMantjeremy31, windows disk I think is partitioned as Windows by default do that - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9g2w6fYrsF/ - sda1 is my Legacy boot device?17:26
MrMantjeremy31, how can I find out that?17:26
MrMantI just don't understand at which installation stage I have tell Ubuntu: 'Install in Legacy, not in UEFI!'.17:27
MrMantAs there are no such options in installation :/17:27
jeremy31MrMant: if you have Legacy only enabled in BIOS, ubuntu will be forced to install in legacy mode17:29
MrMantHmm, understood. Going to try that now! Thanks!17:29
jeremy31MrMant: grub should be installed to the Windows drive not a partition17:30
HaxxaHow do I upgrade from ubuntu netbook remix 10.04 to Ubuntu 19.10 (full)?17:34
pragmaticenigmaHaxxa: you're better just installing fresh17:35
pragmaticenigmaHaxxa: Also, that hardware is really really old, it might not handle the latest version of Ubuntu very well17:35
Haxxapragmaticenigma There is no working USB and I can't get network boot to work17:35
HaxxaIt meets the minimum specs17:36
HaxxaIts been a daily driver for Cousin for last 11 years. I thought it should be upgraded as some software no longer works17:36
pragmaticenigmaminimum specs doesn't mean it will work well... the short of it is... it will take a lot longer to go through the process of upgrading 22 versions of Ubuntu (6 if your running LTS) and hoping you won't run into any difficulties along the way17:38
pragmaticenigmathan it would to install from a fresh image. How you get that image to that machine is up to you17:39
Haxxapragmaticenigma The only way I see is removing the 40gb hdd and installing into another pc then doing the installation17:41
pragmaticenigmaHaxxa: That very well can work17:41
HaxxaIts the main pc used for photo editing, office work and calendar entries at the none for profit, I need to make sure it works17:42
=== akemhp is now known as akem
MrMantI found online that there is open source AMD drivers and AMD itself. Which one should I use for better performance?18:51
MrMantI checked AMD page, drivers for my card were updated in 2015 :/18:51
johnfghi folks18:53
johnfgI see this is a pretty old bug, filed a number of times, but I still don't see that it has been resolved.18:53
pragmaticenigmaMrMant: there is no performance difference between the two drivers. the "pro" drivers turn on other features of the GPU not normally used for graphics processing18:53
johnfgNo system tray detected on this system.18:53
johnfgUnable to start, exiting18:54
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johnfgthis has to do with hplip.  Does anyone want to see the bug numbers for it?18:54
pragmaticenigmajohnfg: Are you experiencing an issue or just asking about random things you have found in a log file?18:54
MrMantpragmaticenigma, it works with switchables cards too I guess? Moreover, do I need to install Intel GPU drivers?18:54
johnfgI am experiencing the issue of there only being a dot under activities button, and it gives the error I pasted.18:55
johnfgwhen I select it.18:55
pragmaticenigmaMrMant: You don't "have" to install anything. Ubuntu will use the best drivers that are made available for your hardware18:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1714659 in hplip (Ubuntu) "HPLIP is not compatible with modern GNOME (No system tray detected on this system. Unable to start, exiting.)" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:57
MrMantpragmaticenigma, even if unchecked 'Install third party drivers apps etc'?18:58
johnfgAnd that bug is duplicated a few times, and still no solution (that I could see).18:58
NyleHello  when is another ubuntu19:00
Nyleafter 1819:00
pragmaticenigmaMrMant: What I said was... you don't have to install the drivers... Ubuntu will detect the hardware and install what is made available. That means, what is included in the Ubuntu repositories will get installed. If you check the button, that will allow the installer to use 3rd party closed source drivers for the hardware it has detected.19:00
pragmaticenigmaMrMant: In your case, AMD has completely opensourced their graphics drivers, which are made available by default in the installer for Ubuntu. Unless you have a specific use case to install any additional drivers (which if you did, you would already know you need to) there is no reason to concerns yourself with any additional graphics drivers at this time19:01
pragmaticenigmaNyle: We are volunteers here, we do not know the exact release schedule of future Ubuntu releases. However, LTS releases are typically released every 2 years in april. Regular release are released about every 6 months in April and October.19:02
MrMantpragmaticenigma, but I was trying to be a smart ass and unchecked that checkbox. So now I guess I'm left with nothing. Maybe there are some tools or commands I can use to do that action 'detect and install'?19:02
IsntFunnyWhat's the goto way to set a dns server in ubuntu 19.10 without gui?19:03
IsntFunnyresolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf19:03
pragmaticenigmaIsntFunny: as in #ubuntu-server19:03
IsntFunnynmcli says it's unmanged19:03
pragmaticenigma*ask in19:03
pragmaticenigmaMrMant: You can install the drivers after the fact in the application "Software & Updates" when the install has completed19:05
pragmaticenigmajohnfg: did you install and are using hplip from the Ubuntu repositories or did you download from HP's website?19:06
MrMantpragmaticenigma, I checked in that software 'Additional drivers' section and it's empty. I guess I will need to do some research, because I don't see any AMD applications installed which could help me switch cards.19:07
Noboru55hello everybody19:16
Noboru55i am running lubuntu 18.04 and when i plug my iphone i get two folders of same name, two for pictres and two for documents....19:17
Noboru55someone knows how can i solve it?19:17
Noboru55it only happens to iphone, usb stick and usb external hd or other devices it shows only one device mounted... so.... do not know what to do.19:18
