
Sven_vB(next questions would be whether it does toggle while Ubuntu starts up, if you know how to enter the BIOS or EFI setup, whether it toggles there, ??? to discern hardware failure.)00:01
people398594it doesnt toggle the keyboard light in gnome00:16
people398594it toggles if i boot into windows00:16
people398594i'll check on the other things but i'm going to have to log out for a minute00:19
pragmaticenigmaWhen people gets back.. they just need to run "xmodmap -e 'add mod3 = Scroll_Lock'" in terminal to enable scroll lock00:22
pragmaticenigmaand then set up a script to run on login00:22
people398594Okay, so some answers: (1) The scroll lock toggles while Ubuntu is booting but stops being able to toggle when the DM starts00:30
people398594(2) The scroll lock toggles fine in the BIOS00:31
sarnoldThu 05 00:22:33 < pragmaticenigma> When people gets back.. they just need to run "xmodmap -e 'add mod3 = Scroll_Lock'" in terminal to enable scroll lock00:31
people398594(3) The scroll lock will not toggle in GNOME, nor will it toggle if I log out into the DM00:31
sarnoldThu 05 00:22:47 < pragmaticenigma> and then set up a script to run on login00:31
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, sarnold, hi, glad to see you here! :D do you happen to have a better idea for taming my dpkg's insistence on chgrp-ing my /boot/vmlinuz-*?00:34
sarnoldSven_vB: what's the problem?00:35
people398594That solution worked excellently! thanks!00:35
Sven_vB<Sven_vB> I tried whether upgrading my packages might fix the NetworkManager issues, but I get this error: http://paste.debian.net/plainh/e5c0c6b0 is there a way to make dpkg skip chown or ignore its failure?ΒΆ * Sven_vB temporarily re-mounted /boot with gid=root so dpkg would shut up about the owner of boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-91-lowlatency, and it did.00:35
Sven_vBbut manually remounting isn't a good approach I think00:36
Sven_vBin case /boot is a FAT fs, IMO ideally dpkg should keep trying to chown/chgrp but ignore failure.00:37
sarnoldSven_vB: what's in dmesg?00:37
Sven_vBdunno, I'll try and reproduce it.00:38
Sven_vBoh. meh. looks like that update killed my network connection.00:40
Sven_vBhowever now NM actually does manage the devices, that's progress at least. I wonder if multistrap might have installed old versions of packages.00:42
Sven_vBniiiice, NM works now. so at least that problem is solved.00:46
Sven_vBso I tried to reinstall my vmlinuz. OS is Ubuntu bionic amd64. these are the latest error messages: http://paste.debian.net/plainh/d3428fcd no new messages appeared in "dmesg --follow" while I ran aptitude.00:51
Sven_vBthere are currently no files in /boot. (I moved all of them to /boot/bak)00:52
Sven_vB(moved them before I ran aptitude)00:52
Sven_vBmountpoint /boot is the ESP, formatted as FAT32, with GRUB in /boot/EFI/BOOT/grub.efi00:54
Sven_vBI guess I'll go with the extra partition and GRUB magic.01:41
HeliNomadDoes anyone have experience running Ubunutu on a Threadripper 3990x?01:50
HeliNomadI'm thinking about building an encoder machine but running only Ubuntu Server on it01:50
Bashing-omHeliNomad: A place to start the research: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=2004-CPU-3990X-Plus-FX-959001:54
HeliNomadYes I saw that one...01:55
HeliNomadwas a little worried that it seems that I can't use LTS with threadripper01:55
HeliNomadWas hoping maybe someone had some first hand on that.01:55
HeliNomadThis would be in a production environment so stability is key for long encodes.01:55
HeliNomadI know many will say, then just go EPYC but we are on a tight budget.01:56
renomdhow does ffmpeg not get sued ? supporting all those patented codecs02:14
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pragmaticenigmarenomd: That's a great question to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux ... If you have a Ubuntu related support issue, please feel free to ask for help here.02:30
renomdi see, thanks02:30
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Rockwoodi wanna config on ssh server03:44
Rockwoodidk about steps for ssh server config03:45
sarnoldRockwood: just doing an apt install ssh will get you most of the way there03:45
sarnoldRockwood: but note that any ssh server exposed to the public internet will get *tons* of automated bruteforce scans for common usernames and passwords03:45
sarnoldRockwood: it's best to configure your clients to use ssh key authentication and disable ssh passwords03:46
Rockwoodsure i will do that03:46
Rockwoodkey config03:46
sarnoldyou can of course just use good passwords, but that's harder than it sounds, hehe03:46
Rockwoodsudo apt install is enough?03:47
sarnoldsudo apt install ssh03:47
sarnoldthat installs both server and client03:47
Rockwoodnow i wanna access this from client03:49
Rockwoodso how to config key03:49
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sarnoldRockwood: ssh-keygen03:50
Rockwoodsarnold, enter file in which, what should be there?03:52
Rockwoodsarnold, enter file in which save key, what should be there?03:52
Rockwoodis it for name?03:53
sarnoldRockwood: if it offers a default, that default is probably good03:53
Rockwoodjust need a enter?03:53
sarnoldyeah, I think so03:53
sarnold(it's been years since I've used it, sorry)03:54
sarnoldRockwood: now use ssh-copy-id to copy the public portion of the key to the server03:55
Rockwoodwhere i ve to paste ssh-copy-id?04:06
sarnoldRockwood: you use ssh-copy-id on the client machine to copy the public portion of your ssh key to the ssh server04:07
Rockwoodsarnold, done04:11
Rockwoodnow anymore thing i ve to do for ssh connect on client04:12
sarnoldcan you rephrase that?04:15
Rockwoodi set there04:16
Rockwoodmeans anymore steps are remain for prepare SSH server?04:17
sarnoldRockwood: if you can log in to your server with your ssh keys, then you can edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and find the password authentication line, and remove the comment:04:19
sarnoldPasswordAuthentication no04:19
sarnoldthen sudo systemctl restart ssh04:20
sarnoldI can't recall if errors would print out immediately or not, so check systemctl status ssh   before going much further04:20
sarnoldalright, time for me to go :) have fun Rockwood04:21
Rockwoodits showing connection close on port04:21
sarnoldbut it looks like ssh is running?04:22
sarnoldthat connection closed onport *might* be one of the password bruteforce scanners I mentioned04:22
sarnoldcan you log in again (check from a new terminal, don't close that one you've already got open, because it might be a pain to get back to the server otherwise :)04:22
sarnoldand make sure you can log in with your key, then make sure that you can't log in with your password04:23
sarnoldand now, off I go :)04:23
pirlaHello everyone. I got modem to work so far, unsure about how I did. Now, I'd like to configure IrDA05:10
pirlaUhm, maybe are you all sleeping?05:12
pirlaIn fact it's quite early05:13
pirlaor late, depending on the point of view05:13
ScowlingSoupanyone here?05:48
pirlaHello everyone05:51
pirlaHow can I list infrared devices on my system?05:51
pirlaThere's a command I ran, but can't remember which05:52
pirlaNevermin, it was ir-keytable06:00
vuurdraakgood morning all, i wanted to vent my dissatisfaction, going from ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04, that i need to use 3 different hoops to jump through, to get all the context menu items in nautilus and the desktop back that where standard in 16.04, namely create text file on desktop, del perma & create link & refresh in nautilus06:25
vuurdraakthumbs up though for obs now shipping standard with NVENC support from the repository, so i didnt need to build it my self this time with days of headaches :)06:28
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alnris there a sources.list generator for 19.10 in usa? or at least a link to what sources.list should be for eoan? i'm getting unable to locate package iptables-persistent, i think i need a multiverse entry in sources?06:46
