
pragmaticenigmayay... dreaman is trolling tonight01:00
pragmaticenigmawelcome Nyle01:32
sarnoldNyle: that's some seriously gronky code. bummer.01:33
oerheksi think those patches are in the backports ppa01:33
pragmaticenigmaThat code looks like their attempting to compensate for poor packaging ... assuming the packager is lazy and might not include the latest manual in the designated place.01:34
pragmaticenigmaI doesn't appear to be searching the system... just iteratively decrementing through possible version numbers from the current, back to 0. And searching in 3 potential folders01:35
Nyle*nod* bad design.01:36
NyleI've got the backports repo in my sources.01:36
NyleLet me get dinner and I'll look more into it. If I end up using the app a lot, I might take over maint01:37
NyleNot sure how things work in Ubuntu. Coming from Debian01:37
NyleAlso, I didn't look to see if I was versions behind or not.01:37
pragmaticenigmaNyle: honestly... a lot gets pulled in from Debian, so if you're familiar with that... might serve better to maintain it there01:39
pragmaticenigmaNyle: Would be a good question that someone in #ubuntu-app-devel might assist with01:40
pragmaticenigmagotta sign off for the evening... I wish you luck Nyle01:41
guiverc:)  internet again ; 28 hours offline no pings, no emails, etc was acually nice  (my phone I only use as a phone; data is disabled)03:41
oerhekswb guiverc03:45
guivercthanks oerheks03:46
Bashing-om\o/ guiverc - me is unhappy camper when intenet is down - for any reason. I feel for you :P03:55
guivercI was so tired yesterday (from sunday) not being able to look for stuff-happening on main pc was actually kind of good03:59
Bashing-omguiverc: Having a break can be a good thing, yes !04:00
lordievaderGood morning07:34
ducassegood morning07:37
lotuspsychjegood morning10:06
hggdh-msftgood morning to all14:38
lotuspsychjehey hggdh morning15:15
EriC^^hey JimBuntu16:35
EriC^^hey all16:35
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
leftyfbI have so many things to say to ikarus987, instead I'll just !ot. It'll turn out better that way :)20:03
pragmaticenigmayeah... they've been quiet for some time now... guess they're back to their old tricks20:12
Nyleguiverc: it's important to disconnect from this madness of bits.20:25
NyleI keep my phone on silent, non-vibrate, 100% of the time. I will check my phone when I want to check it. I absolutely hate pings, calls, texts, beeps, notifications, ...20:25
NyleEven in Kubuntu, I keep all KDE desktop notifications off. I don't need to see anything.20:25

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