
nooodlesnodes_1just have acer switch, surface knockoff, and want to know how to make it launch an onscreen keyboard when the physical keyboard is removed15:29
nooodlesnodes_1does ubuntu touch solve this?15:29
parrotloverNo, it doesn't. There is no linux or android support for that device, only windows 8.1 and 10. I have owned them. Ubports is for Android devices with android driver blobs15:30
nooodlesnodes_1rough times15:31
parrotloverYeah... but lucky for you... Windows works15:31
nooodlesnodes_1got jokes :-))15:31
parrotloveryeah... well when I had it, I was stuck using windows 8.1 or 10 unless I wanted only touch screen. the dock is the part there is no linux support for15:32
nooodlesnodes_1thought it would be good because it wasnt actually a surface, and because there is no internal fan15:33
parrotloverUbports doesn't even have full stable hardware support for any of the supported devices, let alone a Windows 10 Tablet SoC based convertible15:33
parrotloverit's really stupid that they didn't build the doc to a standard people use and support15:33
nooodlesnodes_1the keyboard works just have to launch the onscreen manually and they look gross15:33
parrotloverthe keyboard now works in Linux?15:34
parrotloverIt never used to15:34
nooodlesnodes_1the only things I cant do is this .. and pinch or finger scroll libreoffice calc which I believe is an issue libreoffice doesnt want to do15:35
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