
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I'm having a little trouble. Does autojack interact with /etc/default/ubuntustudio in any way?19:31
OvenWerksNo but ubuntustudio_system does.20:05
OvenWerksIt has to be done with pkexec because /etc has system owned files20:07
OvenWerksI think it is read by /lib/systemd/ubuntustudio as well20:09
EickmeyerAha! That's what's missing.20:09
OvenWerksso /usr/sbin/ubuntustudio-system sets it (reads it first for defaults) and the other reads it at boot20:10
EickmeyerYes, I see that now. :)20:10
EickmeyerAlthough, for quite some time now, /lib is a symlink to /usr/lib.20:11
EickmeyerSo, we might just need to combine those two directories.20:11
OvenWerksthe /lib/systemd/ubuntustudio is not used directly but via a link: /lib/systemd//lib/systemd/system/ondemand.service.d/ubuntustudio.conf20:12
OvenWerkswe could combine them, at the time I first put it in they were very much separate20:13
EickmeyerYeah, they've been combined since before 18.04 iirc.20:13
OvenWerksIt used to be common to mount usr aftr /20:14
OvenWerksno I have 18.04 and it is not combined20:14
EickmeyerWell, lets leave them separate until 18.04 is EOL then.20:14
OvenWerksYeah I think we need to20:14
EickmeyerIn 20.04 /lib points to /usr/lib.20:15
OvenWerksI think even before20:15
OvenWerks19.10 for sure but maybe as early as 18.1020:15
EickmeyerVery possible. I know that was somthing that was discussed as early as 14.04 since Fedora jumped on that combination pretty early.20:16
OvenWerksit is a hard link20:17
OvenWerks :P20:17
EickmeyerAh. Then that makes sense.20:17
OvenWerksBut I guess that with drive sizes /var and /home are the ones that get extra mounted20:18
OvenWerksthe /, /usr, /opt set of trees are not very big by todays standards20:18
OvenWerksthe /home tree can be very big of course and it is nice to be able to just mount it or back it up separate20:20
EickmeyerYeah, /home definitely gets that. Most people (and defaults) don't bother with /var.20:21
OvenWerksfor a mail system it is nice20:22
OvenWerksth0ough I guess /var/mail could be a link20:22
OvenWerksor /var/spool20:23
EickmeyerOvenWerks: So, I made a discovery: ondemand.service is an Ubuntu-only thing. To circumvent that, I made a /lib/systemd/system/studio-system.service file that executes /lib/systemd/ubuntustudio.21:37

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