
orange27Internet cutout00:01
studenttjeremy31 i found a 16 usb ubuntu install, would it work for windows removal even though im running 18 LTS right now?00:05
jeremy31studentt: you just need the ISO to use Gparted to expand the Ubuntu install partition00:06
jeremy31studentt: the version doesn't matter, you could use a Linux Mint ISO to expand the partition00:06
studentttjeremy31ok im in ubuntu installer now, installation type: something else : create resize partitions00:10
studentttjeremy31 https://imgur.com/a/NN4Lmte00:12
jeremy31studenttt: If you want to save anything, that is not the way to do it00:12
studentttstudenttt I want to save my ubuntu installation but nothing in windows, so what should I do instead?00:13
studentttI thought I couldve deleted/resized partitions there without pressing install now00:14
jeremy31studenttt: boot into installed Ubuntu version, install Gparted, delete Windows partitions, leave any EFI system partition alone00:15
jeremy31studenttt: after deleting Windows partitions, in terminal do>  sudo update-grub00:17
studentttjeremy31 so basically all the ntfs file systems? even recovery labeled00:19
jeremy31studenttt: yes00:19
=== Scotty_Trees3 is now known as Scotty_Trees
orange27Well, If anyone has experience in dealing with issues steaming from the kernel breaking my networking card, please get in touch since it seams most people here are busy00:20
studentttjeremy31 https://imgur.com/a/VqMUYzy i delete all those ntfs00:21
jeremy31studenttt: do it from install00:22
jeremy31orange27: are you using kernel 5.3.0-40?00:22
studentttjeremy31 what do you mean from install? it would allow me to delete with right click there_00:23
sarnoldorange27: if you downgrade kernel does your nic work again?00:23
studentttjeremy31 I am sorry I am still noob in ubuntu00:23
jeremy31studenttt: sudo update-grub will not work as easy in Live ISO00:24
orange27jeremy31 no i am not00:24
orange27sarnold no, but i am not sure what kernel version i was on before that made it work00:24
studentttjeremy31 im currently in my 18 LTS not the live if thats what u mean?00:24
jeremy31studenttt: then delete those ntfs00:25
orange27I am currently on 4.15.0-8800:25
studentttjeremy31 done00:26
orange27LTS 18.04.400:26
sarnoldorange27: /var/log/dpkg.log* files will say when you upgraded which packages, and which versions00:26
jeremy31studenttt: if you have any issues after trying to reboot, use a Live ISO anf find yannubuntu boot repair00:27
studentttjeremy31 https://imgur.com/a/Il6POBG00:27
orange27sarnold unfortunately, i did a fresh install thinking that would fix it and lost all those logs00:27
sarnoldorange27: oh. bummer.00:28
jeremy31studenttt: is Ubuntu installed on another hard drive?00:28
Drecondiusanybody know of a way to increase system memory for an intel integrated gpu?00:29
studentttjeremy31 but the other drive has some windows stuff too00:29
sarnoldDrecondius: it's usually an entry in the bios or setup00:29
orange27sarnold unfortunately, i did a fresh install thinking that would fix it and lost all those logs?00:30
sarnoldDrecondius: even after I increased mine I still get warnings lik [drm] Reducing the compressed framebuffer size. This may lead to less power savings than a non-reduced-size. Try to increase stolen memory size if available in BIOS.00:30
Drecondiusno such option on a workstation sadly00:30
orange27ok, thats not at all what i input into the text box00:30
studentttjeremy31 my other drive looks like this: https://imgur.com/a/4l42YQ900:30
orange27jeremy31 or sarnold is there a way to upgrade 18.04.4 to 5.3.0-40?00:30
Drecondiusorange27 sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.0400:32
Drecondiusthough it may not be exactly what you're looking for00:33
studentttjeremy31 how should I proceed?00:33
Drecondiusjust did that on my workstation/server and the updated gigabit nic loved me for it, rather, i can actually use it.00:34
sarnoldorange27: hmm, I'm not finding an *easy* way to try out older kernels, but the linux-hwe source package in bionic page on launchpad has links to all the builds https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/linux-hwe  --- maybe if your mirror still has some of the old ones, you could use apt install linux-generic-hwe-18.04=versionunmber .. but I've never tried going backwards with kernels this way00:36
Drecondiuswindows will still allocate system ram for a gpu, if it needs it, and, i wonder how I can do something similar or exactly the same in linux00:37
orange27isnt 5.3 a newer version?00:37
Drecondiusover 18.04, yes00:37
Drecondiusit comes with 5.0.xxx00:37
orange27hmmmm. why was mine only installing 4.15?00:38
Bashing-om!hwe | orange2700:38
ubottuorange27: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:38
sarnoldorange27: that's the "initial release" kernel for 18.04 LTS00:38
orange27oh gotcha00:38
sarnoldorange27: the HWE kernels for our LTS releases provide newer kernels rebuild for the LTS releases00:38
orange27gotcha. that makes sense00:39
orange27is there a way from install to ge tit to a newer kernel or you just have to do it after the fact?00:39
studentttBashing-om could u possible help with me the rest of the gparted ? trying to get rid of windows from dualboot00:40
sarnoldiirc the server installers give you a choice of which kernel you'd like; I think desktop installers assume you want HWE00:40
Drecondiusno, desktop just uses the packaged kernel, not the hwe enabled stack\00:40
orange27sarnold, i used the desktop installer and it just pre-installed 4.1500:41
DrecondiusDebian 10 ships with 4.1900:41
Drecondius18.04.3 installer?00:41
orange27Drecondius, 18.04.4 installer00:42
sarnoldorange27: hmm, maybe I've misunderstood our installer then :D00:42
Drecondiuswait, my desktop was 19.1000:42
orange27so yeah, not sure there00:43
nooodlesnodes_1so is keyboard detaching sensed to launch an onscreen keyboard?00:43
sarnoldhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2020-February/000254.html -- second and third paragraphs00:43
nooodlesnodes_1have a "laplet" with a detachable keyboard00:43
studenttI have windows in dual boot, need advice which filesystems i can safely delete, and how to enable for use to ubuntu https://imgur.com/a/4l42YQ9 https://imgur.com/a/VqMUYzy00:46
studentt(i want to delete windows)00:47
studenttwithout getting rid of ubuntu00:48
Drecondiusincludes in the Installer, but not enabled by default, if you run the installer and let the splash with the keyboard logo just go, it defaults to the standard kernel00:48
Drecondiusstudentt the safest way is going to be to boot into a live environment and use gparted to wipe the partition and extend your existing filesystem. But, if you muck up and wipe the efi partition, you'll have to go back and reinstall grub.00:50
pragmaticenigmastudentt: The internet is really not the place to go for advice like that. only you can decided what is on those drives and what you want to remove. If you don't know which is which, it is better to leave it as it is00:50
Drecondiusthat's assuming you are booting via efi configuration00:51
orange27Now that i have the 5.3 kernel in stalled i am getting this on boot: https://postimg.cc/N2DQ58S900:51
orange27and its just going on forever00:51
Drecondiuslooks like it's not on quiet anymore00:52
orange27well, its not booting to the normal login screen.00:52
Bashing-omstudenttt: ^^ Looks to be 2 differner drives. Pastebin the output of terminal command ' sudo parted -l ', So we know what you are working with.00:52
orange27im at 270 seconds in and its just nothing bu that00:52
studenttBashing-om: here https://pastebin.com/dgSsPepb00:53
orange27possibly... but without that GPU i cant see any output because not iGPU00:53
Drecondiusedit grub and add nomodeset00:54
orange27where would i find the grub file?00:55
Drecondiushold shift when booting00:55
Bashing-omstudentt: "Linux device-mapper (crypt) (dm)" lets me out as I know nothing of encryption.00:57
Drecondiusorange27 this should help you out : https://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-do-i-set-nomodeset-after-ive-already-installed-ubuntu00:57
studenttBashing-om: thats just swap partition idk why its named like that00:58
orange27Drecondius, thanks. rebooting now00:59
Drecondiusthat is how the manufacturer or it personell that used it last set it up00:59
Drecondiusstudentt that partition layout is how the manufacturer or it personel set it up01:01
DrecondiusI'm referring to the windows setup lol01:01
Bashing-omstudentt: The volume is encrypted - which, why, and where I can not say .. but as encryption is a big ball of hurt; I do not want to hurt your system.01:02
orange27Drecondius i am getting a bunch of "watchdog detected hard LOCKUP on CPU #"01:03
orange27would it be beneficial if i just retry my installation?01:03
DrecondiusBashing-om Unless the actual mbr is encrypted (there is no efi partition in the listing) nuking windows is just going to wipe it out. windows encryption only goes as far as the ntfs partitions01:04
Drecondiusorange27 out of morbid curiosity, does bios report on temps?, the only time I've had that issues was the day my old computer burst into flames (metaphorically))01:05
Bashing-omDrecondius: Filed away for future reference, But still not known how that disk(s) encryption might affect ubuntu - would require deeper investigation.01:07
orange27here is my grub file01:08
orange27i know i add he nomodeset stuff after the ro01:08
orange27but i cant get it to boot still01:08
Drecondiusbefore you go into that and edit grub, do you have the recovery entry?01:10
Drecondiushave you tried to boot the recovery mode01:10
orange27yes, it does the same thing01:10
Drecondiusboot live environmet, mount the drive, and check ......  var/log , .... there's somewhere else to check hold a moment01:12
Drecondiusi don't know enough about cat and grep to tell you what to do with what it does01:13
orange27how would boot live? USB install iso?01:14
Drecondiususb or cd / dvd if you have the patience for one of those to load01:15
orange27no option to live boot?01:15
Drecondiusnot from an installed system, you need a live usb/cd/dvd to have a working environment to check the system01:16
