
kasparhauserHello, i'm wondering if anybody has any time to help me with a problem i'm having dual booting ubuntu and windows 1000:09
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pragmaticenigmakasparhauser: It's best to ask your question up front instead of asking to ask a question. If someone knows something about your situation, they will respond. If no one knows, no one will respond.00:11
JohnnyonFlameHello, is there any way to get notification alert sounds on Xubuntu 19.10? I've tried turning it on at the "appearance" app and installing ubuntu-sounds, but I still get no sounds when a notification popup appears.00:22
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oerheksJohnnyonFlame, maybe this page is any help, settings editor, enable event sounds and inputfeedbacksounds ? https://askubuntu.com/questions/928508/notifications-alert-sound-on-xubuntu-16-0400:26
oerheksthis might need a logout/login..00:26
JohnnyonFlamethanks, I'll attempt that00:27
tomreynnote there's also #xubuntu (though it can be less active than #ubuntu)00:27
kasparhauseri'm not really sure how to formulate my question, but you're certainly correct. so i installed ubuntu today and everything seemed fine, i restarted and booted straight to windows. I restarted and poked around the bios options for a bit and trying some things that I've read helped others, but can't find anything really to my specific desktop. there's no option to change add the grub or whatever00:30
kasparhauserboot option to load ubuntu upon startup00:30
kasparhauserit just loads straight to windows everytime and in the bios there's no recognition that i even have ubuntu installed00:30
JohnnyonFlamekasparhauser: have you installed ubuntu booted on UEFI?00:32
kasparhauseri have UEFI i think00:33
kasparhauseri'm not really sure what that means00:33
Bashing-omkasparhauser: I do not do Windows, However, may I suggest that you boot the ubuntu installer in "try ubuntu" mode and run terminal command ' sudo parted -l ' to KNOW if ubuntu is installed ?00:33
Bashing-om!who | kasparhauser00:34
ubottukasparhauser: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:34
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:35
JohnnyonFlamekasparhauser: depending on how you burned your install media you might have the option to boot ubuntu w/ an UEFI image (it should be listed as such on your computer's boot menu)00:37
Dreamanuse UEFI legacy JohnnyonFlame:00:39
oerhekscheck out the uefi manual,00:39
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:39
pragmaticenigmaDreaman: It's often better to try and understand how someone's system is setup before telling them outright to use UEFI Legacy. If their system has Windows installed with UEFI, then Ubuntu will also need to be installed with UEFI. If the installed Ubuntu in legacy mode, they won't be able to get windows back until they switch the system back to UEFI mode00:42
Dreamanmy dual boot work ok00:44
JohnnyonFlameyeah, I was recommending installing with UEFI because they did claim "it was booting straight to windows", so I assumed the objective was having the grub menu available for dual booting00:44
kasparhauserI'm going to check out that UEFI manual and report back - i think it is UEFI00:44
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kasparhauserBashing-om: I'll also try what you suggested00:44
oerheksi guess fastboot is your issue..00:45
Bashing-omkasparhauser: :D When we know more, wee can tell more.00:45
sarnoldkasparhauser: btw one common problem with windows is that "shutting down" is in fact just a suspend of some sort these days00:46
pragmaticenigmaSettings => System => Power & Sleep => Additional Power Settings => "Choose what the power buttons do" => "Change settings that are curently unavailable" => Uncheck "Turn on fast startup (recommended)" => Click Save00:47
Bladepragmaticenigma   https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zGZRq5qqKj/   :)00:53
Dreamanmy setup00:53
Drecondiuscan anyone tell me what packages i need to install to have a fully functioning but still minimal enlightenment environment, installing from a server install00:53
Dreamanwork work00:54
Drecondiusbecause e17 doesn't contain anything other than enlightenment, When I install lightdm followed by enlightenment i get a could not start session message00:54
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Andantinodoes anyone know how to adjust the pressure for touchpad taps in libinput00:55
pragmaticenigmaDrecondius: you left too early in your last session. leftyfb discovered, and I found that it appears you need to use the gdm Desktop Manager. Which should resolve the issue with being unable to start session.00:56
leftyfbDrecondius: install server , install e17 and gdm. Reboot. At login pick enlightenment as your DE at the login screen00:58
pragmaticenigmaDreaman: All that means is that Windows was also installed in Legacy mode (which it can be.) Having one OS installed in UEFI mode, and another in Legacy mode, you will not be able to select between the OSes on boot with out changing settings in the BIOS each time.00:58
Dreamani install UEFI not start00:58
Dreamanchange the bios to UEFI legacy00:58
NyleHello, does anyone make music in Ubuntu?00:58
Dreamanand boot00:59
NyleI am looking for a keyboard/synth app I can make stuff in, export as mp3 or wav, and import into audacity for multi tracking00:59
NyleI need a synth software with synthesizer effects and piano keyboard layout00:59
oerheksNyle, check out ubuntu-studio00:59
oerhekstons of apps tools synths and more00:59
NyleWhat is an ubuntu studio? I will check it out00:59
NyleOh it's a specialized distro. Ahh. Usually these 'spins' as fedora calls them, have meta packages or tasksel entries01:00
pragmaticenigmaNyle: It's a flavor of Ubuntu that is pre-setup with Audio/Video/Illustration tools as part of the default installation01:00
NyleDo you think ubuntu studio is installable to a regular 18.04 with tasksel or whatever packages01:00
oerheksone can add the metapackages for those tools01:00
NyleI'll check out tasksel hang on01:01
r3muxdso I just created a livecd with cubic with a custom kernel and patched versions of some packages for my surface tablet01:01
r3muxdwhen i install from the livecd, will it copy those patched packages over?01:01
oerheks -audio and -recording, i guess01:01
pragmaticenigmar3muxd: Support here is for official Ubuntu flavors as provided through official Ubuntu distribution channels. custom kernels and spins are not supported here01:01
NyleAhh. There are two tasks for it in tasksel-data01:02
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oerheksr3muxd, if you set it up correctly, yes01:02
NyleOh it's got some nice stuff there I didn't know exited even01:05
oerhekshave fun!01:05
