=== jaafar_ is now known as jaafar [07:21] hello [07:23] I upgraded from 19.10 to 20.04LTS and during the process i was listening a song in a repeat mode. THe problem is since the system upgraded i can't shut down the song, even if i kill cantanta, or i restart the system, or i create a new user the song still repeating! This was one of my favorites songs and now i hate this song! [07:24] can anybody say me how can i kill the song?? [07:34] Good morning [07:34] good morning lordievader [07:34] can you help me to kill the song? [07:35] What application does `pavucontrol` say it is coming from? [07:39] lordievader: pavucontrol dont say nothing now [07:39] even the icon of volumen on my toolbar is apparently muted, but the song still playing [07:39] There is no audio going to your soundcard? [07:40] i think no [07:40] it doesnt show nothing [07:42] even i executed the song in another user but it still playing even if i close the first user session [07:43] Hrmm, could you pastebin the output of `sudo ps faux`? [07:43] !paste [07:43] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [07:43] if i try to listen another audios i can't, it is just playing the song [07:43] okey i go [07:46] did u received that? [07:48] You didn't send a link to the paste. [07:48] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MB6SsTfszz/ç [07:48] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MB6SsTfszz/ [07:51] albert: What happens when you run `pulseaudio -k` in a konsole? [07:51] lordievader: absolutly nothing, the song still playing [07:52] and i'm not esquizofrenic -.-¡ [07:52] Hrmm, did you try a reboot? [07:52] yes [07:53] and when KDE is loading the song is palying even before show the desktop [07:54] That sounds very strange. What did you do when this problem started? [07:55] i was playing habbo hotel while i was listening this song & upgrading kubuntu 19.10 to 20.04 [08:02] Listening in what? [08:02] Cantanta [08:02] but the song was playing online [08:03] and i had the repeat option for this song [08:05] Local mpd server or remote? [08:06] Cantata let you play music from jamendo, for example [08:06] then i was playing in repeat music one of this songs [08:07] in repeat mode* [08:10] Yes, I know Cantata. It is a frontend for MPD, it doesn't actually play music itself. [08:10] So, were you using a local or remote mpd? [08:11] idk what is MPD [08:11] i'm using my simple computer [08:11] user mode [08:11] Music Player Daemon - Also; Cantata is awesome... [08:11] i'm using the desktop version in theory [08:11] i click and so [08:12] graphic [08:15] Ah, right. Mpd is in your process list. So the daemon is simply playing your song on repeat. And since it is a service, which most likely starts at boot, it begins playing before you reach the desktop. [08:16] Open cantata and stop mpd from playing ;) [08:18] For the background, mpd is a daemon (a service) which plays music. Cantata is a frontend to control mpd. MPD can be set to autoresume playing when started, which is likely what it does in your case. [08:24] lordievader: when i open cantata it shows like it is playing the song, but when i click the Pause or stop button it doesnt works [08:24] i can't change the song [08:25] i kill cantata and open again, and the same happen [08:26] i'm thinking about reinstall all [08:26] kubuntu [08:27] lordievader: i need to kill this daemon [08:28] explicitly probable or something [08:28] yeah [08:29] In a terminal/shell window... … `sudo systemctl stop mpd.service` … `sudo systemctl disable mpd.service` … This will get MPD shut down and disabled until you can figure out what's misconfigured, then once you get it worked out; … `sudo systemctl start mpd.service` … `sudo systemctl enable mpd.service` … Will start and re-enable the service for you... … `systemctl status mpd.service` will tell you whether it's running/ [08:29] lordievader i stoped the daemon [08:29] i did ps faux | grep -i mpd [08:29] and then i did kill PID [08:30] and now i can listen a video of youtube [08:30] and the icon of volumen dont shows like is muted [08:30] It'll return next reboot if you didn't disable it. [08:31] ok i will try first i will reboot and if it doesn't work i will do what you said [08:31] Try `systemctl status mpd.service` <- That'll tell you whether it's enabled/disabled. [08:33] If it's still enabled, then the daemon will start back up each reboot (even if it doesn't start playing). The service itself can be controlled via a GUI like Cantata, or via various commandline tools, or even from an Android device with the proper music player installed. [08:40] i think the problem is solved [08:40] now the audio is going well even after reboot [08:40] if i do systemctl status mpd.service [08:41] now it says active [08:42] then the name of the daemon was mpd [08:42] and i had to kill mpd [08:42] thanks! [10:07] How to get work adb fastboot commands in kubuntu? [10:17] You likely lack the permissions. There should be documentation on this. [10:30] hi everybody! What DLNA server do you use on *ubuntu? === Guest23660 is now known as lordievader [12:33] Salut :) [12:36] @KiritoLovesasuna, Install the default android debug packaged [14:09] Howdy folks [14:10] yo === j is now known as Guest47421 === stephen is now known as Guest53861 [16:25] hi everybody! What do you use as DLNA server on *ubuntu? If so, can you please point me to some documentation? I have googled but with