
z4kst4rHi Guys, I  have  multiple sites to connect to using VPN and then connect to one platform using the webgui or SSH session for that site and I have to keep switching between the sites with different VPN and then to their interface. I have some scripts to connect to VPN of different sites and open webgui however, I was looking to create a graphical frontend for my desktop. wherein I have blocks in a list for each site and I can double click to con13:53
z4kst4rwould then turn green) and I can right click to choose to connect through webgui or SSH to the platform as well. I am not an advanced programmer but I think I should be able to do this at least. Do you have any ideas on what language and packages can be used to accomplish this?13:53
tomreynz4kst4r: part of what you wrote was cut off due to the line length limit.22:44
tomreynyou might be interested in https://ipredator.se/netsplice22:45

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