
oerheksll07G, no, if you claim it worked, stick with 16.04?00:00
leftyfbll07G: if you're going to reinstall something, why not reinstall 18.04?00:01
ll07Gleftyfb: what could be the benefit this is a fresh installation?00:02
leftyfbll07G: huh?00:02
ll07GI have to say I choose minimum installation00:02
oerheksleftyfb, choppy video with Radeon HD 3450 ..00:02
leftyfboh, so it's video driver issues, and with ATI no less. Good luck with that00:03
leftyfbll07G: how did you install vlc on the 18.04 installation?00:03
ll07Gapt install vlc00:04
oerheksgnome-mpv might be more lightweight, but it cannot undo the low specs00:04
leftyfbll07G: maybe try removing it and trying the snap package instead?00:04
drecondiusthe card may be stuck in low power, it's not fully fixed according to mesa database for the rv600 series00:05
leftyfb!who | drecondius00:05
ubottudrecondius: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:05
leftyfbll07G: also, gnome shell on 18.04 is probably a bit more GPU intensive than the Unity that was on 17.1000:06
ll07Gleftyfb: i will try00:07
GuestAgainhello all00:07
leftyfbGuestAgain: hello. What can we help you with?00:08
drecondiussorry, @ll07G the card may be stuck in low power, Mesa database shows powerxpress isn't fully functional for R600/700 cards and above, which makes sense for my rx580 as well.00:09
leftyfbdrecondius: that doesn't explain it working on the same machine with Ubuntu 17.1000:10
ll07Gno changes00:10
GuestAgainoooh dear probably not a lot, unless anyone has a quick fix for input problems on bionic beaver lol00:11
GuestAgainsilly old sony hardware keeps giving me a hard time00:12
pragmaticenigmaGuestAgain: It's better to be up front and ask your questions without any extra banter. Please get to the point00:12
ll07Gleftyfb: I snaped it now but nothing changed00:12
ToAruShiroiNekoso I am getting a "no space left on device"00:13
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: when doing what? How much space do you have?00:13
GuestAgaini was going to idle and observe, but thank you for your directness pragmaticenigma00:13
ToAruShiroiNekosorry was generating pastebin00:14
Ben64definitely out of space00:14
Ben64remove stuff or increase size00:14
ToAruShiroiNekoMy question is the directories that are full, how agressive should I be in deleting stuff?00:14
Ben64don't delete anything outside of /home00:15
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: step #1, find out what is using space.00:15
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: I'd recommend starting with your home directory and /var/logs00:15
GuestAgaini do have an issue with a sony laptop, every time it goes to the lock screen the keyboard doesn't function unless i plug in a usb keyboard. has anyone else had this issue?00:15
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: you only have a 4G partition for everything. That's not going to cut it for most things00:15
GuestAgainall in all i was hoping to be helpful in exchange00:16
pragmaticenigmaGuestAgain: Please, if you would like to chat, head on over to #ubuntu-offtopic ... If you are not actively seeking or offering help, this isn't the place for idle chat00:17
oerhekslock screen .. i think it can be opened by mouse/touchpad only, or 'esc'?00:17
oerheks.. maybe space too?00:17
ToAruShiroiNekoI do not understand why it is so small00:17
ll07Gok, no more ideas?00:18
GuestAgainpragmaticenigma good to know thank you for that, yes i will take any advice offered on my input device issue if anyone has ideas on what could be misconfigured00:18
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: if you have a larger hard drive, then boot with a live cd/usb and use gparted to resize your root partition to take the rest of the space00:18
ToAruShiroiNekoit is a virtual machine00:19
ToAruShiroiNekothe drive should have up to 127gb of space00:20
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: ok, then you'll need to increase the size of your virtual machine storage device first00:20
ll07GI will left for today, thanks for your time and efforts00:20
ToAruShiroiNekoI just need to resize /dev/mapper/ailerontech--tr--vg-root I think00:21
ToAruShiroiNekobleh bad paste00:22
ToAruShiroiNekoI mean /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv00:22
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: you'll also need to resize the filesystem. Not to be done while you have the filesystem mounted00:24
stefandxmi really hate this nickserv crap00:24
stefandxmcant we just remove it00:25
stefandxmor has it been?00:25
ToAruShiroiNekoyou want to remove a server service?00:25
pragmaticenigma!ot | stefandxm00:25
ubottustefandxm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:25
stefandxmToAruShiroiNeko, yes?00:26
stefandxmToAruShiroiNeko, and no?00:26
stefandxmToAruShiroiNeko, its a new server service00:26
stefandxmToAruShiroiNeko, and i dont see what good it does00:27
ToAruShiroiNekoit prevents people from stealing your nick00:27
stefandxmso what00:27
stefandxmit prevents people joining00:27
pragmaticenigmastefandxm: and ToAruShiroiNeko This is not the channel to have this discussion. please feel free to take it to #ubuntu-offtopic00:28
ToAruShiroiNekoso you have to take the trouble of registering your nick00:28
ToAruShiroiNekoI can explain there00:28
stefandxmpragmaticenigma, youre proving my point :)00:28
Fuseteamthat reminds me is it possible to get fingerprinter scanner to work with unity?00:28
stefandxmpragmaticenigma, we are losing touch to our core00:28
ToAruShiroiNekodo not touch the core00:29
pragmaticenigma!ops | stefandxm is off topic00:29
ubottustefandxm is off topic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax00:29
stefandxmbut considering no special knowledge is available here... fine00:29
stefandxmthis channel is more of a gimmick00:29
Fuseteamoof that looks alarming00:29
stefandxmi dunno00:30
stefandxmi dont think the nick matters00:30
leftyfbstefandxm: stop. Take it elsewhere. This is a support channel.00:30
stefandxmis there any ubuntu channel that is not support but more arch/dev?00:31
stefandxmmy question is simple00:31
pragmaticenigma!alis | stefandxm00:31
ubottustefandxm: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"00:31
stefandxmi want a usb dagram of drivers00:31
stefandxmive asked before :)00:31
Fuseteamweren't you redirected to #ubuntu-offtopic already?00:32
stefandxmfor trying to debug usb drivers in ubuntu?00:32
Fuseteamhmm now i'm not sure if i should repeat my question00:34
stefandxmits ok, youll just make a fool of yourself00:35
Fuseteami've gotten help in here for my support questions before, thank you very much00:35
stefandxmi havent00:36
Fuseteambecause you keep going offtopic :p00:37
stefandxmlike how ubuntu works?00:37
leftyfbstefandxm: try #ubuntu-devel00:37
leftyfbstefandxm: good luck00:37
GuestAgainanyway i rtfm etc going to try a reboot on my input issue, expect me back i suppose...00:38
Fuseteamyes that's offtopic stefan everything you say that's not related to an issue is just obscuring the question from view00:38
oerheksi am not sure what a dagram is, a list with all usb drivers? http://www.linux-usb.org/devices.html00:38
stefandxmleftyfb, thank you :)00:38
stefandxmFuseteam, stfup00:39
stefandxmFuseteam, you have no idea what you are talking about00:39
leftyfbstefandxm: please stop. Good luck finding what you're looking for.00:40
stefandxmleftyfb, youre shooting the messenger here and you know it00:40
stefandxmleftyfb, this guys is not friendly.00:41
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ToAruShiroiNekoleftyfb so https://imagebin.ca/v/5EAkFGLYvTuX00:45
ToAruShiroiNekobefore I did anything I see that there is 122gb of unused space00:45
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: you do not have your filesystem on the LVM volume00:46
ToAruShiroiNekoI do not follow00:47
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: I think you have to mount your LVM volume and run gparted on that00:49
drecondiusleftyfb it turns out i followed those instructions to the letter before you linked me the page and I still cannot login to an xsession past lightdm nor can I start X from cli,..00:49
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: once you have your volume mounted, you might be able to run sudo gparted /dev/mapper/ubuntu-vg00:50
leftyfbdrecondius: apt-cache policy e21 @ what does this say? Please use pastebin00:51
leftyfbsorry, leave out the "@" and everything after00:51
drecondiushow do i paste from cli?00:52
drecondiusit's a separate machine that I'm physically working with.00:52
drecondiusit can't find the package because the ppa it's not labeled e2100:53
leftyfbdrecondius: what is it labeled?00:53
drecondius@leftyfb enlightenment00:55
leftyfbdrecondius: there is no package called "enlightenment" in ubuntu00:55
drecondiusdid you read the page you linked me.00:56
leftyfbdrecondius: yes, you need to install the package called "e17"00:56
leftyfbdrecondius: after removing everything from your enlightenment PPA00:56
drecondiuswith nothing from either enlightenment and nothing more than the entirety of the Xorg system, it will not launch a gui past lightdm hence the entire series of questions regarding how to start X01:01
leftyfbdrecondius: sudo apt install ppa-purge -y && sudo ppa-purge ppa:niko2040/e21 && sudo apt install e17 # then at the login screen, click the little ubuntu circle and pick Enlightenment as your DE.01:03
leftyfbdrecondius: we will help you with installing e17. We will not help you with any process that involves anything install from a PPA. That includes whatever state your system is not from trying to install packages from the PPA and refusing purge the packages from and remove it. Sorry01:06
leftyfbdrecondius: feel free to join #e for further help with your issues with enlightenment 2101:07
ToAruShiroiNekoleftyfb so I finally got gparted back01:10
ToAruShiroiNekoI do not see any obvious means to mount the volume01:10
ToAruShiroiNekoI mean sda3 is already mounted01:11
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: why did you create an LVM if you don't know how to manage volumes?01:11
ToAruShiroiNekoI just skiped the wiazard01:11
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: it sounds like that wasn't a good idea since you don't know how to manage without it01:12
ToAruShiroiNekoit is the default options of ubuntu install01:12
ToAruShiroiNekosudo gparted /dev/mapper/ubuntu-vg gives no sush file or directory error01:14
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: setting up an LVM is not the default01:15
ToAruShiroiNekois there an easy way to migrate from LVM to whatever format you reccomend?01:15
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: I would recommend reinstalling01:15
ToAruShiroiNekoyeah, I cant do that01:16
stefandxmleftyfb, is that devel semi supported?01:16
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: why is that?01:16
leftyfbstefandxm: That doesn't make any sense. Go ask your questions in that channel01:16
ToAruShiroiNekothe notion or recommendation of "delete all settings and files" is not a good one.01:16
stefandxmleftyfb, it does make sense. is any ubuntu coders there?01:17
stefandxmor shall i refer to emails01:17
ToAruShiroiNekoit is frustrating enough that thins thing broke down on its own01:17
stefandxmmaybe he/she/it is a bot =)01:18
