=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer [10:15] good morning [10:20] im getting disformed authentication window recently on 20.04, anyone else noticed this? https://imgur.com/a/fc5jS0o [10:21] easy test from nautilus: ctrl +l admin:/// [14:44] lotuspsychje: popey mentioned something about that. I think it is fixed in proposed [14:44] it is [15:10] ah thank you mcphail popey === hggdh is now known as hggdh-msft [16:26] libnewlib-dev appears to be busted [16:29] just make a boilerplate test with "#include " and standard main(), and it fails to compile because string header is not found. i have all the newlib packages installed [16:29] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cfffFbd3dm/ [17:11] ali1234: I'd suspect that's because the arm libs aren't installed [17:11] which ones? [17:12] binutils-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-dev libstdc++-arm-none-eabi-newlib are all dependencies of gcc-arm-none-eabi [17:12] same as they always were [17:13] i'm currently trying to fix apt on my 18.04 test system so that i can verify it works there [17:13] not sure, it's obviously something to do with using cross-build tooling [17:13] well yes [17:13] it's a bare metal compiler [17:15] ali1234: is the host arch the same as the compiler, ARM, or host is x86 based? [17:17] the compiler is for Cortex M which cannot run linux [17:17] therefore yes, the host and target are different [17:18] ali1234: right; I'm exploring on a 20.04 amd64 system now to see if I can reproduce [17:19] just apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi and then build the example C++ file [17:19] it works on 18.04 and fails on 20.04 [17:21] have to use "-c" otherwise it complains about missing _exit but that is expected [17:23] this looks like the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libstdc++-arm-none-eabi/+bug/1811296 [17:23] Launchpad bug 1811296 in libstdc++-arm-none-eabi (Ubuntu) "libc++ files version mismatch" [Undecided,New] [17:28] ali1234: I don't see the newlib/libstdc++ files in the default gcc search path shown when doing "...-gcc -v" [17:37] ali1234: looks to be issue, then arm newlib installs 7.3.1 /usr/include/newlib/c++/7.3.1/string [18:19] I cant install boot-repair on 20.04. How to add ppa? What to read to learn putting old version ppa? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python/+bug/1865529 [18:19] Launchpad bug 1865529 in python (Ubuntu) "Cant install boot-repair" [Undecided,New] [19:26] Is there such a thing as a pre release version of the LTS that is due next month? I'd like to grab that rather than these daily builds. [19:27] The next LTS is 20.10 right? [19:33] @extor, lts is every 2 year. Here can help testing 20.04 with daily builds which i am on also. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1213811/how-to-download-release-candidates-featurefreeze-versions [19:49] So every single day I need to expend bandwidth to patch each app? :O [19:49] extor: install the daily, then just keep it upgraded [19:49] I have bandwidth issues [19:49] extor: since we're in Feature Freeze only bug-fixes will come through between now and release day [19:50] Does that mean very little bandwidth? [19:50] extor: you can leave it a week between upgrades if you wish to [19:50] Ok so I have an issue with lubuntu [19:51] My laptop is on the ubuntu approved hardware list. It's a Dell Inspiron 3565 and I have problems with lubuntu not being able to suspend on this hardware. Is there support for lubuntu LTS as well or just regular ubuntu with gnome? [20:31] extor: Did you exercise systemctl suspend already, and it doesn't work? [20:32] No i only used the start menu [20:33] extor: Try 'systemctl suspend' and that'll help verify if it's something related to the GUI or not [20:34] extor: does it try to suspend and instantly resume, or time-out trying and then fail to try again at all? [20:35] Ok suddenly it all works properly. I should try to duplicate the issue. [20:36] extor: Did it work with systemctl suspend, did you not try that and it worked from the GUI, or...? [20:36] It suddenly worked both ways [20:36] Oh, interesting. [20:37] extor: I can't think that 'systemctl suspend' would do anything to change state, but I'd probably test with a cold boot and trying from the GUI again, then trying from the GUI after systemctl suspend [20:37] And by cold boot, actually power off for 30 seconds or a minute. [20:37] There is however a persistant problem with the GUI. When I go to Desktop Preferences, Advanced and then check the box "Show menus provided by Window Managers when desktop is clicked" then it goes into a buggy dead end but that is the GUI [20:38] It creates a drill downmenu on desktop right clicks, but when you click any of those it errors [20:39] Failed to execute child process "lxsession.default" No such file or directory [20:40] I'm guessing that is a lubuntu only issue...I have it on both my laptops