
=== Freejack_ is now known as Guest21957
Noboru55in lubuntu 19.10 how can i enable that option "open with" volume mounter...  when click right click mouse in any iso files ?00:37
Noboru55or.. image mounter... i need something like gnome-disk-utility for qt00:41
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh-msft
Noboru55hello everybody18:55
Noboru55running 19.10, now it's the way i like18:56
Noboru55i did some change and it's ok now!  i could just.... when i plug something usb mount an icon on my desktop18:57
Noboru55but it is not important ...18:57
Noboru55wxl running 19.10 because your suggest, here how it is.. https://imgur.com/a/htj5YYi19:13
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
Noboru55here lubuntu 19.10 i have many places in english but i installed in other language22:39
Noboru55does it happen to other languages too? for example, if someone install the lubuntu 19.10 in spanish will see some itens in english too22:39
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
wxlwhich language?22:40
Noboru55i runs it in portuguese22:40
wxlpt_BR or pt_PT?22:41
Noboru55i can show u22:42
wxlnaw i get it22:42
wxlnow are these lxqt components?22:42
Noboru55firefox, gimp22:43
Noboru55and the menu preferences22:43
wxlbecause lxqt is pretty well translated https://weblate.lxqt.org/languages/pt_BR/lxqt/22:43
wxl!info firefox-locale-pt22:44
ubottufirefox-locale-pt (source: firefox): Portuguese language pack for Firefox. In component main, is optional. Version 73.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 895 kB, installed size 1240 kB22:44
wxl^ that will fix firefox22:44
wxl(should, i mean)22:44
=== vittorio is now known as Guest71070
wxl!info gimp-help-pt22:44
ubottugimp-help-pt (source: gimp-help): Documentation for the GIMP (Portuguese). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.2-0.1 (bionic), package size 26734 kB, installed size 39630 kB22:44
Noboru55in configuration center for example22:45
wxl^ that *may* fix gimp. you can complain to the gimp folks about it if not22:45
Noboru55there is keyboard and mouse ... but it's translated like  keyboard and rato22:45
Noboru55rato is mouse in portugese Pt22:45
Noboru55not br22:45
Noboru55the things are mixed22:45
Noboru55dadmmed my scrot is not working22:46
wxlso there are two explanations for problems with lxqt components:22:46
wxl 1. there are new translations shown on weblate that are not yet packaged22:46
wxl 2. the translations are actually incorrect22:46
wxlif i were you (and it can't be me because i don't knwo ANYTHING about your language), i would go on weblate and check all the translations and fix any that are wrong22:46
Noboru55how can i do it?22:47
wxlif they are all correct, then come bug me and i'll work on getting the new translations packaged22:47
wxli am not multilingual at all so i can't really help22:47
wxlbut you should be able to register an account on their weblate instance22:47
Noboru55just a minute i wanna show u22:48
wxlthis may be helpful https://docs.weblate.org/en/weblate-3.10.3/user/translating.html22:48
Noboru55but print screen is not working.. how can i use terminal command to scrot print in seconds22:48
wxlyou can also join #lxqt on oftc22:48
wxl -d, --delay NUM22:49
wxl              Wait NUM seconds before taking a shot.22:49
wxl^ from `man scrot` *hint hint*22:49
Noboru55lol... the printscreen is working22:50
Noboru55but... if i open the menu to show the things, the printscreen does not work22:50
Noboru55hope you understand me22:50
wxli think so22:50
wxlyou can edit the command that print screen runs so that it always has a delay and that would be quite helpful22:51
Noboru55good idea22:52
Noboru55wxl here22:54
Noboru55wxl https://imgur.com/a/nI0K43c22:55
wxli rarely am not XD22:55
Noboru55the menu, preferences, so there is english things there22:55
wxli see what you mean22:55
Noboru55in background there is the "centro de configuraĆ§Ć£o" but the border name is Configuration Center22:55
wxlso anything under "lxqt settings" (which is not translated, i might add!!!) is the fault of lxqt and what i told you above applies22:56
Noboru55and inside configuration center, there is  Teclado e Rato  (its portuguese PT)22:56
Noboru55in br would be  Teclado e Mouse22:56
wxlthe other things we'd need to deal with individually22:56
Noboru55we never translate mouse, mouse is mouse... for computer,, and rato is mouse for animal22:56
wxland honestly i'm surprised some of those things haven't been problematic in the past because additional drivers, fcitx, input method, printers, screensaver, and software sources, are all there in 18.04, too22:57
wxlso all of the files that define the menu with rare exception are in /usr/share/applications as desktop entries (they end in .desktop)22:57
wxlthose desktop entries should have translation strings22:58
Noboru55i did not see anything in english in mine 18.0422:58
Noboru55at least i do not remember22:58
wxlhave you rebooted since changing the local in 19.10?22:58
Noboru55many times22:59
Noboru55...mm... the truth, i installed 4 times the lubuntu 19.1022:59
Noboru55in 2 days22:59
Noboru55because i was testing many things22:59
wxlexample: system-config-printer.desktop has no translation strings22:59