NyleLet's see if any synth stuff is usable/good01:07
oerheksAndantino, pressure and libinput , libinput-tools should provide this http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man1/libinput-measure-touchpad-pressure.1.html01:07
oerheksand some reading https://askubuntu.com/questions/973090/how-to-configure-touchpad-tap-sensitivity01:07
Andantinothanks oerheks01:10
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NyleIf anyone cares01:12
NyleYoshimi has what I was looking for, keyboard layout and synth effects etc.01:13
Nyleand something silly it does01:19
NyleWhen you go click menu, documentation, it fires this command: find / -name yoshimi-user-manual-1.5.6.pdf -print -quit01:19
NyleThat's just dumb. That is just universally dumb.01:20
NyleI'm on an old machine, and hung up, and wondering why. That's why.01:20
sarnoldwow. that's really dumb.01:21
NylePackage needs patching at the very least if upstream isn't going to fix the menu entry command.01:21
NyleAt the very least, hard code it and drop the manual in /usr/share or something01:21
sarnoldI've got a machine with 100M files on it; I have no idea how long that would take, but it'd be crazy. :) even 'locate foo' takes something like one or two minutes01:22
NyleWhy would you do this? sarnold oh ha. I run a cron to keep running updatedb every few hours01:24
NyleI love locate.01:24
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Nylehttps://github.com/Yoshimi/yoshimi/blob/cb93c31b0fa468e111c06e83c0fd1381f1bd17b7/src/Interface/InterChange.cpp#L746 who the hell codes like this? I mean, yeah, functional app, but some bits are just terrible.01:28
sarnold$ time locate foo.bar.baz01:29
NyleYeah, this Yoshimi program needs an ubuntu specific patch. Tiny thing not that bad/big.01:30
NyleI wonder who the maint is.01:30
NyleOh right, not in Debian anymore.01:31
NyleMaintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com> not just one person.01:31
pragmaticenigmaNyle: Come join us in #ubuntu-discuss to continue this topic please01:31
oerheksmaybe you need the backports ppa, but it might pull in more than just your app,, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA01:32
Drecondiusso the only  way, according to apt and aptitude, to get gdm, is to install ubuntu-desktop ...02:04
Drecondiuswait, i may not have enabled uinverse02:05
Drecondiusbut it shoulddn't be in universe should it?02:05
cciecanuckisnt everything in the universe?02:07
DrecondiusWhat i mean is the singular package set for just gdm shouldn't be in the universe repo but the main correct?02:09
ducasseDrecondius: ubuntu-desktop is not a dependency of gdm3 afaict02:10
Drecondiusnope, but the desktop depends on gdm302:14
ducassetrue, but not what you said02:19
Drecondiuswhat I said was "I shouldn't have to install ubuntu-desktop just to get gdm." meaning it's wasted space and bandwidth to download the entire desktop suite when all I want is gdm02:23
ducasseDrecondius: since ubuntu-desktop is not a dependency, you can install gdm3 by itself02:23
ducasseyou can install any wm instead of gnome-shell02:25
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DrecondiusI cannot, for the life of me locate gdm, is it perhaps gdm3 or something else02:44
tomreynright, gdm302:45
Drecondiusand now this is the part where i kick myself in the ***02:45
DrecondiusI really wanted to work with the entrance wm that is part of the enlightenment desktop experienc but It doesn't come with e1702:47
Drecondiushell, it's not even listed on the enlightenment website02:47
tomreynthe path to enlightenment is long and full of hardships, they say.02:51
tomreynbut you could start by having a glimpse at the e17* packages02:52
Drecondiusi did, there isn't any mention of entrancedm02:53
Drecondiuswhich saddens me02:53
Drecondiusgdm is a bit heavy for the computer I'm using it on, so i've been scouring the internet for the past few hours trying to find a decent answer and lo, the mighty google has failed02:54
ducasseDrecondius: try lightdm or slim02:55
sarnoldroot        2078  0.0  0.0   8520  2124 ?        Ss   Feb22   0:00 /usr/bin/xdm -nodaemon02:55
DrecondiusOne can only assume, as I am right now, with all the links pointing back to the enlightenment website, that it's included in efl02:56
tomreynthis is from debian, but probably applies to ubuntu as well: https://wiki.debian.org/DisplayManager02:57
sarnoldoh man, nodm, that's a perfect fit for usecases people have every few months02:58
Drecondiusnodm would work wonderfully lol, after it's setup it's going to be disconnected from the internet and basically sleep till it detects a joystick input or bluetooth wake event03:16
johnfghi folks03:18
johnfgI did some regular upgrades to 19.10 today, and now, ubuntu desktop doesn't start.  Says it's a problem with gnome-initial-setup.03:19
johnfgIs this a known problem?  btw...I went back to the previous kernel, but that made no difference.  I'm getting no login screen.03:20
johnfgLinux ubuntuhome 5.3.0-40-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 31 20:24:34 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux is what I'm running.03:24
johnfg5.3.0-18-genereric is my other, older kernel.03:24
Drecondiuslogin at the tty and try sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm303:24
johnfgDrecondius: Since I'm at tty2 now, I can do that.03:25
Drecondiusyou can do it from any tty03:25
Drecondiusexcept 7 because that's reserved for x03:25
Drecondiuswell, I think my ssd just bit the bucket03:26
sarnoldjohnfg: did you spot anything in the logs?03:26
sarnoldDrecondius: yikes :(03:26
johnfgI ran that cmd, but it didn't make a difference.  Would I have to reboot?03:26
johnfgsarnold: That's a bummer.03:27
johnfgk, brb03:27
Drecondiusyup, it's dead, no boot device found03:27
Drecondiuswell, maybe if i can get a live to boot i can try to bring it back03:28
johnfgNo difference after reboot.03:33
johnfg[   20.053384] gnome-initial-s[1568]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fb10cccc572 sp 00007fff55622c48 error 4 in libc-2.30.so[7fb10cc44000+178000]03:33
johnfgThat's from dmesg.03:33
johnfgthere is a /var/log/gdm3, but it's empty.03:34
sarnoldthat's it? dang. that's a bit thin.03:34
johnfgAny other log I should look in?03:35
sarnoldtry journalctl -xe03:37
tomreynjohnfg: you may also have more info in /var/crash and, if you submit crash reports, at       x-www-browser https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$(sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id)03:37
johnfgI did submit the crash reports.03:38
johnfgSo, I do have the info in /var/crash.  Hard  to decipher.  Any ideas?03:43
tomreynapport-unpack --help03:43
johnfgUsage: /usr/bin/apport-unpack <report> <target directory>03:45
tomreynso /var/crash/ contains reports, you can unpack and then inspect them.03:46
