
Havenstanceanyone in here able to take a look at a samba config I'm running on 18.04 lts? I can view the share on my windows box, however I cannot actually write anything to it13:51
HavenstanceI swear I've looked at permissions a million times but I'm missing something in there13:51
HavenstanceI've asked in #samba too so just incase someone here knew I thought I'd bounce it off the bunch of sysadmins I know are in here lol13:56
Havenstancehave to reboot this machine.... I forgot the sudo password xD14:13
Havenstancewelp that's embarassing, I broke this box lol14:27
cmaloneyHavenstance: Lovely. :)14:49
cmaloneyRe: samba: I've had as little experience with it as possible, so sadly I'm of no help there.14:49
Havenstanceeh, it's okay it's majaro anyway, I thought I read ubuntu had a 20.04 lts out now?15:00
Havenstanceim gonna look in a bit and if that's true it's going on top of this manjaro lol15:00
Havenstanceas far as samba goes, im thinking it just doesn't like to share with windows15:01
cmaloneyIt depends on the Windows15:01
cmaloneyit's crabby if AD is there anywhere in the system15:01
Havenstanceso I may just use a small windows xp vm to share those volumes if I can find the iso15:01
HavenstanceI don't have AD that I know of, but it's Windows 10 I can see the shares but I can't read them...15:02
Havenstanceand tbh im sure 10 is only being so tempermental because it heard me say I was gonna replace it with Ubuntu Studio lol15:05
Havenstancebut im gonna wait for 20.04 as I now see that's coming in April :)15:05
jrwrenHavenstance: unix file permissions still apply, so what is the ownership and permissions for /media/share1 and /media/share2 ?15:10
jrwrensamba shares with windows just fine, it has for 20+yrs now, and crazily, I've been using it for longer than that.15:11
cmaloneyYeah, $lastjob had Samba for the longest time15:12
cmaloneywhen they moved to AD is when things started falling apart15:12
cmaloneyMy evidence is anecdotal though15:13
jrwrenhow long ago was that?15:15
cmaloneyBefore Windows 10, for sure15:17
Havenstancejrwren, I've used it in the past with absolutely zero issues15:17
Havenstancejust seems with Windows 10 things are far more quirky than they ever used to be with xp or even 98se lol15:17
cmaloneyMight have been 201715:17
cmaloneyXP to Windows 10 is quite a long jump. ;)15:18
cmaloneyI'm sure there are still places though that are planning their Windows 7 migrations. ;)15:18
Havenstancewell I hated 7, and 8 and 8.1 were uh to put it mildly not friendly15:18
Havenstancedude my work still has XP boxes15:18
Havenstanceand I work for a mortgage company15:18
cmaloneyThis does not surprise me15:19
Havenstancegranted those boxes do not do anything except handle file automation and their blocked from internet15:19
Havenstancebut someone internal who knows what their doing could cause some serious issues lol15:19
Havenstancehang on, forgot this is linux I don't have to open anything special to get that info15:19
jrwreni'm definitely using it with a win10 client.15:20
jrwrenworks fine.15:20
cmaloneyjrwren: Are you using AD at all?15:21
Havenstanceokay so I am seeing something strange in this terminal man15:21
Havenstancehavenstance@dockerpriv:~$ ls -l /media/files15:21
Havenstancetotal 015:21
jrwrenI think the thing that you are missing is `encrypt passwords = true` in your smb.conf, but that may be default these days.15:22
jrwrenyeah, it is default true on my samba.15:22
Havenstancesee yesterday it was stuck as root/root15:22
Havenstanceso at least I see a change means im getting somewhere lol15:23
jrwrenisn't is /media/share1 and /media/share2?15:23
jrwrenwhat does ls -al /media/share1 /media/share2 say?15:24
Havenstancels -al /media/share115:24
Havenstancehavenstance@dockerpriv:~$ ls -al /media/share115:24
Havenstancels: cannot access '/media/share1': No such file or directory15:24
