
harbinwall-eMy event sound only enabled in firefox and thunderbird and failed in system wide. How to resolve this problem?01:27
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
pirlaHello everyone. I have a HP Pavillion dv6500, I'd like to test if modem works13:00
pirlaCan anyone help me?13:00
pirlaOh, and I'd like to know if the software center updates installed software (maybe by clicking some buttons, or so)13:00
brainwashpirla: hardware question can be asked in #ubuntu which has more active users13:16
pirlaThanks, brainwash13:16
pirlaPlease, do you know if Software center upgrades apps?13:17
brainwashthe software center should have some "check for updates" button13:17
pirlaOr am I better to use apt?13:17
brainwashyou can use /usr/bin/update-manager13:17
brainwashit's the "Software Updater"13:18
pirlaNo, thanks, I saw that button (I didn't notice just few time ago)13:18
pirlaIt was exactly what I'd liked to have13:18
pirlathanks again. So, I'm gonna ask for modem at #ubuntu13:19
jphilipshi all. curious if there is any telegram group for xubuntu, ubuntu, or linux that people also get support on20:58
gnrpjphilips: Maybe there is, but I have the feeling that the disjunction between IRC and Telegram users couldn't be bigger^^22:07
gnrpI would think that if you have a LUG closeby, there you would find more likely help than in an anonymous internet chat. Nobody would like to publish his phone number here22:08
jphilipsgnrp: yes the anonymity of IRC is definitely nice, but there definitely is a higher barrier of entry and there is no history on IRC once you close the client22:10
gnrpjphilips: I'm not argueing for one of the other, just saying that it's unlikely to find information on that here22:16
jphilipsgnrp: thanks22:16
jphilipsis there much of testing that people in the channel do before releases?22:17
gnrpjphilips: This channel here is a general help channel. There is another one (#xubuntu-dev) where the devs are. But in general I don't know how much communication runs via IRC anyway, I am not involved in that22:20
jphilipsgnrp: okay thanks22:20
gnrpI guess mailing lists are the primary channel22:23
xubuntu33wHello I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of what the standard xubuntu sources.list file should look like.  I was running stock ubuntu (gnome) and installed xfce but need the repos22:33
jphilipsxubuntu33w: the sources would be the same as all gnome and xfce apps are under the same ubuntu repo22:34
xubuntu33wSo this would stay the same? deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ eoan main restricted22:36
xubuntu33w"deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ eoan main restricted"22:36
xubuntu33wOh great. :-)22:38
jphilipsgnrp: just found out that you can hide your phone number on telegram, so you can be anonymous :D23:59

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