Kangarooohttps://askubuntu.com/questions/1214856/how-to-install-software-deb-that-has-dependency-problems?noredirect=1#comment2041839_1214856 How to install software *.deb that has dependency problems?07:18
ducasseKangarooo: did you read the answers on that page?07:20
vuurdraakapt-cache depends package-name    -> https://askubuntu.com/questions/80655/how-can-i-check-dependency-list-for-a-deb-package07:30
vuurdraakobsolete stuff depending on things not installed can sometimes break other things though, be carefull out there ;)07:32
vuurdraaksorry i forgot to add Kangarooo infornt, so chat blinks if ur not looking at it, i apologize07:36
Kangarooo@ducasse  yes, didnt work command line answers.07:54
ducasseKangarooo: which release is this? and please provide full output, use a pastebin.07:56
WoodpeckerI am afraid I might have a virus or have been hacked07:57
WoodpeckerI just found my trash full of all of my directories07:57
Woodpeckerand before, something tried to randomly print07:57
vuurdraakWoodpecker,   you have booted from a live usb stick to see this ?07:58
Woodpeckervuurdraak: nope, I don't want to reboot in case my things go bye bye or in case its an ssd error07:59
vuurdraakif you boot from a live usb stick unless its some very nasty goverment virus in your bios, it should at least start up without a virus08:00
vuurdraakif it s a virus08:00
vuurdraakif its a failing disk, then back up as quickly as posible08:00
WoodpeckerHas anyone ever experienced this?08:00
vuurdraakyou could run a virus scanner also08:00
vuurdraaknot seen all my folders end up in trash no08:01
WoodpeckerIm on 19.04, it wouldnt update me before because of bad ppas08:01
Woodpeckerdo those virus scanners actually work?08:02
Woodpeckerclamav I think?08:02
ducasse19.04 is eol, no longer supported08:02
vuurdraaki reinstalled ubuntu two days agao, i had two virus scanners on demand installed before clamav & sophos both free, i dont know if there are many linux virus signators though, they are mostely ment to scan for virusses in mail08:02
Woodpeckercouldnt hurt to try08:02
vuurdraakwow i just discovered clam av is no longer in the repostory, thanks for reminding me to get both virus scanners back though i forgot about them :')08:04
Woodpeckerwhat the hell is happening https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Jv17v2Vx/image.png08:05
vuurdraakin 18.0408:05
vuurdraakit looks prety weird08:05
vuurdraakpersonaly i would boot from a live usb stick, if its a virus it would kick it out temporarely, if its a failing disk and the disk still works halve it should still work from the live usb, as u can 'try out ubuntu' and still copy and do stuff08:08
Woodpeckervuurdraak: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/EuDp8Rf8/image.png08:10
Woodpeckerwhat is going on!?08:10
Kangarooothats the expected behaviour of that distro :D08:10
Kangaroooidk joke08:11
Woodpeckerah nvm I think my usb key ran out of space08:11
Kangarooo@ducasse  https://pastebin.com/kEphDqfU08:11
vuurdraakWoodpecker,  sorry i can not send you more usb sticks :')08:12
Woodpecker!cookie | vuurdraak08:12
ubottuvuurdraak: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:12
vuurdraaki got one usb stick always with ubuntu on it to boot/reaque from08:13
vuurdraakresque*, and thanks :')08:13
ducasseKangarooo: which release is this?08:13
ducasse!20.04 |  Kangarooo08:14
ubottuKangarooo: Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) will be the 32nd release of Ubuntu, scheduled for April 2020 ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule ). It will be a long-term support release. Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions.08:14
vuurdraaki need to go afk , may everybody find a solution to their problem08:14
ducasseKangarooo: other than that, 20.04 doesn't have python208:14
Kangarooo@ducasse i just will use it and isntalled 5 days and 2 days ago to help bugs also.08:15
Kangaroooill stay with it daily version08:15
Kangarooook ill do another partition install of pop linux to test for fun08:15
ducasseKangarooo: that package is not going to run on it08:15
Kangarooo@ducasse  so no solution at all means sometimes locked out of versions. :(08:16
ducasseKangarooo: to run it you need to stay on 18.04. you should  also not be running 20.04 if you can't figure problems like this out yourself08:18
Kangarooowell i didint use 18.04 because of Ubuntu bad menu, and another app not working on it. Should i go back to 14.04 when grass was greener and no corona viruss government.. Ill need to then try other distros or to use Bug #1.....08:24
ducasse14.04 is eol08:25
Woodpecker... WHY ARE THERE WEIRD RUSSIAN PROGRAMS ON MY COMPUTER?! https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/uuO0iWnh/image.png08:31
WoodpeckerIt looks like it was installed on wine or something08:31
Woodpeckerim so paranoid right now because of the random printing and random stuff being put into my directory08:32
Woodpeckerinto my trash bin*08:33
Kangarooo@Woodpecker  theres writtenin russian ProTanks Multipack.08:33
Woodpeckeruninstalled, purged08:33
Woodpeckerits gone08:33
WoodpeckerKangarooo: ah that makes sense.08:33
stdedosHello there! My 16.04 system froze beyond rescuing yesterday (not even Ctrl+Alt+Fx worked), and I had to forcefully restart. I am trying to investigate what went wrong /usr/bin/time strace journalctl --list-boots gives me this https://privatebin.net/?1ac25cd84044d884#9GHTLRWZcdu6dRSGNnhYdxt9XJCKhHcJYLJxMvRF2NJM08:37
vuurdraakWoodpecker, I have disabled wine to run from the command line, it can run only on my system through playonlinux & lutris, upside of a windows virus running through wine is that it cant hide from the system monitor though08:38
mgedminhow are you getting strace messages from a command that doesn't involve strace?08:38
Woodpeckerim curious whether there have been wine viruses...08:39
vuurdraakwindows virusses can be just as devestating in wine as on native windows, no need for a special wine virus08:39
mgedminstdedos: anyway, journalctl -b -1 -e is a good way to see the last messages from the previous boot, but usually after a crash the machine dies before being able to save the last log messages on disk so you usually don't get anything useful08:40
ducasseWoodpecker: 19.04 is end-of-life, if you want support here you need to upgrade08:40
vuurdraakWoodpecker, a windows virus running on wine giving a delete command works just fine deleting all ur stuff in linux08:40
Woodpeckerducasse: im trying to do that right now08:41
Woodpeckerducasse: whats the command? do-release-upgrade?08:41
stdedosmgedmin so what are my alternatives to at least have some information when that happens?08:41
ducasseWoodpecker: yes08:41
ducasse!upgrade | Woodpecker08:42
ubottuWoodpecker: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:42
vuurdraakWoodpecker, make sure you backed up all important stuff, like maybe your whole user folder08:43
vuurdraaki had to reinstall fresh two days agao, as my dist upgrade faileed form 16.04 lts to 18.0408:44
WoodpeckerI think I got the important things08:49
stdedosmgedmin logs from the freeze day are mixed with logs from the previous day08:52
stdedosMost interesting keywords are: oom killer, canary thread starving, and SIGABORT08:52
ahubHey, so I've plugged my dumbphone in my computer, set it to (USB storage mode) and I can't mount it on ubuntu. I don't understand why. I've copied the logs I get when I type `dmesg` here. http://ix.io/2dro08:52
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mgedminstdedos: oh yeah, out of memory conditions can make the system appear to freeze for a looooooong time (tens of minutes)09:04
mgedminthings are worse when you have no swap file/partition09:04
mgedmintechnically the system is not frozen, it's just busy 99.99999% of the time reading and writing memory pages from/to disk, and has no time to react to things like key events09:05
mgedminI also usually have no patience to wait to see if the oom killer manages do do its job properly09:06
mgedminand reboot with the magic alt-sysrq-s,u,b09:06
Oddmongercan you tell me if the tree command is present in a default installation ?09:20
Oddmongerok found it i have to install it09:24
Oddmongersee you :)09:24