HavenstanceI'll pull that section that defines shares from SMB.conf15:25
jrwrendid you set the password with smbpasswd?15:27
Havenstancethose are spoofed share names man15:28
jrwrenoh, so it wasn't actually your smb.conf?15:28
Havenstanceforgot I changed those, the originals are actually /media/plex and /media/files15:28
Havenstancenah I spoofed just the ending, figured if when you said share1 share2 I'd know to substitute those directories in the commands based on what you said15:29
Havenstancehang on I'll give you the actual config, and yes I did set password with smbpass, even set up the .conf to allow for passwordless access, I can see those directories when I run sudo mount -a and come to them from windows15:29
Havenstancejust trying to put anything in it says you need permission15:30
Havenstancedespite me saying chown 1000:1000 /both/sharenames15:30
jrwrenwhat user is 1000?15:30
Havenstancegroup is haventsance on 1000 too15:30
jrwrenbut you have forceuser=openmyfiles?15:31
jrwrenI'd remove the forceuser,forcegroup from the smb.conf15:31
jrwreni'd also remove the valid users.15:31
Havenstanceputting it in was an attempt to resolve too lol I'll remove that if it's not needed, the openmyfiles was another account i created and did a chown too as well15:31
Havenstancebut it didn't work either15:32
Havenstancemaking the edits now15:32
Havenstanceim trying to get these so that docker can use them cuz I wanna put a bunch of containers on this thing for plex & related stuff15:33
jrwrenyou are going to run docker with storage over SMB?15:34
Havenstanceso to be clear before I save this man, I'm removing forceuser, forcegroup, and validusers?15:34
Havenstancesmb is to share that stuff to my windows machine15:34
Havenstancedocker is going on this machine when I get the shares working15:34
jrwrenyes, remove those, they aren't needed15:34
Havenstanceall the smb is for so I can drop new files in when the wife makes me buy her stuff lol15:35
jrwrenhave you tried connecting with smbclient to localhsot?15:35
Havenstancesomething happened it let me write a file to it that time15:36
Havenstancegonna check terminal and see if it shows up15:36
Havenstancedude you just fixed it15:37
* Havenstance sends jrwren an e-beer15:38
Havenstanceno thank you man15:38
jrwrennow run a speed test, how fast can you copy a large file to it?15:38
Havenstancethat was the most frustrating thing15:38
jrwrenI want to be filled with envy at the speed.15:38
Havenstanceit's gonna be slow af I haven't disabled the offloading on the xcp-ng vm adapters yet15:38
jrwrenoh, its a VM? then I will feel no envy. :)15:39
Havenstanceit is in fact transferring at gigabit15:43
Havenstanceand even more15:43
HavenstanceI don't have to enter a password to view my files15:43
HavenstanceITS A MIRACLE, not only did you help me get this going but you stopped the wife nagging me about the nag box lol15:44
jrwrenwell, i do love me some samba.15:44
Havenstancenow that I have a working config file it'll make it so much easier to setup in the future should I need to16:01
Havenstanceok so now I mapped the shares to my windows pc, and windows is saying it has just shy of a tb17:12
Havenstancethat movies drive is a 4tb raid 0 and the storage is 1.5tb17:13
Havenstancesr0      11:0    1 1024M  0 rom17:13
Havenstancexvda    202:0    0 1000G  0 disk17:13
Havenstance└─xvda1 202:1    0 1000G  0 part  /17:13
Havenstancexvdb    202:16   0    2T  0 disk17:13
Havenstance└─md0     9:0    0  3.9T  0 raid0 /media/plex17:13
Havenstancexvdc    202:32   0    2T  0 disk17:13
Havenstance└─md0     9:0    0  3.9T  0 raid0 /media/plex17:13
Havenstancexvde    202:64   0  1.5T  0 disk  /media/files17:13
Havenstancewhatever the hell I did just fixed it lol17:22
jrwrenoh man. i love this. http://librarybox.us/17:58

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