tomreynbut it may be easier to just share your unique whoopsie id, if you're not thinking of this as sensitive matter, or some of the crashes listed on your web browser when running the command i provided.03:47
tomreynthe     x-www-browser https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$(sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id)    command, that is03:48
johnfg Error: no DISPLAY environment variable specified.  Do I have to be using X for that browser?03:49
johnfgI'm in a tty03:50
tomreynfor this X browser? yes. or you can set DISPLAY=:0 or just share the whoopsie id which is printed using      echo $(sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id)03:51
DrecondiusI lose all input when starting with nodm, how can i start in safe mode and remove nodm03:53
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode03:54
johnfgThere it is.03:54
Drecondiusthank ye kindly03:54
johnfgsorry, that was for tomreyn03:54
sarnoldoh wow, openafs? neat03:54
sarnoldone of the loaded kernel modules03:55
shinobiI cannot get mdadm to scrub my array. echoing check does not initiate the scrub. checkarray said a check is queued, but nothing happens...03:55
sarnoldit's an implementation of AFS, which is a bit like NFS, but different :)(03:56
johnfgYup, been running openafs for lots of years.  server is debian.03:56
tomreynalso wayland apparently03:56
tomreynoh right i missed openafs there03:57
sarnoldhmm, what would happen if you just purge gnome-initial-setup ? would it bust new users when they try to log in for the first time?03:58
Drecondiuscan I get my normal boot console to have a bigger font, i'm setting this up on a 4k tv and it's a bit hard to read 2m away03:59
Drecondiusi figured that measurement is in better perspective for most people here right now04:00
johnfgsarnold: how would I do that?04:02
sarnoldjohnfg: apt purge gnome-initial-setup04:03
johnfgsarnold: ok, gotcha.  I thought you meant something else.  And then, I assume, reinstall?  Would you reboot in between?04:03
sarnoldjohnfg: if it's a single-user machine, maybe just remove it, reboot, see what happens..04:04
sarnoldif you never add new users you may not miss it04:04
tomreynso i suspect this is wayland related. it may also be related to having outdated package versions installed (UnreportableReason): "apport, libegl-mesa0, libegl1-mesa, libgbm1, libgl1-mesa-dri, libglapi-mesa, libglx-mesa0, libxatracker2, mesa-vulkan-drivers, python3-apport, python3-problem-report"04:04
johnfgThis is a very new install of ubuntu-19.10, on what's a new to me, panasonic toughbook.04:05
johnfgDon't know how I'd have outdated package versions installed.04:05
johnfgIs there a way to fix the problem?04:05
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:05
tomreynhmm no not this04:06
ubottuTo ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.04:06
sarnoldDrecondius: hmm, so the boot parameters guide says vga=ask is a 32 bit thing :) heh -- and https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/admin-guide/svga.rst looks *really* old04:06
johnfgI'll do the latter.  The other was already done twice today, as I thought there may have been a problem with the earlier upgrade.04:07
tomreynjohnfg: so just install any pending updates04:07
johnfgtomreyn: I believe they all are, but I'll double-check.04:07
johnfgNope, nothing to upgrade.04:07
johnfgWhat's next to try?04:08
tomreynjohnfg: you can try the workaround sarnold suggested. and / or we can file a bug and, if you have a launchpad account, yuo can add to and subscribe to it.04:09
sarnoldDrecondius: setupcon and setfont may be able to help, but they are probably also from the 90s. the console is not well-loved, I think04:09
johnfgIf I try what sarnold suggested, do you think I should reboot before reinstalling?04:11
tomreynjohnfg: i think the suggetion was to not reinstall gnome-initial-login04:12
tomreynbut you should reboot to check for any effects, yes. are you able to reproduce the error?04:13
johnfgDoes it for both of my kernels, yes.04:14
tomreynjohnfg: so that's whenever you login to gnome on wayland?04:14
johnfgand every time I reboot04:14
Drecondiusjfc, how big is the xorg library, it's been downloading now for 30 minutes and I have a gigbit down04:15
tomreynjohnfg: ah, so it's somewhat easy to test, good. by the way, not using wqyland would probably also be a workaround if that's an option for you04:15
johnfguserdel: user gnome-initial-setup is currently used by process 127204:15
johnfgCould not remove gnome-initial-setup user.04:15
Drecondiusdo you have an nvidia gpu?04:17
Drecondiusjohnfg do you have an nvidia gpu?04:17
Drecondiuswhat did i do wrong04:17
sarnoldhe's gone04:17
sarnoldprobably he's just rebooting04:17
sarnoldI'm off, have fun, good luck :)04:18
Drecondiusnight for now04:18
tomreynhave a good night04:18
sarnoldthanks :D04:18
johnfgWell, the apt purge didn't completely work, as it said there was a process running.04:24
johnfgI actually did a startx from tty2, and do have x up and running at least.04:24
tomreynso what about wayland vs standard Xorg?04:25
johnfgtomreyn: I didn't even know I'd been using wayland.04:29
johnfgMy other 2 machines at the office are running debian buster, and ubuntu-server.04:29
tomreynjohnfg: you must have selected it at some point frmo the login manager.04:30
johnfgWhere is it configured to use wayland vs. standard Xorg?  Is that the default now, as I'm quite sure I didn't select it.04:30
tomreyndefault is still Xorg04:30
tomreynyou choose on the login screen04:31
tomreynon gdm3 there's a little cog icon after entring the username, i think04:31
johnfgtomreyn the login screen isn't offering that at this point.  I guess it's not getting that far.04:32
johnfgany other way to do it?04:32
tomreynJohnnyonFlame: hmm, reboot to recovery, then start networking, drop to root shell, then     apt purge gnome-initial-setup04:34
tomreynsorry JohnnyonFlame, this was meant for johnfg04:35
Drecondiusso, i just removed the default network manager from ubuntu server by accident, can i use the installer usb as a repo to re-install it?04:58
johnfgsorry for the delay in getting back.05:16
Drecondiusno worries05:17
johnfgWell, all appears to be pretty much back to normal.  And I believe that both gnome and gnome-wayland will work.05:17
Drecondiusdo you have an nvidia gpu?05:17
johnfgWhat I had to do (or did, any way) was do dpkg-reconfigure gdm3 a 2nd time, then do a systemctl restart gdm3, and I had pretty much a normal looking login: name, then the gear box.05:18
johnfg01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Whistler [Radeon HD 6630M/6650M/6750M/7670M/7690M]05:20
johnfgDrecondius: what were you thinking?05:21
DrecondiusWell, nvidia drivers have an issue with wayland, I've had the same problem you had with my laptop and another computer both using nvidia proprietary drivers05:22