Drecondiusrather, I do, I'm sure others may have other ways of doing it, but I only know what I've learned lol.01:16
orange27i did find the install option to just start with the hwe kernel. Should i just try that?01:17
orange27or do you wanna know the issue01:17
sarnoldhm tough choice01:18
sarnoldgetting a good bug report out of this might be nice, but you just wanted to use your computer, a few hours ago..01:18
sarnoldand it's entirely possible that the solution is "yeah, that kernel can't drive that hardware right, use the hwe"... I say just try hwe and see how far you get01:19
orange27i am going to try and just re install starting with that kernel, and if it still has the same error, illget a live disk up01:19
Church-sarnold: HWE is what? LTS kernel support without being pegged to whatever kernel was latest in the LTS distro?01:19
Church-If I'm recalling right01:19
sarnoldChurch-: yeah; the HWE kernels come from 'newer' releases01:20
Church-Okay awesome good to know.01:20
Drecondiusupdated Kernel and if you choose it, graphics stack01:20
Church-I'll need to try those out at work01:20
Church-Since Linode pegs us to whatever kernel they float up through the hypervisor01:20
Church-And they don't provide kernel headers01:20
Church-Which is a pain when we need perf and stuff01:20
Church-And the last kernel I could do for 18.04 was... 4.15 I think when just booting with a generic distro provided kernel01:21
Drecondiusorange27 if you don't have a live usb/cd/etc how are you reinstalling, what are you installing, server?01:21
orange27i have a ubuntu-serverdesktop installer01:22
sarnoldChurch-: no kernel headers? that's a big reduction in what you can run..01:23
orange27well sarnold, same error01:27
orange27let me make a live image real quickly01:27
Drecondiussomething tells me your hardware isn't compatible with that kernel01:27
orange27its a ryzen 3950x 16 core with 64 GB of ram and a 570x chipset01:28
orange27if that helps01:28
Drecondiusyeah, it's definately not compatible, not even arch has full compat yet01:28
orange27dang, so then i guess my only option is just 4.15 and not have working spf card?01:29
orange27is the incompadibility with the 570x chipset?01:29
DrecondiusI believe there is a workaround somewhere, maybe check the arch wiki01:29
Drecondiussome have gotten it running01:29
orange27so run arch linux?01:30
orange27and see if that works?01:30
ducasseorange27: have you tried a mainline kernel?01:31
orange27can't say that i have01:31
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds01:31
orange27how can i get that into an install?01:32
orange27do i just need to get into regular 14.04? then try and upgrade to mainline?01:32
ducasseyou need to be able to boot or chroot into your install01:33
sarnoldwhy 14.04? standard support for that ended a year ago -- was that the last one that worked well?01:33
orange27sorry 18.0401:33
sarnoldaha, good :)01:33
orange27ok, so ill just do 18.04.4 with 4.15 then upgrade. give me a moment to get there01:34
ducassemight also be worth trying a focal daily01:34
orange27what makes ryzen incompatable?01:35
orange27out of curiosity?01:35
ducasseyou'll need to ask the kernel team01:38
DrecondiusYou'd probably get a clearer answer out of Torvalds01:41
Drecondiusthe rest of the team defer to him and he still says what makes it into a kernel release01:42
ducasseor a ton of abuse01:42
Drecondiushe's not so hard on newbies than he is people who have been doing it for years though.01:43
orange27the weirdest thing, was that my NIC was working fine, then one day without any updates to provoke it, it just registered as a standard ethernet NIC (even though its a SFP card)01:43
Drecondiusthat sounds like an update to network manager01:43
orange27ok now to get to mainline01:44
Drecondiusif it was working fine on 4.15 and all you did was accept the update through software ( or apt upgrade alternatively ) it would have been a bug in that as your kernel didn't change01:44
Drecondiuseither that or something else that was affecting it.01:45
orange27yeah, or possibly the card died01:45
Drecondiustis a possiblity as well.01:45
orange27do i just need the generic mainline image?01:45
ducasseuse the latest one01:46
orange27this one? v5.6-rc4/01:47
orange27it was released yesturday01:47
ducassesounds good01:47
Drecondius... i've lost my mouse :(01:47
Drecondiuswrong window01:48
orange27i just use the generic image... right?01:48
ducassegrab the generics and the *all.deb01:50
ducassegood luck, i need to sleep01:56
orange27thanks man, I appreciate it01:58
orange27ill be right back02:01
DrecondiusWelcome Back.02:05
orange2725huh, it won't let me use the name that i registered....02:05
Drecondiusbecause  you joined twice and left twice02:06
Drecondiusmaybe it's because it didn't kill it properly02:06
orange2725i'm transfering files no to my server02:06
=== orange2725 is now known as orange27
orange27there we go02:08
DrecondiusI finally got my soon to be retro machine running no thanks to failed installs, finally said to hell with it and installed tasksel and went for the xfce minimal02:08
Drecondiusinstead of trying to get enlightenment running02:09
SpoonieLui deleted the GPT on my macbook harddrive is there a way i can scan the paritions and rebuild it?02:14
sarnoldSpoonieLu: *maybe* gparted? https://gparted.org/display-doc.php?name=help-manual#gparted-attempt-data-rescue  -- though they send you to another tool for tasks with more than four partitions: https://gparted.org/display-doc.php?name=help-manual#gparted-recover-partition-table02:17
orange27i'm surprised it lets you even delete that partition02:18
sarnoldSpoonieLu: at a minimum I think you ought to back up the data that you can on your currently running system before rebooting02:18
sarnoldSpoonieLu: because once you reboot... who knows.02:18
orange27so Mainline didn't work either02:23
orange27sarnold: any last ideas?02:25
SpoonieLusarnold: good idea but the machine has already been restarted02:25
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orange27its still the sam eerror as the other reboots02:26
orange27i suspect its just not compatible02:26
SpoonieLui used a tool called GPT FDisk to created a hybrid MBR/GPT disk and for some reason it destroyed the GPT header for the mac partition02:26
orange27could trying 19.10 do anything?02:27
sarnoldorange27: it's worth a try, as is trying a 20.04 daily02:28
orange27k brb02:29
sarnoldthe daily's are at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/02:29
sarnold(though I've heard there's a bug with plymouth or something at boot on recent focal; I haven't updated in a week give or take..)02:29
sarnoldSpoonieLu: dang. if you can't get the partition table back through gparted or the other tool its manual suggests, and you need to do data recovery, take a look at this http://www.sleuthkit.org/02:30
robertparkerxI had a crontab set awhile ago in sync with my certbot. I had to reissue certs because I got a email about it because of something that happened (not by me but them, some notice). How do I reset the crontab to start from today?02:39
robertparkerxDo I just make changes to it and reset it back?02:41
SpoonieLui deleted/corrupted my GPT header using GPT fdisk, trying to create a hybrid GPT/MBR, is there a way i can scan the partitions and recreate the GPT header?02:43
orange27so, 19.10 wont even get to the installer page before a lockup02:48
sarnoldrobertparkerx: maybe change it to run every minute with * * * * *  or however many asterisks are needed, and then once you've got a new cert, change it back?02:50
sarnoldorange27: :(02:50
orange27ok, well i guess ill try getting a new card for the server and return the old one and maybe see if that fixes things02:51
orange27because, i think it has to be a card thing and not a ubuntu problem02:51
sarnoldit might be worth trying out a centos or suse or something, to try to isolate if ubuntu is even involved02:51
sarnoldheh yeah02:52
orange27i was also thinking centos. maybe ill try that and go from there. thanks for all your help!02:52
orange27if i have any more issues i'll just pop back here02:52
sarnoldgood luck :)02:54
sarnoldand just like that, a lucky bunny arrives :)02:54
SpoonieLui deleted/corrupted my GPT header using GPT fdisk, trying to create a hybrid GPT/MBR, is there a way i can scan the partitions and recreate the GPT header?03:19
leftyfbSpoonieLu: you're better off at this point just reinstalling and restoring from backup03:23
sarnoldyeah if you haven't had any luck with gparted, that's probably best03:24
lapsangHello, I just found out there's such a thing as an Ubuntu capable phone, and several of them.   Any channels to suggest?03:27
leftyfblapsang: #ubports03:29
HeliNomadHey dudes03:38
HeliNomadCan someone help me with a silly cifs mount issue03:39
HeliNomadI'm trying to mount a sharepoint on my Ubuntu Server 18.x LTS from a Mac hosting a simple share via CIFS/SMB03:40
HeliNomadUsing this code:  sudo mount -t cifs -o username=username // ~/ShareLoc/03:41
HeliNomadI get this response:  mount error(13): Permission denied03:42
HeliNomadI know the password is correct.03:42
HeliNomadWhat's up Asas03:57
SpoonieLuleftyfb: i do not have a backup it is a friends drive with his university disertation on. i really want to help him03:58
HeliNomadHow do you get support on here?04:16
lotuspsychje_!ask | HeliNomad04:18
ubottuHeliNomad: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:18
HeliNomadcool yes did that04:18
HeliNomadBut there wasn't any responce04:19
lotuspsychje_HeliNomad: then patient a bit, until volunteers respond04:19
SpoonieLucan someone type a message with my name in so i can test something04:20
kbrosnanit is a fairly specific question, might not be anyone with cifs experience active. You can either idle and hope someone sees your question or you can try a format like the Ubuntu Forums or Ubuntu Questions04:21
Bashing-om!test | SpoonieLu04:21
ubottuSpoonieLu: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...04:21
HeliNomadok thanks kbrosnan04:23
HeliNomadSorry I just though it was something that everyone would do04:24
