
brycesarnold, thanks for the suggestion to extract the cookies from firefox, while I couldn't do it via the sqlite database programmatically, it made me look from the FF gui itself, and I was able to manually copy each of them to a file, and pass that to wget.  There were a couple other openid-related tweaks specific to autopkgtest I figured out digging through autopkgtest's flask code, but I finally got it all working.01:52
sarnoldbryce: dang, I wonder why it didn't work for you -- or why it works for us, I think it does anyway :)01:55
sarnoldbryce: but now you've got a way to restart N autopkgtests at a go?01:55
brycesarnold, I do02:34
sarnoldyay :)02:35
brycesarnold, do you guys run the scripts on a ubuntu version earlier than focal?  could be as simple as that02:35
sarnoldbryce: I'm on focal for a few weeks now, and I'm pretty sure I used the responses/security/ scripts recently, which I think use that cookie02:37
brycesarnold, can you run `python2 ./cookies-sql2txt.py ~/.mozilla/firefox/m2yx7v41.default/cookies.sqlite autopkgtest.ubuntu.com` ?02:42
bryceI get an error like "pysqlite2.dbapi2.OperationalError: near ".": syntax error"02:43
sarnoldImportError: No module named pysqlite202:44
sarnoldheh, I don't even get that far.02:44
brycesudo apt-get install python-sqlite02:45
bryceanyway, it's an interesting angle on the problem, I may dig more into it later.  thanks again02:47
sarnoldheh, required python-pysqlite2.02:48
sarnoldpysqlite2.dbapi2.OperationalError: near ".": syntax error02:48
bryceok, yep02:49
bryceI put the database table name in quotes but then it didn't recognize it as a valid table name.02:49
brycewow, and autopkgtest.ubuntu.com has now finished processing all of that.  Looks like chake and ruby-session are still on the board04:33
mwhudsonbryce: do you know about retry-autopkgtest-regressions from ubuntu-archive-tools?04:38
mwhudsonlooks like it requires you did the cookie out of your browser too though04:38
brycemwhudson, yep that was one of the first things I looked at actually05:05
mwhudsonbryce: ok good :)05:05
techalchemysarnold, fyi whatever the rason is we're using pysqlite we should probably use the native bindings instead05:06
cjwatsonYeah, there's the perfectly good sqlite3 in the standard library06:40
cjwatsonSince Python 2.506:40
cjwatsonMost things that use pysqlite2 were originally written for Python <= 2.406:41
mwhudsoni don't seem to be getting a plymouthy boot in focal currently06:45
mwhudsonis that a known thing?06:46
seb128vorlon, a few people pinged me because of bug #1864586, any idea when you will get a fix out?08:19
ubottubug 1864586 in plymouth (Ubuntu Focal) "plymouth does not ask for LUKS password and does not change tty properly" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186458608:19
seb128vorlon, plymouth includes a plymouth-populate-initrd script that can be used and would copy the right content08:24
mwhudsonoh i'm seeing that08:32
Laneyme too :'(08:39
juliankseb128: the fix is easy, it's just adding a word to the for loop that copies the theme in the initramfs hook08:40
juliank-currthemes="${THEME_NAME} ${TEXTTHEME_NAME}"08:41
juliank+currthemes="${THEME_NAME} ${TEXTTHEME_NAME} spinner"08:41
seb128juliank, I know, it's just that Steve said he would have a fix uploaded on friday and I don't want to dup work08:41
seb128but thanks08:41
dannfcjwatson: been a while since i tried to do git-dpm/grub work - is there something i need to do to the master to unapply patches? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kz4n5t4SXj/10:34
cjwatsondannf: don't use quilt!11:29
cjwatsondannf: git-dpm gives you patch-applied already.  If you want to edit the patch stack, use git-dpm checkout-patched and commit stuff directly, then git-dpm update-patches to serialise the commits back into debian/patches/11:30
dannfcjwatson: yeah, that's what i'm doing - but i'd assumed after update-patches i'd have a quilt-compatible tree.11:36
dannfif that's not the case, that's ok :) just trying to make sure i'm doing it correctly11:38
cjwatsondannf: It would be quilt-compatible if you did something like https://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/dpkg-quilt-setup to set up quilt metadata.  But it's not designed to be managed with quilt, and trying to do so will probably just cause confusion12:02
cjwatsondannf: It's just using quilt as an export format12:02
ahasenackdoes ubuntu or debian have this packaged? I couldn't find it: https://git.kernel.dk/cgit/liburing/12:41
dannfcjwatson: ack, thx12:52
cpaelzerrbasak: with the Origin added I guess you can re-reply to the mail14:00
cpaelzerrbasak: and then either upload youself now (allowing for bryce to pick up the results)14:00
