[06:59] .isitup thewire.in [06:59] .help [06:59] Hang on, I'm creating a list. [06:59] I've posted a list of my commands at https://clbin.com/4ra6u - You can see more info about any of these commands by doing .help (e.g. .help time) [07:00] .isup thewire.in [07:00] http://thewire.in looks fine to me. [07:02] .uptime [07:02] I've been sitting here for 3 days, 13:33:57 and I keep going! [18:23] zaki: o/ [18:32] hey pavlushka [18:32] zaki: how are you? [18:33] i'm good. [18:33] watching tv show [18:35] zaki: I am going to half die (sleep) [18:35] see ya, night night [18:35] pavlushka, good luck :P [18:35] gn