
=== popey7 is now known as popey
lotuspsychjegood morning03:29
bigfoot-Hi.  Since upgrading to 20.04 focal, KDE's ALT-F2 "run command" global shortcut doesn't work anymore; is this a known issue? (Others, like ctrl-alt-T starting a terminal, still work fine.)09:54
bigfoot-Everything else went surprisingly smoothly, besides the fact that xpdf seems to be gone for good now. :(09:55
lotuspsychjebigfoot-: 20.04 is still in development mode right now, we strongly advice to help testing it on daily iso base, instead of early upgrades09:55
lotuspsychjebigfoot-: would help the devs, if you can doublecheck this on a clean daily to see if you can reproduce this09:55
lotuspsychjebigfoot-: in 2h Blueskaj will join, he's on kde 20.04 also, i can ask him aswell10:15
lotuspsychjeidle a bit here10:15
bigfoot-In the Kubuntu live image, it works fine.  Starting "krunner" manually also works ...10:17
bigfoot-and: ALT-F2 gives me a "Q" character in the currently open terminal.10:17
lotuspsychjeso we can conclude this is caused by your upgarde bigfoot- ?10:18
lotuspsychjeallrighty, thank you for doublechecking this10:18
bigfoot-I wonder whether this guy experienced the same issue: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=25329710:25
lotuspsychje!info kde-plasma-desktop10:26
ubottukde-plasma-desktop (source: meta-kde): KDE Plasma Desktop and minimal set of applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:104ubuntu4 (focal), package size 1 kB, installed size 22 kB10:26
lotuspsychjethis your version bigfoot- ?10:27
bigfoot-5.18.2?  Yes.10:28
bigfoot-Interestingly, kde-plasma-desktop isn't installed at all.10:28
lotuspsychjenevermind me, been too long since i played with kde10:29
bigfoot-moving ~/.config away (as suggested by the archlinux forum post I mentioned) solves the problem10:31
bigfoot-... now the fun begins, finding the broken config file and restoring the remaining ones ...10:31
bigfoot-OK, I now know how to fix this without manually touching ~/.config .10:47
bigfoot-As this may bite other upgraders, should I report a bug?11:05
lotuspsychjebigfoot-: didnt you say you did not have this issue on a live?11:07
bigfoot-lotuspsychje: Yes.  But as it seems to be a config migration issue (from Plasma 5.16.5 to focal's 5.18.3), other upgraders might be bitten as well.11:30
bigfoot-My description of bug + fix on KDE's own forums: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=164820&p=429259#p42925911:30
lotuspsychjebigfoot-: your choice to do what you want and test, but please avoid making an official bug on 20.04 based on upgrades11:32
bigfoot-lotuspsychje: That's why I was asking.  But I'd bet this issue is still there when 20.04 gets released, biting other upgraders.11:35
lotuspsychjebigfoot-: maybe, but i would advice to start testing this after final beta coems out11:35
lotuspsychjeright now, things are still shaping up11:36
lotuspsychjebigfoot-: what does ALT+space do?11:57
bigfoot-lotuspsychje: before my fix: nothing; now: works as expected.12:01
lotuspsychjebigfoot-: BluesKaj just tested on his 20.04 and seems to work, so must be your upgrade bork12:02
bigfoot-Yes, as I said -- it seems to be a config migration issue12:02
BluesKajbigfoot-, I did a complete reinstall a few weeks ago and there were definitely some config changes on the new install 12:04
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
gsedejI have issue with desktop ubuntu-installer on EFI system. System has 1 ssd (with existging EFI 18.04). I am trying to install 20.04 EFI on external USB drive. Problem is that EFI-system-partition is being used by internal SSD drive (and brakes GRUB)14:01
gsedejI reported bug. Should I add more info? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/186635814:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1866358 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 20.04 desktop installer in EFI mode with secondary drive (usb)" [Undecided,New]14:44
oerhekswhat if you set disk order to the external too? not only boot priority, but hdd listing14:47
gsedejwhat do you mean disk order? In BIOS/UEFI?14:51
gsedejwell I was playing quite much with actually saving the existing installation... so but the main issue is, as mentioned, EFI-partition on USB was not "installed" (empty) and fstab on USB-root-ext4 was trying to use EFI-partition from SSD14:57
BluesKajhope this isn'r an isolted problem just for kde/plasma or is this seen on other flavors as well ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wDSsdSh2YQ/16:36
takov751greetings i have a quick question18:31
takov751about ignoring a broken package18:32
takov751so apt wont remove it.18:33
takov751I just installed steam-launcher18:33
takov751i had to make dpkg ignore python package dependencies,because in 20.04 there is no package called python. As of course python2 is deprecated18:35
takov751however whenever i would like to install or remove anything its just wants to remove steam ,because of the missing dependencies18:36
oerheksi guess you want python3?18:37
oerhekswant/need ..18:37
takov751yes i would need python3 ,however something like steam-launcher depends on python2 .... for some reason and aliasing python3 would just brake the stea18:49
=== JanC is now known as Guest12447
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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