
JackFrostochosi: I'm not sure what to do with that statement.05:14
knomepleia2, jphilips, we should move to git with the website stuff, but i need to learn about submodules first and see if they work with lp11:32
jphilipsknome: that would be great. wish we could use github as well, as that would lower the barrier of submitting patches from the community11:33
jphilipsknome: when you get a chance - https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website/+bug/186562711:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1865627 in Xubuntu Website "update the artwork contribution page" [Undecided,New]11:34
knomei guess, though moving to a corporate-owned thing is not what many people in the open source world want11:34
knome(not that LP isn't corporate owned, but it's owned by a company that directly supports this community)11:35
jphilipswell gitlab then11:35
jphilipslike gnome11:35
knomebut that would still mean a huge migration11:36
bluesabreYes. Even for smaller projects like Mugshot, moving to GitHub was a surprisingly tedious project11:36
bluesabreBut yeah, after moving several bits to git in LP, I found the git support to be overall lacking, and several of the existing LP tools still don't know about git :(11:39
bluesabreI'm not opposed to moving, but I don't want to do all the work involved :D11:41
knomei went and wrote a novel in a google docs comment11:45
knomejphilips, went ahead and added another comment about gutenberg (which is a lot like what i said here already)11:50
jphilipsknome: :D12:31
jphilipswould be good to set 'sort folders before files' in the gtk3 file dialogs, so it is consistent with default behaviour of thunar13:36
jphilipsochosi: https://imgur.com/I1Fb1C2.png14:09
jphilipswe dont have the right icons for 32 and above - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-artwork/+bug/186556214:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1865562 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "show desktop icon incorrect over 24 px" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:10
=== jphilipz is now known as jphilips
ochosijphilips: interesting, the 48px user-desktop looks fine here20:57
jphilipsare you using the default icon theme?20:58
jphilipsi was on the xubuntu 20.04 daily20:58
ochosiwell i am ofc20:58
ochosii see, my thumbnail caches were old :/20:58
ochosiseems with the transition to the yellow folders we lost the desktop icons20:59
ochosiat least that means they should still exist in git history20:59
jphilipsdoubt you are running the iso :D21:03
ochosithat's unnecessary, i build the icons locally before i push them to git21:04
ochosiso i'm by definition on the latest version21:04
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
JackFrostRemember that feature freeze has passed, other freezes are coming up.22:50
jphilipsthink we should likely have hellotux have an 18.04 or 20.04 flash drive - https://www.hellotux.com/xubuntu23:17

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