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: running out of disk space is not "broke down on its own". That was a mistake on your part. I could recommend the tools to resize the LVM volume, but I do not think that is the best solution for you at this point.01:19
oerheksmost devs are on the mailinglist, not irc01:19
ToAruShiroiNekoIT IS01:19
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-lvm-to-manage-storage-devices-on-ubuntu-18-04  there ya go. Good luck01:20
thinkcrucan someone help me with some forensics01:21
leftyfb!ot | thinkcru01:21
ubottuthinkcru: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:21
thinkcruI just discovered someone created a "test" user and launched a "cron" binary from the home directory01:21
thinkcrumy machine has been compromised01:22
ToAruShiroiNekolvm makes sense actually01:22
ToAruShiroiNekoI would want the virtual drive to limit which part of the drive is used and expand as needed01:22
thinkcruhow can i tell how they got in, what log file can I look at01:22
thinkcrui deleted the user and the home directory01:22
thinkcrubut when01:22
leftyfbthinkcru: power off that machine immediately. Make an out of band backup/image of said machine for later forensics and reinstall from scratch. That is the best and only advice you are going to get here.01:22
ToAruShiroiNekoa single byte can use 126GB otherwise01:23
thinkcruI run "last -15" i do not see any test user logins01:23
ToAruShiroiNekoall it needs to be is to be dumped at the last sector01:23
stefandxmis there any official ubuntu channel? on irc?01:23
ToAruShiroiNekostefandxm you are there.01:23
ToAruShiroiNekoSingle # means official on this server01:23
thinkcruleftyfb ughhh.... i don't want to do that but i know that is the first thing to do01:23
leftyfbstefandxm: this is the official SUPPORT channel. Go to #ubuntu-offtopic for anything else.01:23
leftyfbthinkcru: good luck01:24
stefandxmToAruShiroiNeko, this is clearly not it. there is noone here from the ubuntu team01:24
stefandxmleftyfb, so its off topic to require help about ubuntu?01:24
oerheksstefandxm, best chance in #ubuntu-devel is during officehours, uk, but most devs are on the mailinglist, not irc01:24
stefandxmoerheks, thank you :)01:24
leftyfbstefandxm: as you have been told, #ubuntu-devel and the mailing list is your best solution. Good luck01:25
drecondiusthis is starting to feel like /r/Arch01:25
stefandxmill try the mailing list01:25
stefandxmdrecondius, ?01:25
stefandxmdunno about arch tbh. never ran it personally01:25
leftyfb!ot | stefandxm01:26
ubottustefandxm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:26
leftyfb!ot | drecondius01:26
ubottudrecondius: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:26
stefandxmhow is not a usb driver diagram/overview not support?01:26
thinkcruanyways what log files can i look at to see how they got in?01:26
leftyfbstefandxm: as you have been told, #ubuntu-devel and the mailing list is your best solution. Good luck01:26
leftyfbthinkcru: power off that machine immediately. Make an out of band backup/image of said machine for later forensics and reinstall from scratch. That is the best and only advice you are going to get here.01:26
leftyfbthinkcru: there are no adequate forensics to be run on a compromised system while it's running. Turn it off now01:28
oerheksstefandxm, there is no list with all usb drivers , as there are sections though  http://www.linux-usb.org/devices.html01:28
leftyfbthinkcru: your best help would be #ubuntu-hardened once you have a backup/image of the machine01:28
drecondiusOk, spotless system, nothing other than open ssh installed, sudo apt install e17 -y sudo reboot, waiting on system to come back up now01:35
drecondiusthere is still no wm, no dm, no x01:36
oerhekssystemctl status lightdm.services01:38
oerhekssudo systemctl enable lightdm.services  # to start from boot, and make sure you are in grphical.target >  systemctl set-default graphical.target01:39
drecondiuswouldn't you know it, it wasn't installed either ...01:41
drecondiusif i seem bitter, I am, I just went through this same explanation now for over an hour01:42
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ToAruShiroiNekoextended the full drive so that it is just 70% full now which equates no space left01:42
oerhekswell, it is an 93 weeks old PPA01:42
drecondiusbe that as it may, NEITHER the repo NOR the ppa would install lightdm or X01:43
drecondiusafter installing LIghtdm, i get a failed to login to session with no other message01:44
drecondiusi've even went so far as to install the entirety of Xorg followed by lightdm, followed by both sets of enlightenment packages, and i kept getting the same bs cookie cutter response that "these are the instructions we don't help with using a ppa" when i clearly stated multiple times Neither would work I need to know how to start01:47
drecondiusso that I could run synaptic and fix this because I can't stand aptitude01:47
leftyfbdrecondius: so this is a fresh install with no attempts at adding any PPA's?01:48
drecondiusYes, I have now reformatted this ssd twice before coming in here and once more about 10 minutes ago01:53
drecondiusand STILL even after purging the entirety, it failed to start session01:58
leftyfbpurging what?01:58
drecondiuspurging e17, lightdm, and xorg01:59
drecondiusthen starting fresh again, nothing01:59
thinkcruis there a log file that will show when a user was created?02:01
leftyfbthinkcru: turn that machine off, NOW02:01
thinkcruI know but I cannot right now02:02
leftyfbthinkcru: you do not have a choice02:02
thinkcrui looked in the auth.log02:02
thinkcruthe user logged in this morning02:03
thinkcrui just cannot remember if I created the dummy test user account02:03
thinkcrui think i may have and put a dumb password02:03
mike18hi, does ubuntu have a max number of threads allowed?02:05
mike18and how to check the current number of threads for a pid?02:05
mike18in my case docker02:05
leftyfb!docker | mike1802:06
leftyfbmike18: please ask for support in #docker02:06
mike18i have a question to os threads in ubuntu02:06
mike18does ubuntu have a max number of threads allowed?02:06
pragmaticenigmamike18: This channel only supports Official Ubuntu flavors and the packages released through the official ubuntu software repositories. Docker containers are supported by their creators, as they are highly customized to run in the docker environment02:07
mike18but what has the to do with my max number of threads question in ubuntu?02:07
pragmaticenigmamike18: read the last part of my last statement02:08
mike18pragmaticenigma i asked my question without docker02:08
pragmaticenigmamike18: What applies to Ubuntu as a Desktop or Server installation, doesn't not carry into an instance that is hosted as a docker container02:09
mike18what has the to do with my max number of threads question in ubuntu - no docker?02:09
mike18does ubuntu have a max number of threads allowed - no docker?02:09
mike18for a pid02:09
drecondiushey i just went though this same bs asking about how to get x to start since i couldn't log in with lightdm and the assumption was it wasn't on a clean system.02:09
lordcirth_mike18, running 'ulimit -u' will tell you the number of threads or processes your current context allows.02:10
pragmaticenigmamike18: see https://stackoverflow.com/a/34429202:10
mike18limit -u ... 51479602:11
imachineso, I've been trying to find a browser that won't creep up disk usage.02:11
imachineI've tried chrome, and that worked - for a while.02:11
imachineI have 4GB ram. double that of a phone.02:11
imachineand chrome works no problems with like 100+ tabs open, on a phone02:12
imachinewhere it's basically rendering the machine useless, on a 4GB notebook02:12
imachineas soon as I get like 10 tabs open02:12
pragmaticenigma!enter | imachine02:12
ubottuimachine: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.02:12
imachineit just goes icrazy with disk usage. I have swap turned off. any ideas how I can fix this?02:12
oerheksjust do not open 100 tabs.02:13
imachineincidentally, it happens both on chromium and firefox alike.02:13
leftyfbimachine: what are the specs of your machine?02:13
imachineoerheks, I only opened like 10. I'm looking at property ads. trying to choose a house. I mean... come on! it's like, 10 webpages. clearly, there should be some memory management at hand? I only see one tab at a time. the other ones don't need to remain loaded into memory, if that's the constraint...02:14
imachineleftyfb, some core2duo T7200 + 4GB ram, Thinkpad T61.02:14
imachineleftyfb, more than enough to display some html!02:14
leftyfbimachine: you're not just displaying some html02:14
imachineleftyfb, and more that my android phones have, and are not showing the issue.02:15
oerhekspreloading, urlchecking, lots of things happen in firefox and chrome02:15
imachineI don't need all that. how can I turn off all the unecessary things?02:15
leftyfbimachine: you cannot compare mobile platforms and pc's02:15
imachineleftyfb, why not? it's linux, here and there.02:15
leftyfbimachine: different architectures and different software, completely different software02:16
imachineleftyfb, the mobile platform is underpowered compared to this linux laptop. and still performs flawlessly - while doing that, and more! all the background syncing of apps, android internals, google spying etc. none of that is happening on ubuntu.02:16
imachineleftyfb, so, having disk usage spike up to 100% killing off the SSD I have installed here, is way out of line I think, given I only have opened like, 10 tabs, and it grinds...02:17
imachinemaybe you can recommend me a better, simpler browser?02:17
imachineI've turned off swap completely, and it still spikes the disk usage. does firefox/chromium use some internal additional caching/swapping, if there is no system swap available? maybe I can turn that off! I rather see an error message "out of memory" than the system grinding down... I know this is ubuntu channel, but maybe you guys know... it's also *a little* related.02:19
leftyfbimachine: what version of ubuntu are you running?02:20
imachinethe latest02:20
imachine18.04.04 lTS02:20
oerheksseriously, turned off swap completely, ..02:20
imachine18.04.4 LTS02:20
robertparkerxI'm going to build a new nas and it be ubuntu 18.04 server with samba. I guess I'll need a dvdrom to install ubuntu but after that I can disconnect it right?02:20
imachineoerheks, yep, unmounted and hashed out in fstab02:21
leftyfbrobertparkerx: you can use usb or PXE02:21
pragmaticenigmarobertparkerx: yes, you can remove any hardware you don't need after installation is completed02:21
robertparkerxah usb sorry02:21
robertparkerxThanks for that02:21
imachineoerheks, I suspect the disk usage is caused by some internal caching/saving/something that is unecessary... I think there was some issue a while ago similar, where it was.. ah.. some "disability" settings or similar... that caused it to grind to a halt..02:22
robertparkerxI won't need a monitor after installation either will I ?02:22
robertparkerxWill it boot like vm I buy online?02:22
imachinelet's see if that's the case, maybe? it's hard to track it as as soon as it happens, the system becomes unresponsive, so it's hard to even check then, what state it actually is in. other than unresponsive :)02:22
oerheksbrowsers use ~/.cache/ too, but this approach works against you, i guess02:23
drecondiuscan u hotkey into a tty when it happens?02:23
drecondiusimachine can you hotkey into a tty when it starts to become unresponsive?02:24