SpoonieLuBashing-om: thanks i will remember the !test command04:28
Bashing-omSpoonieLu: There is also the #test channel.04:30
SpoonieLuBashing-om: thanks i will use that from now on04:37
CroranHow can I find out which package provides /usr/bin/java ?04:44
rigvedCroran: sudo dpkg -S /usr/bin/java04:49
Croranrigved: tried that already04:54
CroranI get "dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/bin/java"04:54
rigvedCroran: What do you get when you run "ls -Ahl /usr/bin/java" ?04:56
rigvedIs it showin up as a symlink?04:56
Bashing-om!info java bionic | rigved04:56
Croranlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Apr 23  2019 /usr/bin/java -> /etc/alternatives/java04:56
ubotturigved: Package java does not exist in bionic04:56
rigvedCroran: And again "ls -Ahl /etc/alternatives/java"?04:57
Croranlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Apr 23  2019 /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java04:57
rigvedBashing-om: If it's installed from a package from any repository, it'll show up in dpkg.04:57
rigvedCroran: sudo dpkg -S /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java04:58
Croranrigved: thanks04:58
Croranopenjdk-11-jre-headless:amd64: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java04:58
Croranso, where does the symlink come from?04:58
Bashing-omrigved: While ^ true - but only if apt has a track on it :D04:58
rigvedCroran: It comes from update-alternatives command.04:59
rigvedBashing-om: Ah yes true that. :)04:59
tomreynshort generic variant:     FILE=/usr/bin/java; dpkg -S $(readlink -f $FILE) | cut -d: -f105:00
Croraninteresting. i just ran 'update-alternatives --get-selections'05:00
Croranthat's a lot of alternatives.05:00
Crorantomreyn: I don't think that works if the file is a symlink to a symlink.05:01
tomreynCroran: works for me05:02
Crorantomreyn: you're right. looks like the -f resolves it down to the real file.05:03
rigvedtomreyn: Nice05:03
Croranthanks rigved and tomreyn05:04
tomreynyou're welcome :)05:04
rigvedCroran: Welcome :)05:04
amosbirdHello, can I use my gpg key to unlock gnome-keyring instead of a master password?05:12
SpoonieLu!test SpoonieLu05:15
kinghatif i want to put a binary application on my system, TOR in this case, where would be the ideal dir? i know i would put the shortcut in: ~/.local/share/applications/TOR.desktop.05:15
SpoonieLu!test | SpoonieLu05:16
ubottuSpoonieLu, please see my private message05:16
SpoonieLu!test | SpoonieLu05:16
Crorankinghat: does the TOR tarball have a 'make install'? If so, you should be able to use it to create a .deb package with checkinstall.05:17
Crorankinghat: that will give you the ability to uninstall cleanly when you want to install a new version or whatever.05:18
kinghatwell it self updates05:18
kinghatbut i dont see a make file05:18
Crorankinghat: it has a INSTALL file or a README file documenting the install process?05:18
Crorankinghat: I would suggest the only place you should put it is in your /home somewhere. Otherwise you're cluttering up your system folders with untracked junk.05:21
Crorankinghat: /home/kinghat/TOR or /home/kinghat/.TOR if you don't want to always see it in your file browser05:22
kinghatthere is this, but i dont think they say anywhere on their site that they have an apt repo: https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-tor-browser-on-ubuntu-18-04/05:22
kinghatah. i show hidden files always 😁05:23
Crorankinghat: huh. well that guy thinks they have a repo. it's worth trying.05:23
AlexAnarcho_hey guys, how yall doing!05:24
CroranAlexAnarcho_: I'm doing well. How are you? :)05:24
kinghatthis was just off the top of my head, but what about any other app thats just a random binary?05:24
AlexAnarcho_i have a question about the suspension mode in ubuntu 18.04 LTS with kernel 5.3.0 generic...05:24
kinghatwell not random, but not a deb or installed via a package manager.05:25
Crorankinghat: most applications you get like that will have their own install script05:25
AlexAnarcho_... when i enter suspend mode my damn screen will not turn on again, it is simply black. i have to shut down the system and boot it back up. have tried various things including switching to lightdm05:25
Crorankinghat: they will say as the last step of install 'sudo make install'05:25
CroranAlexAnarcho_: did it work with an older kernel?05:27
AlexAnarcho_@Croran, yes05:27
AlexAnarcho_i was on 5.0.0 before05:27
CroranAlexAnarcho_: laptop?05:27
CroranAlexAnarcho_: have you googled for 'ubuntu suspend blank <your laptop model>'05:28
AlexAnarcho_yeah, also am in contact with the manufacturer, since they are a linux first company. have not yet heard back from them yet, so i thought i might ask here. from what my peers tell me, suspend mode is a loaded topic for linux...05:29
CroranAlexAnarcho_: I would suggest laptops are a loaded topic for anyone who cares about open standards.05:30
AlexAnarcho_its not the end of the world, since i can simply leave it on.. but, i was wondering if there is a config file, like grub or something that influences the waking of the screen05:30
AlexAnarcho_@Croran, true that!05:30
CroranAlexAnarcho_: sorry I'm not much help. maybe try some kernel switches? noapic or acpi=off or nomodeset05:31
AlexAnarcho_@Croran, do you know if i may run into issues if i downgrade again to a lower kernel?05:36
AlexAnarcho_programms not running properly, drivers malfunctioning and such05:36
CroranAlexAnarcho_: If you have really new hardware, it may require a somewhat recent kernel. I wouldn't expect any issues specifically with programs, as long as the kernel runs your hardware correctly.05:37
CroranAlexAnarcho_: it's easy enough to install multiple kernels and switch between them in grub to test05:37
AlexAnarcho_@Croran, I have tried selecting the old kernel on boot with shift press, but laptop would not boot properly, any ideas? will try again soon05:46
CroranAlexAnarcho_: you were able to successfully open the grub menu and select the old kernel, but then it didn't boot after that?05:47
AlexAnarcho_@Croran, yes exactly05:54
CroranAlexAnarcho_: and that was 5.0.0 that worked fine before?05:55
AlexAnarcho_@Croran, yep06:13
AlexAnarcho_brb, gonna try it out06:13
CroranAlexAnarcho_: ok. keep in mind you have to hit ctrl-x to actually boot with any kernel command line changes you make in grub. If you make any.06:14
AlexAnarcho@Croran, hey, back again - here is the funny thing: i was successful to boot into 5.0.0 by doing a recovery mode boot and then resume normal boot from there (direct normal boot resulted in a black screen with simple blinking "_" in the upper left corner). when i tried the suspend mode in 5.0.0 i had the same issue as 5.3.0 - which leads me to believe that it is not a kernel issue after all. any thoughts06:28
AlexAnarchoalso already tried a different graphics driver, but that does not solve anything either.06:29
gambl0reanyone here familiar with samba?07:28
gambl0reim getting a permission denied when trying to write to the shared folder07:29
CroranAlexAnarcho: can you boot to an ubuntu 18.04.2 live disc/usb drive and try suspend from there?07:33
Croranor... whatever the latest is 18.04.4 I guess07:34
Crorangambl0re: I am.07:34
Crorangambl0re: are you sharing to a Windows machine?07:34
gambl0reCroran: no i wanted to share linux to linux07:35
gambl0rei can access the shared folder but i cant write to it07:36
gambl0rein my smb.conf i have writeable = yes07:36
Crorangambl0re: what are you using to access it? nautilus?07:36
gambl0rethrough the folder07:36
Crorangambl0re: does your user name match on each machine?07:36
gambl0reum what do you mean07:37
Crorangambl0re: your user name. when you log in.07:37
gambl0reyea i can login fine07:37
Crorangambl0re: ...07:37
gambl0rei just cant write07:37
Crorangambl0re: do you use the same user name on each machine?07:37
gambl0rei dont think so07:38
Crorangambl0re: that's the common issue with using samba shares from Windows. I haven't done much with samba linux-to-linux.07:38
Crorangambl0re: try it with smbclient and see if it works that way.07:39
Crorangambl0re: and make sure you specify the username for the host with the share you're trying to write to with --user=<username>07:40
neteffecthi i have some old equipment and my 2nd monitor is connected with vga.  max resolution i get is 1024x76807:42
Crorangambl0re: also make sure you've set your samba passwords with smbpasswd07:43
gambl0reCroran: i did that07:44
stdedosHello there! My 16.04 system froze beyond rescuing yesterday (not even Ctrl+Alt+Fx worked), and I had to forcefully restart. I am trying to investigate what went wrong07:44
gambl0rei think it has something to do with my samba config file but everything looks right07:44
stdedos /usr/bin/time strace journalctl --list-boots gives me this https://privatebin.net/?a1f2e051cb4ed253#GxHUC5oKXJkzVBSTZ7QoR4KtiHP7W3pR2wGP3chdsyen07:45
manornkHi, how to change in all files in folder and subfolders with sed or something "/excel/" to "/bilb/trunk/excel/"07:46
geirhaUsing vim:   :argdo %s,/excel/,/bilb/trunk&,gc07:49
manornkI have 111 times in code, in all subfolders and not just one file.07:50
geirhagit grep -zl /excel/ | xargs -0 vim07:51
geirhathat'll open all the files containing that string, and the :argdo above runs through and replaces them in all those files07:52
geirhamost semi-advanced editors have similar search and replace features07:52
BoohbahWill that open a new vim process for each match?07:53
geirhano, it will pass as many files as will fit to a single vim07:54
geirhathen run more vim-instances if there are more filenames07:54
elibrokeitgeirha: what if sed is my semi-advanced editor08:03
geirhased is strictly not a file editor, which has some edge cases, but otherwise that'll work too. I like vim's confirm feature though08:06
eoli3nhow to prevent a package from being installed in any ways ?08:06
eoli3ni want to remove avahi daemon08:07
ducasseeoli3n: you could create an empty dummy package and hold it, so it won't be upgraded08:12
NoruxI changed my nvidia driver and now I get a blackscreen, how can I change the driver from a live usb? `nvidia-settings` doesn't work08:17