TheFuzzballSo, I've installed 18.04.4 LTS on an AMD64 system, and one on a Raspberry Pi 4 (AMD64) system, and they have different kernel versions09:28
TheFuzzballIs it normal for two up-to-date 18.04.4 LTS installations to have two vastly (4.15.0 vs 5.3.0) different kernel versions?09:29
mgedminsort of, yes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack09:30
mgedminif you install 18.04 LTS on one machine, you get the original 4.15 kernel; if you upgrade it to 18.04.4, you won't get the HWE kernel automatically09:31
mgedminif you install 18.04.4 LTS, you'll get the HWE kernel09:31
mgedminthe idea is not to touch a working system, but to make new install media use a new kernel because newer hardware might require it09:31
mgedminyou can always opt in and install the hwe kernel on older installs, if you wish09:32
sixwheeledbeastRPi4 will be ARM64 too?09:35
oerheksrasppi 4 is not AMD.. it is ARM09:42
sixwheeledbeastDoesn't take away from the HWE info above but arm64 version may run a different kernel09:44
oerheks5.0.0.23 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+package/linux-image-5.0.0-23-generic-lpae09:45
sixwheeledbeastYou can run arm64 on Pi3 and 4 AFAIK09:51
sixwheeledbeasthf on Pi2 and Pi1 was armel.09:51
TheFuzzballmgedmin Excellent info, thanks! I did a fresh install of 18.04.4 so I figured I'd get latest kernel on both. I expect the Pi4 requires the newer kernel so the image starts with that.09:53
TheFuzzballI just did `sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-18.04` to bump the amd64 install to 5.3.0 and I'm happy now09:54
mgedminah, right, I didn't stop to consider that different architectures may have different kernels09:54
TheFuzzballI only really care because I'm using them as kubernetes nodes and I want to minimise any risk in the kernel version breaking things09:54
mgedminI believe the HWE kernel is only available for AMD64 and i38609:54
mgedminyou have different CPU architectures and you're worried about kernel versions? ;)09:55
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack09:55
TheFuzzballThe base image I flashed the pi4 with (https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi/thank-you?version=18.04.4&architecture=arm64+raspi3) has 5.3.0 by default09:56
TheFuzzballmgedmin Good point :D09:56
waveformTheFuzzball, just to expand on sixwheeledbeast's info: the arm64 images are supported on pi3, 3+, cm3, cm3+, pi4 - I'm vaguely hoping to add pi2 (rev1.2) boards to that at some point but it's not a high priority; armhf obviously works on all09:57
waveform(well, all supported models - we don't support the 0/1)09:58
TheFuzzballYep - somehow Ubuntu Server is the first distribution I've found that officially supports arm64 on the Pi4 - which is astounding. I read the Debian FAQ on it and it read kinda like "don't use raspberry pi they're crap"09:59
TheFuzzballI had an issue where there were no 32-bit arm docker images available for several things I need - specifically sonobouy to actually verify by kubernetes cluster is functioning correctly10:00
waveformTheFuzzball, I'm fairly sure I've seen arch and gentoo users with arm64 on the pi - no idea if it's official10:00
sixwheeledbeastarm thing kinda puts me off RPi TBH. There are plenty of SBC's that are amd64 although not at the same price.10:01
TheFuzzballwaveform Arch was my other choice - but didn't find good docs telling me arm64 is officially supported, or providing any images10:02
TheFuzzballDidn't look at Gentoo, but if it's a choice between Ubuntu Server and Gentoo, I'd just pick Ubuntu10:02
TheFuzzballsixwheeledbeast ARM is lower power and cheaper tho. I don't like that the Pi uses an old ARM chip relative to the smartphone market, for example. So they're a lot slower.10:03
TheFuzzballPrice is a huge factor too10:03
TheFuzzballwaveform Do you maintain the pi arm images?10:04
waveformTheFuzzball, I'm responsible for the pi images within the foundations team, so I'm generally the one to blame when things go horribly wrong in the classic and core pi images (these days - I'll take responsibility for 18.04.4 onwards, but nothing before :)10:06
sixwheeledbeastThe dodgy USB-C was the nail in the coffin on the 4 and fixing it on the quiet doesn't help.10:07
TheFuzzballwaveform Cool. Thank you for your work!10:08
waveformTheFuzzball, thanks :)10:09
throsturI need the newest version of git (2.25.1) but apt-get upgrade only gives me version 2.17.1, how do I upgrade with apt?10:11
mgedminsearch for a ppa that might have a newer git package maybe10:12
mgedminhttps://launchpad.net/~git-core/+archive/ubuntu/ppa looks promising10:13
apurkrthi, I have a question wrt cron - the cron jobs are stored in /etc/crontab, /etc/cron.d/*, /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}/*, and (user crontabs) in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/*10:13
throsturthank you mgedmin10:13
apurkrtanywhere else?10:13
mgedminapurkrt: no, if you're interested only in real cron jobs and not, say, systemd timer units10:14
* apurkrt do not know what systemd timer unit is10:15
mgedmin(technically /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}/* aren't special, but simply something a cron job defined in /etc/crontab runs via run-parts)10:15
throsturapurkrt: a systemd timer unit is like a cronjob but runs a systemd service10:15
apurkrtah ok10:15
apurkrtthrostur, mgedmin: thank you10:15
sixwheeledbeastmore duplicated bloat bundled with an "init system"10:47
* mgedmin headdesks10:48
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fromBeyondHi. Does anybody have experience with DisplayLink? After installation, my montitor (HDMI in the usb-c dock) is detected in xrandr, but says not connected11:37
BluesKajHi folks11:48
konradosHey, I have a question about the `find -newerXY` thing. I do understand we can do e.g. `find -newermt 2020-03-04` to find files modfied after that day, but I did find something like this: `find -newerat 2` - and I can't find any explanation what does this '2' alone mean ( it's here btw: https://askubuntu.com/a/995241 )11:56
konradoswhere is this actually described, in the man I can see we can define dates and time, and that's all, or IDK, I'm blind o.O11:57
mgedminthe find man page says "Time specifications are interpreted as for the argument to the -d option of GNU date."11:59
mgedminthe date man page doesn't fully describe the -d option, but refers to the date info manual12:00
mgedmininfo is this weird gnu documentation standard from a parallel universe that never got wide adoption anywhere outside of the gnu project12:00
oerheksi believe 2 = 2 x 24 hrs .. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/169798/what-does-newermt-mean-in-find-command12:01
mgedminbut you can find an online version at https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/Date-input-formats.html#Date-input-formats12:01
mgedminI can't find any official documentation for -newerat 212:04
mgedminif you believe the claim it's the same as 'date -d 2', then it's 2:00 AM today12:05
mgedminif it behaves like find -atime 2, then it's 2 days ago precisely12:05
mgedmin(well, not "precisely", there's rounding to the nearest day or something, described elsewhere)12:05
oerheksmgedmin, that is what i think too12:06
konradosmgedmin, oerheks hmmm ok, thanks. I think I'll just be using precise dates, because I'm not sure why -newerat 4 shows me a file accesses 1h ago, but -newerat 13 does not o.O12:06
mgedminnewer than 4 AM today vs newer than 1 PM today?  assuming the documentation is correct and it behaves like date -d12:07
loirenhi hlp me pls. ubuntu 18.04. there are udev rules for checking the USB-flash serial number and running the mount script and mounting the ecryptfs container. Added stemd-udevd.service12:11
loirenanyone there?12:14
mgedminwe're waiting for the question12:14
mgedmin(maybe your message got truncated after "Added stemd-udevd.service"?)12:15
loirenMountFlags=shared . The script works, but when i open the file writes are no rights.12:15
loirenbut with manual mounting everything works well12:16
oerheksshare the script on paste.ubuntu.com please?12:17