imachinethe SSD maxes out the interface02:27
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imachineand the cpu is almost permablocked. the mouse cursor jitters.02:27
imachineoerheks, I could put ~/.cache into a memdisk... if that would bring benefit...02:28
imachinebut that's not the solution to a program causing unnecessary action in first place!02:28
imachinenot a good solution I think02:28
imachineI rather limit the program first, not fixing the issue it causes02:29
drecondius@imachine if it doesn't sieze, you could try to ssh into it from another machine if you have one and run top or if you have it installed htop to begin a decent diagnosis.02:30
imachineyeah I could do that... or just buy a machine that's decent and not care. hardly an option now. are paid browsers even a thing?02:33
imachinelet's see. disabled some caches etc.02:34
imachinealright, 25 tabs. "full" swing.02:35
imachineI think it's "fixed"... would prefer to know what caused it.. but maybe that'll do for now.02:36
imachinein the end, I *think* it could be adblock plus doing some unnecessary writing to the disk... caching or what not.02:37
imachineso not may be even firefox!02:37
imachineI;ve also disabled my disk caching in firefox, completely, or as completely as I have seen the options here quick02:38
imachinethat seems to have improved it, meaningfuly.02:38
imachinegood; I want data displayed on screen, not stored for later.02:38
imachinewow that's so quick now. proper. ok. thanks for your attention, insight, and help. have a great day everyone! bye!02:39
ToAruShiroiNekoleftyfb so https://askubuntu.com/questions/1106795/ubuntu-server-18-04-lvm-out-of-space-with-improper-default-partitioning02:43
ToAruShiroiNekothis was the solution02:43
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: as was the link I gave you with no only the same instructions but more insight into how to properly use LVM02:44
leftyfbyou're welcome02:44
ToAruShiroiNekoI would not have searched for this URL without your link02:45
ToAruShiroiNekobut this is a more concise solution since it literally lists the few lines to run02:45
leftyfbyou didn't need that URL. The link I provided had the same solution with more information02:45
ToAruShiroiNekoyeah I was a bit confused by all the details, rather didnt want to attempt anything02:46
leftyfbToAruShiroiNeko: you should learn the details02:47
ToAruShiroiNekoI intend to study the docs in great detail, first I want to make things work again02:48
theborgeris there anyone in here that could help me with netplan?03:00
theborgeri keep getting the error /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml:7:20: Error in network definition: bond0: interface 'enp0s25' is not defined   interfaces: [enp0s25, enp2s0] witha ^ pointing at the first 203:01
theborgernot 2 first E03:01
robertparkerxhow do you access samba over the local network?03:01
Seven_Six_Tworobertparkerx, there are client packages available in the repositories, and you can also use the cifs-utils package to mount a share on a local filesystem. Unfortunately I haven't done it for a long time, and don't have access to a windows machine.03:09
Seven_Six_Twofile browsers like nemo also have an option in a side panel to browse a network, and I'd expect visible samba shares to be visible there.03:10
robertparkerxI thought explorer had that by default?03:11
robertparkerxWould it be visible there? Network Shares?03:12
Seven_Six_Twoyou'll need libsmbclient for integrations like that. Yes, if you have the library required.03:12
Seven_Six_Twowell, that's the expectation at least.03:12
robertparkerxlibsmbclient on ubuntu 18.04 end?03:13
Seven_Six_Twopossibly some samba packages like samba-common and samba-libs but maybe not?03:15
Seven_Six_TwoI'm going off memory03:15
theborgerany once lend me a hand please?03:25
kyle-lemonsanyone around?03:42
swift110hey kyle-lemons03:42
kyle-lemonscould someone help me figure out a weird ubuntu installer problem?03:42
Bashing-om!ask | kyle-lemons03:44
ubottukyle-lemons: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:44
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/03:45
kyle-lemonsgotcha, in that case:03:45
kyle-lemonsI currently have a laptop and external m2 ssd03:46
kyle-lemonsI have an efi partition on the ssd and want ubuntu to be completely contained on the external drive03:46
kyle-lemonshowever, when I install ubuntu to the drive, it always chooses my laptops internal ssd for the efi partition03:46
kyle-lemonshow can I force it to pick the efi partition on the external ssd over the efi partition on my internal ssd03:47
kyle-lemonsopening up the laptop is not an option03:47
lordcirth_kyle-lemons, you are doing manual partitioning, with an EFI partition on the external, and it still installs to the internal?03:48
kyle-lemonswhen I mount the internal efi parition /EFI/ubuntu exists, while the external efi partition is empty03:49
imbezoltheborger: might help if you put your config file up somewhere03:53
kyle-lemonsconfig file for an os install?03:54
imbezolkyle-lemons: when a line starts with a username and a : it means it is addressed to that particular user03:56
theborgerimbezol: https://pastebin.com/VZ6jp0i803:58
kyle-lemonsah woops sorry, I was reading that as who it was from03:58
kyle-lemonsnew to irc03:58
swift110hey kyle-lemons03:59
kyle-lemonshey swift11003:59
imbezoltheborger: if you run 'ip link' does it show the two interfaces you've specified?04:01
swift110how r u kyle-lemons04:01
theborgerimbezol: https://pastebin.com/ZArRYxmU04:02
kyle-lemonsI'm alright04:02
theborgerimbezol: so i want 2 and 4 linked together.  then i want to link 3 and 5 but cant get the first ones to work04:03
swift110im good04:06
imbezoltheborger: https://netplan.io/examples04:06
imbezolif you look at the second example for bond it lists the interfaces first04:06
imbezoli would __think__ that what you're doing would work, but you could try the second format04:06
imbezolalso, i generally put multiple items into a list using square brackets rather than use - for each on separate lines, but the error message you're getting seems to indicate it put them in a list anyway04:07
theborgerimbezol: you mean the example where it says setting up a router?04:08
theborgerimbezol: i really dont understand what you are saying04:11
imbezoli'm saying to try adding an ethernets: section above the bonds: section04:11
imbezoland put the interfaces: in [ ] instead of one per line04:12
kyle-lemonsI tried marking the internal efi partition as do not use for now, will reinstall and then unmark as do not use and see what happens04:12
imbezoltheborger: https://pastebin.com/kScdcEBJ04:19
theborgerimbezol: thanks for writing that out.04:25
theborgerimbezol: it works. i rebooted but i cant ping the first network now04:36
theborgerso bon0 list the right ip but i cant ping it. bon1 i know the ip and it's working fine04:36
imbezolno firewall rules?04:37
imbezoli'd suspect something else otherwise... switch config? subnet configuration? vlan? etc04:37
theborgerimbezol: looking at that now i think i know what happened04:38
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theborgerimbezol: all up and working thank you for the help.  i still wounder why it was not working the old way04:50
imbezoltheborger: good to hear04:53
pi0does ubuntu have a usb sniffer04:59
pi0i want to see what commands are running in the background05:00
pi0when a launch an ap05:00
oerhekswireshark can do that, https://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/USB05:03
pi0i will look into it05:07
jrgilmanhey guys, having some trouble using network-manager-l2tp to connect to a VPN, I've set Phase I and Phase II and have gotten further along, but now i'm getting this: https://kopy.io/uOTS205:10
pi0have you tried it before?05:10
littlepythonhi there05:22
littlepythoni need some help on snap05:22
littlepythoni get this error /snap/bin/kubectl: No such file or directory05:22
littlepythonwhen i run kubectl get pod command05:22
littlepythonhow can i fix this05:22
littlepythonI have removed the kubectl binary from /snap/bin and reinstalled kubectl again05:23
littlepythonnow when i do which kubectl - i get this correct path /usr/local/bin/kubectl05:23
littlepythonbut when i run kubectl commands it says -bash: /snap/bin/kubectl: No such file or directory05:23
littlepythonwhen i do sudo snap refreshError: unknown command "refresh" for "helm"Run 'helm --help' for usage.05:25
littlepythonany help?05:25
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Seven_Six_Twois there a script in the current folder called kubectl?07:15
Seven_Six_Twoor a bash alias? I'm not sure whether 'which' respects user aliases07:16
geirhaIt doesn't. Use the type builtin instead of which. ''type kubectl''07:21
geirhalittlepython: It remembers the old location in that session. You can run  hash -d kubectl  to make it forget it for that one command, or  hash -r  to forget the locations of all commands07:25
littlepythoni did hash -r to solve that07:25
littlepythonbut why this got messed up in the first place07:25
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geirhayou ran kubectl at an earlier point, when the snap version was first in PATH. It then remembers that location so that it doesn't have to look through PATH each time you want to run the command07:26
littlepythonoh ok..07:31
littlepythongeirha: i  have the subfunction that calls the function. now the subfunction should support for parameters --account test07:32
littlepythonhow can i do that..07:32
geirhajust pass on "$@", including the quotes07:32
littlepythongeirha: this is the snippet i have https://dpaste.org/eFDn07:35
geirhasetcontext "$@"07:36
littlepythonthis is how i want to execute07:36
littlepythonmyscript.sh setcontext --NS_NAME=myns --cluster=dev07:36
littlepythonok this is what i have now07:37
geirhaok, so you want to parse them yourself07:37
littlepythonwill this work?07:37
littlepythonwhen i run myscript.sh setcontext --NS_NAME=myns --cluster=dev07:38
littlepythonthe script should work07:38
geirhaNo, I assumed the options were for kubectl, but you want to parse them and then pass on another set of options to the actual kubectl command07:38
geirhaThis explains how to parse options in bash: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/03507:38
littlepythoncould you share me the snippet for my use case.. i can understand easily that way07:40
littlepythonshould i have to use getopts? is that the way?07:41
geirhano, getopts only support short options07:43
littlepythonshort options?07:44
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styledashseems like bash and k8s support... not ubuntu support lol07:49
geirhalittlepython: so something like this  http://ix.io/2d9p/bash07:57
littlepythongeirha: ok but it doesnt echo out .. ran something like this08:00
littlepythonbash test.sh --ns_name=test --cluster=dev08:00
geirhaIt's just at function, not a full script08:01
geirhaalso, don't put .sh extension on bash scripts, it's misleading and redundant08:01
littlepythoncool it works, thank you08:05
littlepythongeriha i have few bash related questions08:07
littlepythonis this a good place to ask. or  can i ask you in #bash08:07
XsiSecHi folks is it possible somehow to extract all the drivers from a live cd and install them directly on a desktop?08:15
SwedeMikeXsiSec: a "driver" in Linux is a kernel module (most of the time). So no, that doesn't generally work, you need to upgrade the kernel or compile a new module for the kernel you're running.08:27