Drecondiusone of the machines the drivers messed up the xorg config, the other, messed with gdm05:24
johnfgthanks to all that tried to help with the problem.  glad it's gone away (even if not *fixed*)05:24
Drecondiusif it's functioning like it's supposed to, it's fixed05:25
johnfgDrecondius: :-)05:27
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=== The_Milkman1 is now known as The_Milkman
CQ2hello, for some reason my system is in German, even though I have tried to set everyting to english. Any ideas? Apt etc. are showing German07:03
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ap5CQ2, nein07:10
geirhaWhat is  LANGUAGE is set to in /etc/default/locale07:13
StianLI have a bluetooth headset (wh-1000xm3) connected to my Ubuntu 18.04 lts laptop and it's working well for all applications except for my browser. The sound from my browser (vivaldi) insists on going out through the builtin laptop speakers. What can I do to debug that? All other sound is coming to the bluetooth headset as expected.07:35
Guest_73help i'm getting a blue screen ubuntu ...07:37
vuurdraakgood day everybody, is there a way to stop the annoying popups on boot about the linux and/or windows swap disks having no space, as that is the intention hof thos swap partitions that they use all their space, turning off notifications for files in: Settings -> Notifications -> Files , doesn't do much07:38
Guest_73gnome isn't working and i can't open files or terminal ...07:38
vuurdraakGuest_73, sounds like you need to create a bootable usb stick07:39
vuurdraakor a cd/dvd with ubuntu on it to boot from07:39
Guest_73vuurdraak you mean do a reinstall ?07:39
vuurdraakyou can run ubuntu from it without installing07:40
Guest_73but i can't access the files that way no ?07:40
vuurdraakdo you get the grub/boot menu on start ?07:40
Guest_73yes. i can login and everything07:40
vuurdraakyes you can access your files in a gui07:40
vuurdraakdid you try to boot in to recovery mode first ?07:41
vuurdraakfrom grub07:41
Guest_73yeah, i tried booting in recovery mode and fixing the dpkg ..07:41
vuurdraakwhen starting on from recovery mode you stil get an error ?07:41
Guest_73vuurdraak ^^07:42
vuurdraakwhat do you mean with bleu screen , graphics errors or text ?07:42
Guest_73a blue screen with no icons on it07:42
Guest_73graphic errors07:42
vuurdraakone sec let me check a file07:43
Guest_73i was editing a  file '/usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml' and had to shut the terminal prematurely. The file was unformatted. could that have been the problem07:43
vuurdraakso it worked untill you started editing that file ?07:44
Guest_73well, it was taking an unusually long time to load web pages beforehand07:44
Guest_73can i fix that file by booting up with a usb stick ?07:45
vuurdraakbut you did get a working gui before ?07:45
Guest_73yeah, gui used to work fine07:45
Guest_73gnome was working np07:45
vuurdraaki always have a bootable usb stick with ubuntu on it to reaque stuff07:45
vuurdraaku can make it if necesairy from windows, or from another computer07:46
Guest_73so i can fix the  file '/usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml' from a live usb ubuntu yes ?07:46
Guest_73is it possible that it wasn't the file that caused the issue ?07:47
vuurdraaki guess yes, if its the same version ubuntu, in theory there should be the same file there if its in the basic install i guess even07:47
Guest_73but can i edit the file on the harddrive from ubuntu live ?07:48
Guest_73i'm not so sure i can07:48
vuurdraakyes you can07:48
vuurdraakroot pasword on the live cd is non existent07:48
vuurdraakyou can just sudo mount stuff if necesairy07:48
vuurdraaki think it auto mounts partitions anyway07:48
vuurdraakor go via resque mode in the CLI, and use a text editor like vi07:49
Guest_73ok thanks. i'll try.07:49
Guest_73what's rescue mode ?07:50
Guest_73if i can edit the file, can i save it to disk ?07:50
vuurdraakresque mode i mean from grub07:51
vuurdraakdrop to root shell prompt07:51
vuurdraakbut then u need to do everything in text  mode07:51
vuurdraakmore easy with a live usb stick07:51
Guest_73ok thanks vuurdraak :-)07:52
vuurdraakunless u want to ad/remove packages, like reinstall X11 if that file you edited is part of it07:52
vuurdraakthen you need the grub resque mode on the original system07:52
vuurdraakroot shell etc to apt-get remove/install stuff07:52
vuurdraakow he was gone already :')07:53
vuurdraakback to my original question :D ->  is there a way to stop the annoying popups on boot about the linux and/or windows swap disks having no space, as that is the intention hof thos swap partitions that they use all their space, turning off notifications for files in: Settings -> Notifications -> Files , doesn't do much07:54
vuurdraakon ubuntu 18.04*07:54
vuurdraaki thought i had it turned off somewhere in 16.04, but i forgot how07:55
=== The_Milkman1 is now known as The_Milkman
StianLI figured out how to solve my problem. Using PulseAudio Volume Control I was able to choose which output the sound from my browser should go to.08:03
vuurdraakpavu is great yes, good to switch between computer sound and hdmi tv sound :)08:04
arunkumar413Hi All08:05
vuurdraakhi o/08:06
arunkumar413How to enforce a proper formatting on a CSV file in libre office spreadsheet08:06
arunkumar413Here is my required format https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/b5b7tV69wJ/08:07
vuurdraaki never use spreadsheet's i am sorry, hopefully somebody does08:07
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eeoshi everybody! What DLNA server do you use on *ubuntu?10:30
NoOovaHello guys. I just installed Ubuntu 19.10 and latest Chromium (snap). I have a powerful PC but chrome freezes some times.10:37
NoOovaIs it known issue? How to install chromium without snap?10:37
lotuspsychjeNoOova: chromium browser is default snap now on 19.1010:46
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oerhekschromium is also as deb available10:56
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zetherooI have an Ubuntu 16.04 VM with a 20GB disk and the monitoring is alerting about less than 10% free disk space. So I had a look and saw that / is only 8.1GB and /sys/fs/cgroup is 15GB ..!?11:25
vuurdraakq: is there a way to stop the annoying popups on boot about the linux and/or windows swap disks having no space, as that is the intention of those swap partitions that they use all their space, turning off notifications for files in: Settings -> Notifications -> Files , doesn't do much11:26
zetherooHere is the output of 'df -h' : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6pTvDXFJD9/11:26
vuurdraakon 18.04 lts11:26
EriC^zetheroo: what's the output of "sudo parted -ls"11:27