loirenudev + ecruptfs + mount = not work12:17
mgedminalso, how exactly do you do a manual mount?12:17
loirenmanual - just run script on root12:19
mgedminI have doubts that 'who | grep tty7' will work on Ubuntu 18.04 ...12:20
ttammWhat is the recommended solution for better memory management? My system runs out of memory often, which pretty much requires a reboot12:21
ttammNever seems to happen on windows12:21
loirenudev rules12:21
SwedeMikettamm: why does it run out of memory?12:21
ttammSwedeMike: mostly because of browsers hogging a lot of memory12:22
ttammI've got 8GB btw12:22
loirenproblem in udev on version 16 works12:23
SwedeMikettamm: how much swap space do you have?12:23
SwedeMikettamm: you should never need to reboot. Exiting the application that uses a lot of memory should be enough12:24
loirenmaybe we should add something else to the systemd-udevd.service12:24
mgedminloiren: have you tried to compare the mount options between working (when script runs manually as root) and non-working (when script runs from udev)?12:24
mgedminis "the file writes are no rights" because of the wrong file permissions, wrong ownership, or is the entire filesystem mounted readonly?12:25
ttammSwedeMike: I just erased the whole disk while installing ubuntu and it didn't create any swap partitions, thought it used swapfiles by default instead12:25
mgedminis the usb formatted as vfat or ext4 or what (beneath the ecryptfs)?12:25
ttammSwedeMike: Problem is it hangs making it impossible to even exit apps12:26
loirennosame rights and owner12:26
loireni find this: The original udev command has been replaced by systemd-udevd. One of the differences is that it creates its own filesystem namespace, so your mount is done, but it is not visible in the principal namespace. (You can check this by doing systemctl status systemd-udevd to get the Main PID of the service, then looking through the contents12:28
loirenof /proc/<pid>/mountinfo for your filesystem).12:28
SwedeMikettamm: hangs? If there is enough swap then it shouldn't hang.12:29
SwedeMikettamm: but 8GB today isn't much if you have a modern browser with lots of tabs. They love memory.12:29
loirenwhan mount udev i can see /devices/virtual/bdi/ecryptfs-5 (bdi)12:30
mgedminhuh, but private namespaces would make the files invisible instead of readonly12:31
loireni remove flash and manualy unmount? adn then insert flash i see  /devices/virtual/bdi/ecryptfs-6 (bdi)12:31
ttammSwedeMike: Yeah I know, should upgrade soon but still I'm not sure why it's happening12:31
SwedeMikettamm: but it shouldn't stop working. Slowing to a crawl if it's swapping, sure... but it shouldn't require a restart. If you exit the browser then things should go back to normal after a while12:33
pirlaHello everyone. Could anyone, please, help me with fingerprint reader? It's a AuthenTec AES2501A12:33
mgedminit's not unknown for linux to get into a swap storm so bad you have to wait 45 minutes for a ctrl+alt+f2 to switch ttys12:34
loiren-rw-r--r--  1 linux linux   589 ΠΌΠ°Ρ€  4 08:56  10-alocal.rules12:35
loirenI try to look in mc it is impossible to open an input output error12:36
loirenon root12:36
pirlaOk, I made it to install drivers so far. Should I reboot, or what?12:41
pirlaI found another slice: I need to add an apt repository, regardless security (force addition of the repo). How can I do?12:47
pirlaThe repo is: ppa:fingerprint/fprint12:48
pirlaOk, last byte: Where should I set allow-insecure=yes ?13:04
pirlaIn which file?13:04
pirlaPlease, I'm almost done (I guess)13:18
rpifanhello for some reason my ubuntu server has no sources at all13:26
rpifani tried to use an online source generator13:26
rpifanand now it seems to be trying to load mips architecture packages13:26
rpifanwhcih i dont have13:26
pirlarpifan: r u Raspberry Pi?13:26
rpifanim at work atm13:26
rpifanso im annoyedpifan13:26
rpifanErr http://de.archive.ubuntu.com xenial/main mips Packages13:27
pirladoes your connectionwork?13:27
rpifannvm im an idiot13:27
rpifani know what happeend13:27
rpifanim sshed into the ubuiquti hardware13:28
rpifanwhich for some reason uses ubuntu13:28
rpifanand they of couse dont have any sources13:28
rpifanand so it of course uses mips as well13:28
pirlaOk... maybe you can help me: I need to put allow-insecure=yes in some apt file, but which?13:29
rpifanwhy not just add the keys you need pirla13:30
pirlabecause they're not available13:30
pirlaI'm trying to use repo fprint for finger print13:30
rpifansudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0000000013:31
mgedminallow-insecure=yes does not look like an apt option to me13:32
mgedminapt uses a very different syntax for options13:32
pirlaKey for that repo doesn't exist13:33
rfarrhello anyone around? I just upgraded my ubuntu from 19.04 to 19.10 and Im now unable to boot13:35
rfarrI get "overlay: missing lowerdir"13:35
mgedminthat's weird, ubuntu doesn't use overlayfs for anything by default13:37
mgedminI mean, I have docker installed so I've a bunch of overlayfs mounts in my /proc/mounts, but would a docker startup failure break the entire boot?13:38
mgedminwhat happens before and after that message?13:38
pirlaNevermind, I made it to work using this: https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/ubuntu/fingerprint-gui13:40
rfarrmgedmin: not much; i get the prompt to unlock fde, then immediately get that message13:41
rfarri was able to modify my kernel params and by adding initcall_debug i actually get a little farther to a login prompt13:42
rfarrhowerver, there's still no graphical ui13:42
pirlanah, restarted, no luck13:43
rfarrso since im able to get a login prompt im looking at the kernel log13:44
rfarroh yeah -the other message i see is aufs aufs_fill_super:920:mount[3405: no arg13:45
pirlaOk, I guess it's detected successfully, but with fingerprint-gui I get a segmentation fault at scanning fingerprints13:48
pirlaHooray!!! I made it to work!!!!13:49
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transhumanistHi! is there a way to setup MX records and A records and stuff like that on ubuntu 18.04 winthout setting up bind. I notice resolve.conf is no longer managing the dns and they are using a new subsystem. thanks in advance14:54
aradcan someone help me add 2  monitors to my initial display pls ?15:02
leftyfbtranshumanist: DNS records requires a DNS server like bind15:02
arad Can someone help me add 2  monitors to my initial display pls ? on ubuntu15:17
oerheksarad, what ubuntu version?15:18
oerheksand how are they connected, all on 1 videocard?15:19
oerheks"latest" is not a valid answer.15:19
aradUbuntu 18.04.4 LTS15:20
aradone dvi and 2 are hdmi15:20
oerhekssystemsettings > devices > displays .. here you can configure all displays15:20
oerheksi hope you have connected them to the same videocard, not onboad and pciX card mixed..15:21
aradi know, but i cant see the displays there... only one15:21
aradoerheks, of cours all same card15:24
jessbrunnner33: hi!15:33
brunnner33Now it works15:33
brunnner33: confused15:34
untakenstupidnicwould any problems happen if i add the repos of 18.04 to a 16.04's /etc/apt/sources.list ?15:44
oerheksuntakenstupidnic, yes, if you want to upgrade, that is the debian way, use the release upgrade protocol15:45
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:46
dreinull225I have an automated ubuntu install that deploys to a bunch of desktops. What's the best method to remotely configure them to use my servers ldap directory for authentication and set up user samba shares?15:46
dreinull225Or is there a simple tool to provision desktops with ubuntu?15:47
dreinull225Right now I'm using opsi15:47
EriC^untakenstupidnic: no need to do that, you can jump directly from 16.04 to 18.04 using do-release-upgrade tool15:55
arunkumar413my laptop hard disk's overall assement says self-test failed. What should I do to fix this?16:06
pragmaticenigmaarunkumar413: The drive is failing, loss of data is likely to happen. Back the data up now, and buy a new drive16:07
untakenstupidnicEriC^: I don't really want that, i just want to install new software16:09
oerheksuntakenstupidnic, don't mix repos...16:09