XsiSecin my case I know this is the channel for ubuntu, but I running the flavour debian buster, unfortunately a lots of drivers is missing so I wonder if its possible to transfer the working drivers from ubuntu towards my existing debian setup08:28
oerheksdrivers not in buster, interesting08:31
oerheksno, don't mix ubuntu and debian stuff like that08:31
XsiSecof course that's against all the best practises but..08:37
oerheksfor buster or any debian, there is an iso with all non free drivers/firmware08:39
legreffierit's probably just a repo to activate, a line to uncomment. anyway, it's not only "not the best practice", but also probably not the easiest, nor the most reliable.08:41
oerheksXsiSec, #debian helps you out08:47
OtakuSenpaihey guys08:59
OtakuSenpaiis there a way to install ubuntu alongside windowss08:59
OtakuSenpaiill get my pc today, on which i plan to install ubuntu first, then get the windows cd key on friday09:00
OtakuSenpaiand install it then09:00
sixwheeledbeastOtakuSenpai: normally yes it's called dual booting. alternative options are to run WIndows in a VM09:00
OtakuSenpaisixwheeledbeast, i want to dual boot09:00
oerheksinstall windows first, then ubuntu09:00
OtakuSenpaibut i wont have a os installed on the pc from today till friday09:01
OtakuSenpaii dont want to wait testing it09:01
OtakuSenpaiwhat im asking is can i install ubuntu first then install windows later09:01
EriC^^OtakuSenpai: ok, so you'll want to plan out your partitions and which os you want to give how much space09:01
sixwheeledbeastIf you definitely want to dual boot then run ubuntu AFTER windows the installer will detect the windows installation so it can be setup.09:01
EriC^^OtakuSenpai: yes09:01
oerheksif this is a recent / new pc, you might want to read the uefi manual first09:02
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI09:02
sixwheeledbeastYou can just run the live image for now.09:02
OtakuSenpaithis guide says that there is a way to detect the grubx64.efi file from windows09:02
EriC^^OtakuSenpai: use manual partitioning in the ubuntu installer, leave unallocated space for windows09:03
EriC^^OtakuSenpai: once you install windows, just boot a live ubuntu usb and reinstall grub09:03
OtakuSenpaiEriC^^, i have previous experience with debian and void, i can handle the partitioning09:03
EriC^^OtakuSenpai: great09:03
OtakuSenpaibut idk how to make windows give way for ubuntu09:03
OtakuSenpailike in the boot menu09:04
OtakuSenpaii see09:04
OtakuSenpaiso grub install09:04
EriC^^OtakuSenpai: ah, well, once you install windows, yeah just reinstall grub09:04
OtakuSenpaiill try that09:04
EriC^^OtakuSenpai: i've made a very comprehensive site on booting issues feel free to browse it09:04
EriC^^it likely has everything you'll need regarding grub/uefi and windows/ubuntu dualbooting09:05
EriC^^also just check back here there are always people in the channel09:05
OtakuSenpaiis the default ubuntu download for gnome desktop?09:09
OtakuSenpaiok thnx09:10
sixwheeledbeastThe new Gnome yer.09:13
funabashiHi I have a question, I want that my CPU has to work, i want to check if CPU utilization for my monitoring system. How can I do so my CPU work hard?09:23
sixwheeledbeastThere are plenty of tools for this, "top" in a terminal being the simplest. If your not native english speaker ubuntu has other channels09:30
jka1I have a cron job which took between 20 seconds and 2 years. To get a feeling if my cron job is running, i put the log file in the desktop folder (which is called "Schreibtisch" in german language). If i see the icon, i know, that my cron job is running. My crontab looks like this:10:14
jka1"flock -n ~/.config/g4t4llp0rn/cronjob.lock /usr/local/bin/g4t4llp0rn -v > ~/Schreibtisch/g4t4llp0rn.txt 2>&1 ; mv ~/Schreibtisch/g4t4llp0rn.txt ~/.config/g4t4llp0rn/g4t4llp0rn.txt"10:14
jka1This is a little bit weird, isn't it? Is there a better solution to keep an eye on my cron job if it's running or not?10:15
mousesjka1: Create a bash script for the cron job with a wrapper and have it output log information?  Check the logs with something like:  journalctl _COMM=cron --since="date" --until="date"10:32
jka1I know how to find out that my job is running. I want to keep an eye while the system is running, without the purpose of any interaction. Like a status-led i.e.10:38
cnnxis there a way to restore all ubuntu system files while preserving data on my computer? kind of like the MCT tool for win1010:53
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jka1All personal files should be stored in /home10:58
sixwheeledbeastcnnx: how you go about it depends what files your keeping or not, but anything is possible.11:08
sixwheeledbeastI just looked at the MCT tool and it's like making an iso image of your system which you can do.11:10
cnnxI just found the instructions11:11
cnnxim downloading the dvd iso11:11
cnnxthen will use the "reinstall ubuntu" option11:11
cnnxthat will keep my data11:11
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ace_mehow can I set and unset APP_ENV in ubuntu bash please12:26
ace_meI've tried by adding sudo nano /etc/environment a new line with APP_ENV="test" and then source ~/.bashrc12:27
ace_me ... then opening a new terminal window and press env nothing set there12:27
geirha/etc/environment is read when you log in, and opening a new terminal does not count as logging in12:28
cousteauHi!  I added a ppa (jgross-h/many-coq-versions) on Xenial and then ran apt update.  I should be able to install a package named coq-8.10.0, which should be available for Xenial, however that package cannot be found.  What could I be missing?12:29
cousteauI got a lot of new packages, so the ppa worked; but the newest is coq-8.9.112:30
oerhekscousteau, always check the launchpad page https://launchpad.net/~jgross-h/+archive/ubuntu/many-coq-versions?field.series_filter=xenial12:31
oerhekssee right top corner : coq-8.10.0 21 weeks ago Failed to build: amd64 i38612:31
cousteauoerheks: it does say coq-8.10.0 is available12:31
cousteauoops, thanks12:32
cousteauso that means coq-8.10.0 doesn-t work for ANY Ubuntu version?12:33
cousteauand... probably has never worked?12:33
oerhekscousteau, i think so, bionic gives the same error12:34
oerhekshe is more active on https://launchpad.net/~jgross-h/+archive/ubuntu/coq-master-daily?field.series_filter=xenial12:34
oerheks5 hrs ago12:34
cousteausigh... am I seriously going to have to compile this?  Dammit :(  I was hopeful I wouldn't need to12:34
cousteaulemme check that ppa though12:35
cousteauhm, guess I could install the daily master build instead... thanks, oerheks!12:37
ice9rkhunter is installed but  there is no .service for it, how do I start it?12:37
roczjnick roc12:37
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oerheksice9, configure it, and start manually updating and run: rkhunter --check https://kifarunix.com/how-to-install-rkhunter-rootkit-hunter-on-ubuntu-18-04/12:39
oerhekshave fun with tons of false positives :-D12:40
ace_megeirha: in fact was initiated in apache specific cof for that website12:42
willhuntHi, I am using lighdm-gtk-greeter and want to remap the escape key to a tab at the login screen, any help?12:49
ioriawillhunt, xmodmap should work if run as a lightdm hook (but never done personally)12:54
willhuntiroia, xmodmap worked if i logged into the system, but not worked at the login screen12:57
ioriawillhunt, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM#Adding_System_Hooks12:57
cousteauoerheks: fwiw, the version of coq found in that PPA you suggested seems to work fine, thanks a million!13:01
willhuntioria, I tried greeter-setup-script and display-setup-script, i write a shell which run `xmodmap -e "keycode 9 = Tab ISO_Left_Tab Tab ISO_Left_Tab"`13:02
willhuntI lookedup the lightmd.log and see the script runned, but the key not been remapped13:03
ioriawillhunt, be sure is 9 (xmodmap -pke | grep -i esc); then   try just   :  xmodmap -e "keycode 9 = Tab"13:05
BluesKajHi folks13:09
willhuntioria, thank you, i will check13:09
oerhekscousteau, have fun!13:09
cousteauIt's a development software, but sure!13:10
ioriawillhunt, ok13:10
willhuntioria, I have checked the keycode using xev and the xmodmap command worked as expected, but when i at login screen, that doesnot work13:43
z4kst4rHi Guys, I  have  multiple sites to connect to using vpn and then opening a platform on the webgui or ssh session for that site and I have to keep switching between the sites and to their interface. I have some scripts to connect to vpn and open webgui however, I was looking to create a graphical frontend for my desktop. wherein I blocks in a list for each site and I can double click to connect to the vpn and right click to choose to connect through webgu13:47
z4kst4rplatform as well.13:47
z4kst4rI am not an advanced programmer but I think I should be able to do this at least. Do you have any ideas on what language and packages can be used to accomplish the above?13:47
pragmaticenigmaz4kst4r: This is an Ubuntu support channel, for help troubleshooting and triaging issues encountered for Ubuntu. For software development questions, please use #ubuntu-offtopic, #ubuntu-app-devel, or use !alis to search for a channel more closely aligned with your topic.13:49
z4kst4rpragmaticenigma: sure, Thanks!13:51
BluesKajz4kst4r, maybe try ##linux as well13:53
ioriaWildSoft, i cannot test it atm, (might depends on your layout or a xorg.conf setting) but if lightdm hook is not working, you can always edit /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc13:54
z4kst4rBluesKaj: Thanks! trying :)13:59
BluesKajz4kst4r, yeah, I see that, there's alot of knowledgeable helpful people there, but one needs some patience for a fitting answer too14:00
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Psi-JackSo, what do you do if you have an application (or two), that doesn't have an icon. Such as an AppImage application that shows up on the dock with an indicator it's running, but emptiness where the icon would normally be?14:32
pragmaticenigmaKind of sounds like something that might need a bug report submitted14:39
Psi-JackTo Ubuntu, or to the app(s) involved?14:41
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:41
pragmaticenigmaPsi-Jack: You report it to launchpad ... follow the link from ubottu14:42
Psi-JackI was trying out Station, a multi-IM client, because rambox and ramboxpro both just stopped working...14:42
Psi-JackThen again, Station..... Lacks putting itself into the application menus too. :/14:45
leftyfbPsi-Jack: I don't think either of those applications are available in ubuntu. You'd be better off reporting to their respective authors/project pages14:46
Psi-JackRamboxCE and RamboxPro are in Ubuntu snaps14:46
bubblefoohi,i have lots of old kernels in /boot.do i have to keep them?can they just be removed,or would that some damage the functionality of the OS?14:59
pragmaticenigmabubblefoo: Try running "sudo apt autoremove" in the terminal... that should remove the old kernels15:01
NetworkRendererhey, maybe this question is dumb, but yesterday i noticed, that nearly all of the software in the desktop lts version 18.04 and even in the current latest release 19.10 is deprectated. Is there a plausible reason for that? in my oppinion using software that isn't up to date is bad and you should always go with the latest stable release15:04
NetworkRenderer(i mean from the softwarecenter)15:04
