
OvenWerksEickmeyer: um, ok, so long as it runs after the ondemand one on ubuntu.01:45
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWerks: It won't even run unless it's enabled, which it's not by default.03:00
OvenWerksEickmeyer: ok, Im confused. I am not sure "what" won't run unless its enabled"15:59
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWerks: So, a systemd service file does nothing unless called upon. By sitting in /lib/systemd/system it does nothing unless someone calls "systemctl start *.service". Additionally, it does nothing at boot unless it's enabled by "systemctl enable *.service".16:01
OvenWerksnot true16:01
OvenWerksat least that has not been my experience16:02
Eickmeyer[m]Any systemd document I have ever read says what I wrote.16:02
OvenWerksenable *.service just drops a link in the right place16:02
Eickmeyer[m]The file simply "exists" until called upon.16:03
OvenWerksif the link is pre installed it runs16:03
Eickmeyer[m]Exactly, enabling it to be called-upon at boot.16:03
Eickmeyer[m]In this case, I'm not doing that.16:03
Eickmeyer[m](not creating the link)16:04
OvenWerksall of the scripts in /lib/systemd/ do nothing unless there is service that calls them.16:04
OvenWerksFrom a package?16:05
Eickmeyer[m]Correct, and that service must be in /lib/systemd/system and either A) linked in /etc/systemd/system or B) manually run.16:05
OvenWerksa package should create all needed links16:05
OvenWerksAre we still talking about -controls/ondemand?16:05
Eickmeyer[m]That's correct, but if it's a systemd link it needs to be created the systemd way.16:05
OvenWerksno that is not true.16:06
Eickmeyer[m]Yes, but controls/ondemand is diferent.16:06
OvenWerksthe package can create the link just fine.16:06
Eickmeyer[m]Ok, I'll rephrase that. A systemd link should be created the systemd way.16:06
OvenWerksnot for a package install16:06
Eickmeyer[m]Which isn't hard (postinst: systemd enable foo.system)16:07
Eickmeyer[m]*systemctl enable foo.system16:07
OvenWerksI still disagree... but whatever.16:07
OvenWerksthe enable tends to put the links in /etc not in /lib/systemd/system/16:08
Eickmeyer[m]As it should.16:08
Eickmeyer[m]Enable simply makes it run at boot.16:08
OvenWerks the /etc/ should only be used for local config not package config16:08
Eickmeyer[m]There are exceptions to that, in this case, systemd services.16:09
OvenWerksthat is so the system admin can modify the operation of the system without making package upgrade fail16:09
Eickmeyer[m]Systemd throws that old rule out the window.16:09
OvenWerksnot very smart16:09
OvenWerksnot old rule but correct rule16:10
Eickmeyer[m]But it is the way that it is. systemd is smarter at handling that situation than you think.16:10
OvenWerkssystemd also runs correctly puts in links in the correct places too.16:10
Eickmeyer[m]Yes, but not unless it's told.16:11
OvenWerksputting a link in the right place "tells" systemd what to do with it16:11
Eickmeyer[m]That's correct. Such as when systemd is told to enable a .system file, it makes a link in /etc/systemd/system/{target.wants}.16:12
Eickmeyer[m]It bases that link on the systemd file saying "WantedBy = *.target".16:13
OvenWerksor even if the link is in /lib/systemd/system or a sub directory16:13
OvenWerksI have tested this rather a lot16:13
OvenWerksit does work even without use the "enable" command even with no link in /etc16:14
Eickmeyer[m]Yes, but it doesn't automatically run in anything in /lib/systemd/system unless it's enabled. ondemand.service is an exception because it's enabled on Ubuntu systems already (there's a symlink in /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target/) and it looks for anything in its directory called .conf.16:14
OvenWerksThere are rather a lot of commands/files in /lib/systemd/system and /lib/systemd/user that just run with no link what so ever in /etc16:15
Eickmeyer[m]Yes, but the systemd file I made does not. It cannot unless it's "enabled".16:15
OvenWerkswrong totallly wrong I have seen things run with out any enabling done16:15
OvenWerksThen you have not put the link in the right place16:16
Eickmeyer[m]Then those things have a link somewhere in /etc/systemd.16:16
OvenWerksno they don't16:16
Eickmeyer[m]No, I don't want the systemd file I made to run on Ubuntu. I only want it to run on Fedora.16:16
Eickmeyer[m]Hence, I don't have Ubuntu enable it.16:17
Eickmeyer[m]If it makes you feel better, I can have .postinst delete it during install.16:17
OvenWerksunless systemd is totally different on fedora it likely works much the same way16:17
OvenWerksso how many files are in /etc/systemd/system/*/ ?16:18
Eickmeyer[m]Fine, I'll have postinst delete it, but it needs to be there for non-Ubuntu systems otherwise you can't even launch -controls.16:18
OvenWerksit sounds like a really really bad design]16:19
OvenWerksjust like hard linking /lib/systemd to /usr/lib/systemd16:20
Eickmeyer[m]Non-Ubuntu systems don't have ondemand.service. That's an ubuntu-only thing made to replace init.d/ondemand. So, nothing creates the cpufreq files that -controls reads when it starts. In order to fix that, I needed something to run a systemd service on boot.16:20
OvenWerksThat much I can see16:21