untakenstupidnicwould installing over the same partition without reformatting work well?16:09
oerheksuntakenstupidnic, sure, it is an option within the installer16:10
oerheksreplace, upgrade, start fresh16:10
arunkumar413pragmaticenigma, just ran the self-test again. Now it says Disk is ok, one attribute failed in the past.16:10
arunkumar413pragmaticenigma, the one attribute that failed is the airflow temperature16:12
arunkumar413Unable to copy all the SMART attributes16:12
pragmaticenigmaarunkumar413: That is concerning all the same... I would still make a back up of that data regularly. If only as good practice.16:13
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arunkumar413this command isn't listing all the commands16:27
arunkumar413smartctl -A /dev/hda16:27
arunkumar413sorry attributes, not commands16:27
aradcan someone hellp me add 2 displays to my ubuntu ?16:28
pragmaticenigmaarunkumar413: Not all attributes are supported by all drives. smartctl can only report things what the drive tells it16:28
Rockwoodi am unable to browse the localhost16:28
RockwoodVM i am using and distro is ubuntu in VM16:29
EvilRoey^ I'm having this exact problem.16:29
Rockwoodnetwork is down16:30
Rockwoodof my VM16:30
arunkumar413pragmaticenigma, here is the screenshot of the SMART data https://ibin.co/5EaQBByWtTZZ.png16:34
pragmaticenigmaarunkumar413: looks normal, what is your concern?16:35
oerheks635 sectors..16:36
oerheksand looking at other values, replace disk a.s.a.p.16:36
ash_worksiis there a tool to convert CIDRs to an ip list?16:57
aradis there someone who can help me add 2 monitors to my ubuntu ?16:59
leftyfbash_worksi: nmap17:03
leftyfbash_worksi: nmap -sL | awk '/Nmap scan report/{print $NF}'17:04
pragmaticenigmaarad: If someone is able, they will respond in channel. There is no need to repeat. While you wait, gather some details about your system, graphics card, monitors, etc. Providing more details like "My nVidia GTX 1080 is not detecting my three Dell monitors using HDMI or DVI connections"17:05
aradpragmaticenigma, ok thanks17:09
jpnurmiafter updating 19.10 today, it takes 3 minutes for the system to boot up17:19
jpnurmithe end of dmesg looks like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qdF9DsSy5Q/17:20
jpnurmisegfault in libc, which seems to have been included in the updated packages according to /var/log/apt/history.log. there's e.g. libc6:amd64 (2.30-0ubuntu2, 2.30-0ubuntu2.1) dated today17:21
jpnurmiany ideas?17:21
jpnurminot sure what is it doing all that time, but it's surely processing something because the laptop sounds like it's dying17:24
jpnurmithe screen goes blank, first with a blinking cursor, and then the blinking stops. it doesn't let me switch to console. after 3 minutes, the login screen magically appears17:26
pragmaticenigmajpnurmi: If someone has ideas, they will respond in channel. Until then, please have patience...17:27
steveireHey, I've done a reinstallation today of kubuntu 19.10, but when I reboot I'm just getting a grub command line. I'm back in the live usb now. I've tried to use grub-install and update-grub, but I get `/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `/cow'.`. Any idea how to get past that?17:41
arunkumar413jpnurmi, there is a command to check what items are taking too much time to boot. Let me find it for you17:42
arunkumar413jpnurmi, try this command  systemd-analyze blame17:44
ash_worksithanks leftyfb17:44
arunkumar413jpnurmi, https://itsfoss.com/check-boot-time-linux/17:45
jpnurmiarunkumar413: there's not much there, because systemd thinks it took only 12s. "Startup finished in 1.916s (kernel) + 10.592s (userspace) = 12.509s "17:45
jpnurmii guess it makes sense if it's gnome hanging at init. graphical.target was reached17:46
arunkumar413jpnurmi, it should give you the breakuup of the programs in the descending order of time taken to load17:46
arunkumar413jpnurmi, on my system apt-daily.service takes 4 miins https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XqRXBYFSmg/17:48
jpnurmiarunkumar413: the three minutes are not shown there https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YYt4pDFy5J/17:48
jpnurmicannot be a coincidence: "[  192.659720] gnome-initial-s[2114]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f2dd68e70b2 sp 00007ffd6fa7dcf8 error 4 in libc-2.30.so[7f2dd6785000+178000]"17:49
arunkumar413jpnurmi, which three minutes?17:50
jpnurmiarunkumar413: see the dmesg output i pasted above17:50
jpnurmii could be that systemd-analyze doesn't show more than 12 seconds because i disabled the splash screen in hopes to see what's going on17:55
arunkumar413jpnurmi, for me there are some programs which are taking more than 14 seconds and still show up with systemd-analyze17:57
slimschwiftyHello all, I'm struggling with a hardware issue on my ubuntu system. I keep getting kernel panics at random. I've already tried replacing the motherboard, but the problem persists. Can anyone confirm this is a bad CPU before I spend the money on that next? https://i.imgur.com/ZFcQgNW.jpg18:00
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rfmslimschwifty, could be bad RAM, did you run memcheck?  (from the grub menu, at boot)18:05
slimschwiftyrfm: Possibly, the RAM was known to be good before. Ran memtest86+ overnight without issue. But immediately after a crash, the system seemed to struggle to POST with all 32GB running at 3200mhz. I ran a memtest after that and got 100s of errors. I then pulled the ram, and re-seated them and then memtest came back with no errors after a single pass. I've got it running with only 2 sticks right now to18:10
slimschwiftytry to rule that out.18:11
slimschwiftyIt's my understanding that a bad CPU could cause memory errors too, is that accurate?18:11
ioriajpnurmi, is this a fresh install or a do-release-upgrade to 19.10 ? and can you paste dpkg -l | grep libc6  ?18:12
TJ-slimschwifty: have you considered "heat"18:14
jpnurmiioria: not a fresh install. i upgraded to 19.10 around christmas. here's the output: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GCHYxdVvxq/18:15
ioriajpnurmi, ok. error 4 should means a 'user-mode access' error (a read of an unmapped area); is that error persistent ?18:18
Ai9zO5APplease check 'Documentation pyhton peewee simple ORM' you should put pyhton18:18
Ai9zO5APapt search pyhton18:19
Ai9zO5APversion of ubuntu is 1806 lts18:19
jpnurmii tried removing gnome-initial-setup. now there's no visible libc crash in dmesg, but it still takes 3 minutes: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mKj5jCsR7d/18:19
oerheksAi9zO5AP, ??18:20
oerheksapt search python <<<18:21
jpnurmihere's full dmesg after removing gnome-initial-setup: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/R9vSgFQvty/ - i'd love to know what happens between 18.946113 and 193.06762818:21
slimschwiftyTJ-: I have it remotely monitored and the CPU was at 37c moments before the kernel panic18:22
ioriajpnurmi, if ia'm not mistaken that utility (V) is just run at the first login18:22
ioriajpnurmi, gnome-initial-setup , i mean18:23
slimschwiftyTJ-: no anomoly in the history either, graph shoes between 35-45c18:23
Ai9zO5APoerheks: apt search pyhton18:23
Ai9zO5APoerheks: you gonna get 'Documentation pyhton peewee simple ORM'18:23
Ai9zO5APoerheks: they put pyhton instead of python18:23
oerheksAi9zO5AP,  'Documentation pyhton peewee simple ORM' is not written by ubuntu, contact the real author?18:24
Ai9zO5APoerheks: ok i will thanks18:24
ioriajpnurmi, try to   blacklist psmouse18:25
donofrio__so to get kde I thought I did kde-desktop like I did for xfce and ubuntu-desktop what do I do for kde de?18:26
TJ-slimschwifty: I'm wondering not about the CPU but about the chipset (previously known as the north-bridge) that manages the DRAM interface, unless the CPU has those integrated. I'd also want to check power/voltage to see if it is stable18:26
jpnurmiioria: ok, thanks for the idea18:26
oerheksdonofrio__, kubuntu-desktop i guess18:27
ioriajpnurmi, you can do it in grub , as a kernel  parameter18:27
ioriajpnurmi, modprobe.blacklist=psmouse18:28