ducasseNorux: did you try booting with nomodeset?08:19
Noruxducasse: no, I add it to `GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT` in `/etc/default/grub` right?08:22
ducasse!nomodeset | Norux08:22
ubottuNorux: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.08:22
Noruxducasse: ok I'll try that08:24
scxIs there any equivalent for "snapcraft cleanbuild" in core18?08:24
neteffecthi do i have to install any drivers for my laptops video card?08:45
lotuspsychje_neteffect: sudo lshw -C video to find out08:48
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
neteffectk it does say "driver=radeon" so looks good08:50
lotuspsychjegreat neteffect08:51
bubblefoohi pragmaticenigma,still not possible to delete the unused kernels.should i just delete them?09:24
lotuspsychjebubblefoo: can you pastebin your apt errors please?09:25
=== waveform_ is now known as waveform
bubblefooas recommended by paragmaticenigma i typed sudo apt autoremove and the output was https://pastebin.com/C5rKyCbs09:28
Oolyou can try apt clean too09:29
bubblefootried it but getting zero output09:29
lotuspsychjebubblefoo: pastebin: dpkg --list | grep linux-image09:29
stdedosHello there! My 16.04 system froze beyond rescuing yesterday (not even Ctrl+Alt+Fx worked), and I had to forcefully restart. I am trying to investigate what went wrong09:31
stdedos /usr/bin/time strace journalctl --list-boots gives me this https://privatebin.net/?a1f2e051cb4ed253#GxHUC5oKXJkzVBSTZ7QoR4KtiHP7W3pR2wGP3chdsyen09:31
bubblefoolotuspsychje,output is https://pastebin.com/f5Cmnr8809:32
lotuspsychjebubblefoo: oof, have you been testing things around with installing !mainline kernels?09:33
bubblefooi just installed the kernels suggested by the system09:35
bubblefoosomething wrong with it?09:35
lotuspsychjebubblefoo: your paste shows other kernels too, 5.4 and 5.5 kernels?09:36
bubblefooas i said i installed every suggested kernel upgrade.whats wrong with it?09:38
bubblefoowhy shouldnt i do an kernel upgrade if ubuntu is releasing it?09:39
lotuspsychjebubblefoo: you are on 18.04 correct?09:41
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds09:45
RikMills"These kernels are not supported and are not appropriate for production use."09:45
parrotloverHow can I make a headless system lauch and keep running a DE with vnc access?09:46
parrotloverIt's not on the internet so the risk of vnc always being open is not an issue09:46
bubblefooyes ,on 18.0409:46
parrotloverI need a GUI over vnc, and I don't like using vnc4server + x11vnc adhoc as I want a soultion that requires no shell access09:46
bubblefoo"!maimline" what does that mean?09:47
bubblefoo...!mainline i should say09:47
parrotlovermainline is the upstream official build or setup09:47
parrotloverSo, mainline would be the main project in the category in question that all other forks depend on for updates and fixes and maintenance09:48
bubblefooshould they be installed by regular user or not?09:48
parrotloverWhat specific thing are you asking to install as reguler user?09:48
bubblefooby the comments i am getting by having installed each and every kernel suggested by the systemit seems,being a regualar user,it seems to be a problem to install mainlinekernels.so why shoulndt i install them?09:51
lotuspsychjebubblefoo: you are the owner of your system...you should know if you installed kernels manual or not?09:51
RikMillsno, mainline kernel builds are unsupported.09:51
bubblefooi got a notification that a new kernel is ready to install,so i started ukuu and installed it.but we are getting away from the question i initially asked:is it ok to just delete the unused kernels09:52
RikMillsbubblefoo: a normal system will not suggest upgrading to the mainline builds. that would only happen if you have deliberately installed some other tool to make them available09:53
bubblefooanother question now is which kernelupdatenotification should i implement and which ignore,since it seems to be a problem to install every kernel that ubuntu suggests09:54
bubblefooi installed ukuu.i got notifications  about new kernels.i got asked if i want to upgrade.i upgraded.so what is the problem?09:56
lotuspsychjebubblefoo: ok, you can stop trolling now09:57
bubblefoomy kernel upgrades were always responses to kernelupgradenotifications09:57
lotuspsychjewelcome Rumen10:07
Rumenguys a got strange problem10:07
RumenI installed Java 1310:07
Rumenbut I got error now10:07
Rumendpkg: warning files list file for package 'oracle-java8-installer' missing; assuming package has no files currently installed10:08
Rumenerror appear when Ubuntu try to upgrade / update some packages and the problem comes with MySQL10:08
RumenI got MySQL810:08
Rumenbut got error there as well10:09
Rumendpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-cluster-community-server-core_8.0.19-1ubuntu18.04_amd64.deb (--unpack):10:09
RumenError /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-cluster-community-server-core_8.0.19-1ubuntu18.04_amd64.deb10:10
RumenE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:10
Rumenbut MySQL is installed and working fine ...10:11
Rumenwhat's the problem then?10:11
morthow do I make ubuntu-bug let me create an actual bug report on launchpad? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs indicates that I want to comment out "'problem_types': ['Bug', 'Package']," from /etc/apport/crashdb.conf, but crashdb.conf doesn't have a line which looks like that10:12
Rumenmy Java -version is java version "13.0.2" 2020-01-1410:12
lotuspsychjemort: from a terminal: ubuntu-bug packagename10:30
stdedosHello there! My 16.04 system froze beyond rescuing yesterday (not even Ctrl+Alt+Fx worked), and I had to forcefully restart. I am trying to investigate what went wrong /usr/bin/time strace journalctl --list-boots gives me this https://privatebin.net/?1ac25cd84044d884#9GHTLRWZcdu6dRSGNnhYdxt9XJCKhHcJYLJxMvRF2NJM10:45
Night_ElfHello all. Does anyone know whether the "HPE Ethernet 10Gb 2-port 562SFP+ Adapter" works in Ubuntu Server 18.04 ? Anywhere I can find some info about this?10:47
lotuspsychje!hardware | Night_Elf start here10:48
ubottuNight_Elf start here: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:48
Night_Elfoh. Will check that. Thanks lotuspsychje10:48
lotuspsychjeNight_Elf: is this what you are after: https://certification.ubuntu.com/catalog/component/103c:22fd/8086:157210:55
stevecamim just transfering my old M.2 SSS to NVMe with dd, "dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/nvme0n1", my NVMe is bigger, should this just work out of the box like this?11:00
lotuspsychje!info clonezilla | stevecam11:00
ubottustevecam: clonezilla (source: clonezilla): bare metal backup and recovery of disk drives. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.27.16-3 (eoan), package size 754 kB, installed size 2915 kB11:00
stevecamso dd will not work?11:01
lotuspsychjestevecam: dd will probably takeover the size of your first ssd, leaving space free on your bigegr one11:01
stevecamim ok with that i just want it to boot for now11:02
lotuspsychjestevecam: if youre fine with that sure, dd can clone11:03
Night_Elflotuspsychje: yes. It seems that the HPE adapter uses the intel X710 chipset. So that's the one indeed11:03
lotuspsychjegreat Night_Elf seems like kernel takes care of it11:04
lotuspsychjestevecam: you might add bs= speed & progress11:04
Night_Elfthat's really good news. Because you know, screw HPE, with a big huge baseball bat. They claim that they need to install either RH or SUSE on the servers we're about to get, in order for the hardware to be sure that it works.11:05
lotus|NUCstevecam: status=progress bs=4M for example11:05
Night_ElfSo they still want some registration and support money on top of the several tens of thousands of dollars for all the 4 servers11:06
stevecamoh i just had trouble booting last time i just figured i may of did something wrong11:07
EriC^^stevecam: are you putting the clone on the same pc or a different one while testing booting?11:10
EriC^^stevecam: uefi or legacy?11:11
stevecami am sure its uefi11:11
stevecambut there is no EFI partition11:11
EriC^^can you pastebin 'sudo parted -ls' ?11:12
stevecamEriC^^ https://pastebin.com/MtPxM1LS11:47
stevecamwell, as it turns out i have made a backup of the wrong disk, thank you for your help11:50
stevecami cant believe i just wasted a whole day trying to restore a backup of something that doesnt even boot11:58
BluesKajHey folks12:09
togoHow can it be - I use Linux and open source libreoffice but everywhere I find the word 'permaculture' is still not known and accepted in the spell checker libraries? Its probably nearly 50 years old ...12:21
lotuspsychjetogo: you can join #libreoffice to ask or you can file a !bug12:23
Rockwoodhi any active?12:32
Rockwoodgoogle gnome-shell high ram usage and CPU12:32
Rockwoodgnome-shell high ram usage and CPU12:32
Rockwoodhow can i make it normal12:32
Rockwoodit's freezing my laptop12:35
littlebit1hi people, is there a way to setup a receipt printer under ubuntu?12:43
nwoobwhen login to a linux server is by password when I do sftp command, is it possible to automate sftp file transfer?12:54
nwoobI mean PasswordAuthentication is set to yes12:55
nwoobwhen login to a linux server is by password when I do sftp command, is it possible to automate sftp file transfer?12:57
nwoobI mean PasswordAuthentication is set to yes12:57
Oolnwoob: sftp is ssh. To automate it you need to use SSH key13:08
stdedosHello there! My 16.04 system froze beyond rescuing yesterday (not even Ctrl+Alt+Fx worked), and I had to forcefully restart. I am trying to investigate what went wrong /usr/bin/time strace journalctl --list-boots gives me this https://privatebin.net/?1ac25cd84044d884#9GHTLRWZcdu6dRSGNnhYdxt9XJCKhHcJYLJxMvRF2NJM13:13
pirlaHello everyone. I have a HP Pavillion dv6500, I'd like to test modem, but I'm using XUbuntu and I can't install kppp for some reason. What could I do?13:20
rypervenchestdedos: Not answering your question there, but for future reference, if you can't restart your machine, before you try to do it forcefully, try a REISUB: http://blog.kember.net/articles/reisub-the-gentle-linux-restart/13:20
