[01:46] Hi there, I'd like to upgrade a non-essential of mine to 20.04 before released. My question is just how strongly inadvisable is that? [01:49] as it is an LTS version, long support, sure you can upgrade and expect no huge issues. [01:50] Even if I'm upgrading a month or so before it's official release? [01:51] sure, the feature freeze is in place. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule [01:52] the testing week is about to start. [01:52] oh wonderful, in that case I've got perfect timing. :-P [01:53] Yes, that is where we are at [01:53] !ubuntu+1 [01:53] Focal Fossa is the codename for Ubuntu 20.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 [01:54] oops my bad :-P [01:55] splendid. If I have my debian correct, `sed -i.bak 's/bionic/focal/g' /etc/apt/sources.list` with an update&reboot should do the trick, correct? [01:56] that is the debian way, please use the release update tool with -d development, it does some more checks. [02:02] "You have to download a total of 373 M. This download will take about 47 minutes with a 1Mbit DSL connection and about 14 hours with a 56k modem." [02:03] Haha, seeing the 56k modem cracked me up. Good times. [02:16] :) [02:20] aand we're live. Ubuntu Focal Fossa (Dev Branch) :-) [02:21] Anything I should keep in mind/do for when 20.04 releases? [02:23] keep a careful eye on those apt upgrades to make sure it doesn't decide to remove something important to resolve a conflict :) [02:24] I've been running it on my laptop for a while and it's certainly got more issues than 18.04 [02:24] don't hesitate to file bugs [02:25] Will do, thanks a ton oerheks and sarnold. [02:27] and ubottu! [02:27] haha [07:34] Good morning === jc_ is now known as JaySee === tomaw_ is now known as tomaw [17:34] So, um...I assume we have a patch for this: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-1938 [17:39] Ussat: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2020/CVE-2020-1938.html shows the packages as 'needs-triage' [17:40] OK [17:40] Thanks [17:41] so, what means, what exactly ? [17:42] I'm not sure, would be best to ask directly in #ubuntu-hardened which is where the security team is === Futurian_ is now known as Futurian [19:51] under esxi i have 2 ubuntu server running 5.3.0-40-generic if i run iperf3 from another machine (same subnet) server 1 say 238 Mbits/sec server 2 say 633 Mbits/sec both are vmxnet3 driver, any suggestion on how to troubleshoot this ? [19:59] are you using virtio for the nic on the slow server? [19:59] ah, you said both are using vmxnet3 [19:59] I don't know then [22:43] powersj: rbasak: FYI re 1865948 I think it's too late to consider this for Focal, as we are past FF. Any objections to adding this to a discussion point post-Focal release as a consideration for G-series? [22:44] s/FYI// [22:44] bug 1865948 [22:44] bug 1865948 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Add a config dir for stream definitions" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1865948 [22:44] * powersj needs a link :P [22:44] powersj: blame irccloud derping and missing a word [22:44] :P [22:45] but I think its past FF so it's a little late to start adding new features even to the packaging in Ubuntu (it's also an extra delta NOT proposed yet in Debian) [22:45] (though we are extremely diverged from Debian at this point heh) [22:45] agreed in general, but let me tie off with why the request has come in and what version he is targeting [22:45] yep. [22:46] I just dont want to start making package changes which only one or two people use (the data about who uses the stream module is not available just yet) [22:46] hence the multiping ;) [22:49] oh @powersj also they are suggesting changes to nginx.conf which affect all packages (nginx-common is a dep for all NGINX flavors in the repo) - which is why it's a larger discussion [22:50] nginx-common is included for all current nginx-{core,full,light extras} installs [22:57] powersj: dug into the build rules. This change would break nginx-light in it's current state. we would have to have the stream module a dependency for it. It's currently only in full, extras, and core. Light will error with an invalid directive in the config if stream is added as-is. [22:58] so unless we ship multiple config versions based on the NGINX version installed it will break as is. we need a larger discussion on whether to enable the stream module globally or not before we have that change [22:58] as proposed, anyways. [23:02] powersj: more data, it looks like this is almost HAProxy-esque functionality in NGINX now with TCP socket streams as well [23:03] so it might be something we can enable for all versions but not for Focal. Needs a discussion with the canonical team on their thoughts. [23:03] (I am not on the Canonical server team xD) [23:08] teward, spoke to reporter and +1 on post-focal [23:10] ok. I will set up some kind of notepad on my thoughts on this - mostly because adding this config change will break nginx-light as is [23:11] stream support isnt a default feature it's an optional one [23:11] do we still have etherpad? [23:11] I forget if we do... [23:12] I think we do, but don't know the link off hand [23:15] ok. I will do a brain dump on a blueprint... [23:15] itll be huge but it will have my thoughts. is there a Canonical server team group on LP I can set as reviewer? [23:19] ... which is disabled >.> [23:22] teward, yes https://launchpad.net/~canonical-server [23:47] powersj: rbasak: http://pad.ubuntu.com/ny2VtEsNlE <-- in case you want to see what I've got so far. [23:47] i've split this all into a running list of G-series considerations, including two changes to feature availability in the package I've made (one related to the requested 'stream' functon changes, and one that would remove the 'this breaks nginx-light' issue entirely) [23:48] i'm going to go get food now.