zetherooEriC^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hdWPRkfq6M/11:28
zetheroooh swap is 12 GB11:29
zetheroohmm ..11:29
vuurdraaklinux doesn't realy need a swap drive unlike windows, i would just remove it11:30
oerheksnot really a good advise, vuurdraak11:31
zetheroovuurdraak: uhm no ;)11:31
vuurdraakon a VM with 20gig spce ?11:31
vuurdraakor at least reduce the swap drive to a very low amount11:32
zetherooThis VM is for running IDL jobs ... needs a lot of memory and sometimes bumps into needing swap without which the IDL job would just crash.11:33
vuurdraakah okay :')11:33
zetherooI think it was set to 12GB swap initially because the VM was allocated 12GB memory. Now that the VM has 30GB memory it swaps a lot less and so the swap can probably be reduced.11:35
Sir_Letohow do I diagnose incoming packet loss?11:39
Sir_LetoI think my ISP blocks ICMP11:39
vuurdraakinstall wireshark ?11:39
Sir_Letoso I can't ping11:39
neureI am looking for image viewer which can handle webp11:40
vuurdraaki am reading that since 2016 gimp can open webp11:41
oerhekslibwebp is available in ubuntu, and installed, i see11:41
oerheks!info libwebp11:42
ubottuPackage libwebp does not exist in eoan11:42
neureI don't consider gimp an image viewer11:42
oerheks!info libwebp611:42
ubottulibwebp6 (source: libwebp): Lossy compression of digital photographic images.. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.1-2 (eoan), package size 181 kB, installed size 430 kB11:42
neureimage viewer is something that I can use to quickly browse through images in a directory11:42
neurealso libwebp is not an image viewer11:42
oerheksit is the library for imageviewers.11:43
neurewell I am looking for an app I can use today, not for several days or weeks coding time to make one myself..11:43
EriC^neure: one of these might do the job, https://askubuntu.com/questions/544254/which-image-viewers-in-linux-support-the-webp-image-format11:45
EriC^gwenview i think has the ability to show thumbnails for dirs and is more featureful11:45
lxerSince a few months suspend/hibernate doesn't work anymore as expected for my laptop. It still uses energy and is empty after about 8hours. Is this a known issue? anything I can do about it?11:46
vuurdraak? sudo apt-get install webp => just wanted to post the same link :')11:46
EriC^neure: eog is very simple and not clustered, you'll need that webp loader with it though11:46
oerheksif you have that libwebp installed, any viewercan use it, example https://www.gstatic.com/webp/gallery/1.sm.webp11:46
EriC^lxer: maybe it's a problem with a newer kernel, have you tried an older one?11:47
mlokpcTrace/breakpoint trap (core dumped) on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial11:48
lxerEriC^: in the past, yes :)11:48
mlokpcAnybody know how I can find out was is causing this error? Thank you11:48
EriC^lxer: it also had the same problem?11:48
EriC^mlokpc: where did you get that error?11:49
mlokpcEriC^: When running puppet afaik it seems to be a RAM issue11:49
lxerEriC^: I didn't have the issue 6months ago. But of course I don't know if it is kernel related.11:49
EriC^mlokpc: maybe /var/crash or /var/log/apport.log has some info11:49
mlokpcEriC^: cool thanks11:49
EriC^mlokpc: no problem11:50
EriC^lxer: yes, i mean to boot using an older kernel when it used to work to see if that's the issue, if you absolutely need it right now to work11:51
neureI did sudo apt install webp but eog still does not show webp images11:51
mlokpcEriC^: What is the best way to look for any RAM issues? I know memtest but I don't want to reboot11:51
EriC^mlokpc: same here, i only know of memtest11:51
neureoh it needs the webp-pixbuf-loader11:51
EriC^mlokpc: maybe this might help11:52
EriC^!memtester | mlokpc11:52
EriC^!info memtester | mlokpc11:52
ubottumlokpc: memtester (source: memtester): Utility for testing the memory subsystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.0-4 (eoan), package size 15 kB, installed size 45 kB11:52
mlokpcubottu: memtester is the only way?11:53
EriC^mlokpc: memtester runs on the live system i think, it doesnt need a reboot11:54
EriC^ubottu is a bot btw11:54
ubottuEriC^: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:54
lxerEriC^: I'm using 5.0.0-40-generic .  would it be wise to try 5.4 ?11:57
EriC^lxer: it's up to you11:58
EriC^!mainline | lxer11:58
ubottulxer: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds11:58
EriC^it can't harm, unless you're going for any hwe, since that involves a lot of xorg packages too and not just the kernel11:58
EriC^i'd stick with mainline to test and see if it works11:59
EriC^no problem11:59
mlokpcEriC^: looking at it again, the swap is running at Max11:59
vuurdraakanybody knows a way to stop disk full notifications on a particular drive in 18.04 rather then disabeling it for all drives with: gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.housekeeping active false12:00
vuurdraaki notice org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.housekeeping ignore-paths exsists , it currently has the key value of: @as []12:10
vuurdraakshoul i just ad an extra path behind it and the that disk will be ignored ?12:11
parrotloverHello, is there the java wrapper service for openjdk in the aarch64 repos?12:11
parrotloverI am running ubuntu on an S10+ phone, with aarch64 architecture12:11
mlokpcUbuntu Xenial Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)12:23
mlokpcDoes anybody know what could be causing this?12:23
oskiehello, what's the description of the *-updates repos? (e.g. bionic-updates)12:26
oskietrying to determine whether they should be used in production systems12:26
OrbstheoremHello, what debian release is ubuntu bionic based on?12:29
* Orbstheorem learns about `/etc/debian_version`12:30
OrbstheoremNvm ^^"12:30
vuurdraakah finaly found out how the formating works ;') => gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.housekeeping ignore-paths "@as ['/mnt/win7swap','/dev/sdc3','/dev/sdc4/','/dev/sdd3/','/dev/sdd4/']"12:49
vuurdraakand that it is also accasible through dconf editor12:49
vuurdraakhave a nice day all o/12:50
PCatineanhey guys, how long do syslog logs survive by default in ubuntu?12:59
pragmaticenigmaPCatinean: That depends if you have modified the logrotate settings of your system13:07
oerheksone can change settings in /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog but for me it's daily by default.13:07
pragmaticenigmaPCatinean: You can check in your system: nano /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog13:07
PCatineanpragmaticenigma, thank you, let me see13:08
PCatineanBut the logs themselves they are never erased right?13:08
pragmaticenigmaPCatinean: the entry for "rotate" tells you how many cycles of logs are kept. A cycle is defined by seeing daily, monthly, hourly, etc... in the definition brackets for the directory13:10