stdedosGood one, thanks! I forgot it13:22
Rockwoodany active?13:29
=== real_walnut_burl is now known as away
pirlaHello everyone. I have a HP Pavillion dv6500, I'd like to test if modem works, but I can't install kppp as I did in the past, because XUbuntu don't find the package13:31
pirlaIt's either a Motorola or an HDAudio13:32
pirlalspci and lsusb doesn't show it by the way13:35
leftyfbpirla: kppp is part of the universe repository13:35
leftyfb!universe | pirla13:35
ubottupirla: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.13:35
pirlaIt seems using universe it's not recommended. Is it there some other way to query modem?13:39
leftyfbpirla: there's no problem with enabling universe13:39
pirlaU sure? How can I do?13:40
pirlaI don't have the Universe entry in software repo manage13:40
leftyfbsudo add-apt-respository universe13:41
pirlaIt tells me it's already active13:41
pirlabut no kppp13:42
EriC^^pirla: did you sudo apt-get update after adding it?13:44
EriC^^!info kppp bionic13:44
ubottukppp (source: kppp): modem dialer for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:17.08.3-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 753 kB, installed size 2429 kB (Only available for linux-any)13:44
pirlaGosh! I'm so tired...13:44
pirlaI just did13:44
ioriapirla, you're on 19.10 eoan ?13:44
EriC^^pirla: so it works now?13:44
mgedminiirc newer versions of add-apt-repository run apt-get update automatically13:45
EriC^^!info kppp eoan13:45
ioria!info kppp eoan13:45
ubottuPackage kppp does not exist in eoan13:45
ioria!info gnome-ppp eoan13:45
ubottuPackage gnome-ppp does not exist in eoan13:45
ioriapirla, seems they are removed13:45
pirlaI see, thanks iora13:45
JimBuntuIf pirla simply wants to test the modem, minicom might be an option.13:46
ioriapirla, we are talking about a 56k dialup modem right ?13:46
ioriapirla, it wont be easy anyways13:46
=== away is now known as walnut_burl
ioriapirla, probably the problem is the module not the connection setup: paste lspci -nnk (lspci -nnk | termbin.com 9999)13:48
ioriapirla, lspci -nnk |  nc termbin.com 999913:48
mgedminI wonder if ModemManager supports old-style dialup13:49
ioriathe last i did it, i needed external packages that i don't recall13:49
ioriapirla, where do you see the modem ? in lsusb maybe ?13:52
pirlaNo, I'm sure it's a Motorola or an HDAudio because I read so in the specs, but I don't see it neither in lspci nor lsusb13:53
ioriapirla,   sudo lshw -c Network  |  nc termbin.com 999913:54
mgedminHDAudio sounds like it could be a winmodem; I don't think those were ever supported in Linux13:54
pirlaAh, ok...13:55
pirlaIt's a WinModem of course, but some can be used in L13:55
ioriapirla,  no trace, check the bios (maybe disabled)13:55
pirlaOk, Trying. BRB13:55
pirlaNo, it wasn't13:59
pirlaMayBe this could help: https://linux-hardware.org/?probe=947ef4945514:01
physiologylspci -nn -d ::0200 shows that I have an Intel network card, however 'ifconfig' only shows lo.  What do you think is the problem?  I have lights on the card.14:37
=== MikeRL100 is now known as MikeRL
MikeRLFinally should be fixed with the nickname issues.14:39
MikeRLPosted previously to unregistered channel. Will repost here.14:40
MikeRLI am running into libc6 issues on eoan after some broken updates made there way through. Not through backports, but through an official updates source. Running "sudo apt --fix-broken install" does not resolve the issue.14:41
MikeRLRemoving these packages would take a ton of packages I use away with them. Another side effect of the broke update is Firefox is broken. Luckily I have Vivaldi and Brave installed as well.14:42
mgedminphysiology: try ifconfig -a (or the modern alternative: ip link)14:42
MikeRLLuckily I do backup my system normally with GNOME Disks weekly, but the process will repeat if I restore and attempt to install those packages. Is there a simpler, less time consuming solution?14:43
physiologymgedmin: Both show only the lo interface14:44
physiologyI think that this might be a driver issue.  Would the driver for a network interface be on the original Ubuntu installation CD?15:00
pirlaSorry, I were busy15:06
pirlaI'd like to test IR too, what should I do? My laptop comes with a remote, I'd like to use it15:07
vltHello. Does anyone know what a user of a "MacBook-Pro-2" needs to boot an Ubuntu live USB? Something something virtualization?15:09
jeremy31physiology: what Ubuntu version15:20
lotuspsychje!mac | vlt15:20
ubottuvlt: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages15:20
physiology16.04 jeremy3115:20
jeremy31physiology: did it work during install15:20
physiologyjeremy31: This is a fresh install.15:21
jeremy31physiology: you may need to search for the numbers in the brackets from lspci [8086:????]15:22
physiologyjeremy31: The card does show up with lspci, just not ifconfig.  Nor is it in /etc/network/interfaces.15:23
pirlaSorry, connection lost15:23
pirlaHow can I test irda?15:23
pirlaI'm in XUbuntu15:24
jeremy31physiology: if you search for the numbers in the brackets you may find what kernel might support it15:25
physiologyjeremy31: I don't understand.  I will need to change kernels?15:26
sub526Hi all, I have an Ubuntu machine, in that I'm not able to install any deb packages.. I'm getting "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem".. How to solve this error?15:33
pragmaticenigma!patience | pirla15:33
ubottupirla: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:33
pirlapragmaticenigma: sorry15:34
pragmaticenigmasub526: Did you run the command it suggested you run?15:34
sub526pragmaticenigma: yes. Actually I connected to machine via remote ssh. When I ran 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' , ssh connection gets lost..15:35
pragmaticenigmapirla: If the remote is IR, I believe you will require the use or LIRC..Use that as a search query for connecing up an infared remote. Another resource that might be better suited to your needs is the ##linux and/or the ##hardware channels.15:35
RockwoodUbuntu 19.10 server edition gnome-shell high CPU usage15:36
pragmaticenigmasub526: It sounds like you will need physical access to the machine to repair it15:36
sub526pragmaticenigma: okay, apart from 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' , any other steps needed to repair it?15:37
pragmaticenigmasub526: That is the only thing you can do at this time to repair the machine... there are no workaround15:38
sub526pragmaticenigma: okay thanks for your help.. That machine is in the next floor, i will go and trigger that command..15:39
pirlaI just installed lirc, but no menu entry (I installed lirc-x)15:39
MikeRLHad a problem with libc6 related packages on eoan. The terminal output didn't fix it. I disconnected because I thought an early eoan upgrade would sidestep the broken packages. No dice.15:39
MikeRLWhat do I do? Several broken packages. Can't seem to fix them.15:40
pragmaticenigmapirla: lirc is a set of libraries... you will have to find a program that uses lirc. Such recommendations are out of scope for this channel. I would recommend you ask in the channels I suggested earlier15:40
vltlotuspsychje: Thanks!15:40
pirlaNo, I found: lirc-setup15:40
MikeRLI'm also curious if there's a bug report on it. The packages are from eoan-updates.15:40
physiologyWhere are device drivers located in the boot CD?15:40
pirlaI need the driver. Could it be in some firmware package?15:42
pragmaticenigmaphysiology: There are no "drivers" that you can manually install from the boot cd. The same environment that is on your machine now, was copied from the boot disk. If what you require isn't on your machine now, it wasn't on the boot cd to begin with15:42
pragmaticenigmapirla: Please, ask in those other channels. I have no further idea on how to assist you15:43
Rockwoodtop | pastebinit15:43
Rockwood  stuck15:43
pirlaOk, sorry15:43
Rockwoodhelp me plz15:43
oerheksRockwood, so you pasted a windows thingy, and virtualbox is high?15:49
=== peter-bittner1 is now known as peter-bittner
Rockwoodoerheks, yes15:57
physiologypragmaticenigma: What do you think could be the issue?  Only the 'lo' interface shows on a fresh install of 16.04.15:57
pragmaticenigmaphysiology: Is there a particular reason you are installing such an old version of Ubuntu? 16.04 is end-of-life next year. Why don't you start with 18.04 instead?15:58
kaddii just did a do-relaese-upgrade on my 18.04 and it is trying to upgrade me to focal. Is that already release? If not how stbale is it?15:58
kaddiI was expecting it to upgrade to 18.10 or 19.1015:59
pragmaticenigmakaddi: You configured you machine to be on developement track...15:59
leftyfbkaddi: or specified "do-release-upgrade -d"16:00
MikeRLor maybe he entered an argument for the dev build16:00
physiologypragmaticenigma: We are deliberately testing with it, otherwise I hear you loud and clear.16:00
MikeRLDarn typing on a phone.16:00
kaddipragmaticenigma: ah, I guess I read the -d differently than it was meant. I figured it wouldn't put me on development since I'm clearly not using the latest version.16:01
MikeRLRandom question - do posts get buried on IRC easily? Should I repost every so often or just wait?16:01
leftyfbkaddi: development version = version not released/not stable16:02
pragmaticenigmaphysiology: If it was me, I would install a network card (or USB one) temporarily to get updates installed and see if  once the machine is fully up-to-date the drivers appear. If not, you can then enable !hwe and see if that gets the kernel to recognize your network card16:02
pragmaticenigma!patience | MikeRL16:02
ubottuMikeRL: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:02
kaddileftyfb: the -d option says that it'll offer a development version IF you're already using the latest version. I'm not using the latest version, so I did not expect it to offer me a development version16:03
pragmaticenigmakaddi: You are using the latest version of LTS16:03
pragmaticenigmakaddi: 20.04 is the next development LTS release16:03
kaddisuddenly things make sense16:04
kaddithanks, think I got it fixed now, it's offering eoan now.16:04
