
HeliNomadHey guys can I ask a support question?03:58
tomreyn!ask | HeliNomad05:05
ubottuHeliNomad: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:05
tomreynso yes, please do. and if you can't get a response after some time, ask in #ubuntu instead. after all, this channel stilll thinks the latest LTS release is 16.04.05:07
HeliNomadI'm getting an error with this code:  sudo mount -t cifs -o username=username // ~/ShareLoc/05:10
HeliNomadmount error(13): Permission denied05:10
HeliNomadPassword isn't the issue.05:10
HeliNomadShare is hosted on a Mac05:12
HeliNomadJust trying to mount it...can't figure it out.05:13
lordievaderGood morning07:03
lordievaderHeliNomad: What do you see when you add the `-v` flag?07:03
rbasakteward: thanks!08:09
rbasakteward: please make sure you don't burn out on this though. I appreciate your work, but I just want to make sure you don't feel obliged to do it. The people who want the features can be expected to do most of the work :)08:10
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HeliNomadlordievader This is what I get: user@skunky1:~$ sudo mount -t cifs -o username=user // ~/SharePoint/ -v14:27
HeliNomadPassword for user@//  **********14:27
HeliNomadmount.cifs kernel mount options: ip=,unc=\\\LaCie,user=user,pass=********14:27
HeliNomadmount error(13): Permission denied14:27
HeliNomadRefer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)14:27
lordievaderIs your user allowed to access both the share and the sharepoint?14:29
HeliNomadYes.  I am able to mount the share on my mac using smb:// with the same credentials14:30
HeliNomadI found this article but not sure how to change my line to implement the "fix" they are talking about.  Seems that they are doing this in fstab and I just want the mount to done on demand, not on startup: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220998714:40
sdezielHeliNomad: You'd use something like this: sudo mount -t cifs -o username=user,sec=ntlmssp,nounix // ~/SharePoint/ -v14:43
sdezielHeliNomad: I'd try to leave out "nounix" first14:43
HeliNomadOh I see needs a comma after user14:43
HeliNomadI was trying to append the sec= to the end14:44
HeliNomadsorry I'm new to linux14:44
sdezielHeliNomad: sec=ntlmssp is reported to be the "new" default already so it likely won't help14:45
HeliNomadYeah didn't change anything in the results14:46
HeliNomadShould I try adding the nounix?14:46
sdezielHeliNomad: there are many more values that sec= accepts, see "man mount.cifs"14:46
HeliNomadYes I see that14:47
HeliNomadLet me run through those14:47
sdezielHeliNomad: I'm not sure if "Permission denied" could be due to a version mismatch but this definitely changed no the linux side. If I were you, I'd try adding vers=1.014:48
sdezielHeliNomad: and if that doesn't work, I'd go with vers=2.114:48
HeliNomadwhere do you add that14:49
sdezielHeliNomad: sudo mount -t cifs -o username=user,vers=1.0 // ~/SharePoint/ -v14:49
sdezielLaCie sounds like a potentially old'ish NAS which is why I'd try an old version14:50
HeliNomadand to add sec?  just:  sudo mount -t cifs -o username=user,vers=1.0,sec=ntlmssp // ~/SharePoint/ -v14:50
sdezielHeliNomad: I would recommend to try the command I provided as is first14:51
HeliNomadThat gives me a:  mount error(22): Invalid argument14:52
sdezielHeliNomad: was that with or without the sec=ntlmssp?14:53
sdezielHeliNomad: hmm, what kernel version are you running? "uname -r" will tell you14:54
HeliNomadEverything is up to date14:55
sdezielOK good, could you share the output of "tail /var/log/kern.log"14:56
HeliNomadMar  4 14:53:28 skunky1 kernel: [592441.451291] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -1314:56
HeliNomadMar  4 14:53:46 skunky1 kernel: [592458.868524] Status code returned 0xc000006d NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE14:56
HeliNomadMar  4 14:53:46 skunky1 kernel: [592458.868543] CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -1314:56