pragmaticenigmaNetworkRenderer: Are they actually flagged as deprecated, or is that a term you have applied15:04
pragmaticenigma!latest | NetworkRenderer, rest assured that the packages made available have appropriate security patches applied. However15:05
ubottuNetworkRenderer, rest assured that the packages made available have appropriate security patches applied. However: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:05
NetworkRendererit is a term i have applied, meaning the software is behind whats actually is the latest release15:05
leftyfbNetworkRenderer: I'm running the latest firefox and thunderbird. Not to mention, all the snaps are up to date.15:07
pragmaticenigmaNetworkRenderer: If you require the latest version of an application, you can look at installing the application as a "snap" which are then maintained by the snap author and receive more frequent updates and stay up-to-date with the developer's released versions. Note, snaps are sometimes created by someone other than the developer, so they may also lag behind while the maintainer works on catching up to the latest version.15:08
leftyfbNetworkRenderer: Ubuntu is not a rolling release15:08
NetworkRendererleftyfb on example i have is gnucash wich is 3.8 but lts ubuntu was still on 2.7 only having bug fixes15:08
pragmaticenigmaNetworkRenderer: See what Ubottu said earlier?15:09
NetworkRendereryeah i already noticed pragmaticenigma already opened the wiki entries to that15:09
pragmaticenigma!info gnucash focal | NetworkRenderer, At release, Ubuntu 20.04 will have this version of GnuCash available15:11
ubottuNetworkRenderer, At release, Ubuntu 20.04 will have this version of GnuCash available: gnucash (source: gnucash): personal and small-business financial-accounting software. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.8b-1build3 (focal), package size 3481 kB, installed size 23209 kB15:12
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bubblefoopragmatic,you just running that command without mentioning some specific kernel version?15:12
pragmaticenigmabubblefoo: That command checks for installed packages that have been marked as safe for removal15:13
pragmaticenigmabubblefoo: it will prompt you before it performs any action15:13
NetworkRenderer!info kicad focal | NetworkRenderer15:14
ubottuNetworkRenderer: kicad (source: kicad): Electronic schematic and PCB design software. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.1.5+dfsg1-2build1 (focal), package size 24449 kB, installed size 109429 kB15:14
bubblefoothanks a lot pragmatic.will get rid of lots stuff15:14
TW1920Describing what a colleague today did: https://itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/sudo-rm-rf.gif *facepalm*15:14
leftyfb!ot | TW192015:15
ubottuTW1920: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:15
ice9how to play .dav file?15:16
Woetice9: https://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+how+to+play+.dav+file%3F15:17
Habbieice9, what kind of file is it? what does 'file yourfile.dav' say?15:17
Woethi Habbie :)15:17
Habbiewoet woet15:17
crimson_kingI'm installing one of the mainline kernels to help debug a problem as recommended to me in a bug report, but I need to confirm with you if I'm picking the right files to install. https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.0.21/  (I'm downloading the ones marked with chevrons: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/frpFMf7N4r/)15:19
pragmaticenigma!hwe | crimson_king, you might want to try this first:15:20
ubottucrimson_king, you might want to try this first:: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack15:20
pragmaticenigma!mainline | crimson_king, otherwise there is some helpful information in this factoid15:21
ubottucrimson_king, otherwise there is some helpful information in this factoid: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds15:21
crimson_kingpragmaticenigma, That explains a lot, thank you15:23
subcoolok. my google results arent helpful. I am looking for software, or a suite... to test my Desktop PC. - Hardware testing would be nice. But- right now i want to test my Power SUpply to make sure it is still in good standing order. I have found that EVERY post i find basically pulls over to HWmonitor and Lmsensors. Which - i get, is the software used. BUT - is there a suite or something similiar where i can run the software, and IT can mon15:33
subcoolitor my voltages and tell me if i goes over or under?15:33
pragmaticenigmasubcool: A tool I am aware of is provided by the package "lm-sensors" ... though it has more focus on CPU and fan speeds. i have not seen an out of the box tool for monitoring voltages. Every motherboard, CPU, system architecture is different and would require knowledge before hand of what you want to monitor. You can see a posting on askubuntu about this topic (https://askubuntu.com/a/935278) ... in the future, please use15:41
pragmaticenigma#ubuntu-offtopic for asking about software recommendations15:41
geniisubcool: For the most part, PSUs are dumb devices which just deliver power to the motherboard. Motherboards have some limited facilites to measure things like fan speed, temperature, and occasionally some more complex things like the VCORE voltage of the CPU.15:43
genii..so there's not really any consistent method of doing something like measuring the voltage on the rails of the PSU from inside the operating system15:44
Psi-JackHmmm.... So, yeah. When I try to start `ramboxpro` from terminal, it immediately gives a return-code of 1.15:44
subcooli was hoping tings have advanced....15:45
Psi-JackFunny thing... Ramboxpro works on my Tabtop also running Ubuntu 19.10.15:45
subcoolthis one is at its age. and i want to test it without haveing to babysit it with a multi meter or some expensive hardware tester15:45
subcooloh wow- nvm they are like 15 - 50$15:46
subcoolthats not bad.15:46
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Kevin`how can I prevent a specific sound card from being used by graphical sessions? as best as I can tell there's something in systemd which assigns acl permissions to all sound devices whenever a user logs in and periodically, but i'm having trouble finding any documentation on controlling it15:49
geniisubcool: There are also some digital readout voltmeters which are designed to be inserted between the PSU and motherboard, and can be mounted in a 5.25" bay, generally around $30-50 USD range15:50
robert45hi guys, is there any way to configure apt-get to alert me over email when there are available packages updates?15:55
subcoolgenii: OH thats cool15:55
subcoolscary - but cool15:55
leftyfbrobert45: install and configure apticron15:55
robert45leftyfb excellent, thank you!15:56
biebneed some network help... built a new webserver, with 18.04, everything worked perfectly when the server was dhcp. I changed it to the static IP of our old server using netplan. it semi works.. the ip address can be reached through our firewall, and reached by internal PCs. The server can not get outside, ie.. no ubuntu updates, can't ping cnn.com, yahoo.com, etc, (but dns does resolve the host to an IP) I can ping any internal server, s16:08
biebwitch, gateway, PC.. its just connecting to the outside. I have looked at the resolv.conf it shows Nameserver, and options edns0.. Any other ideas where to check next?16:08
sixwheeledbeastufw blocking outbound?16:13
biebsixwheeledbeast: ufw is off16:14
EriC^^_bieb: any iptables rules?16:24
EriC^^_(sudo iptables -L)16:24
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biebEriC^^_: Chain Input, forward and output all say "Policy accept" the rest of the chains refer to ufw, which is ufw status16:27
biebwhich is inactive16:28
pragmaticenigmabieb: is the old system still active on the network?16:28
EriC^^_bieb: you can also try asking in ##networking if nobody here knows16:29
biebturned off and disconnected from network16:29
biebthanks EriC^^_ I am also looking at systemd resolved issues on various google hits16:30
pragmaticenigmapersonally, I don't assign static IPs directly on the machine, but instead setup a reservation on the DHCP server for it. That would be the suggestion I could offer for resolution16:30
pragmaticenigmabieb: If you type in the IP address of an external website... does that work?16:31
biebpragmaticenigma: one sec.. I will check it16:32
z4kst4rI am trying to install python package "wxPython" and pip3 told me it needs Package "gtk+-3.0" so I installed with "apt install" now I still get "checking for GTK+ - version >= 3.0.0... Package gtk+-3.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path" what is the problem here?16:34
pragmaticenigmaz4kst4r: Do not use pip to install python packages16:35
pragmaticenigmaz4kst4r: Unless you are running Python in a pyenv or virtualenv... you will break your system by attempting to use pip or pip3 on your local machine16:36
Confuzzled2050z4k, try https://wiki.wxpython.org/How%20to%20install%20wxPython16:37
pragmaticenigmaConfuzzled2050: I just told them not to do that16:38
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ali1234how do i fix this error: E: The package linux-image-4.11.0-rc3+-dbg needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.16:40
ali1234that's a kernel package that i built and installed myself16:40
ali1234i want to remove it and go back to distro kernels16:40
ali1234but whenever i try to do anything with apt or synaptic it jus says that error16:40
ali1234that includes "sudo apt-get purge linux-image-4.11.0-rc3+-dbg"16:41
ali1234"sudo apt-get -f remove" also does not work16:41
pragmaticenigmaali1234: apt will not be able to remove a kernel that you manually installed16:42
ali1234okay i removed it with dpkg16:43
ali1234i have a lot of packages like that since i did a bisection16:43
z4kst4rpragmaticenigma, Confuzzled2050: Is the recommended approach to use virtualenv?16:44
pragmaticenigmaali1234: that would then mean that your installation is not supported here... support here is only for official Ubuntu flavors as provided through the official ubuntu software repositories.16:44
ali1234i did the bisection at the request of ubuntu developers16:44
ali1234i would like to now remove all the kernel packages and go back to the official kernel16:45
ali1234how do i do that?16:45
pragmaticenigmaz4kst4r: if you require specific pip packages, yes... always use the virtualenv ... otherwise Ubuntu services will start to fail because pip does not check to make sure its refresh of packages to meet dependencies will not affect the host operating system16:45
pragmaticenigmaali1234: then you should be asking for help in #ubuntu-devel ... no one here should have recommended that16:45
pragmaticenigmaz4kst4r: otherwise, in apt "python-wxgtk..." where ... is the version you desire, is the supported method to installing wxpython without the need for virtualenv16:48
pragmaticenigmaz4kst4r: So I think the version you are looking for would required "sudo apt install python-wxgtk3.0"16:48
z4kst4rpragmaticenigma: I did install with "apt install gtk+3.0" and it installed python-wxgtk3.0 but it still wasnt working16:49
z4kst4rBy wasnt working I mean, I could not import with "import wxPython"16:50
z4kst4rCould it be that it installed for python2.x rather than for python3.x?16:51
pragmaticenigmaz4kst4r: because that isn't how you import it16:51
z4kst4rI later did "apt purge gtk+3.0" and removed it though. After you told me to use virtualenv16:51