pragmaticenigmakaddi: What you needed to do is set your machine to the "Normal" release cycle.. .which would have proceeded you through the upgrade steps to 19.1016:04
leftyfbkaddi: why are you upgrading to 19.10 when 20.04 will be released next month?16:05
leftyfbkaddi: the upgrade path from 18.04 -> 20.04 is cleaner than 19.10 -> 20.0416:05
leftyfbkaddi: I would stick with LTS16:06
kaddibecause I won't be switching to 20.04 straight away but want to wait for a while to see if it's stable and I'm in need of a newer texlive version than is currentyl offered on 18.0416:06
pragmaticenigmakaddi: install 19.10 in a VM instead?16:06
pragmaticenigmaor see if there is a snap available that has a more up-to-date version16:07
shibbolethleftyfb, orly?16:07
shibbolethiirc netplan is now enforced?16:07
leftyfbshibboleth: netplan is default16:07
shibbolethyeah, upgrading from xenial to bionic did not replace ifupdown but iirc this is not the case with 2004?16:08
leftyfbshibboleth: if you upgrade, I'm pretty sure it will keep your ifupdown. Fresh installs will default to netplan16:09
shibbolethok, so same as with bionic?16:09
leftyfbshibboleth: you could easily test this in a VM16:09
shibbolethwill the debian installer be available for server installs?16:09
shibboleth /server iso16:09
shibboleth'cuz no way that new travesty is a worthy replacement16:11
shibbolethmaybe for "click next five times"-desktop users, but for server? nope16:11
leftyfbshibboleth: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-20.04-Server-Install16:14
shibboleth"damn you, damn you all to hell"16:14
leftyfbshibboleth: to be honest, the 18.04 live installer has WAY less questions than the debian installer. It also allows you to easily install openssh and add a public key from github/launchpad16:16
shibboleth"way less questions"16:16
leftyfbthere's also no "clicking". It's console based16:16
shibbolethyeah, see...16:16
leftyfbit's also completed in a fraction of the time of the debian installer16:17
leftyfbregardless, feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic16:18
MikeRLIt was a mess. But I think I figured out a way around it.16:18
shibbolethyeah, i'm looking to set up a server here, not to sign up for 23andme16:18
MikeRLI disabled eoan-updates, and downgrade the offending packages. then did a do-release-upgrade.16:19
MikeRLHopefully no more package errors. Synaptic didn't find any.16:19
leftyfbshibboleth: yeah, you're right, I much prefer my installer to install openssh in a less secure manner using passwords as opposed to giving you the option of limiting to keypairs :/16:20
shibbolethman, you really got me there :)16:21
pmarta package version without "ubuntu" postfix means it's a vanilla package from debian?16:33
geniipmart: http://www.ducea.com/2006/06/17/ubuntu-package-version-naming-explanation/16:36
pmartso if package moves from 3.31.1-1ubuntu1 to 3.31.1-3 it means all ubuntu-specific patches have been dropped?16:48
pragmaticenigmait means you have installed from another source and that package is not longer supported in this channel16:51
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rfmCan't believe there haven't been cases where all the fixes got migrated into the upstream Debian build and Ubuntu could stop adding patches.16:56
pragmaticenigmarfm: If you would like to have a discussion about Ubuntu procedures and development, please come join us in #ubuntu-discuss16:57
hggdhno, it means the package has no ubuntu-specific patch16:58
hsychlahi. I set up a new 18.4.4 host and need to update the kernel. but I can not use 5.3 but need 5.0. I can't find a way to install it though... any tips?17:06
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pragmaticenigmahsychla: It would probably help if you explaines you use case as to why you need that specific kernel version17:12
oerheks18.04 and 5.3, you want !HWE17:17
hsychlapragmaticenigma not sure about the details but something in our k8s clusters is not working with 5.3. something network related17:17
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:17
hsychlaoerheks HWE gives me 5.3. I need 5.017:18
oerheksoh, other way around17:19
oerheksinstall 18.04.3 came with 5.0 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Updated_Packages17:20
oerheksnot sure you can still download 18.04.3 ..17:21
hsychlathe hosts are installed already. there must be a way to install 5.0 kernel onto it17:21
lotuspsychjehsychla: usually when something isnt working on a kernel, we advice to !bug your issue, so higher kernel versions get patched17:22
lotuspsychjehsychla: do you have more details about your 'something' about network related?17:27
hsychlaafair it had something to do with kubevirt17:29
oerhekserr, kubernetes?17:30
hsychlayes, running on kubernetes17:30
pragmaticenigmahsychla: Sounds like you should be looking at the Kubernetes forums for others who have encountered the issue and see what their work arounds were17:31
msiismHi, I'm trying to help someone build EdytorNC, an editor for CNC programmers, from source on Bodhi Linux, which is based on Ubuntu's latest LTS version. I'm unsure about one thing so far: If the build instructions say, "install Qt5 SDK", will it be enough to install qt5-default and qt5-qmake?17:32
hsychlano. I am not looking for a solution to that problem. I am looking for a solution for my problem "install kernel 5.0* on ubuntu 18.04.4". The kubevirt problem is handled by another department.17:33
lotuspsychje!derivatives | msiism17:34
ubottumsiism: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)17:34
msiismlotuspsychje: Good point.17:35
pragmaticenigmahsychla: The old kernel is not patched and there are security vulnerabilities with it. Do you think someone here is going to suggest a fix that intentionally makes your setup vulnerable?17:36
pragmaticenigmahsychla: The correct approach is to reach out to the Kubernetes community, I am certain someone there has had the same issue and will have an approach you can use to fix the problem. The correct way.17:37
hsychlapragmaticenigma: yes, you are probably right but that will not give me a working cluster till tomorrow. hence my very explicit question how to install an old kernel on 18.04.417:39
pirlahello everyone. I have a CIF (?) InfraRed receiver on a HP Pavillion dv6500, how can I configure it? I'm using XUbuntu17:40
pragmaticenigmahsychla: Unless it already exists on that machine from a previous kernel install, there isn't a way to downgrade your kernel17:40
hsychlano PPA no nothing?17:41
pragmaticenigmaPPAs are not supported here hsychla ... they are use at your own risk17:41
pragmaticenigmaPPAs are supported by their independent maintainers17:41
hsychlawhat happens to old ubuntu kernels? are they deleted and purged from history forever? I can't imagine they are...17:42
pirlahsychla: you may use a repo from a previous ubuntu build, but apt always tries to get latest version of installed packages17:44
pragmaticenigmahsychla: They are not purged from existence, but there isn't a way to downgrade.17:44
pirlaso you'll get a "packagename" is already the newest version17:44
pragmaticenigmapirla: That's not how repositories work17:44
pirlapragmaticenigma: more or less17:44
pragmaticenigmano... they don't work that way17:44
pirlain debian I made it to install a package from a previous version this way17:45
pirlabut the package was not in the current version, so this is why I made it17:45
pragmaticenigmapirla: That is called pinning ... that has nothing to do with the repository17:46
pirlaoh, ok17:46
rfmthe kernels exist in the repos as different packages (with the linux version in the package name)17:46
pirlathere's always room for new things to learn ;)17:46
pirlaAny help with IrDA?17:47
pirlahsychla: May be you want to manually compile the Kernel?17:48
pragmaticenigmapirla: such a thing is not supported here17:49
pirlaOh, I see17:49
hsychla> They are not purged from existence, but there isn't a way to downgrade.17:49
pirlapragmaticenigma: Please, could you help me with InfraRed?17:49
hsychlaI am currently at 4.15. so no downgrade needed17:49
pragmaticenigmapirla: This is the best I can find for helping you with LIRC... LIRC is typically something managed my applications that support it. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LIRC17:50
hsychlapirla " May be you want to manually compile the Kernel?" Hell no! :)17:50
pirlaThanks, checking out17:50
pirlaHere's the output of configuring lirc: http://paste.debian.net/1133442/17:53
pirlaAnd lircd returns segmentation fault17:57
pirlaNevermind, please, can you help with Motorola SM56 modem?17:58
pirlaI downloaded the driver tarballs, but I have troubles compiling+18:01
pragmaticenigmapirla: as I told you earlier... compiled applications and code are not supported here18:07
pirlaOh, sorry18:07
pirlaI made it to install the module, or at least I guess so18:07
pirlaI installed sl-modem-dkms18:08
ioriapirla, https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Modem/Dialup/MotorolaSm5618:09
pirlaYes, that's what I'm following, but I have problems compiling18:10
ioriapirla, install libc6-dev18:11
ioriapirla, and note that sl-modem-daemon != sl-modem-dkms18:12
pirlaI already have18:12
ioriapirla,  the missing sys/cdefs.h  is actually in libc6-dev18:13
pirlaBut installing tells it's already the newest version18:13
ioriapirla,  ls /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h18:14
pirlaMaybe I need to alter makefile?18:15
ioriapirla,  maybe the source has an incorrect header (that's why we cannot support that stuff here)18:15
pirlaYes, it's very likely. In fact, the driver release is from 201118:16
ioriapirla,  nope, it's from 200718:16
pirlaslmodem-2.9.11-20110321 I opened the source page for wget and grab the latest18:17
pirlaIsn't it any pre-built driver?18:17
ioriapirla,  told you it wont be easy18:17
ioriapirla, sy, but can you see the device in lspci at least ?18:19
pirlanot sure18:19
ioriawhat you mean not sure ?18:20
pirlaBecause may be detected as audio card18:20
pirlacould be this entry: 00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) SMBus Controller (rev 03)18:21
