
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjeconfirmed bug #1866000 feel free to doublecheck aswell09:14
ubottubug 1866000 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "incorrect default apps for calendar and photos" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186600009:14
lotuspsychjemcphail, popey previous authentication window disform is now fixxed09:16
krauserHaving a problem with not only 19.10 but also 20.04 daily build on my computer. It doesn't boot, with or without splash screen, with or without modeset option. Specs are here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xrSxwjxST7/ And message errors here: https://imgur.com/WOjj8JI. Debian and Arch installed fine, just to point it out/hopefully help in someway12:01
lotuspsychjekrauser: uefi or legacy?12:02
krauseruefi(also have legacy option)12:03
lotuspsychjekrauser: bit cards like GTX and RTX usually need !nomodeset workaround, but uefi settings can also influence this12:04
krauseryeah I tried nomodeset, all it did was change the resolution of the letters/splash screen12:05
lotuspsychjekrauser: is this you? https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/fcme81/cant_boot_ubuntu_1910_nor_2004_daily_build/12:06
krauserAlso tried with and without CSM mode, but the same applies12:08
lotuspsychjekrauser: did you try with other ubuntu releases iso's?12:08
lotuspsychjelike 18.04 LTS12:08
lotuspsychjecant find a related bug on segfault right away for 20.0412:09
krauseri'll try 18.04 after lunch12:12
lotuspsychjekrauser: wich brand is your system plz?12:17
krauserIf i'm understanding correctly that's the motherboard info you want right? ASUS PRIME Z390M-PLUS12:28
lotuspsychjethank you krauser 12:28
lotuspsychjewb krauser 17:36
lotuspsychjedid you test bionic on your issue?17:36
krauserhey, yes I did, and couldn't boot, but got a different message17:37
lotuspsychjekrauser: do you dualboot currently?17:38
krauserwell, my /boot/efi, looking at lsblk is on nvme0n1p2(this is the sdd drive with windows on it) while the sda has my debian install. When I boot the system, i'm prompted to Debian's grub, which contains a line for windows17:41
lotuspsychjekrauser: this smells like a double problem to me17:41
lotuspsychjeuefi bootable nvme + your nvidia card not recognized, needing its proper nvidia driver17:42
lotuspsychjeif i was you, id try legacy boot + nomodeset17:42
krauserhow do I do that, go on boot in my bios and set legacy only?17:42
krauserthis might help too https://askubuntu.com/questions/1074098/booting-a-nvme-drive i'll try everything from what you said and this17:45
krausertried some things, disabling fast boot removes part of the errors but the one consistant is that the "ntfs-3g" problem remains18:10
krauserit's that sdd hardrive that is the problem most likely, not sure how to go around it18:13
krauserWell, didn't exactly fixed the issue but using a mini.iso I finally got past boot and installed Ubuntu. I hope there will be one for 20.04 too20:49
ducasseanyone else having trouble generating initrds since mkinitramfs hangs on the plymouth hook?20:55
ducassepurged plymouth, and now it's working again, but it meant also losing lightdm20:56
mcphailducasse: just updated a minute ago. There were some plymouth packages updated but no issues regenerating the initramdisk22:17
ducassei'll try reinstalling plymouth tomorrow and try again, too late to mess with it today22:19

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