sixwheeledbeastdevice likely has two partitions that linux can see so mounts them both19:21
pragmaticenigmaNoboru55: are you able to retrieve and manage your files from the phone?19:21
Noboru55pragmaticenigma yes19:22
pragmaticenigmaNoboru55: then I would just live with it, the fix is probably not worth the trouble for something like that19:22
Noboru55yes i know19:23
Noboru55ok. i will let it19:23
pragmaticenigmaNoboru55: And it is most likely something on the iPhone, not Ubuntu/Lubuntu... in an attempt to make the device compatible for Windows and MacOS19:23
Noboru55but it does not happen to xubuntu19:23
Noboru55i had xubuntu 18.04 installed, and there it works nice19:24
Noboru55thank you anyway19:24
johnfgI did the latest from HP's website, which downloaded some programs from ubuntu to make things mostly work.19:25
pragmaticenigmajohnfg: use the one for Ubuntu's repository. "sudo apt install hplip-gui"  the one from HPs website is known to have incompatibilities with many different distros19:26
sixwheeledbeastSome MTP thing on lubuntu maybe?19:27
pragmaticenigmasixwheeledbeast: the part that controls the detecting and mounting of devices is the same in all Ubuntu flavors.19:27
sixwheeledbeastI was thinking it maybe duplicated by the DE but i have no idea.19:29
puff`Good evening. I'm trying out stock 18.04 LTS for a change, been running xubuntu for a lonnnnnnnng time.  So far the most annoying thing is how it does alt-tab, I'd prefer to just have alt-tab cycle through all of the windows, not require me to use arrow keys to select between window of a type.  Is there a way to customize this behavior?19:33
pragmaticenigmapuff`: might be something you can control by installing gnome tweaks19:34
pragmaticenigmapuff`: This article may also prove useful: https://people.gnome.org/~federico/blog/alt-tab.html19:36
johnfgpragmaticenigma: I'll go back to that and try it again.  It had been installed automatically, when ubuntu-19.10 was installed, but there were problems.19:37
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pragmaticenigmajohnfg: use that again, and the volunteers will be more readily able to help overcome the issues with that installation. Support for HPs direct download is not available here19:38
puff`pragmaticenigma: Thanks19:41
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veeboxhi guys i have a command that works fine on its own using 18.04, but i cant get the cron job working.  this is what ive done so far:21:00
veeboxsudo systemctl enable cron21:00
veeboxcrontab -e21:00
veebox* * * * * touch /home/veebox/Desktop/$( date '+%m.%d.%Y_%H:%M:%S' )21:00
veeboxcould someone offer advice how to get this going?21:03
zutatveebox: did you start cron after enabling it on startup?21:05
veeboxhaha thank you let me try that21:06
sixwheeledbeastwhy have cron touch a file? have you checked the logs? var/log/cron? Wrap the touch up in a bash script and point cron to that?21:08
veeboxi originally had it inside a test.sh, but that wasnt working so put the command direct in the crontab -e21:09
veeboxi just tried 'sudo service cron start' but its still not working21:11
veeboxonly weird thing i noticed, is that after doing crontab -e and it seems to save it to /tmp ??21:11
veeboxi see a msg about it in my syslog now, maybe i should try the test.sh instead21:13
veeboxoh var log cron ill check thanks21:14
veeboxyay its working! my touch command was cut off prolly because of the quote, now im using the test.sh and its good21:16
veeboxthanks zutat!21:16
veeboxi didnt have the service running hehe21:17
Sefid_parHello everybody. I have lost my proper display after new update of 18.04; I have AMD graphics card and just booted by 'nomodeset'. How should I solve this problem?21:31
=== naiee1 is now known as naiee
Captain_Protonwhat is a good remote desktop server for gnome shell? I have tried x11vnc & tiger vnc but they may display the desktop but do not allow you interact. May guess it has to do wayland?23:16
tomreynare you using gnome on wayland?23:17
Captain_ProtonSorry be out of the Ubuntu game I thought that what they were using now.23:18
dpsrealvnc is pretty good, in my experience23:18
dpsits what comes by default with the raspberry pi's23:18
tomreyndefault is still xorg23:18
Captain_Protonor partly any way  Ubuntu 20.0423:19
tomreynyou're running 20.04?23:19
ubottuFocal Fossa is the codename for Ubuntu 20.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+123:19
Captain_Protonblooding edge baby lol23:19
Captain_Protonooh ok23:20
notguest96Hi, when I try to install a PPA I always get this message `E: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/braewoods/ungoogled-chromium/ubuntu focal Release' does not have a Release file.23:47
notguest96N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.23:47
notguest96N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.`23:47
notguest96What does it mean?23:47
oerhekscheck the website? it might have no candidate for focal yet.23:48
notguest96Oh I see23:50
oerheksand seeing that ppa, it is way behind the chromium version23:51
pragmaticenigmanotguest96: Ubuntu 20.04 is not released yet, is still being tested and developed. If you're trying it out, that's great, you can use the #ubuntu+1 for troubleshooting and other support. Otherwise, it's probably better to run Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or Ubuntu 19.10 at this time23:51
notguest96Ok thank you pragmaticenigma23:52
pragmaticenigmanotguest96: Also, chromium is available in the main Ubuntu repositories. There shouldn't be a need to use a PPA23:52
oerheksthat project thinks chromium-browser is full of cruft, like chrome..23:52
notguest96I just thought it was normal chromium23:53
pragmaticenigmaIf a snap is "refreshed" and is operating a service, shouldn't that service restart automatically, like it would on boot?23:59

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