=== popey7 is now known as popey [07:39] buildbot has had 2 fails on db-devel with a rabbitmq startup timeout. I've restarted [07:41] Yeah, that's unfortunately a common one. I've bumped the timeout once or twice; I think when this happens it may be stuck rather than slow. Not completely sure though [07:42] It'd be good to figure out how to get it to dump the server log when that happens (which might end up being a change in rabbitfixture rather than in LP, I'm not sure [07:42] ) [07:47] I don't think there's been a reoccurence of the OCI failure though [07:50] Indeed, haven't seen one, nice [07:50] TrialTestCase delenda est [07:52] OCI webhooks almost working locally; just need to fix a couple of tests [07:54] oooh, nice [10:04] tomwardill: Updated https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+ref/db-oci-push-rule, I think [10:34] https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/380353 attempt at helping users to help us [10:38] Nice [10:39] Ah, good idea. [10:39] I wish we had metrics to see whether it actually works! [10:40] Ah, https://lpstats.canonical.com/graphs/CHRFrustrationLevel [10:44] haha [10:45] ...that's Django with DEBUG=True! [10:45] :s [10:45] Yup [10:46] Fortunately also behind fairly restrictive OpenID. But yes [11:20] ilasc: https://dev.launchpad.net/Running/LXD [12:47] http://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lp-devel-xenial/builds/1094/steps/shell_9/logs/summary [12:47] There's a librarian OOPS in there; I wonder if that's relevant [12:47] (Trying to talk to Swift, which it probably shouldn't be in this context) [12:48] I think that the fact that we're past the assertion that the build status is UPLOADING rules out an ordinary race