slimschwiftyTJ-: I swapped the motherboard out. Wouldn't that rule out a northbridge issue?18:30
TJ-slimschwifty: it should... but have you ruled out a PSU issue causing this?18:30
slimschwiftyTJ-: or could a software problem be stressing that?18:30
slimschwiftyTJ-: yes, I've swapped PSUs as well18:30
TJ-slimschwifty: I'd doubt software... but I've seen some weirdness so I'd never rule it out !18:30
donofrio__oerheks, tnx yah doing that now....18:32
TJ-slimschwifty: does the panic always occur in update_load_avg() ?18:32
slimschwiftyTJ-: no, it varies but is always CPU related. There are other errors as well. One sec while I get those pics18:32
TJ-slimschwifty: can you identify which core? is it always the same? you could try disabling core(s) to test18:33
slimschwiftyTJ-: https://i.imgur.com/Qf6lAoN.jpg18:34
slimschwiftyTJ-: that's with the previous motherboard18:34
slimschwiftyTJ-: https://i.imgur.com/QD05Ldl.jpg18:35
slimschwiftyTJ-: that's the error that always shows18:35
slimschwiftyThat's why I'm at the point where I think it must be the CPU itself18:36
donofrio__qdm3 or sddm for kde?18:37
TJ-slimschwifty: I *think* that may be fixable... I'm getting a feeling it is mobo firmware related. There's a quick workaround you should try if you haven't already. See https://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html18:37
TJ-slimschwifty: also, might be worth trying to disable some cores, see: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1185826/how-do-i-disable-a-specific-cpu-core-at-boot18:38
TJ-slimschwifty:  my hunch is there's a timer-related interrupt problem, which can be caused by bad firmware<>OS interactions, which often shows up via ACPI bugs18:39
slimschwiftyTJ-: I'm hoping you are right. I did notice something odd where all of a sudden apt said that amd64microcode was no longer needed and could be removed.18:40
TJ-slimschwifty: this could also be related to the speculative execution workarounds, so I'd suggest adding that to your list of things to try disabling :)18:40
slimschwiftyTJ-: When I build new kernels, it is not including all the drivers. Maybe I need to build one manually18:41
jpnurmiioria: no joy :( https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8qKMWZzgsr/18:41
GuardMoonyhi, does anyone know how to allow mount for a user?18:44
slimschwiftyTJ-: that wouldn't explain all the memtest86 errors I got after the kernel panic and struggle to POST. Right?18:47
oerheksslimschwifty, as my 1st thought too, just bad ram18:50
phobosophso I wanted to install the libgs-dev package on Ubuntu xenial LTS18:53
phobosophThe following packages have unmet dependencies:18:53
phobosophlibgs-dev : Depends: libcups2-dev but it is not going to be installed18:53
phobosophthe thing is that I don't use strange apt sources, so I wonder how this happens18:53
phobosophany ideas?18:53
oerheksphobosoph, on what ubuntu version? and did you properly update? sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade18:54
phobosophoerheks: just did a dist-upgrade, everything up to date. also removed all unneeded packages18:55
phobosoph^ list of sources18:55
phobosophthere is a source for nginx + mariadb, but this shouldn't include a ghostscript related lib package18:55
slimschwiftyoerheks: thanks, I'm definitely going to rule that out before spending more money on a new CPU18:56
phobosophoerheks: any way to fix that? maybe the package name is wrong?18:56
oerheks1. you are on bionic, and libgs-dev + libcups2-dev are valid names18:57
phobosophDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS"18:58
phobosophoerheks: ok, so it must be something different18:58
phobosophoerheks: concerning the apt sources list I posted you, any lines that could cause issues?18:58
phobosophmariadb + nginx ppa/sources shouldn't contain a ghostscript related package18:59
oerheksphobosoph, i have no clue there.. those extra sources should not bite, indeed18:59
phobosophoerheks: https://gist.github.com/strarsis/b09d3175b17e1d7216ebedfad8d10466#gistcomment-320163519:00
phobosophwhat does this mean exactly? some packages are needed but not installed, sounds a bit like HAL19:00
phobosoph"I am sorry, root, I am afraid I can't install that"19:00
oerheks"Some packages could not be installed" .. try apt install -f, as you wrote you have done dist-upgrade19:01
phobosophoerheks: -f doesn't change anything :/  smae error19:01
phobosophso the soruces look fine, the dist-upgrade is fine, no ongoing apt issues (apparently)19:02
phobosophbut apt still can't install that specific package because of  unmet dependencies it "isn't going" to install19:02
phobosophoerheks: OK, so I tracked one dependency tree down and get this: libjbig-dev : Depends: libjbig0 (= 2.1-3.1build1) but 2.1-3.1+deb.sury.org~xenial+1 is to be installed19:05
phobosophsuddenly npm looks great :/19:05
oerheksbut ppa_ondrej_php_xenial.list is disabled.. your story does not match19:07
phobosophoerheks: right :/  maybe it wasn't disabled for some time and some package was installed19:08
phobosophhmm, can I swap it with the package from official repo?19:08
oerheksthere should not be any package from that repo after upgrade to 18.0419:09
sarnoldthe ppa-purge tool from the ppa-purge package can do the 'disable a repo and pick the replacement from the archive' task19:10
phobosophoerheks, sarnold: aha!19:11
phobosophsarnold: in this case I would use ppa-purge against that ppa repo that causes issue with the graphicmagic dependency - but how can I prevent it from purging just everything?19:11
sarnoldphobosoph: hmm, good question19:12
phobosophoerheks: can I list all packages together with the source/ppa installed from? I want to find out the extend19:12
oerheksapt-cache policy <package> might be a help19:15
oerheksbut i like to see a full update run, paste.ubuntu.com19:15
devidhello, i am experiencing some poor sound quality only when using headphones, what can i do to fix it ?19:16
devidbtw not bluetooth headphones just regular headphones19:16
phobosophoerheks: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TZWMn8NzFm/19:21
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phobosophoerheks: cache policy list, all PPAs/external stuff: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yr7qPr7SXX/19:22
phobosophoerheks: but where is a package installed that got a dependency that is from the ppa, hence incompatible as dependency of the graphicmagick related package?19:25
phobosophoerheks: mysterious :/19:27
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oerheksphobosoph, so you found the issue?19:41
phobosophoerheks: no :/19:43
phobosophoerheks: cache policy list, all PPAs/external stuff: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yr7qPr7SXX/19:43
phobosophoerheks: apt update run: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TZWMn8NzFm/19:43
phobosophoerheks: only very few packages got the ppa source apparently19:44
ducassephobosoph: you can use synaptic to easily list packages from a specific origin19:51
phobosophducasse: how can I use synaptics to get all packages from ppas?19:51
phobosophI want to find out what package was installed from PPA that shares a dependency with another one from main distro19:52
phobosoph(and causes issues with different versions)19:52
ducassephobosoph: there are boxes along the left hand lower side19:52
phobosophducasse: I use a shell, GUI19:53
ducassephobosoph: iirc aptitude can do the same19:54
Battlehey all so I have qemu installed and is ready to go but I want to assign secondary public IP address to my virtual machine so its accessible via the internet etc. how would I go about doing this?19:56
phobosophducasse: I just run apittude?19:56
phobosophducasse: alright, I got aptitude installed and its console-GUI is open19:57
ducassephobosoph: you need to specify a search for that origin iirc, i'm not that familiar with it. check the man page.19:57
phobosophI can list installed packages by category19:57
compdocBattle, the vm would have to be connected directly to the internet19:57
Battlecompdoc how would I go about doing that?20:01
compdocBattle, what service is the vm running? webserver?20:01