wxlif you install apt-file, run `sudo apt-file-update` and do `apt-file search system-config-printer.desktop`, you'll find it's from the system-config-printer package so you could file a bug against that23:01
wxljust as an example23:03
Noboru55as you can see in my menu, there is a item called Locale.... what is Locale ? Oo  i openned and that and i saw the "Languages"23:06
Noboru55there is all pt br23:06
wxlyeah that can probably be better translated but it relates to the `locale` command23:07
wxli doubt anyone translates "change directory" (`cd`) XD23:07
wxlthe world of computing is a harsh one for non-english speakers :(23:07
Noboru55at least now you understood me23:08
Noboru55if i could help with something ...23:08
Noboru55i would....23:08
wxloh yeah, i've discovered this a couple times. i'm just a little ill equipped to help23:08
wxlwhat you *can* help with, like i said is with translations23:08
wxlgo upstream at lxqt and if you can fix any translations there, please do!!!23:09
wxlall your portugese brothers and sisters will be thankful :)23:09
wxland i will, too, because i won't have to answer these questions again XD23:09
wxlwe have started up a little team to help with making lubuntu more approachable to non-native english speakers23:09
wxlthat might be a good team to join!23:10
wxl@Noumeno and @HMollerCl would be good contacts there23:10
Noboru55i think so23:10
Noboru55i am looking that weblate now23:10
Noboru55wxl oh! editing that printers with that apt-file  i can translate it !23:23
Noboru55i liked it, going to change all english here23:24
dsc_Recently I tried installing lubuntu from iso and noticed "the gui installer" does not have an option to apply full disk encryption23:25
dsc_So instead I installed stable Ubuntu and then installed lxqt23:25
dsc_Would you reckon my system still qualifies as lubuntu or is it ubuntu?23:25
Noboru55i am not a expert linux user, but i did the same some day23:26
Noboru55and i did not like because the ubuntu gives you some tools of the ubuntu like gnome-terminal23:26
Noboru55and some gtk apps like gnome-disks23:26
Noboru55so.. i would say its half half23:27
dsc_Noboru55: I usually replace terminal with "terminator"23:27
Noboru55ah, i meant the install of ubuntu minimal....23:27
Noboru55yes you can change the apps you use23:28
dsc_yes, thankfully :D23:28
kc2bezdsc_: You should have the option to do full disk encryption. Which version were you installing?23:29
dsc_kc2bez: lubuntu 19.1023:29
dsc_Whats that graphical installer called you get when you boot into a live desktop?23:30
dsc_ah, here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/524009/lubuntu-19-04-calamares-installation-does-not-provide-full-disk-encryption23:31
dsc_this really sucks :(23:31
kc2bezThat is our manual page^23:32
kc2bezI have done several encrypted installs.23:32
dsc_> If you want to encrypt your drive press the Encrypt system checkbox23:32
dsc_must have missed it.23:32
kc2bezIt does a full disk luks encryption.23:33
dsc_ok, good to know23:33
Noboru55wxl https://imgur.com/a/R0Jkbfj23:35
Noboru55wxl look to my printers and drivers23:35
wxldsc_: it's actually better encryption than ubuntu, too, because it really *IS* full disk encryption. ubuntu doesn't encrypt /boot23:38
wxllooking good Noboru55 :)23:39
dsc_I can do without /boot ......23:39
dsc_i never go there anyway!!23:39
kc2bezYou still have /boot it is just encrypted23:39
wxlencryption in lubuntu: everything is encrypted23:40
wxlencryption in ubuntu: everything *except* /boot is encrypted23:40
wxland /boot contains all your encryption keys, soooooo23:40
dsc_do you know why ubuntu went that route?23:40
wxllaziness :)23:40
wxlthe alternative is kind of hard23:41
dsc_then they should not call it "full disk encryption", rather "partial disk encryption" :P23:42
dsc_> I'm (Tj) being deliberately pedantic in calling this almost Full Disk Encryption23:43
dsc_I see. Well, good to know23:43
kc2bezThat stackexchange post is wrong too. we had FDE for 19.04 too.23:44
wxlyou might want to go update that, @kc2bez23:45
* wxl *not it*23:45
* kc2bez on my phone :P23:45
dsc_Maybe these people missed the checkbox, like me23:45
dsc_I could swear there no option...23:46
kc2bezIt is possible.23:46
Noboru55sorry... i installed today my lubuntu and i saw the option to encrypt23:46
kc2bezYou do need to use the erase option or it won't be presented.23:46
wxlas the person who configured calamares to do it and followed up on the bugs related to it, i can tell you most definitively it was there in 19.04 and i'm pretty sure 18.10 too23:46
Noboru55but i did not use encryption23:46
dsc_:D ok I believe23:46
kc2bez18.10 was a little rough around the edges :P23:48
Noboru55wxl i am not finding some apps to edit.. for example Advance Network Configurantion23:49
Noboru55input method23:49
Noboru55software sources23:50
kc2bezNoboru55: those are Ubuntu apps.23:50
wxlNoboru55: (a) those files might change on update, just word of warning (b) try doing this to find them e.g.: `grep "Advanced Network Configuration" /usr/share/applications/*`23:50
Noboru55i see23:51
Noboru55better do not change it i guess23:51
Noboru55grep "Advanced Network Configuration" /usr/share/applications/*/usr/share/applications/nm-connection-editor.desktop:Name=Advanced Network Configuration23:52
Noboru55kc2bez thank you23:52
kc2bezAnytime. Happy to help Noboru5523:53

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