HeliNomadMar  4 14:53:46 skunky1 kernel: [592458.868655] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -1314:56
HeliNomadMar  4 14:54:17 skunky1 kernel: [592489.546557] Status code returned 0xc000006d NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE14:56
HeliNomadMar  4 14:54:17 skunky1 kernel: [592489.546575] CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -1314:56
HeliNomadMar  4 14:54:17 skunky1 kernel: [592489.546691] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -1314:56
HeliNomadMar  4 14:54:30 skunky1 kernel: [592502.726243] Status code returned 0xc000006d NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE14:56
HeliNomadMar  4 14:54:30 skunky1 kernel: [592502.726257] CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -1314:56
HeliNomadMar  4 14:54:30 skunky1 kernel: [592502.726353] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -1314:56
sdezielHeliNomad: thanks but please use a pastebin service next time for multiline outputs ;)14:58
HeliNomadOops sorry14:58
sdezielHeliNomad: are you 100% sure you have the password right? Have you tried typing it somewhere where you can visually inspect it to catch errors introduced by the wrong keyboard layout for example14:59
HeliNomadYes 100%.  I am able to mount the drive in Mac OS using Connect to Server: smb:// logging in with the same credentials and it works.15:00
HeliNomadI have a feeling it has to do with Mac OS Catalina's SMB file sharing protocol not jiving with CIFS in mount.cifs15:00
sdezielHeliNomad: it's possible I'd try putting the username/password in a file as explained here https://thinkinginsoftware.blogspot.com/2011/09/cifs-vfs-cifsmount-failed-return-code.html15:01
HeliNomadSure I can.  But just practically speaking what would be the difference.15:02
sdezielin theory it would be identical, in practice it's worth trying. Worst case, you'll save keystrokes when mounting the share ;)15:07
HeliNomadSo do I need to store the password file in /root/cifs/cifs_credentials.txt15:08
sdezielno, a file in your home will do. Make sure to "chmod 0600" the file as it contains your creds15:09
HeliNomadchmod 0600 does what?15:10
geniiMakes the file immutable15:10
sdeziel"chmod 0600 cifs_credentials.txt" would make sure the file is only read/writable by it's owner15:10
HeliNomadgot it15:10
HeliNomaddoing it now...i'll report back15:11
sdezielto be pedantic, it's not immutable as that would be "chattr +i" ;)15:11
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HeliNomadFile created, new command is:  sudo mount -t cifs -o credentials=~/creds/cifs_credentials.txt // ~/SharePoint/15:17
HeliNomadStill getting:  mount error(13): Permission denied15:17
sdezielHeliNomad: I've seen some suggesting to add this to your credentials file: domain=WORKGROUP15:23
HeliNomadsdeziel Yes I've tried all the arguments suggested in that article you shared15:24
HeliNomadAll produce the same output15:24
HeliNomadFor what it's worth, I just tried it with a windows share and it works15:24
HeliNomadSomething about the Mac is causing the issues here15:24
sdezieldomain= was not in the blog post I provided though15:25
sdezielHeliNomad: I'm sorry I couldn't help you. At this point I'm out of ideas and would iterate through various param vers=, nounix, etc until it starts working .... :/15:31
HeliNomadThanks.  Yes it's a head scratcher.  If I find the fix I'll report back16:22
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tewardrbasak: burnout working on nginx and such?  Nope not happening heh.  This is a welcome addition to my regular tasks.  Theres a higher risk of burnout at my regular job than working with Ubuntu packages and tasks ;)22:55
tewardIts why I am always willing to put effort in as volunteering right now - its things I can actually fix heh22:56
teward(In reply to the really ancient pings heh)22:56
rbasakteward: happy that you're volunteering. Thank you!22:56
rbasakI just wanted to make sure that you didn't feel obligated.22:56

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