PCatineanpragmaticenigma, thank you kindly for the info13:11
pragmaticenigmaPCatinean: While I'm unfamiliar with the particulars... journalctl is a better resource for searching system logs13:27
pragmaticenigmaI do not know how long data remains available or where to check, however, some systemd services may only place their entries there instead of syslog13:28
BluesKajHowdy folks14:09
parrotloverhi BluesKaj14:11
BluesKajhi parrotlover14:11
parrotloverhow are you BluesKaj ?14:11
BluesKajparrotlover, ok here, and you?14:12
parrotloverPretty good... trying to compile a kernel that reports my phones SoC as aarch64 instead f Exynos914:12
parrotloverso that I can have my system architecture detected by software14:12
parrotloverJust playing with Ubuntu on my phone... I have been working on it for years after trying to contribute to UT and no one wanting my great solutions and better methods... so I finally have a build which is usable and more complete/stable/driver support than any offiically supported device14:14
parrotloverI need a name for it, since UT/Halium people told me to not call it by their names since it's so different14:14
parrotloverMaybe NixPhone, or something like that... I'm really proud right now to be running this after many years of work by me and by an employee of mine who contributed a ton14:15
pragmaticenigmaparrotlover: Please understand that if you aren't actively seeking help or helping someone the place for chatting about your projects is in #ubuntu-offtopic. Thanks14:15
parrotloverpragmaticenigma, thank you for being kind when informing me of this. I will go there now14:15
=== The_Milkman1 is now known as The_Milkman
WoodpeckerI'm trying to access this website using firefox on ubuntu : https://@abbotsford.craigslist.org/egr/d/langley-draftsperson-detailing/7069243294.html# << its14:30
WoodpeckerIt says the connection is reset14:30
WoodpeckerIm just wondering if this is happening for others as well, or if Im being rejected. If I am, I am wondering what I would do in ubuntu to fix this?14:31
pragmaticenigmaWoodpecker: That's not an Ubuntu issue, and this isn't the place for troubleshooting internet connectivity problems14:32
Woodpeckerk thanks14:32
EriC^Woodpecker: i get this error Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG14:32
EriC^try without https, using http maybe14:32
WoodpeckerEriC^: ah okay14:32
EriC^nope same issue for me at least14:32
WoodpeckerEriC^: okay so I know its probably not me.14:33
EriC^Woodpecker: it's a problem with their ssl stuff on their end, will probably fix it later if not contact them about it, 1 sec14:33
Woodpecker!cookies | EriC^14:33
ubottuEriC^: Cookies are delicious delicacies.14:33
EriC^Woodpecker: yeah i was trying to see if a google "cache" of it exists, seems no14:35
WoodpeckerEriC^: thats good enough. Thanks, I am adjusting my code to handle this as an error to skip. I was wondering if it was blocking my IP or something, and if I had to do a vpn or something.14:36
EriC^ah ok14:37
EriC^no problem14:37
tommygun05learning linux adminstration, mounted an external hd to store virtual box vdi's but I cannot seem to access the partition15:19
tommygun05can access it only as roo15:19
tommygun05I put myself in the vboxusers group15:20
geniiThe root of all hard drives are always owned by root15:20
tommygun05so when I open virtualbox and create the VM, it gives me a no access error15:21
tommygun05I tried changing the group to vboxusers on the partition15:21
tommygun05no worky15:21
tommygun05I tried to just create a folder on that partition as a myself but that also errors15:22
tommygun05drwxrwxr-x   3 root root  4096 Mar  3 06:32 Experiments15:22
pragmaticenigmatommygun05: How are you mounting the drive?15:25
tommygun05LABEL=Experiments /Experiments ext4 user,owner,noauto,defaults 0 015:26
tommygun05then I use "mount /Experiments"15:27
pragmaticenigmatommygun05: This is a permanently attached drive?15:27
tommygun05@pragmaticenigma external usb drive15:28
pragmaticenigmaPersonally, I do not add external drives to fstab. Instead, I use udiskctl (example: udisksctl mount --block-device /dev/sdg1) which will mount the drive in /mount/{username}/{disklabel} and will apply the appropriate permissions for access15:29
pragmaticenigmasorry... had the wrong path there... it mounts to /media ... not /mount15:30
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: TIL about udisksctl15:31
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: I learned about it when dealing with issues in KDE/Dolphin and it not helpfully mounting/unmounting devices without throwing errors and locking up my system15:32
tommygun05used udisksctl to mount the drive, but virtualbox still complains that I do not have access15:40
tommygun05unmounted it first and then remounted it using udisksctl15:40
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pragmaticenigmatommygun05: For sure you don't want the drive mounted before you call udiskctl15:57
tommygun05pragmaticenigma: no, I had unmounted it and made sure that I could not see it the list of mounts16:09
pragmaticenigmatommygun05: Is the USB drive formatted in a native linux format like Ext? or is it NTFS/ExFAT?16:16
eeoshi everybody! What do you use as DLNA server on *ubuntu? If so, can you please point me to some documentation? I have googled but with scarce success. I have 18.04 LTS 64 bit .16:24
eeosPS: I need a DLNA server that cna be managed through graphical interface.16:25
ecormierkodi works well for that16:25
ecormierused to use mediatomb... harder to setup, but some nice options and lightweight16:26
leftyfbeeos: look at kodi or plex. Other than that, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic for software opinions16:27
eeosecormier: thanks!16:28
eeosleftyfb: is this not the channel for ubuntu support?16:29
leftyfbeeos: it is. But opinions on software is not a support issue.16:29
pragmaticenigmaeeos: It is a support channel... not a recommendations channel16:29
tommygun05no luck with any options.  If I open virtualbox as a user, I cannot save anything to the /Experiments mount16:38
tommygun05as a root user, however, it is just fine16:38
tommygun05beats me.  I also part of the vboxusers group for virtualbox16:38
tommygun05also for the disk group even though the partition has a root group16:38
tommygun05any other ideas?16:38
pragmaticenigmatommygun05: Suggestion... don't mount to the "/" root folder... if you're using it for just your user, mount it to a folder in your home directory instead. You might be fighting some ACLs16:39
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pragmaticenigmaCould also be fighting AppArmor16:39
leftyfbtommygun05: it could also be the ownership of the /Experiments directory before and after mounting16:40
