
SismoHi all!00:16
SismoI'm setting Xubuntu on a rbpi4 on ubuntu 20.0400:16
SismoI have an old dell monitor with resolution 2560x1080, but I wasnt able to set this resolution on my xubuntu instalation.00:17
SismoHas someone have some experience with this probrem00:17
SismoY tried to use xrandr without any luck00:18
DarkTrick2It seems my xorg is frozen01:15
DarkTrick2I can still move the mouse, but no apps respond01:16
DarkTrick2xub 19.1001:16
DarkTrick2Is there any quick check to see what is wrong?01:17
DarkTrick2I can still use ttys to move around the system01:17
* DarkTrick2 is giving up. killall01:25
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CrazyHxubuntu 19.10 / XCFE-4. How do I get the screen to stop timing out and turning black? No matter what I set the screen saver / power settings to it keeps happening13:38
CrazyHFirst the machine turns the screen black... then about 10 mins later my monitor shuts off because it sees nothing but black screen13:38
Priem19CrazyH, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1165233/laptop-screen-is-black-after-restart/1165240#116524013:53
Priem19Perhaps that's the problem13:53
Priem19gotta run, bb13:53
CrazyHThanks for the info.14:23
CrazyHI'm not running  laptop, so I don't see light-locker running on my system14:23
CrazyHI disabled it in power setting manager14:24
CrazyHif that fails, I'll try shutting down upowerd14:24
CrazyHKilling upowerd didn't help. Doing all of the stuff in the link that Priem19 gave didn't help17:30
GridCubeCrazyH: change the options on the powersettings menu17:38
CrazyHGridCube, That's the first thing I did. It doesn't work17:39
GridCubetried to turn it off?17:39
CrazyHI tried it two different ways:17:42
CrazyH1. Power management turned on, but all timeouts set to "never"17:43
CrazyH2. power managment turned off completely17:43
CrazyHneither one works17:43
CrazyHSo I've tried: turning power management off the proper way 2 different ways. I've tried killing power manager. I've tried killing and renaming upowerd ( because it auto restarts ) and I tried looking light-control ( or whatever it was called ). Doesn't exist. This is a Desktop, not a laptop17:48
CrazyHI don't even know what else to do except to maybe start poking around with Dconf17:49
GridCubemaybe the modifications are not being read properly in the config file? could you try login off and removing the ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-power-manager.xml, while logged off, then log back in so the file gets respawned and see if changes take effect?17:52
CrazyHSo log off, then use a virtual console?18:05
CrazyHI'll give it a shot18:05
CrazyHGridCube, the contents of that file: https://bpaste.net/AZCQ18:09
CrazyHThe last line looks like it might be the issue18:09
GridCubeyeah, it probably should say "unit" and not uint18:10
GridCubebut maybe not, theres' a lot uint18:10
GridCubeoh its u int, no idea what it means18:11
GridCubei guess it's correct then18:11
GridCubethis is the new file or the one that has respawned?18:11
GridCubeyou could try setting that to 0 anyway ?18:11
CrazyHI haven't done anything yet. The first thing I did was just read the file18:12
GridCube:P good idea18:12
CrazyHThe problem is this line:  <property name="inactivity-on-ac" type="uint" value="14"/>  <-- I'm assuming that 14 means 14 mins18:12
CrazyHWhen I run xfce power manager, it gives me no option mentioning anything about being on AC power ( Probably because this is not a lap top )18:13
CrazyHTherefore, I can not change that setting using the power manager18:13
GridCubei see18:13
GridCubewell modify it here then18:13
GridCubejust set it to 018:13
CrazyHyeah... that18:13
CrazyHI'll see if that works18:13
GridCubeit's rather safe to do, again, you can just get it back to default by removing it and loging back it18:14
CrazyHDo I now have to reboot a certain program to load the value?18:14
GridCubemmmm, i don't think so?, but maybe modify a different thing in the power-manager so it records that a change has been made?18:15
GridCubei think there should be an option to apply changes on xfce4-power-manager18:15
GridCubexfce4-power-manager --restart18:16
CrazyHI tried that and several other things with xfce-power-manger18:19
CrazyHIt keeps changing that value back to 1418:20
CrazyHIt seems to be a default value18:20
CrazyHok, maybe I was wrong. I edited the file again, then ran xfce4-power-manager --restart   several times. Now the value stays at 018:23
GridCube>Remember that the property /xfce4-power-manager/inactivity-on-ac has to be configured to have a value of 14 (which corresponds to ‘Never’ in the Xfce Power Manager settings GUI) for every user.18:23
GridCubei'm very confused18:24
CrazyHThe config file, the line that we have been focused on. It had a value of 14. At first I wasn't able to change it, because the power manager would just change it back to 14.18:26
CrazyHWell, now I am able to change it to 0, and when i retart the power manager it stays at 018:26
CrazyHBut... apparently 14 is what I wanted in the first place?18:27
GridCubeyeah, that's what i'm not understanding18:27
GridCubebut try to see what happens if you keep it at zero18:27
GridCubei think that 0 is what you want in this case18:27
CrazyHI'll let you know. I'll come back in an hour or so. if my monitor is not black... then 0 is the ticket18:29
CrazyHGridCube, it does seem to be working with the setting of 019:44
CrazyHMaybe there is a difference between the code and the documentation?19:45
CrazyHBecause it says that 14 is supposed to be the value that works for this?19:45
GridCubeNo idea CrazyH19:46

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