Eickmeyer[m]And that is why I did what I did. I wouldn't want it to run at boot on Ubuntu since that conflicts with the operation of ondemand.service (not so much conflicts as runs the /systemd/ubuntustudio service twice). So, I made it "WantedBy=multi-user.target" so that it only gets called if it is seen in /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target" as a symlink.16:23
OvenWerksso create another *.service file in /lib/systemd/system/ called whatever.service. It should have in it:16:24
Eickmeyer[m]Yes, that's exactly what this has.16:24
OvenWerksDescription=Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor16:24
Eickmeyer[m]It's much simpler than that: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-controls/tree/lib/systemd/system/studio-system.service16:25
OvenWerksThat one does have an install segment16:25
Eickmeyer[m]Yes, but that is for "systemctl enable" reference to make the symlink. The packaging file for rpms calls that as a postinst.16:26
Eickmeyer[m]Otherwise it sits there and does nothing. I verified it already.16:27
OvenWerksyou can remove the Install section and just put a link in /lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ too16:27
OvenWerksbut yes it could just be enabled16:28
Eickmeyer[m]Exactly. Fedora (and openSUSE) like to do things the "systemd way" as opposed to Debian and Ubuntu that make a lot of compromises for people who objected to using systemd in the first place.16:29
OvenWerksbut looking at the system folder it looks like even ubuntu has put everyth8ing in /etc16:29
Eickmeyer[m]Yep. That's done during the postinst scripts by way of "systemctl enable".16:30
OvenWerksso, I guess we couold change all of the systemd stuff to do that. Its fine if not very "Linuxy" (or Unixy"16:31
OvenWerksnext question is does it work?16:31
Eickmeyer[m]Yes, it works.16:32
OvenWerksit may need ConditionPathExists=/sys/devices/system/cpu/online16:32
Eickmeyer[m]It doesn't.16:33
Eickmeyer[m]It just works the way it is. I have tested it.16:33
OvenWerksmaybe it is fixed then16:33
Eickmeyer[m]Must be, but I do know I had to have kernel-tools installed since we change the cpu governor.16:34
Eickmeyer[m]brb, kid to school.16:34
OvenWerkswhen ubuntu first switched to systemd, and they were still using ondemand in /etc/init.d/ there were problems with it running too soon16:35
OvenWerksin fact, so far as I know cpufreq still had that problem last I looked16:35
OvenWerks(we don't use it anymore)16:36
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m]: it is probably ok to have both ways of running that installed.16:43
OvenWerksit should not matter if it gets run twice (in ubuntu/debian)16:43
OvenWerksor we could set up ubuntu so that ondemand is merely turned off and use the second method to actually do the work.16:45
OvenWerksIt sounds like in debian/buntu land, system is done one way and user another way.16:45
OvenWerks it is also quite possible that debian/buntu basically ignores systemd in user land except for packages like pulse that come from and upstream that does systemd by default16:46
OvenWerks(except for gnome which kind of messes things up)16:48
OvenWerksI think that perhaps the debian packaging setup requires a multilevel config system for better stability when updating software... 16:52
Eickmeyer[m]And that's very possible. I think, for consistency sake, I'll have postinst remove the systemd service I created, but the packaging for Fedora keep it.16:53
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWerks: For reference, here's the .spec file used to build the .rpm package: https://pagure.io/studio-controls/raw/master/f/studio-controls.spec16:54
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m]: The main thing in ubuntu is that ondemand has a delay in it (60 sec)16:54
OvenWerksso it has to be "repaced"16:54
Eickmeyer[m]In that, I remove the ondemand-service stuff.16:54
Eickmeyer[m]So, there's no reason why in Ubuntu I couldn't remove studio-system.service.16:55
Eickmeyer[m]Just different ways of doing things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯16:55
Eickmeyer[m]And, no, systemd isn't very unix-like. That was, and is, the biggest objection people have with it.16:56
OvenWerksIt would be nice to have one set of files that just works... but then it would not work with a system that still uses /etc/init.d for everything :P16:58
OvenWerksThere are somethings I like about systemd... 16:59
Eickmeyer[m]I think, at this point, we have a run-time dependency on systemd for -controls, tbh.17:00
OvenWerksyup I don't think we nee to worry about making it work for slackware :)17:02
Eickmeyer[m]Or Gentoo.17:03
Eickmeyer[m]So, do we start working on unbranding it next cycle?17:05
Eickmeyer[m]Either way, it runs and works on Fedora, haven't tried openSUSE yet.17:06
Eickmeyer[m]Though, for Fedora, I did have to package python-jack and zita-ajbridge.17:08
OvenWerksthey are both worth having anyway17:08
Eickmeyer[m]Exactly. I was surprised they weren't there already. python-jack is undergoing review as we speak, and zita-ajbridge has been approved for release.17:09
Eickmeyer[m]I'm waiting for those both to hit RawHide. Once those hit, submitting studio-controls will be the next step.17:10
Eickmeyer[m]BTW, Fedora's default kernel (the only one they have, really) is very nicely optimized for lowlatency.17:13

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