
=== Scotty_Trees3 is now known as Scotty_Trees
IrcsomeBot1austinhornhead_12 was added by: austinhornhead_1201:08
IrcsomeBot1Tiffany Newfeld was added by: Tiffany Newfeld02:02
IrcsomeBot1Всеволод Гуляев was added by: Всеволод Гуляев02:04
IrcsomeBot1Gracie Brennan was added by: Gracie Brennan02:21
SpoonieLui deleted/corrupted my GPT header using GPT fdisk, trying to create a hybrid GPT/MBR, is there a way i can scan the partitions and recreate the GPT header?02:42
valorieSpoonieLu: I think you will have a lot better luck in #ubuntu03:02
valoriemuch bigger channel03:02
SpoonieLuvalorie: ok i will try there thanks03:04
valoriebest of luck!03:05
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest88181
IrcsomeBot1Lisa Lamb was added by: Lisa Lamb05:52
=== christian is now known as cchristiansen
IrcsomeBot1Corey Carey was added by: Corey Carey06:48
lordievaderGood morning07:03
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest30859
=== Roey is now known as nono_CutTheGreen
=== nono_CutTheGreen is now known as CutTheGreenWire
IrcsomeBotChris Hines was added by: Chris Hines07:57
=== rynot_ is now known as cart_man
=== bruno is now known as Guest93611
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @lordievader, Good evening!11:36
BluesKajHey folks12:09
lordievader👋 Linuxophil12:52
lordievaderHey BluesKaj12:53
lordievaderHow are you doing?12:53
BluesKajhey lordievader, doing fine here, and you?12:53
lordievaderDoing alright here12:53
Guest53861How do I write an iso to disk on kubuntu?14:11
diogenes_Guest53861, you can use either terminal or gui applications like etcher.14:16
IrcsomeBotxxxmike9876 was added by: xxxmike987614:45
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest26717
IrcsomeBotMelody Combs was added by: Melody Combs14:57
IrcsomeBotWilliam Amirian was added by: William Amirian15:05
=== myrti is now known as kaddi
user|99806lenovo thincenter 625q tiny17:23
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
onetime1337hello, anyone online?20:31
IrcsomeBotDerrick Reese was added by: Derrick Reese20:55
=== will_ is now known as Guest48093
IrcsomeBotMonica Morgan was added by: Monica Morgan23:46

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!