FreValTrying to get into the discord website, but i keep getting the error  "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below."18:22
ioriapirla, i don't think so18:23
pragmaticenigmaFreVal: That is not an Ubuntu issue. That is a problem with the hosting website18:23
pirlaFreVal: I'm getting this error too, but I made to connect just an hour ago. Maybe the server is down18:23
pirlaioria: why?18:23
FreValOk, so here is an ubuntu related issue: Everytime i boot up my Ubuntu i get an "Send Error" message.18:24
ioriapirla, because that is the System Management Bus18:24
pirlaLOL Ok18:24
pirlaSo I guess it's not listed18:24
pirlaBut my bluetooth adapter is neither, so...18:25
krauserI'm going insade with this problem. I got a new computer, installed windows and Debian but I cannot install any version of Ubuntu(LTS, 19,10, etc) because I get tons of mounting errors, this one refers to Ubuntu LTS: https://imgur.com/a/Q7O3Zgv I disabled fast boot, tried with uefi only, tried uefi with legacy, tried legacy only, nothing works. Brand is an ASUS prime 2390M-Plus. This could also be because of the sdd drive(nvme0n1p1) but I18:25
krauserdon't know anymore, I have no clue why I could install Debian and Arch alongside windows but can't with Ubuntu. I'm missing something18:25
ioriapirla, try  scanmodem : https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Modem/Dialup/Scanmodem18:26
pragmaticenigmaFreVal: Check your log files... they will help you find what is generating that error message18:26
Scriptonautubuntu is trying to update to 19.10. It's trying to make me set a secure boot password. I don't want secure boot. It says that I can proceed without confirming a password, and some third party drivers might not work correctly. That's fine, I'll just disable secure boot. But the dist upgrade wizard has me stuck in a loop18:27
Scriptonautwhen I leave the password blank, it complains that my password isn't long enough. How do I skip this secure boot part of the upgrade?18:27
pragmaticenigmakrauser: Possibly this will help, otherwise, you're not alone with issues installing Ubuntu to an Acer computer: https://askubuntu.com/a/88656118:28
FreValOk pragmaticenigma, looking at the logfiles now.18:29
pirlaioria: no luck either18:31
FreVal[drm:intel_cpu_fifo_underrun_irq_handler [i915]] *ERROR* CPU pipe A FIFO underrun18:32
FreValDoes anyone know what that means?. Its from my System logfiles.18:32
pirlaI guess it's something with RAM, because FIFO means First In First Out and it's managed in memory, indeed18:33
pirlaunderrun means the data is already released and it can't re fill the buffer in time18:34
FreValHere is my logile, not sure why i keep getting the error message at startup : https://pastebin.com/X5TXUC3E18:35
puffI'm trying out ubuntu 18.04 stock after years of using xubuntu.18:35
puffNot enjoying it so far :-).18:35
puffOne thing I'm trying to figure out right now is workspaces, I've figured out the whole Activities/dynamic workspaces thing, but it looks like workspaces don't seem to work well with alt-tab/alt-backtick. When I alt-tab or alt-backtick, it lists *all* of the windows, not just the ones on my current workspace.  This makes it kinda less than useful.18:36
pirlaTLDR, sorry18:36
pirlaCould you just paste errors? May be by putting "| grep ror" at the line end18:38
pirlaFreVal: read above18:39
FreValNot sure how to find the logfiles in the terminal. I used the Log application.18:39
pirlaI see. IIRC, the command is "sudo dmesg | grep ror", but I'm unsure that's that log18:40
FreValpirla, https://pastebin.com/fEqVKHz818:41
pirlathe output seems the libc is faulty, but I don't count on it18:42
pirlayou got a segmentation fault with it btw18:43
FreValIt realy doesnt tell me much pirla, i realy dont know what is going on and how to fix this issue18:44
pirlaneither me, sorry18:44
pirlamaybe you can update libc, but it's a dangerous thing IMHO18:44
pirlaand afaik18:45
pirlaioria: Please, can you help with ScanModem?18:46
FreVal:S hmm18:46
ioriapirla, well, there's no much to help with that18:47
pirlaDid you see the output?18:47
ioriapirla, you should check  the gathered  logs18:47
pirlaEspecially this line: Using scanout.00:1b.0 data, and writing guidance to ModemData.txt18:47
ioriapirla, i'am thinking that you might need some 32 bit libraries18:49
pirlaMay be, I'm looking at ModemData.txt and is reported there too18:49
Wizard_Hi. I would like to install ubuntu (or even ubuntu server) on nvme drive. are there any known issues with that? i read that there might be some problems on certains moboards.18:52
ioriapirla, like libc6-dev-i386 and such but then we'll probably go down the drain18:53
ducasseWizard_: should work just fine, tias18:53
Wizard_ducasse: ok, good to know. thanx18:54
FreValAnyone know what I can / should do about this ? https://pastebin.com/fEqVKHz8 ?18:56
sashapontHi all18:57
ioriapirla, yes, The audio card hosts a softmodem chip19:00
sashapontHow i can uninstall the QXL graphics driver?19:00
pirlaPhew, almost done: Just getting this error: http://paste.debian.net/1133458/19:01
FreValShould I update from 18.04 to the newest release ? :O19:04
puffIf anyone's curious, the answer to my question about alt-tab and multiple workspaces appears to be to use alt-esc, which cycles through all the windows in the current workspace.19:06
pirlaioria: isn't it there any prebuilt driver I can install with apt?19:07
ioriapirla, open  modem_main.c   and add    #include <sys/sysmacros.h>19:08
ioriapirla, not that i'am aware of19:08
pirlawhere should I add that line?19:09
ioriapirla, i thought you were familiar with this :  at top , where you see the others #include19:10
pirlaNevermind, problem solved19:10
pirlaHow to "make install"?19:11
ioriapirla, why don't you read the page i linked : https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Modem/Dialup/MotorolaSm5619:12
pirlaNo, sorrt, I just make the modem folder, not the whole package19:12
pirlaI'm already watching that page, but info are outdated19:12
pirlacc1: fatal error: /lib/modules/5.3.0-40-generic/build/include/linux/modversions.h: no such file or directory19:13
oerhekspirla,  i see sl-modem in our repos.. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sl-modem/19:21
ioriasl-modem is the source package (from there you get 2 binary : daemon and dkms)19:22
pirlawhat should I do with that url?19:23
oerheksread it, and apt install sl-modem ?19:23
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pirlaI guess I have to add a repo?19:24
FreValhttps://pastebin.com/jXzBxLUi hmmm I cant figure this out...19:24
ioria!info sl-modem eoan19:25
ubottuPackage sl-modem does not exist in eoan19:25
pirlaYes, but that page tells there's a version for it19:29
ioriapirla, i told you that is the source package (not the binary)19:30
pirlaOh, sorry. What's the download link? I didn't find anything19:30
pirlaFollowing links gives info about debugging19:31
FreValAnyone here that can help me figure out what is wrong ? https://pastebin.com/jXzBxLUi19:35
sixwheeledbeastFreVal: Some ACPI issue, tried updating the BIOS or using ACPI workarounds if it's causing an issue with booting or whatever.19:37
FreValOk, have not tried any of that. But i can give it a go19:38
pirlaI'm still getting that error19:38
oerheksFreVal, line #15; [    3.121957] EXT4-fs (nvme0n1p5): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro19:38
oerhekssome trouble with filesystem, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting19:38
stoner19struggling with an upgrade from cosmic (18.10) to eoan (19.04). Is there a simple method to doing this?19:39
sixwheeledbeastAh well spotted it's remounting read only then19:39
FreValoerheks, I will look in to it.19:39
stoner19not sure if this posted before my client actually joined the channel, so sorry if its a repeat...struggling with an upgrade from cosmic (18.10) to eoan (19.04). Is there a simple method to doing this?19:41
stoner19actually, disco is 19.04. That is what I am looking for. LTS.19:43
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:44
oerheksfollow that wiki, should work19:44
sixwheeledbeastNext LTS is 20.04 current is 18.0419:44
stoner19well shoot19:44
oerheks19.04 is EOL .. so you would get to 19.1019:44
stoner19is it best to upgrade until next LTS?19:45
oerheksstoner19, that is up to you,18.10 gives no updates, so it is vulnerable.19:46
FreValoerheks, I cant figure it out. I cant use fsck on any of the nvme partitions.19:46
stoner19I have had so many issues with things not working as they should on 18.1019:47
stoner19but so many things already running on it so it would be difficult to fully reinstall the os19:47
stoner19back to 18.0419:49
FreValbrb rebooting, trying to check the bios.19:49
stoner19"An upgrade from 'cosmic' to 'eoan' is not supported with this tool." using do-release-upgrade19:53
stoner19guess I need to upgrade to disco first19:53
ducassestoner19: you do19:54
stoner19is there a simple method of doing this since do-release-upgrade doesn't let me?19:55
ducasse!eolupgrade | stoner1919:57
ubottustoner19: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:57
stoner19yes, I understand "Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities" but its a little late for that because 18.10 is already EOL19:59
vlatko01981Hello fellas. I have problem running program due to "`GLIBC_2.29' not found". Any Ideas how to fix that?20:01
sixwheeledbeaststoner19: does do release upgrade fail?20:01
sarnoldvlatko01981: where'd you get the program in question?20:02
vlatko01981@sarnold: http://www.flashtool.net/downloads_linux.php20:02
ducassestoner19: read the last link from ubottu20:02
stoner19sixwheeledbeast yes, I get ""An upgrade from 'cosmic' to 'eoan' is not supported with this tool.""20:03
stoner19which makes sense20:03
stoner19ok, thank you. will give it a read20:03
sarnoldvlatko01981: that version of glibc matches what was shipped in disco -- *probably* the version from eoan would work too. you could either install 19.10 directly on a computer or you could try to run the program in an lxd instance20:05
rana_ansHey I need help with ubuntu mate 18.04 installed on pi 3b+20:06
rana_ansproblem: when I try connecting to a wifi network, pi restarts20:06
