
zakipavlushka, I can't reach irc.mozilla.org16:52
zakiyou ?16:52
pavlushkazaki: it has been shut down16:52
zakido you know why ?16:53
pavlushkafrom this March16:53
pavlushkazaki: now they use matrix16:53
pavlushkazaki: https://riot.im/app/#/welcome16:54
u-la-la[ Riot ] - riot.im16:54
pavlushkazaki: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Matrix16:54
u-la-la[ Matrix - MozillaWiki ] - wiki.mozilla.org16:54
zakipavlushka, do you know the mac terminal command for ssh using different port ?16:57
zakiis this like ssh root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -p 898916:57
pavlushkazaki: i don't know17:13
pavlushkazaki: AND I AM having dinner atm17:14
pavlushkazaki: it is the usual ssh way, 17:17
pavlushkazaki: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27771273/ssh-connection-using-another-port-in-os-x17:19
u-la-la[ macos - SSH connection using another port in OS X? - Stack Overflow ] - stackoverflow.com ( https://tinyurl.com/s8kjfme )17:19
zakipavlushka, checked it 18:02
pavlushkazaki: any luck?18:03
groudon_no bangla?18:03
zakipavlushka, nah 18:09
zakihey groudon_ 18:10
zakipavlushka, https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/IPANCHAG218:18
u-la-la[ Personal Weather Station Dashboard | Weather Underground ] - www.wunderground.com18:18
zakiএটা বন্ধ করে রাখসেন নাকি ? 18:18
groudon_zaki, actually bengali is not displayed correctly in my xchat...18:21
zakiah 18:22
zakigroudon_, where are you from ? 18:23
zakigroudon_, try changing font 18:25
zakithat's Japanese 18:28
zakipavlushka, do you know him/her/?18:29
groudon_i don't think there is a way to change font in xchat.18:31
zakitry settings>preferences>interface>Text box: Font18:41
zakifirst you have to install a bangla font like SolaimanLipi or other 18:42
zakisystem wide18:43
pavlushkazaki: no I don't19:08
zakiow. 19:08
z4kipavlushka, Good Night 20:30

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