TJ-Battle: depends on how you've configured the network - NAT, routed, bridged ?20:02
BattleTJ- none at the moment, so far all I've done is purchase the second IP from my provider, I now have 2 IPs, the main one the dedicated server is using and the secondary one which has its own mac, gateway and IP address which i intend to assign to the virtual machine/guest which will run whatever I decide to install on there but it must be reachable via the internet using that secondary IP20:05
BattleI'm not entirely certain as to what/how to achieve this but thats the goal20:05
TJ-Battle: are the IP addresses in the same subnet?20:06
Battleits literally same.ip.address.<changes few digits>20:06
TJ-Battle: then, you could either bridge or route on the host hypervisor to the VM20:06
Battlejust so I understand, I thought bridge meant that both guest and host will have the same IP ?20:07
Battlei take it I'm not entirely correct?20:07
TJ-Battle: bridging means you'd attach the physical wired host  interface and the 'virtual' hypervisor ethernet port to a bridge on the host. Assign the host's IP to the bridge on the host, and in the VM assign its IP address to it's 'virtual' ethernet port as per usual20:08
TJ-Battle: no, a bridge is layer 2 (Ethernet) where MAC addresses are used. IP addresses are layer 3 (routed)20:08
TJ-Battle: overview here with some examples (slightly old in that it refers to Debian/Ubuntu's ifupdown config (/etc/network/interfaces) whereas now we use netplan/systemd-networkd (on -server)20:10
TJ-Battle:  http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Networking#Public_Bridge20:10
NGravityBattlestar galactica20:12
BattleI see20:14
NGravityYou see because it is light20:15
TJ-Battle: basically, if you do bridged Enthernet, the VM will be directly 'visible' to your ISP's upstream router, so packets will go direct between them. If you route, your ISP router will deliver packets tou your host which will *forward* them to the VM20:16
NGravitySsh tunnelling20:16
NGravitySecond obtion B20:17
NGravityTun/tap is the third option20:18
NGravityOpen VPN the option 420:19
NGravityProxy is the fifth20:19
ducasse!enter | NGravity20:20
ubottuNGravity: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.20:20
NGravityOky doky ;)20:21
user_this is apt-offline on ubuntu 19 installed from your official repos btw20:33
user_via sudo apt-get install apt-offline20:33
user_is this fixable or not?20:33
sarnolduser_: man I hate python.20:42
user_we all do20:43
sarnolduser_: so, this is the grossest thing I've suggested this week, maybe this year: you could hand-edit /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt_offline_core/AptOfflineLib.py to replace isAlive with is_alive and try again.20:43
sarnolduser_: my guess is that this would *still* break due to something *else* python has broken.20:44
user_what I hate more than python is broken software in official repos20:44
sarnolduser_: but maybe it's possible to play whackamole on this thing to get it working. maybe.20:44
user_that really grinds my gears20:44
sarnoldmine too.20:45
user_sarnold: It seems that I got my package working back20:45
sarnolduser_: yeah? working?20:45
user_so the exception happens later and I dont get affected or maybe its a special kind of exception that doesnt hit me in the face20:45
HeraldixHi, i have a tricky error with the config file "/etc/systemd/logind.conf" If i change the value of KillUserProcesses=no to yes i am unable to logout. I think the sssd and the pam_mount is right configured.20:49
adacguys how can I get rid of all these nvidia packages? https://pastebin.com/Vph0AVj820:51
EriC^adac: try 'sudo apt-get -f install; dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii20:52
EriC^pastebin the output of both commands20:52
HeraldixI will force with this the auto-delete of the mount point for the NAS stored Users home folder after logout, but this works only if the mount point is created in the same session.20:53
adacEriC^, https://pastebin.com/86DVfTBR21:03
eelstreboris there something better than clamtk? i can't believe that there are 125 infected files on my computer. i ran scans on other computers with similar results21:23
ecovcurious, what kinds of files were flagged21:25
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Sven_vBalso infected with what?21:46
Battleokay I managed to get network side sorted in qemu, it now is using the second IP (its not pingable remotely but I assume thats due to firewall at this point) however, I key strokes are not being recognised by the guest21:49
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EriC^adac: try only "dpkg - l | grep -v ^ii"21:50
Psi-JackIs it possible to grant a snap app access to a path that's not in $HOME, like /mnt/storage/$USER ?21:56
Battlethis appears in my log, I believe its all the start up flags for the qemu guest, https://pastebin.com/ZyB4T6gV21:59
compdocBattle, do you use virt-manager?22:00
physiologyWill I have to be in Legacy BIOS mode to successfully install Ubuntu?22:02
ducassephysiology: no, uefi should work fine22:03
ducasse!uefi | physiology22:03
ubottuphysiology: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:03
physiologyThanks, I'm having an awful time getting Ubuntu on a Dell 3630.  Tried both Legacy and UEFI, disc and USB installation.22:04
physiology'ubuntu' is not a boot option after installation and reboot.22:04
Battlecompdoc yes22:06
physiologyModern RAM and CPU22:06
sixwheeledbeastYou trying to dual boot? Does the live image installer run through everything?22:07
compdoc Battle, so describe what happens22:07
BattleI boot the guest up, everything is fine however when I try to enter text using keyboard, nothing happens22:08
Battlemouse operates and its detecting the mouse input, but not the keyboard22:08
physiologysixwheeledbeast: It does run through everything.  No on dual booting.22:09
compdoc Battle, there is usally a mouse, keyboard, and tablet listed in the vm hardware22:10
compdocthere are only a few input options, so you can add any others not listed22:10
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compdoc Battle, youre tryng the newer chipset also?22:10
compdoc*virtual chipset22:11
Battleas far as I know, yeah22:12
sixwheeledbeastIt must not have installed correctly then. If you run the live image again it should see an Ubuntu installation on the machine22:12
compdoc Battle, win7 might not have drivers for that, but i dont know. You can try the standard options22:13
compdocthe older, default chipset22:13
physiologyGoing for another install.  There was a prompt that noted that there was already another installation, but I said to delete it and do it again.22:22
physiologyThe last one was legacy, going for UEFI this time.22:22
TJ-physiology: use the "Try Ubuntu" option and install from there, that way you can check the install from a terminal once it's finished, and before rebooting22:25
physiologyTJ-: This one is already underway, should I interrupt it?22:25
physiologyOr after it fails, maybe.22:25
TJ-physiology: no... may as well just hope :)22:25
Sven_vBthat bionic dpkg bug from yesterday evening is even more annoying than I thought. now I made a separate ext3 partition that I could mount as /boot so dpkg can have its way and set the group of vmlinuz-* to root, but then GRUB can no longer install because /boot is not the ESP. :<22:26
Sven_vBoh nevermind, I should just give the mountpoint of the ESP as --efi-directory= then it seems to work.22:27
TJ-physiology: for UEFI mode installs, sometimes you have to go into the mobo firmware setup and "Trust" the GRUB boot manager files explicitly in order for the FW to use them. Often there's a "Security" 'tab' that has the Secure Boot option. To do the Trust you first have to enable Secure Boot... then if there is a trust option it usually brings up a file browser, where you navigate to and choose22:28
Sven_vBvery unfortunate param naming still22:28
TJ-/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi and /EFI/ubuntu/grubx84.efi ... then you can disable Secure Boot if you prefer than, and it 'ought' to work22:28
physiologyTJ: Okay, hit 'Restart Now'.22:28