pragmaticenigmaz4kst4r: To work with wxPython... you "import wx"16:52
pragmaticenigmaz4kst4r: Further help with Python can be found in the #python channel16:53
z4kst4rpragmaticenigma: Alright! Thanks for your help so far :)16:53
physiologyOn an 'ifconfig' I only see 'lo loopback' even though my cable is set and has lights.  Is there a step where I have to enable an ethernet interface before using it?16:59
Confuzzled2050Physiology, you using a VM?17:00
physiologyConfuzzled2050: No, bare metal.17:00
Confuzzled2050No idea then, sorry. Hopefully someone else can help.17:01
physiologyConfuzzled2050: Thank you, though.17:01
physiologyEven 'ifconfig -s -a' only shows 'lo'17:09
biebphysiology: what version of ubuntu?17:10
physiology16.04 LTS bieb17:12
TJ-physiology:  what does "ls /sys/class/net/" report ?17:12
biebphysiology: cat /etc/network/interfaces17:12
physiologyTJ-: lo17:13
physiologybieb: 'auto lo\n iface lo inet loopback'17:13
rapidwaveHow do I get progress on an unattended upgrade? I didn't realize there was one going.17:14
TJ-physiology:  so, the hardware isn't recognised. Is it an internal Ethernet port? if so, what does this report: "lspci -nn -d ::0200"17:14
physiologyTJ-: '00:1f.6 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:15bb] (rev 10)'17:16
TJ-physiology:  OK, so that should use the e1000e kernel module. Let's see if it is in use: "sudo lspci -vvnnk -d ::0200"17:17
pragmaticenigmarapidwave: You might be able to see something with "tail -f /var/log/apt/term.log"17:25
rapidwaveThat didn't seem to work. Maybe hte file is continuously being appended17:29
TJ-rapidwave:  how about "tail -f /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades.log "17:30
biebI have an ubuntu 18.04 server, ssh is installed and active (I was previously able to connect) when I try to connect now, I get "connection timed out" What should I check next?17:33
TJ-bieb: that suggests the host isn't reachable... if it were reachable but the port were closed you'd get "Connection refused"17:38
TJ-bieb:  can the target host be reached in any other way, ping ?17:38
biebTJ-: yeah.. I can ping it17:38
TJ-bieb: is it on the same subnet as the host you're trying to connect from? I'm wondering if there's a router/firewall in between?17:39
biebTJ-: yes17:43
TJ-bieb: besides ping, are you able to connect to any other services (e.g. HTTP) on the target?17:44
TJ-bieb: you could test ports with "nmap" (but the target hostname/address in there)17:45
biebTJ-: thanks.. I will check that17:47
KangaroooI cant install boot-repair on 20.04. How to add ppa? What to read to learn putting old version ppa? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python/+bug/186552917:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1865529 in python (Ubuntu) "Cant install boot-repair" [Undecided,New]17:55
rapidwaveTJ: That seems to just hang too17:56
TJ-rapidwave:  the -f means 'follow' so it sits watching the file... press Ctrl+C to exit17:56
ash_worksiwhen when I do `rg 'user_id' ##php*` I start getting hits in #symfony #python and #postgresql ?18:21
ash_worksiwhy* when I do18:21
bubblefoohi,tried to remove unnecessary kernels with sudo apt autoremove but kernels are still there.whta's wrong?18:24
ash_worksiftr: because ## requires a \ before it18:28
pragmaticenigmabubblefoo: are all the kernels still there, or just a few?18:30
bubblefoothey are all still there18:35
bynariewhats the channel for bash on windows/wsl?18:36
pragmaticenigma!alis | bynarie18:38
ubottubynarie: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"18:38
pragmaticenigma!wsl | bynarie18:38
ubottubynarie: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide18:38
bynariethank you18:39
extorIs the April 2020 release of the new LTS going to have a smooth upgrade optin from the current stable 19.10 to the new LTS?18:50
pragmaticenigmaextor: All versions are tested to the best of the ability of the development teams to ensure a smooth transition. However, not every case can be predicted. For starters, the upgrade to 20.04 is usually release a few months after the official release of Ubuntu. Many users use a flag with "do-release-upgrade" that sets them on the developer channel, which you won't want to be on, if you want a stable system. Next, if you have18:54
pragmaticenigmaenabled any PPAs, those will be turned off and the software installed by them removed. (replaced if possible by packages in Ubuntu's main repositories.) To reduce issues, it's a good idea to disable/remove PPAs before attempting to use the upgrade tool.18:54
pragmaticenigmaextor: For additional concerns, please reach out in #ubuntu+1 ... that is the place to further discuss and receive support for Ubuntu 20.04 prior to its release18:56
RoseBushello, for ubuntu 18, what is a good way to execute a python script upon booting os?18:59
rangergordRoseBus, OS bootup, as in a system service that will start regardless of user login, launch a personal script when you login?19:01
pragmaticenigma!YY.MM | RoseBus , also please note:19:01
ubottuRoseBus , also please note:: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle19:01
notguest96What channel is there to talk about ubuntu offtopic?19:02
pragmaticenigma!ot | notguest9619:02
ubottunotguest96: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:02
RoseBusthank you pragmaticenigma19:02
RoseBusUbuntu 18.0419:03
RoseBusrangergord, after user login19:03
Sohom_DattaIs there a way to downgrade my OS without losing all my data ?19:07
rangergordRoseBus, there's a special directory called /home/youruser/.config/autostart...but the best way is to learn to write a systemd service, because it applies to pretty much every distro.19:07
Sohom_DattaI need to go from 19.10 to 18.04..19:08
RoseBusrangergord, ty19:08
pragmaticenigmaSohom_Datta: No, there is no path to downgrade an Ubuntu version to a previous release. Is there something in particular you are having an issue with that the volunteers here might be able to help you with Sohom_Datta ?19:08
sixwheeledbeastGUI way could be "startup applications" program19:08
rangergordRoseBus, https://superuser.com/questions/1037466/how-to-start-a-systemd-service-after-user-login-and-stop-it-before-user-logout/126915819:08
sixwheeledbeastthink it would be called gnome-startup-applications19:09
rangergordRoseBus, oh right, see if there's a way in the GUI as sixwheeledbeast says. Could be easier.19:09
RoseBusrangergord, the python script cannot be moved because the C++ operating along side it has it's own build directory19:10
RoseBus(i built from source)19:11
sixwheeledbeastmake a wrapper script for it?19:11
RoseBusokay i will look into wrapper scripts, this will be the first time i ever did that19:11
rangergordRoseBus, you don't have to move your script, your startup script can be simply be one line "python /path/to/pythonscript.py", ie just call your script19:12
RoseBusor i could put a mini-python script that calls the external one19:12
RoseBusrangergord, ahha exactly my thought just now19:12
Sohom_Dattapragmaticenigma, The actual issue is sort offtopic.. but I am unable to find the ros-melodic* packages in apt-get...19:13
rangergordRoseBus, OK, since you seem to be a beginner and I antipate problems...learn the concept of "current working directory", and make sure you print it at the beginning of every script19:13
rangergordthis way when your script doesn't work you'll have a better idea why19:13
Sohom_DattaBasically I either need to somehow get the bionic packages onto my system (which is 18.04)...19:14
RoseBusrangergord, do i need to chmod +x for the script in my autostart dir?19:14
pragmaticenigmaSohom_Datta: There are no packages starting with "ros-melodic" in Bionic either19:14
rangergordRoseBus, make it a habit19:14
RoseBusokay haha19:15
RoseBusi am linux beginner19:15
Sohom_Dattapragmaticenigma, It's ros-melodic-desktop-full ...19:15
pragmaticenigmaRoseBus: If your python script has the appropriate "#!" at the beginning, you can. Otherwise your command should start with /usr/bin/python or /usr/bin/python3 which ever is applicable19:15
pragmaticenigmafollowed by the script you wish to execute. No +x required19:16
RoseBusyes i put #/user/bin/python at line 119:16
RoseBus /usr*19:16
pragmaticenigmaSohom_Datta: The package does not exist in Bionic19:16
pragmaticenigma!info ros-melodic-desktop-full bionic | Sohom_Datta19:16
ubottuSohom_Datta: Package ros-melodic-desktop-full does not exist in bionic19:16
Sohom_DattaI was following this guide, they mention the package...19:18
pragmaticenigmaSohom_Datta: That is referring to an unsupportable PPA. If you enable that, support here will become limited19:20
pragmaticenigmaSohom_Datta: Supported is installing "sudo apt install ros-desktop" which is the ROS desktop19:20
pragmaticenigmaand available in the official ubuntu software repositories19:21
KangaroooI cant install boot-repair on 20.04. How to add ppa? What to read to learn putting old version ppa? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python/+bug/186552919:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1865529 in python (Ubuntu) "Cant install boot-repair" [Undecided,New]19:23
pragmaticenigmaKangarooo: Support for unreleased versions of Ubuntu is only available in #ubuntu+119:23
pragmaticenigmaKangarooo: Unless you have a specific reason to be running untested distribution. It would be recommended that you install Ubuntu 18.04 for LTS support, or 19.10 for regular release support.19:24
Kangarooo@pragmaticenigma, ok, how in case i had 18.04 and want pack that is in 16.04. How to add older version ppa? Cant find help wiki19:29
pragmaticenigmaKangarooo: You cannot mix release versions, things will break. What package are you seeking from 16.04 that you are unable to find in 18.04?19:30
octav1aI accidentally overwrote my binary /usr/bin/ld , whats a good way to recover this?19:30
Kangaroooboot-repair @pragmaticenigma theres full text in my comment there in that link 186552919:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1865529 in python (Ubuntu) "Cant install boot-repair" [Undecided,New]19:31
pragmaticenigmaoctav1a: sudo apt-get install --reinstall binutils19:32
pragmaticenigmaoctav1a: if that doesn't work... then you probably broke too much and you should consider reinstalling the system from scratch19:33
Ben64Kangarooo: PPAs aren't supported here, you can try contacting the maintainer and asking if they would make a release for a newer version19:33
pragmaticenigmaKangarooo: PPAs are not supported and that ticket is likely going to get closed without a response. If the developer has discontinued work it is probably for good reason and you should not continue to use that project.19:34
octav1aIt looks like it regenerated it ; for some reason as the end of the install it says Error: timeout was reached, but w/e19:35
octav1aliterally that was the only file I touched19:35
pragmaticenigmaKangarooo: Especially since that ended it support with the launch of Ubuntu 18.04, where that tools is very likely going to cause more harm than good, given that Ubuntu 18.04 has significant changes to how it approaches core functions.19:35
pragmaticenigmaoctav1a: awesome, glad that worked for you... now... remember not to traverse those directories under sudo :-)19:36
Kangarooo@pragmaticenigma, that was helping to fix installations. I think i have it broken cuz installed Windows UEFI and Ubuntu maybe from Easy 2 Boot wasnt uefi, so windows launches with windows launcher, but ubuntu from hard drive but doesnt have menu installed with detecting windows.19:37
