
glenjarvisI’m sorry to just join and immediately ask questions. I’m a “bottom up” learner and python developer with the role of DevOps engineer. I am trying to learn JuJu. I’ve used the initial charm creation tutorial (I like hands-on examples).04:11
glenjarvisI’m trying to do a basic Django web app demo (for learning) with an AWS EC2 instance — where I’ll build the VPC, etc. with JuJu.04:11
glenjarvisIs there a link/resource that already exists for this? Video training also good.04:11
glenjarvisI want to host this locally on my laptop — and deploy the changes to a particular AWS account - fully building the infrastructure. My experience in this area is mostly terraform and ansible.04:12
glenjarvisBut, I’d ike to do it all through just juju on my laptop hosted in an AWS account.04:13
stickupkidmanadart, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1128210:47
admcleodshould FullStatus contain physical machines AND containers?10:48
admcleodrick_h: ^ ? :}11:04
admcleodrick_h: nvm11:36
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hmlachilleasa: can you please review: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1125714:24
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achilleasastickupkid: can you take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11289 (including QA steps)14:44
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timClickshave tried to re-write the `juju help deploy` details section: https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/inline-help-update-juju-deploy/276715:32
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