scarce success. I have 18.04 LTS 64 bit . [16:25] PS: I need a DLNA server that cna be managed through graphical interface. [16:43] Hi folks, is there a way to stop the services running in the background automatically if the application is being inactive for a time period? [16:47] Let me give an example.. i am using vpn client application to connect my workplace network. .. i used to stop the service after disconnecting using systemctl stop.. i know its not much to do but i may need to do the same for many applications in the future. [17:53] Hello the channel :) [17:53] Good evening all :D [17:55] hi Anathaniel [17:56] @BluesKaj Hello :) [17:57] @BluesKaj Do you know wich is the principal language of this Channel ? [17:57] english [17:57] Thank you :) [17:57] looking for a different language kubuntu/ubuntu chat? [17:58] !fr [17:58] Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. === phma_ is now known as phma === MANIAC is now known as Guest13338 === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === cc is now known as ctr === dante_ is now known as dante__ === dante__ is now known as dante_ === dante_ is now known as DanteOtter === DanteOtter is now known as Dante_ === Dante_ is now known as DanteOtter === cc is now known as Guest76520 === Guest76520 is now known as ctr === t00tie_ is now known as t00tie [21:53] i'm on latest updated LTS kubuntu and attempting to read a man page via the browser by invoking man:emacs. i can read the man page in konsole but the browser says there's no man page associated with emacs. [21:58] hmmm [21:59] calcmandan: not sure if Dolphin does it, but Konqueror does, it has a "man:/" protocol you can use, and what Konqueror does is, it takes the man page and reformats it on-the-fly, producing an HTML version of it [22:00] calcmandan: for example, if you want to read hmmm say "dd" man pages, in Konqueror it'll just be -> man:/dd <- or if you want "du"'s, then -> man:/du <- [22:00] it was the forward slash that i was missing' [22:00] i did man:emacs [22:00] lol [22:01] i know firefox fails at it. [22:01] installing konq now [22:02] well [22:03] calcmandan: bear in mind that the "man:" protocol is part of a kio_slave plugin that's a kde library, so it'd be a desktop app integrated component, is understandable that Firefox may not have it [22:03] i completely forgot. [22:04] I must say, my main "file manager" is konqueror, konqueror blows as webbrowser, but darn it as file manager is terrific [22:05] I can and often do, many open tabs, and on each tab, you can split it as many times you want, so hmm say yesterday, I had 4 directories on 4 split views, all at the same time on the screen, because I was checking and moving some files between all four [22:05] Dolphin can only do 2 split, that's about it [22:06] i've been using dolphins [22:06] dolphin [22:06] for split view and such [22:07] i can't get it to display manpages [22:07] so weird. [22:07] I use it too, mind you that the operations on both are the same [22:07] i've been using firefox for web browsing [22:08] calcmandan: the kio_slaves are plugins for konqueror and any UI using konqueror libs [22:09] i'm just making conversation [22:09] I launch konqueror using the filemanager profile, as file manager it kicks major ****, no to mention you customize the right-click menu at some extent, just added a few stuff to it in the last two days [22:09] troubleshooting why konqueror isn't displaying manpages. just thinking abou tit [22:10] hell, a few years ago konqueror was my main browser. [22:13] I don't use it as webbrowser, I have Opera and Chrome and Firefox, now and then I use it as webbrowser but mainly for debugging something that's legacy code [22:14] hell i may use it now. it seems to render ampache interface quickly. [22:17] for some reason it won't render the manpage for emacs file:///home/daniel/.cache/kioexec/krun/31274_0/emacs [22:18] woops, didn't mean to paste that [22:21] calcmandan: and if you happen to know some CSS, you can customize that html output at some extent as well from the manpages btw, I made a .css file that change a few things [22:32] i didn't know that. honestly i haven't been using man pages in a long time but i'm relearning pascal atm and wanted to have the manpage up for relearning emacs;l [22:32] maybe i can just open a new tab in yakuake and switch back and forth [22:34] calcmandan: why bother with yakuake when you can just open multitabs in Konqueror and put a manpage on each and go back and forth [22:34] i'm using emacs in yakuake [22:36] btw, you can also save the rendered HTML page, if you so wish, and just save it somewhere and maybe put a bookmark to it in Firefox for later reading [22:38] calcmandan: pardon my honesty, why are you bothering with emacs anyway? [22:38] I mean, I can see it useful over SSH [22:45] you got it [22:45] but i'm really not going to get into the religious debate on emacs vs vi [22:47] bprompt: by the way, i'm the type of person who doesn't get offended by others' opinions and your honesty is most appreciated. [22:51] heheh [22:52] right, for some it becomes a Holy War, is not what I meant heheh, I wasn't trying to denigrate emacs [22:53] I mean, there are quite a few editors with lots of UI and "intellisense" for most languages, some like vscode even do "autohinting" [22:53] now, you don't have to get vscode, but just something to stash in the cabinet for maybe a later look