octav1ayeah >.>;; I was trying to switch to try other linkers, I will look for safer ways...19:38
Sohom_Dattapragmaticenigma, Sure, thanks I downloaded the ros-desktop package, seems to work more or less okay so I'll stick with it :)19:39
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pragmaticenigmaKangarooo: Overall it doesn't matter. It is an application that appears to have been abandoned by its creator, I would not recommend continuing to try and use it. Also, Ubutnu 18.04 and later releases have had established and stable integration with UEFI. There is no need for a 3rd party tool. If the installation doesn't work, users should come here for further assistance.19:42
=== Kangarooo_ is now known as Kangarooo
thelounge5173I've got a headless ubuntu server runninng. ISP has gone out twice in the past week and both times the network will not recover on this machine. Has never been an issue before and restarting systemd-networkd does not solve the issue. Full reboot required. Anyone else encounter this?19:55
sarnoldthelounge5173: strange. my network went down a few days ago and none of my machines had trouble coming back19:58
texlaWhen I open Ubuntu 18.04.4 first thing during day I get an error message that the system has an error and do I want to send or cancel..using each command and I no lnger get the message  I have looked at var log but cannot find anything ?19:59
thelounge5173is there an 'as good' alternative to systemd-networkd? I remember using networkd in the past, I've used dhcpcd in arch. Any thoughts?20:00
nickgawHi, If I want to download the ubuntu installer after I have bzr installed and git cloned the debian-installer just to check out the installer without creating my own branch on launchpad what would I type?20:00
pragmaticenigmathelounge5173: I would recommend asking for assistance in #ubuntu-server ... and I don't think that is the right approach to solving your issue. It sounds like a small configuration change might be needed, no reason to rip out an entire module for a small issue like that.20:07
thelounge5173ah, didn't know there was a different channel. Will do, thanks!20:08
pragmaticenigmathelounge5173: One other thing comes to mind... rebooting the ISP modem might also prove beneficial20:11
nickgawHow does the setup.exe file make ubuntu install on your windows 10 pro 64 bit partition what linux hard drive image is it using?20:14
sarnoldnickgaw: where'd you find a setup.exe?20:14
pragmaticenigmanickgaw: There are no setup.exe files for ubuntu... If you are trying to install Ubuntu from the Windows Application store, support is in ##windows20:15
nickgawThere use to be an installer on earlier iso images that installed ubuntu on the same partition as windows did they get rid of that now so you now need two partitions?20:15
pragmaticenigmanickgaw: That is no longer supported20:15
nickgawJust wondering what type of disk image did that earlier ubuntu use to allow this to work and why was it discontinued?20:16
pragmaticenigmanickgaw: It was discontinued because it suffered from many stability issues, and you could not upgrade between Ubuntu versions. It installed it self to an FAT32/NTFS drive along side Windows and added itself to the Windows Boot Manager20:17
nickgawIf I do the dual boot method and later want to remove ubuntu and regrow the windows ntfs partition is this possible?20:18
pragmaticenigmanickgaw: Yes20:18
nickgawI am not saying that ubuntu is bad I am totally blind and want to make sure if I have major accessibility issues with orca I can remove it and go back to a single boot windows 10 pro 64 bits system and regrow my ntfs partition and restore the windows boot manager?20:19
nickgawCan I install ubuntu to a large USB flash drive for testing purposes or convert the live disc to an installation system on the USB flash drive?20:22
pragmaticenigmanickgaw: there is no way to guarantee the restoration of windows will be smooth. But you can remove the linux partition, and you may need to use the windows installation media to run a repair on windows to restore the Window boot manager. Restoring windows is something I'm not very familiar with. When I've done this in the past, I remove the Windows drive, and use a dedicated harddrive for Ubuntu.20:22
TJ-nickgaw: yes to both. Former is better but it is even possible to configure a live ISO USB to use a separate partition/file-system for 'persistence'20:22
TJ-nickgaw: if the system firmware is UEFI then Windows and Ubuntu will install alongside each other and not interfere. Those problems were caused with BIOS firmware when only one operating system could control the MBR boot sector20:23
pragmaticenigmanickgaw: you can create USB drive with persistence, and use that USB drive to later install if you desire. I'm not sure of the USB installer will capture your saved preferences from the persistence area.20:24
nickgawHow could I convert the live iso to storable like I had installed it on the drive I have debian on one laptop but want to make a drive with ubuntu on it that I can plug in and boot from and yes my systems support USB booting?20:25
TJ-nickgaw:  there's a good AskUbuntu answer for persistence at this link, the first main answer beginning "Syslinux type installers like..."  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1051543/how-to-make-a-live-ubuntu-18-04-usb-with-a-persistent-storage-of-more-than-4gb20:27
nickgawThat might help20:27
nickgawCan you upgrade from the LTS release to the normal release?20:29
TJ-nickgaw: not sure how well a screen-reader will handle the text layout there... be interested in your results (I work/volunteer for a blind society in the UK so this stuff is high on my agenda)20:29
TJ-nickgaw:  yes, although usually its not such a good idea because the in-between releases only get 9 months support20:30
nickgawIf you are on the inbetween release can you stick with the next LTS release?20:30
TJ-nickgaw:  you can release-upgrade from e.g. 19.10 to 20.04 using do-release-upgrade tool20:32
pragmaticenigmanickgaw: You can switch from the "in-between" to an LTS release however, you can only do that when you are moving into an LTS release. It's easier to start with the LTS release and then upgrade to the next LTS release20:34
nickgawWill the do-release-upgrade tool give me choices as to what release I want to upgrade to?20:35
TJ-nickgaw:  if the current install is an LTS it'll only want to upgrade to another LTS. If current is an 'in-between' it'll go to the next release20:36
pragmaticenigmanickgaw: Should also note, that if you start with "in-between" unless you change a setting, it will always upgrade to the next available release. So when 20.10 is release, you machine would want to upgrade to that version.20:37
nickgawHow would I upgrade from LTS to inbetween?20:38
TJ-nickgaw:  there's a file that controls it with a setting, "/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades" which has "Prompt=lts" that would need to be "Prompt=normal"20:40
notguest96When 20.04 comes out and install will it delete the packages it installed? pragmaticenigma20:40
pragmaticenigmanotguest96: I have no idea what you mean, you sentence does not make any sense20:41
texlaWhen I open Ubuntu 18.04.4 first thing during day I get an error message that the system has an error and do I want to send or cancel..using each command and I no longer get the message  I have looked at var log but cannot find anything ?20:41
notguest96What I meant is when the packages is done installing on my system, does it auto delete after that?20:42
notguest96I know for when I was getting my OS it deleted the files that it copied to install20:42
mispphey people, does anyone have an idea for kernel boot option in ubuntu like "inst.vnc" in fedora?20:43
pragmaticenigmanotguest96: the behavior you're describing is not something I have encountered. What are you seeing that is getting deleted?20:43
pragmaticenigmamispp: this channel only understand Ubuntu. You will have to translate what that parameter does for someone to make an approximation of something similar20:44
EriC^texla: it might be in /var/log/apport.log20:44
notguest96When you boot ubuntu from a USB the files are copied over and installed onto your installer and then after it's done it uninstall it or deletes it to save space pragmaticenigma20:44
EriC^texla: when it comes up there should also be a 'show details' button or so to give more info20:44
EriC^texla: also /var/crash might have some info20:44
pragmaticenigmanotguest96: No... it doesn't do anything of the sort. the installer does not run from the target disk. It stays within the Live session of the booted disk20:45
notguest96I checked the installation process runner and it said it was deleting something so I was just curious pragmaticenigma20:47
TJ-mispp: no, the Ubuntu GUI installer doesn't have a remote ability like inst.vnc - generally we'd use the ubuntu-server TUI install medium that uses debian-installer, and then add the "ubuntu-desktop" package to pull in the GUI components20:47
EriC^notguest96: those stuff it deletes at the end are extra packages that you dont need sometimes, depending on your installation options etc, like lvm or other stuff20:47
notguest96that's what i'm talking about20:48
notguest96Makes sense thanks20:48
EriC^no problem20:48
texlaEriC^,   https://pastebin.com/ppLkU21T20:55
pragmaticenigmatexla: I'd recommend not using Wayland, and switch back to using X20:57
texlapragmaticenigma, I do use Wayland use gnome xorg20:58
pragmaticenigmatexla: that made no sense20:59
EriC^texla: it seems the error is related to wayland trying to start21:00
nickgawI read somewhere that ubuntu has paid support is this true?21:01
mike_mouseit's news to me21:01
texlapragmaticenigma, Slip of the finger should be do not use wayland'21:01
pragmaticenigmatexla: presently... it would appear that you somehow switched yourself to the wayland instance21:02
nickgawI might have been reading it wrong but does Canonical offer paid or ready to use ubuntu systems for sale?21:02
pragmaticenigmanickgaw: Canonical does not produce computers. They do offer an enterprise paid support solution21:02
mike_mousenickdaw: are we talking about single user workstations or servers?21:03
mike_mousethere is support for server implementations and enterprise projects21:03
pragmaticenigmanickgaw: (cc: mike_mouse ) See https://ubuntu.com/pricing/infra for more information21:03
nickgawI guess I was reading about their enterprise options and thought they were for end users what are those for like what do they provide?21:03
pragmaticenigmamike_mouse: there is desktop as well21:04
TJ-nickgaw: There's the Ubuntu Advantage support programme21:04
nickgawThat is what I was reading then.21:04
nickgawWhat advantage does that give you?21:04
mike_mousepragmaticenigma: i didn't know they offered support for desktop21:05
nickgawCan they remote into your system to fix issues?21:05
mike_mouseI honestly don't know comrade21:06
mike_mousethat said, letting someone ssh into your machine is not a good idea21:06
nickgawIs it possible to install desktop then remove the gui if you don't want it anymore?21:07
TJ-nickgaw:  yes21:07
mike_mousenickgaw: you mean remove the gui and install another? totally possible21:07
nickgawno remove the gui and just leave command line support?21:08
mike_mousenickgaw: also possible21:08