tommygun05leftyfb: it shows root root for ownership and group16:42
tommygun05after mount16:42
leftyfbtommygun05: what about before?16:42
tommygun05drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 Mar  2 15:52 Experiments16:42
tommygun05let me change the permissions and see16:42
tommygun05just notices that there is not write for group16:43
leftyfbalso, for fstab, try auto user,umask=00016:43
tommygun05@leftyfb: before was also the same.  root and root were the owners and group16:44
tommygun05let me try those16:44
leftyfbtommygun05: change it so it's not root/root. Change it to a user/group your user is part of16:45
notguest96I can't seem to install the latest version of focal16:45
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tommygun05leftyfb: did that.  I changed it to vboxusers group which I am part off16:45
leftyfb!ubuntu+1 | notguest9616:45
ubottunotguest96: Focal Fossa is the codename for Ubuntu 20.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+116:45
tommygun05so it was root owner and vboxusers group16:46
pragmaticenigmatommygun05: group doesn't have write access16:46
tommygun05even then it seemed to not have access16:46
tommygun05pragmaticenigma: thanks, noticed that, fixing it and trying out again16:46
tommygun05only when I give others a write permission on that folder, I am able to create anything on it16:54
tommygun05drwxrwxrwx 4 root root 4096 Mar  3 10:53 Experiments16:54
tommygun05even basically creating a file or folder as myself16:55
tommygun05is not permitted16:55
tommygun05with my userid16:55
tommygun05unless the others get a write permission16:55
tommygun05drwxrwxr-x 4 root vboxusers 4096 Mar  3 10:53 Experiments16:58
tommygun05even that setup does not allow me to create a file or folder16:58
leftyfbtommygun05: log out and back in16:59
leftyfbtommygun05: your vboxusers group setting probably hasn't kicked in yet16:59
tommygun05thanks leftyfb...logging out16:59
EnissayOn a VM I have deactivated the lock screen, yet, ubuntu keeps asking to slide up to access the desktop. Is there a way to remove that as well ?17:07
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people398594good lord what is happening17:39
people398594my gui messes up every time i open skype17:39
people398594even the web client17:39
people398594buttons become unpressable and text boxes become un-enterable17:39
RandolfIsn't Skype closed-source software from Microsoft?17:40
people398594the problems bleed into other programs though17:40
people398594it becomes impossible to switch tabs in firefox or enter a message in hexchat17:41
people398594interestingly I am still able to switch programs and log out of gnome but the actual UI elements inside the programs don't work17:45
people398594also it'd be insane for me to ask my business associates to use IRC or Tox17:47
sixwheeledbeastpeople398594: is it running via wine?17:49
Randolfpeople398594:  There may be some keyboard stuff for that application that need to be prevented from taking over the system.17:56
RandolfOh, they're gone.17:56
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wedrI'm going to jinx myself.18:10
wedrAs of today, it's been about 1 week 4 days since Ubuntu intermittently froze on me at work.18:11
wedri think some updates have fixed the freezing issue I had suffered in the past.18:11
VitalusMy ubuntu has suddenly crashed a few times without any indication of what happened. Can someone point me to a relevant log file so I can try to investigate?18:21
Ben64Vitalus: check everything in /var/log and look for stuff around the time of the crash18:24
EriC^^Vitalus: /var/log/syslog might have something if you're lucky18:25
VitalusI found something that might be relevant, but it doesn't seem to continue too much information.18:30
Vitalusafter this, there's like 40 more failed messages and it seems to be around the time my system crashed.18:32
Vitalusesp. this line seems important(?): Mar  3 12:41:52 scott gnome-software[2915]: internal error: failed, but no error code: cancelled18:33
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briggseHello, I'm having some issues installing Nvidia drivers on my fresh 19.10 install. I'm having some issues with this.18:50
briggse(apologies, I attempted to make a new line, more incoming)18:51
briggseThe Software & Updates panel didn't show any 3rd party drivers to be installed so i've attempted to follow directions to do so, however, when I run `ubuntu-drivers autoinstall` it's attempted to install the nvidia-driver-440 package and failing due to unmet dependancies18:52
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briggseI'm having issues finding some answers online and I was hoping someone could give me a shove in the right direction18:52
briggseI have a GTX 2080 TI if that matters18:53
sarnoldbriggse: can you pastebin your errors?18:53
geniiPretty sure you need at least the 410 or greater version for that18:56
subcoolif i were to follow this guide. - could i back my HDD, and then uncompress it on a different device and it wouldnt be harmed? I could still boot off the new uncompressed drive?19:13
mekhamiIf I have an environment variable that contains a string containing some blob of JSON, and I `echo $VAR >> cat.txt` I get a bad substitution error. Is there a way to do this?19:14
sarnoldmekhami: try echo "$VAR" > cat.txt19:14
sarnoldmekhami: oh sorry, echo "$VAR" >>cat.txt19:14
sarnoldI should just stop :)19:14
mekhamithanks i'll try that.19:14
sarnoldmekhami: oh sorry, echo "$VAR" >> cat.txt19:15
sarnoldthe quotes are the important part :)19:15
subcoolnvm, this is a good guide.19:16
sarnoldsubcool: the "different device" bit is a bit complicated -- if the other device is smaller, then you won't be able to write all the data, only part of it, and it probably would have problems as a result19:16
subcooli kinda get that..19:16
sarnoldsubcool: if the other device is larger, you'd have to go to some effort to expand the filesystem once in place19:16
subcoolbut- i have a 500gb drive, with only 4gb worth of info. and ill be putting it onto a USB with like 8gb19:17
sarnoldsubcool: but yes, it's a pretty decent tool; for example, our arm images are distributed as disk images that you dd directly onto an sd card or whatever, and then it'll magic itself larger on boot or something similar :)19:17
sarnoldsubcool: yeah that part works great. I used dd to image a new machine's windows install, compress it from 1tb down to 34gb, and then save it away just in case I ever need to return the computer19:18
subcoollol. i use to do that with VMs19:18
subcoolbut every time i copied it to a new device and tried to use it- complete fault.19:18
subcoolso - im a little mixed about the situation. It might just be easier to just do a simple back up and restore- but-- ugh.... copy paste is soo much easier19:19
