
Noboru55look https://imgur.com/a/fFAXMWY00:05
Noboru55can i edit the "Lxqt Settings" ?00:06
Noboru55almost perfect00:06
Noboru55sudo nano /usr/share/applications/lxqt-config-input.desktop There is no option for [Br]  so it's showed to me like [Pt]00:08
Noboru55i just wanted to know how to edit the name of lxqt settings00:14
Noboru55oh my gosh00:37
Noboru55sudo apt install language-pack-gnome-pt language-pack-gnome-pt-base00:37
Noboru55now gimp and firefox in my language...00:38
Noboru55it could be installed when i chosse my language in installation00:38
Noboru55hello i am back00:55
Noboru55how can i edit "LXQt settings" in start menu > preferences (the first option)00:57
wxlNoboru55: see /etc/xdg/menus/lxqt-config.menu01:18
wxlit might also be /usr/share/desktop-directories/lxqt-settings.directory01:18
Noboru55thank you01:26
Noboru55wxl the seccond option worked...01:31
Noboru55now its translated all to my language, and the other apps, the gtk package solved01:31
lubot<QDrive> How to make shortcut to desktop?05:36
lubot<QDrive> (Photo, 800x450) https://i.imgur.com/1Dpq3d8.jpg05:36
lubot<QDrive> @QDrive [<reply to image>], Im try copy drag drop but stuck on process05:38
diogenes_QDrive, try with terminal.05:39
lubot<QDrive> What the hell, my system pending process after few minutes file manager open multi tab, multi create copy firefox to desktop … 😆06:02
lubot<QDrive> @diogenes_ [<diogenes_> QDrive, try with terminal.], Its working now06:02
King57Hey Everybody here16:19
King57I wanna know why installing lubuntu requires an internet connection16:20
King57I had Ubuntu installed on my old Dell d630 but it didnt perform so well16:21
King57 was really so slow16:22
geniiThat's a 13 year old machine16:31
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> @King57 [<King57> I wanna know why installing lubuntu requires an internet connection], Are you sure that requires it? I am pretty sure that it is optional16:36
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> @King57 [<King57> I had Ubuntu installed on my old Dell d630 but it didnt perform so well], What you were trying to do? Many things are not limited by OS, but directly by the task (for example running website with megabytes of tracking/ads)16:37
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