rana_ansI was running raspbian before installing ubuntu on pi and it wasn't an issue there20:06
stoner19ducasse thanks and sorry. for some reason my sources.list didn't save when I added the old-releases20:07
stoner19trying it again now20:07
rana_ansanyone who could help with the problem I'm facing?20:08
vlatko01981sarnold: since I don't have a clue what lxd is, I'll just live boot into 19.10. Thanks!20:08
rana_ansvlatko01981: LXD is a kinda virtual machine that runs linux on windows or somthing like that20:09
sarnoldvlatko01981: aha! makes sense :D I hadn't thought of a live instance, good idea20:09
ducasseno, lxd is a container setup20:09
vlatko01981rana_ans: you think of WSL20:10
sarnoldvlatko01981: lxd is neat, but it'd be a fair amount of work to get a firmware flashing dealy to work through it https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/introduction/20:10
vlatko01981I'd be going for live boot. Thank you for helping me20:11
rana_ansok now anybody who can help me?20:12
rana_ansproblem: when I try connecting to a wifi network, pi restarts20:12
sarnoldrana_ans: I'd never seen anyone mention that before20:13
sarnoldrana_ans: I had a poor time getting my rpi3b+ on to wifi but it was never *that* bad20:13
rana_ansyeah I'm stuck at this problem too Idk what to do with that20:13
sarnoldrana_ans: which image did you use?20:14
rana_anssarnold: ubuntu-mate-18.04.2-beta1-desktop-arm64+raspi3-ext4.img20:14
rana_ansI downloaded it from ubuntu mate site20:14
rana_ansis it a problem with x64 ? I didnt know what to install 32 or 64, I just went with the thought of windows :D20:15
sarnoldrana_ans: hmm, I wonder if they've got an 18.04.4 image ..20:16
rana_anssarnold: or maybe a problem with voltage? because I dont think there could be any other issues with it right20:16
rana_ansdo you want the link I downloaded it from?20:16
sarnoldrana_ans: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/bionic/release/ has some 18.04.4 images -- though they are preinstalled server images, you'll need to do something like apt install ubuntu-mate-desktop^  once it's installed to get the gui you want20:18
sarnoldrana_ans: undervoltage might be it, they apaprently require more juice than most chargers are prepared to deliver20:19
rana_ansumm I think I have connected a 2.5A adapter20:19
rana_anssarnold: I download the image from here: https://ubuntu-mate.org/download/20:20
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rana_ansIm gonna run apt install ubuntu-mate-desktop and see if it solves20:21
andenwhat's going on with xrandr? 50% of the time when i boot up my system, i cannot use xrandr, it fails with the error message 'xrandr: output LVDS1 cannot use rotation "normal" reflection "none"'20:31
andenlogging out and back in usually fixes it then20:31
andenalso, switching compositors does not help so it's not related to that20:32
andenactually i'm thinking the problem is happening prior to logging in even, because when it does happen, the login window does not appear on my second screen20:34
andenonly after logging back out20:34
rana_anssarnold: thanks it is undervoltage that causes the pi to crash,20:35
rana_ansGood night.20:35
sarnoldrana_ans: "yay" I guess :)20:35
sarnoldthanks :) have good night :)20:35
andenanother problem i have is xvkbd doesn't seem to work whatsoever under Lubuntu 18.04 - under 16.04 and 19.04 it works fine (tested all from live environments so it shouldn't be a config problem)20:37
Sven_vBI multistrapped an Ubuntu bionic amd64, including NetworkManager, and a conf file in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ with "[main] plugins=ifupdown [ifupdown] managed=true". works fine in one computer, but in another, NM just won't manage my interfaces. any ideas? http://paste.debian.net/plainh/00323b1120:37
Sven_vBanden, what did try, what did you expect it to do, and what did it do instead?20:45
andenSven_vB: for the xvkbd problem or xrandr? since i posted two questions20:45
FreValAnyone know what this is about "[    3.152790] EXT4-fs (nvme0n1p5): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro20:46
andenbut actually, the answer for both is it happens with any or without arguments to the command. and what it does instead is nothing at all20:46
Sven_vBanden, I meant anden. for the xrandr problem, it might be a race condition, e.g. your display manager starting before the display driver is fully loaded.20:47
andeni see20:47
Sven_vBerr sorry I meant xvkbd20:48
andenany log i can check to confirmt hat?20:48
Sven_vBmaybe /var/log/syslog, /var/log/Xorg.0, anything in /var/log/lightdm/ (I recommend lightdm. :D)20:49
andenanything in particular i should be looking for?20:49
Sven_vBhave you tried waiting half a minute longer before you login?20:49
Sven_vBideally anything that differs between sessions where xrandr works and where it doesn't. :)20:49
andeni'll have to check that, thanks20:49
* Sven_vB tries the NM config with += for the plugin, just to be sure20:53
pirlaI'm trying to make configure kernel, but I get this: http://paste.debian.net/1133476/20:59
ducassepirla: building kernels is not something we support21:00
ducassepirla: that said, install flex21:00
pirlaYes, I realised after writing21:01
ducassepirla: why are you building a kernel, though?21:02
pirlano, trying to get modversions.h from the source21:02
pirlaNo luck either21:13
pirlaGonna get the bed, cu21:13
=== jmcgnh_ is now known as jmcgnh
andenso, xvkbd does not work with the -xsendevent parameter, nothing gets sent, under Lubuntu 18.04 - any idea why?22:44
andenlike i previously mentioned, it works under 16.04 and 19.04 but not 18.04 (tested all in live environments)22:45
andenand another problem, when i remap my capslock key to AltGr, it breaks my actual AltGr key. this works in the live environment so i guess it is conflicting with some config i did, but i can't guess what. the command used is:22:49
andenxmodmap -e "keycode 66 = ISO_Level3_Shift"22:49
andenit actually breaks AltGr completely, neither Caps Lock or the real AltGr behaves fully like AltGr, some key combos no longer work like expected22:50
andenhm ok i just realised what it is, it's a result of me swapping ctrl and capslock keys22:55
ducasseanden: see if you can get what you want with setxkbmap instead of xmodmap, read the xkeyboard-config man page22:56
Sven_vBI tried whether upgrading my packages might fix the NetworkManager issues, but I get this error: http://paste.debian.net/plainh/e5c0c6b0 is there a way to make dpkg skip chown or ignore its failure?23:06
Sven_vBstill using Ubuntu bionic amd6423:07
Sven_vBanden, afair you'll want to reconfigure modifiers, not keycodes.23:11
Sven_vBkeycode is for when that key acts as the last-pressed key23:11
andenthanks, i actually figured it out though23:12
andenbasically, the problem is that i'm sometimes using an external keyboard and sometimes not23:12
Sven_vBoh yeah23:12
andenso i solved it by having a script that runs at boot time to check if my external kb is connected23:12
andenand it's all good now23:12
andenjust need to fix that xvkbd -xsendevent problem23:12
Sven_vBeven better would be to have a udev script that triggers anytime you connect an external keyboard.23:12
Sven_vBwhat are you trying to achieve with that command?23:13
andenyeah, that's what i was thinking. i've never done that but i really should23:13
andenwell, i'm using an ancient keyboard which has an unusual layout, so i run that with xbindkeys to send some keys it is missing23:13
Sven_vBanother cheap way is, if connecting your keyboard creates a directory in /sys/, have systemd watch for such files.23:14
andenif i remove the -xsendevent parameter it actually behaves as expected, but IIRC it doesn't send the key to some applications (because they were created with a different library or whatever?)23:14
andenbut -xsendeven seems to work everywhere, on my other distro where it actually works23:14
Sven_vBcan xdotool send the key?23:14
andeni remember trying with that and xte also, but getting the same problem where it wouldn't work in all programs23:15
andenit's been a few years since i experimented with that though, so i could be mistaken23:15
Sven_vBa problem might be with apps that poll whether the key is currently pressed, rather than monitoring key press events.23:15
Sven_vBin that case it might help to have xdotool send key down, wait a bit, key up.23:16
andenyeah, i remember getting problems where my physical modifier key being held down still caused some problems, so i tried sending a keyup event but in the end it wouldn't work out very well23:16
andeni always managed to cause one problem or another23:17
Sven_vBwhat kind of app has the problems?23:17
andenthe xsendevent just seemed to be the magic silver bullet to everything, and i don't understand why it doesn't work under 18.04 in particular but in older and also newer distros23:17
andeni would have to find that again too23:17
Sven_vBis the app able to receive that key via remote control like VNC?23:18
andenthat's a good question, i would have to test that too23:18
andeni'll be looking into that more later though, it's getting late now and i have to sleep. but thanks so much for the help, it's very appreciated!23:25
Sven_vBglad I could help :)23:34
l0rdn1xanyone have keybase?23:43
* Sven_vB temporarily re-mounted /boot with gid=root so dpkg would shut up about the owner of boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-91-lowlatency, and it did.23:45
Sven_vBstill there's gotta be a better way23:45
Sven_vBway of least resistance would probably be to create a tiny dpkg memorial partition next to my ESP and do advanced regexp voodoo in GRUB.23:48
people398594how do i get the scroll lock key to work in a stock ubuntu 18.04 installation23:48
Sven_vBpeople398594, what shall that key do, and what does it do instead?23:49
people398594its useful for changing whether the arrow keys scroll or not in spreadsheets23:49
people398594its also supposed to toggle a keyboard light23:49
people398594i'm using gnome23:52
Sven_vBdoes it toggle the keyboard light in gnome?23:57

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