cpaelzeror wait for him to ack and sponsor it14:00
cpaelzerkanashiro: the ctioga2 worked now, triggered on all architectures14:01
seb128vorlon, I'm having a look to the plymouth/initramfs issue now14:02
cpaelzerrbasak: I'm taking a look at the class III bugs14:05
cpaelzerrbasak: in case this is another phpunit patch we could do it in one upload14:06
cpaelzerThose are the likes of " Declaration of HTTP_Request2_Adapter_CommonNetworkTest::setUp() must be compatible with PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase::setUp(): void in /tmp/autopkgtest.Ih0Z0B/build.kMc/src/HTTP_Request2-2.3.0/tests/Request2/Adapter/CommonNetworkTest.php"14:06
rbasakAh yes, I was about to ask if we wanted to bundle any more phpunit fixes before uploading14:09
kanashirocpaelzer, good news, I should come up with another set of packages with similar issue14:12
cpaelzerkanashiro: so they all need triggers combined with ruby-defaults and their own version in -proposed then?14:21
cpaelzerrbasak: I have patches that will need your phpunit change14:33
cpaelzerrbasak: I'll upload all together to a PPA hoping they will test there together nciely14:34
kanashirocpaelzer, I didn't check all the regressions but some of them yes14:37
cpaelzerkanashiro: ok once you have a list to restart that way let me know14:38
rbasakcpaelzer: sure. Feel free to upload, etc.14:39
cpaelzerrbasak: I replied to the thread with two debdiffs14:42
cpaelzerwill later reply if the testing shows anything useful14:42
kanashirorbasak, don't you want to comment on this MP https://code.launchpad.net/~lucaskanashiro/ubuntu/+source/ruby-dataobjects-mysql/+git/ruby-dataobjects-mysql/+merge/380125 ? I just kept the changes you added in the past to support mysql 814:46
rbasakkanashiro: sorry, I don't read all the MP traffic. I'll comment now.14:51
roaksoaxwin 115:31
ahasenackhi, can one of these two dep8 requests be killed?18:08
ahasenackcacti {"requester": "ahasenack", "submit-time": "2020-03-03 17:05:55", "triggers": ["cacti/1.2.9+ds1-1ubuntu2"]}18:08
ahasenackcacti {"requester": "ginggs", "submit-time": "2020-03-03 17:54:32", "triggers": ["cacti/1.2.9+ds1-1ubuntu2"]}18:08
kanashirorbasak, could you sponsor ruby-dataobjects-mysql if you are happy with the changes I proposed on that MP?18:28
rbasakkanashiro: sure. I'm heading out now though, so it might be later today or tomorrow. Is that OK?18:34
rbasak(if not grab someone else maybe?)18:34
kanashirorbasak, totally fine18:34
rbasakThough also, is rafaeldtinoco happy with my comment?18:35
rbasakI don't want to step on his question without checking he's happy with my response.18:35
rafaeldtinocorbasak: sorry I should have +1ed your comment18:35
rafaeldtinocoI read it, agreed and moved on to something else18:35
rafaeldtinocokanashiro: ^18:35
rbasakOK, I'll sponsor when I get back.18:35
kanashirogreat :)18:37
dokokanashiro: are you working on https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#ruby-defaults ?18:43
kanashirodoko, yes, I should request some re-runs latter today to fix some regressions and start to investigate some actual failures (now I am trying to rebuild some packages against ruby2.7 that are still missing)18:45
kanashirohowever, help is welcome :)18:46
kanashirodoko, any idea about this python related src:subversion failure? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/467386393/buildlog_ubuntu-focal-amd64.subversion_1.13.0-2build1_BUILDING.txt.gz20:01
kanashiroI added a patch to drop the '-classic' option (not supported according to the logs) but then I got another error20:02
kanashirosubversion/bindings/swig/python/svn_client.c:7517:106: error: ‘svn_argnum_swig_obj’ undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean ‘svn_argnum_obj1’?20:02
dokokanashiro: not python related, but more likely swig 4.0. just drop that?20:08
kanashirodoko, yep, someone filed a bug upstream about it while ago and not fixed yet apparently: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SVN-4818?jql=project%20%3D%20SVN%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20text%20~%20%22swig%22%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC20:11
kanashirothis link is better: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SVN-481820:12
dokogreat, no upstream support20:13
dokoso maybe package a legacy swig-3.0 and use it?20:13
dokoor drop the bindings20:13
kanashirodoko, I'd go for dropping the python binding20:14
kanashiroit is not functional anyway20:14
dokotake care about the rdeps20:14
* rafaeldtinoco takes a break to get back to pacemaker21:26
vorlonseb128: yeah sorry, I'm off today so if you were to get the plymouth fix out that would be rgeat22:36
vorlonseb128: "great"22:36

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