physiologyBlack screen but here's hoping22:29
sixwheeledbeastremove the live image usb22:30
sixwheeledbeastat the prompt22:30
physiologyStuck at the black screen.  So weird.22:30
TJ-physiology: tap Esc key22:31
TJ-physiology: sometimes it could be stuck with the Plymouth splash screen hiding useful info22:31
physiologyTJ reboot, 'No bootable devices found'. I'm going to try the explicit Secure Boot fix you posted.22:32
TJ-physiology: also, reboot it and call up the manual boot manager (usually a hot-key like F10) and see what is listed22:32
TJ-physiology: usually you'll see any OS-added entries + removable devices that have a /EFI/boot/bootx64.efi boot loader file22:33
physiologyTJ switched to UEFI (was on legacy from previous build) and am at the Ubuntu desktop.  The resolution is huge, maybe I lost my video drivers in the reboot.22:34
physiologyTJ You may recall from a few days ago that I couldn't see any network devices except 'lo'. Situation remains the same after this rebuild.22:35
TJ-physiology: is this the one with the Intel ixgbe ethernet ?22:36
physiologyYes on Intel, I'm not sure about the second part.22:36
TJ-physiology: what does "sudo lspci -nn -d ::0200" report ... show me the bit at the end [VVVV:DDDD]22:37
physiology8086:15bb TJ22:38
sixwheeledbeastI would start by running an update and then reboot if you haven't already.22:38
physiologyThis is factory fresh machine, fwiw22:38
TJ-physiology: so should be using the e1000e driver. Does "sudo lspci -kvvnn -d ::0200" show a kernel driver in use?22:42
physiologyIt appears that the same device comes up, but with additional information.22:44
physiologyI don't see anything saying if there is a driver in use or not.22:45
TJ-physiology: OK, so we're narrowing it down. You *should* see "Kernel modules:" and "Kernel driver in use: "22:46
physiologyI did choose to install proprietary software during installation.22:46
eelstreborecov, some pdf's, some libreoffice, some dos and windows programs and files22:46
TJ-physiology: I'd expect you to see at least "Kernel modules: e1000e"22:46
physiologyTJ The word "Kernel" or "e1000e" do not come up in the output of 'sudo lspci 'kvvnn -d ::0200'.  The screen resolution is very large, also.22:47
TJ-physiology: hmmm... let's see if the module is installed. "modinfo e1000e" should dump info about that module22:48
physiologyTJ Appears to be here, lots of 'alias:' lines22:49
TJ-physiology: which ubuntu release is this, and which kernel version ("uname -r") ?22:49
physiology16.04 (I must use this version for our lab), and 4.4.0-21-generic22:49
TJ-physiology: aha!22:49
physiologyuh oh22:49
TJ-physiology: I'll check here, but I'm wondering if the e100e module on 4.4 doesn't know about this hardware22:50
TJ-physiology: "modinfo -F alias e1000e | grep -i 15bb "22:51
TJ-physiology: I'd expect you to get one line "pci:v00008086d000015BBsv*sd*bc*sc*i*"22:52
physiologyTJ no output22:52
TJ-physiology: there's the problem then - kernel is too old22:52
TJ-physiology: any reason you cannot install 18.04 ?22:52
jeremy31Might be a download from Intel that might fix22:52
Psi-JackIs it possible to grant a snap app access to a path that's not in $HOME, like /mnt/storage/$USER ? I've got a snap app that's trying to access Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Public, Templates, and Videos, and since all mine of those are symlinks to another filesystem not part of $HOME, then it bombs out. :/22:54
physiologyTJ-: Controlled lab, that's all.22:54
TJ-physiology: OK, well, you're using 16.04.0 point release... why not download/use the 16.04.5 point release that has kernel 4.15? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Support#A16.04.x_Ubuntu_Kernel_Support22:55
sixwheeledbeastInstall the HWE stack?22:55
TJ-sixwheeledbeast: difficult without any network !22:55
sixwheeledbeastah sorry22:56
TJ-physiology: the 16.04.5 point release contains the HWE kernel from 18.0422:56
sixwheeledbeastthere was a 16.04.6 too22:57
physiologyTJ-: Is there a resource that shows the other packages that get installed with that version of 16.04?  Just like a text list of the packages or something similar?22:57
physiologyThanks all for your help btw22:57
TJ-physiology: the only differences are the kernel, and some core GUI Xorg server bits22:58
TJ-!hwe | physiology22:58
ubottuphysiology: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:58
sixwheeledbeastIs there something that your controlled lab doesn't want installed?22:59
TJ-physiology: the entire point of HWE (and point releases) is for older releases to support newer hardware (stuff that was created after the orginal 16.04 release was published)22:59
physiologyTJ-: But Firefox, ssh, etc versions remain the same?22:59
physiologysixwheeledbeast: Yes, I have to request every piece of new software.23:00
TJ-physiology: well, point release ISO images will contain all the updated packages the same as if you'd installed the .0 point release and then run 'apt upgrade'23:00
physiologyTJ-: Is there maybe a chart with the packages installed with Ubuntu by version?23:01
TJ-physiology: so later point releases will contain bug-fix packages but no new features23:01
sixwheeledbeastSoftware like this is on a rolling release.23:01
physiologyThe version number of the packages, specifically.23:01
sixwheeledbeastfirefox updates every 6 weeks for example.23:02
TJ-physiology: for the 16.04.6 release: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.6/ubuntu-16.04.6-desktop-amd64.manifest23:02
physiologyTJ-: Nice, thank you so much.  jeremy31 and sixwheeledbeast as well. :)23:03
physiologyMight break connection.  brb23:03
wenxinhey guys , i am very new to mysql.  i got a questions.  i already installed mysql server in my Ubuntu PC. but , when i ran: systemctl status mysqld', i got message:unit mysqld.service could not be found.23:18
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physiologyBack.  Just finishing 16.04.5 install.  Hung on nouveau timeout messages (black screen white text).  Am I good to just manual reboot here?23:25
sarnoldwenxin: I'm pretty sure the service name is just 'mysql' mysql-server-8.0: /lib/systemd/system/mysql.service23:31
wenxinsarnold,  sure,  i just want to confirm that . so , mysql-server and mysqld are the same thing. the different names ,because different distribution?23:32
sarnoldwenxin: I think the systemd unit files have a tradition of being "simple" -- for example the ssh server is just known as "ssh" even though the executable is named sshd and the package is named openssh-server23:33
pragmaticenigmawenxin, Yes, different distributions sometimes use different names for the services. Ubuntu has used "apache" or "apache2" for a long time, will redhat continues to use httpd ... depends on the development team and what they name the handles used to control the service23:34
wenxinpragmaticenigma, sarnold  thank you both. i got my answer now. very appreciated.23:37
sarnoldoh yeah httpd vs apache vs apache2 is a great example23:38
BenLubaris there somewhere I'm supposed to get libstdc++6-dbgsym from other than ddebs.ubuntu.com? it seems to have been outdated for focal for the past week or so23:52
TJ-BenLubar: are the ddebs being updated at all or is it just that package?23:53
BenLubarTJ-: it's just the C++ library that I've noticed23:53
TJ-BenLubar: what's the installed library version?23:55
TJ-BenLubar: I see in the ddebs it has 10-20200222-1ubuntu123:55
BenLubar libstdc++6-dbgsym : Depends: libstdc++6 (= 10-20200222-1ubuntu1) but 10-20200304-1ubuntu1 is to be installed23:55
BenLubar10-20200222-1ubuntu1 doesn't seem to be in the repo anymore, so I can't downgrade23:57
TJ-BenLubar: and where is that coming from? "apt-cache policy libstdc++6 "23:57
BenLubar500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal/main amd64 Packages23:57
TJ-BenLubar: thats the version: 10-20200304-1ubuntu1  ?23:58
BenLubarhmm, it looks like it might be packages in the main component not having updated symbols. I've got libgcc-s1-dbgsym, libncursesw6-dbgsym, libtinfo6-dbgsym, and libx11-6-dbgsym that are outdated as well23:59

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