
=== jphilipz is now known as jphilips
jphilipswill xubuntu also be shipping with the snap version of the software store?02:38
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
jphilipsanyone have a keyboard that has the 'Homepage' button on it. if so can you press it and see if it launches the browser, as this is broken for me.04:40
brainwashjphilips: you mean the action is not working at all regardless of which keyboard shortcut is used?11:11
bluesabrejphilips: no to the snap software store, at least for now11:12
jphilipsbrainwash: if you were reply about the super+d shortcut, then no it just doesnt work with super+d and changing it back to the old ctrl+alt+d makes it work11:52
brainwashjphilips: it changed it to super+d and it still works11:53
brainwashI changed11:53
jphilipsthat's strange11:53
brainwashtest with a new user account11:53
brainwashcheck your xml file too11:54
jphilipstested it on my desktop and my laptop and doesnt work in both11:55
jphilipsdoes the 'Homepage' button work for you to open the browser?11:55
brainwashI don't have such a button11:56
brainwashjphilips: super + d not working for you because you have set only super to open whisker menu?13:16
jphilipsbrainwash: didnt work on the xubuntu live cd when i hadnt set anything :D13:17
brainwashjphilips: that's bad13:36
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh-msft
jphilipsknome: is it possible to get access to the website, so i can make changes15:45
knomebluesabre, they should all appear in the media list (iirc), you should be able to (carefully) remove submissions15:48
knomejphilips, i'm not the person to decide about that and while technically is of course possible, the xubuntu team usually wants to see sustained contributions to subteams before granting direct rights to access stuff15:50
knomejphilips, this is explained in detail in https://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/xsd.html#Xubuntu_Team15:51
knomebut that said, you should ask the more active people whether they are willing to grant you access15:51
knomeand i would recommend that you make some concrete suggestions first and discuss them with the team15:53
knomejphilips, for example, what kind of changes would you be making at this point?15:53
jphilipsknome: currently looking over the text on the contribute pages and looking to make edits to it, like adding links for quicker access15:55
knomeagain, what kind of edits and what kind of links15:56
jphilipsfor example on the artwork page, adding a link on 'Xubuntu developer mailing list'15:56
knome(i'm not opposed to changes, but i'd like to hear)15:56
knomemost of the subteam pages do not link to that page15:57
knomebut for the technical implementation, it would be a great candidate for a resuable gutenberg block15:57
knomethat way we would limit the amount of maintaining required15:58
jphilipswould also like to add text about the wallpaper contest that is run before each release15:58
knomewell, i'd vote against that15:58
knomepages are for static content, articles for dynamic15:58
knomethere's no guarantee that the wallpaper contests are ran for every LTS release15:59
knome...even if that's what has happened15:59
knomei'm told it's dinner time15:59
jphilipsnot saying that we'd have to constantly link to a page about the newest contest, but mentioning that there regularly is a contest shouldnt be something we shouldnt mention. we should try to give people visiting these pages as much info about contributing as possible.16:04
jphilipsi dont mind preparing a modified version of the page text in a google doc for submission and review by those in charge16:07
jphilipsthey can pick and choose what they are okay with and add it16:07
knomejphilips, i'm pretty sure everybody would find that more useful since there was something actual to think about :)16:24
pleia2jphilips: a good place to start with the website is submitting bug reports for each so we can engage on launchpad about your ideas (syncs with our typical workflow for this)16:53
pleia2and that develops your body of work you can point to when you want to apply to join the team ;)16:53
jphilipspleia2: got the url for website on launchpad as its not mentioned here - https://xubuntu.org/contribute/marketing16:55
pleia2you have submitted a bug to it before :)16:56
jphilipsis there a means to submit a patch for review?17:01
jphilipslooking at the 'code' page, i see 'bzr branch lp:xubuntu-website' but no git repo17:02
pleia2yeah, it doesn't use git, it uses bzr17:04
pleia2but you'll want a bug report and to discuss it in the bug before proposing changes17:05
pleia2(bzr isn't that hard to use, it's similar to git, but easier :))17:05
jphilipswill work on suggested changes for the artwork page and then file a bug for it and see how the process goes17:06
-BottyMcBotFace:#xubuntu-devel- Reminder: Next meeting chair is Unit19318:00
jphilipshas the next meeting been set?19:15
ochosiJackFrost would have to be bugged to schedule the next meeting21:48
JackFrostNothing on the agenda, no reason yet for a meeting.21:54
jphilipsJackFrost: i've pushed many of my shortcuts suggestions upstream so it would be good to try to ratify them in xubuntu21:59
jphilipsthe panel height issue should also be voted on22:00
JackFrostPerhaps it'd be good to put that on the agneda, so it doesn't look blank.22:11
jphilipshow and where do i do that22:16
JackFrostAh sure, so the agenda sits at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings, you'd put the topic and your name next to the topic.  I tend to schedule meetings late UTC time.22:18
jphilipsJackFrost: thanks but i dont see where i can edit the page and add to the agenda22:28
JackFrostjphilips: You'll need to be logged in of course, if you have a LP account you can login.22:29
jphilipsokay logged in, but still dont see how to edit22:37
JackFrostReally?  Should be a button at the top right?22:38
jphilipsi see a arrow button next to the search box22:40
JackFrostOK, it finally let me login.  Top *left*, right next to 'info' and 'subscribe'22:55
jphilipsJackFrost: it shows me 'Immutable Page'23:05
JackFrostPaste your title(s) here with your name, I'll add it.  I don't know what's wrong then.23:05
JackFrostThanks for trying.23:05
JackFrost(Eg, 'Ensure we have the latest 4.14 releases before freeze - Unit193')23:06
jphilipsVote on whether to increase the panel height to 28px or 32px - jphilips23:12
jphilipsyou can also include a link to the mailing list discussion if that is useful - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2019-July/011830.html23:12
jphilipsAddition of new shortcut keys changed upstream - jphilips23:14
jphilipslinks that can accompany it23:14
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 16470 in General "Improve the default shortcut keys" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed]23:14
pleia2jphilips: the wiki had a big spam problem, so you need to be part of a specific launchpad team in order to edit, info here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpContents (it's the link under "Help" on the wiki)23:38
pleia2(full Ubuntu Members are automatically part of this group, which is why many folks here haven't run into the problem)23:38
pleia2once you're approved for the ubuntu-wiki-editors team you'll need to log out, log back in again, and do a hard refresh on your browser23:39
pleia2it's annoying :( but the spam was really, really bad23:39
jphilipsrequest to join wiki sent23:39
JackFrostAh cool, I remember for the etherpad one had to do that, guess this too.23:42
pleia2the primary admin of that team is in the UK so he is probably sleeping by now, let me know if you don't get access23:42
pleia2also, this is part of the reason we moved a lot of stuff to our own wiki :)23:43
JackFrostWhere *we* can be the ones to fight the spam! /s23:45
JackFrost(As far as I know, it's not bad.)23:45
pleia2I think it's more that we control the whitelist of users, instead of waiting for popey to approve people, and it's faster23:45

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