nickgawHow can I just checkout with bzr the ubuntu installer source without getting a branch on launchpad?21:09
mike_mousei think innit 3 and innit 5 can shutdown the gui and restart it temporarily21:09
TJ-nickgaw:  you can also leave it in place but stop it being used with "systemctl mask display-manager.service"21:09
texlaEriC^, Rebooted and the signin is assigned to Ubuntu21:09
TJ-nickgaw:  which ubuntu installer? ubiquity?21:10
EriC^texla: is there  a settings button next to the login? it should have ubuntu on wayland and xorg i guess as an option21:11
nickgawreading the wiki it wants you to create a launchpad branch first which I don't want to do.21:11
EriC^texla: oh you mean it's assigned to ubuntu, vs ubuntu on wayland21:11
TJ-nickgaw:  " git clone https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity "21:12
EriC^texla: currently are you able to login to the session or it crashes straight away?21:12
texlaEriC^, the error sign appeared again the sign in button has cinnamon Ubuntu and WAYLAND AND IT SHOWS uBUNTU TO BE IN SIGN IN POSITION21:13
EriC^texla: aha so it logs in fine, however it gives the error message and continues normally?21:14
EriC^(all this after logging in, not at the login screen right?)21:14
texlaEriC^ I can sign in to Ubuntu then the error appears and I can continue to use o/s after cancel21:14
EriC^texla: if you open a terminal and type "echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE" what does it say?21:15
texlaEriC^ x1121:16
EriC^texla: i see, it appears that Xwayland isn't actually wayland, it's a fallback for apps that can't run properly on wayland yet, so it's supposed to be that if you're using a wayland session and an app needs x, it'll use xwayland, odd why it's being used even though wayland isn't selected21:18
misppTJ: thanks! i was just searching for yes/no, so i dont waste time online looking through the lists21:23
EriC^texla: i've no idea why it's doing it, but have you upgraded the system fully? sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?21:27
EriC^a newer kernel or so might fix it, who knows21:28
texlaEriC^ Switched to cinammon and got the same error after opening hexchat  will upgrade then switched back to Ubuntu21:29
EriC^texla: if all else fails, if you want you can run "sudo -H xdiagnose" and remove the check next to "enable automatic crash bug reporting" so it doesnt pop up the message anymore21:29
nickgawHi, Now I have ubiquity downloaded from git where is the documentation for how to build it?21:38
TJ-nickgaw: ha, usually in the base directory :)21:38
texlaEriC^ Ran update 25 items printed switched to Ubuntu it opened when I got to IRC canceled and its gone until I reboot I will leave as is its only one key stroke to eliminate21:38
TJ-nickgaw:  for debian-ised packages, presuming you've all the build-dependencies installed, it'd be "debian/rules binary" (which is calling a makefile to create the binary .deb packages)21:39
TJ-nickgaw:  you may need to check what the build-deps are with "cat debian/control" and looking at the list of packages needed to build it21:40
nickgawNo I mean how to build ubiquity and work with it along with the debian-installer?21:40
nickgawNo README files or documentation files exist.21:40
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
EriC^texla: alright21:44
EriC^texla: it might actually work after rebooting, if a new kernel got installed it'll be used on the next reboot21:45
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texlaEriC^ Thanks for the help will see what happens on next new kernel21:50
NyleI need a music synthesizer keyboard app for linux21:52
NyleAnyone know anything, I been looking but no luck. I need something with a visual keyboard display, 3 octaves at least21:53
NyleGoal is to have this be programmed and play in back while I record guitar through interface21:53
NyleSomething I can import my hydrogen drum machine tracks, and lay multi tracking on it, one synth, one bas, one guitar etc. etc.21:54
DevrimIf a (bug)fix from launchpad is marked as released, how long should it take for the fix to pop up for the end user?21:55
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Nylehydrogen to make drum tracks, load in audacity, got effects and all vst stuff21:56
NyleI need to load a synth track in audacity. I need a synthesizer app :D21:57
NyleIf anyone makes music on linux, msg me too thanks21:57
tomreynDevrim: not too long, a few days at most. that's if it was released to the release you're looking at.22:02
Devrimtomreyn I just checked and the mirror I'm using was last updated saturday so I guess that's why the fix isn't available yet :)22:04
tomreynDevrim: which bug are you looking at, which ubuntu release are you running?22:04
Devrimtomreyn TLS 1.3 has been added for ubuntu bionic22:05
tomreyna good while ago, yes22:05
DevrimI was waiting a while for it and it was released a few hours ago :)22:05
tomreynare you referring to libssl?22:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1845263 in apache2 (Ubuntu Disco) "[wishlist] Add TLSv1.3 support to apache2 on Bionic" [Medium,Fix released]22:05
tomreynah so you're referring to mod_ssl22:06
DevrimBionic got it later22:06
Devrimah yeah I forgot -> for apache222:06
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tomreynDevrim: actually 2.4.29-1ubuntu4.12 is in bionic-updates22:09
Devrimtomreyn yeah it is but I'm using a secondary mirror (it was like that by default) and the mirror hasn't synced updates since saturday22:10
DevrimI guess it will sync today/tomorrow22:10
tomreynDevrim: right, mirrors can be behind a little. you can check on the mirror page22:12
tomreynhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors << find yours and click on it, then look for "The Bionic Beaver"22:13
Devrim"One week behind"22:14
tomreynhmm you might want a better mirror then. it's not really a problem though as long as you use security.ubuntu.com for security updates22:14
Devrimyeah security.ubuntu.com is enabled for security updates22:16
DevrimI might do a quick switch to a different mirror22:16
Devrimtomreyn I'm up to date now :)22:20
tomreyncongrats :)22:21
jrgilmanhey there, was hoping to get some help getting L2TP over IPSec set-up on 19.10, I've tried a few things and gotten somewhere with it but in the end I'm still unable to connect other than inside of a Windows 10 machine22:39
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
jrgilmanhttps://kopy.io/uOTS2 is where i'm currently at22:40
jrgilmanThis is the syslog22:40
jrgilmanI've set everything except for the NT Domain and Gateway ID in the VPN set-up22:42
jrgilmanGateway, User, Password, PSK, Phase I and II algos are all set22:43
jrgilmanPhase I is set to 3des-sha1-modp1024! and Phase II is 3des-sha1!22:43
tomreynoutdated crypto FTW!22:49
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jrgilmanyeah well22:53
jrgilmanit is how it is i guess22:53
jrgilmanIs there any way to proceed or am I SOL22:54
jrgilmanand by SOL I mean I have to run windows native in some fashion22:54
tomreyni'm sure it can be made to work, it's just that everyone hates debugging LT2P VPNs - for reasons.22:55
jrgilmandoes it just take forever22:56
tomreynand you need to compare both ends' logs.22:56
jrgilmanaw fuck22:56
jrgilmanso basically my best bet is either dual boot, or get a second windows laptop22:57
tomreynyour best bet is to get all linux systems and, unrelated to that, use wireguard.22:59
tomreynor spend the time it takes to analyze the LT2P issues, by comparing both ends' logs, maybe dump some traffic.23:00
sarnoldMar  1 23:05:19 jacob-ThinkPad-P52s NetworkManager[1059]: Starting strongSwan 5.7.2 IPsec [starter]...23:00
sarnoldnot that line silly firefox23:00
sarnoldMar  1 23:05:19 jacob-ThinkPad-P52s NetworkManager[1059]: Starting strongSwan 5.7.2 IPsec [starter]...23:00
sarnoldFFS FIREFOX23:00
sarnoldlook at the lie that says "can't bind to port 1701"23:01
sarnoldI've seen this pastebin for four seconds and hate it already :)23:01
jrgilmansarnold: I saw that line, I killed the xl2tp or whatever process23:01
jrgilmanand that didn't do anything23:01
sarnoldby the end of the log it does look like packets are going back and forth23:02
sarnolddoes ip route show you what you expect to see?23:02
jrgilmanI'm not sure what you mean by that, but the VPN deactivates23:03
jrgilmanbefore I can do anything23:03
sarnoldoh :(23:03
jrgilmanbasically just fails extremely fast23:04
tomreynif i interpret it correctly, receives one packet from, and that's a DELETE request. which it carries out, it tears down the connection.23:08
jrgilman206 is their VPN server23:09
jrgilmanmaybe a dumb/harder question23:09
jrgilmanbut if the VPN works on my windows 10 vm23:10
jrgilmanis it possible to bridge the windows 10 vm's network to my host machine so my host machine can go through the guest and into their network23:10
sarnoldheh, this is the part where "logs on both ends" would be nice23:10
sarnold*why* did it send that DELETE request?23:10
jrgilmanwould logs from Windows 10 connecting to the VPN be useful at all?23:11
tomreyni have no idea what those wouldlook like. maybe hits is more of a topic for ##networking, too23:13
jrgilmanheh I asked the question there at the same time23:13
tomreynand i guess they, too, would need both logs23:13
jrgilmanwell in the interest of getting this work done in the short term23:14
jrgilmanI'll find a spare laptop to nuke and put satan on23:14
jrgilmanweird, ike-scan claims that Encryption is 3DES, but Windows says I'm using AES 25623:30
jeremy31jrgilman: if that is wifi, your router might be set to WPA/WEP/WPA2 with CCMP and TKIP23:32
jrgilmanit's ethernet, but there is a separate adapter in windows for the VPN23:33
jrgilmanso that's where i'm getting that from23:33
tomreynjrgilman: i read up a little on the error message and two sites i ran into state the situation your log shows (received DELETE for the active IKE_SA during connection setup) indicates that the site initiating the teardown (your remote server in this case, if i get it right) doesn't think the RSA certificate chain it is presented with is valid (missing CA certificate, error in the certificate chain, identity mismatch or something similar).23:36
tomreynthat's https://wiki.strongswan.org/issues/1058 and (german language) https://wiki.securepoint.de/UTM/VPN/IPSec-Troubleshooting23:37
jrgilmanreading now23:38
jrgilmanseems like their https is borked23:39
sarnoldthe german site has an ffi ligature, which makes the word "traffic" look ridiculous23:39
jrgilmanhttp in that url but if you go to https23:39
jrgilmanseems to have a bad time23:40
jrgilmani don't get why companies run such whacky bullshit23:40
jrgilmansigh, next thing I'll sell them on is managed services maybe23:40
sarnoldIIS 7 splash page.. this webpage suggests there's an IIS 10 https://blogs.iis.net/iisteam/introducing-iis-cors-1-023:41
sarnoldI'm even surprised to hear IIS is still a thing. who knew? :)23:41
jrgilmanlol well I guess it doesn't even matter, ooc I tried to do the same action on my windows desktop23:46
jrgilmanand ssms immediately locked up23:46
jrgilmanthat's what I get for taking on SAP projects i guess23:46
sarnoldtomreyn: oh. my.23:46
sarnoldjrgilman: oof :)23:46
jrgilmanthere's over 6000 tables in this database23:46
jrgilmanand several thousand views23:46
jrgilmannot a single foreign key to be found23:47
jrgilmanmaybe this is an SSMS problem23:49
sarnoldralph "i'm in trouble".png23:49

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