sarnoldbe careful with copy-paste -- you have to use the names of *your* devices, not the blog post author's devices :)19:21
subcoolWell, i can hear the thing spinning on my dock. SO i should do a backup anyways. lol19:21
sarnoldI assume you know that, but I gotta say it19:21
subcoolbetter safe than sorry.19:21
subcooli mean just doing a copy of hdd1 and pasting it to sdd219:22
ikarus987Hi guys, wondering is there a tutorial that guides me on how to install programs onto a server?19:23
ikarus987i have a server that i am hosting on the internet, i wanna run virtual machines on it for that,  i will need programs19:23
pragmaticenigmaikarus987: Please ask for recommendations in #ubuntu-offtopic19:25
ikarus987i dont see the issue assking it here19:31
ikarus987how is this off topic?19:31
leftyfbikarus987: this is ubuntu support. We're not going to tell you how to build or run a server. Especially one that is publicly accessible19:34
sarnoldikarus987: hosting services should probably be run by experts, especially if it's just for any random internet weirdo.19:40
pragmaticenigmaikarus987: As you can see, such a question creates response that are based on opinions. Support is about providing factual information, as well as to troubleshoot and help repair a broken application or operating system. Since you're question is not about fixing or troubleshooting an application, it's considered offtopic.19:43
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ikarus987i work for internet service provider20:02
ikarus987they game me this machine to play around with it, the company i work is hosting it20:03
leftyfb!ot | ikarus98720:03
ubottuikarus987: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:03
ikarus987ok i hope this isn't another off topic question20:03
ikarus987is there away me and my friend can share terminal? so we see eachothers commands as we type20:04
leftyfbikarus987: screen, byobu, tmux20:04
leftyfbikarus987: all work locally on the same machine20:04
ioriaikarus987, you can check 'snap find teleconsole'20:05
devidhello, i am trying to get better sound quality, i tried this article https://medium.com/@gamunu/enable-high-quality-audio-on-linux-6f16f3fe7e1f but still nowhere near the quality i have in windows. could you help me ?20:53
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rapidwaveHow long should an unattended upgrade take? I tried to use apt yesterday and it said there was one. I just tried and it still says that.21:33
EriC^^rapidwave: does "ps aux | grep dpkg" show anything?21:36
rapidwaveYes, it shows dpkg is running21:37
=== MassDebates_ is now known as MassDebates
robot696969Just install ubuntu, having a problem with dual monitors22:07
robot696969in login screen, both monitors were detected and naturally extended22:08
robot696969after login, cant find monitor two22:08
robot696969One is in HDMI port, one is VGA22:09
=== daniel is now known as Guest40137
kinghatim trying to find a universal way to see if a list of predefined applications is installed. doing command -v {application} doesnt cut it as i removed firefox and it still shows up in /usr/bin/ and i have brave browser beta but it also shows for brave-browser and brave-browser-beta 🤷‍♂️22:44
leftyfbkinghat: which <binary>    or type -a <binary>22:52
sixwheeledbeastdpkg query ?22:53
kinghatleftyfb: those all have the same issue22:54
leftyfbkinghat: what issue is that?22:54
kinghatleftyfb: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/38f7e263/22:56
leftyfbkinghat: looks like they're working exactly as they should. What is the issue?22:57
kinghati only have brave beta and chrome installed22:58
leftyfband both google chrome and brave beta both have multiple ways of calling their browser. I don't see what the issue is from the perspective of the tool used to find if a binary exists on your machine22:59
kinghatsorry, how can you reliably check for brave-browser and brave-browser-beta when they are both listed? also, im not sure about whats going on with goole-chrome and google-chrome-stable23:00
leftyfbkinghat: your first question doesn't make sense. As for your 2nd, google chrome creates /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable which is a link to /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome. It also creates /usr/bin/google-chrome which is a link to /etc/alternatives/google-chrome which is a link to /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable23:03
leftyfbkinghat: you said a "list of predefined applications". Add both binaries to the list. Or choose one23:03
kinghatwonder why its doing all of that23:06
leftyfbkinghat: contact google for support with that23:06
ToAruShiroiNekoI guess this place is good as any to ask certbot questions23:24
ToAruShiroiNekoupdate_symlinks does not seem to work when trying to upgrade from certbot 27 to 3123:25
leftyfb!info certbot23:27
ubottucertbot (source: python-certbot): automatically configure HTTPS using Let's Encrypt. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.36.0-1 (eoan), package size 17 kB, installed size 55 kB23:27
orange27I was hoping to get some help regarding an issue i am having with a SFP+ PCIE card.23:34
ToAruShiroiNekoleftyfb yeah...?23:35
orange27So, I have a Trendnet TEG-10GECSFP. And about a month ago, it was running fine without issues and was able to get my 10 Gbps. However, One day it stopped working and I was unable to get it back up and running. I used Ethtool to try and see what mode it was in, and it now just registers the SFP as a Twitsed pair only card and not as the Fiber23:39
orange27interface it actually is. I have tried to update the driver to no avail and i'm just a bit stuck23:39
studenttHello, I have dual boot ubuntu & windows, and want to delete my windows drive and format it for ubuntu use. Can someone help me with this? I think my boot sectors were weird23:44
Bashing-omstudentt: The easy solution: in the installer is " wipe disk and install ubuntu".  Will do just that :D23:45
kinghatleftyfb: basically reiterating on what you said: https://askubuntu.com/a/675891/86827423:46
studenttBashing-om im not sure what u mean? I have ubuntu installed already and dont wish to harm it23:47
jeremy31I think you can delete the windows partitions from Ubuntu and do a sudo update-grub23:47
studenttjeremy31 yeah that is what i want to do but unsure how23:47
jeremy31studentt: EFI installs might still find the windows EFI file but it doesn't really matter.  You might need to use a Live ISO to expand the Ubuntu partition to use the space left23:48
orange27Can anyone help with a sfp network interface issue?23:54
Bashing-om!ask | orange2723:58
ubottuorange27: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:58

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