
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== jay__ is now known as jphilips
jphilipsknome: on the help page, can you change the askubuntu link to https://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/xubuntu03:44
jphilipsrunning the daily ISO from a few days back and got a crash in libxfce4panel, tried to report and it says i got obsolete packages for gcc-10-base, etc. :D04:13
jphilipsknome: also if you can change the 'Desktop Environments' link to https://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=329&pp=20&prefixid=xubuntu&sort=lastpost&order=desc&daysprune=-105:43
jphilipsand remove ' – use Xfce or Xubuntu as the tag to help categorize your request'05:44
jphilipsxfce tag stopped being used in 201605:44
jphilipsplease also remove 'You can also add your support question in Launchpad Answers. '05:44
=== paolo_ is now known as paolo
knomejphilips, why remove launchpad answers?06:57
knomeotherwise suggestions are good and page is updated (and gutenbergized fwiw)06:58
jphilipsthis still there ' – use Xfce or Xubuntu as the tag to help categorize your request'07:00
knomemissed that then07:00
jphilipsabout launchpad answers, it isnt xubuntu specific, but if you feel it should still be there, please move the sentence after the askubuntu sentence07:03
jphilipsmaybe also add a link for easy access to the offtopic channel - https://webchat.freenode.net/#xubuntu-offtopic07:03
jphilipsdoes xubuntu come with any event sounds by default or do i have to install some even after checking the boxes in the appearance dialog07:54
brainwashjphilips: I think the "default" theme is available by... default 10:19
brainwashsound theme10:19
brainwashsound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-2ubuntu110:24
jphilipsenabling sound effects on 19.10 and restarting does nothing10:24
brainwashyou did not read the check box tooltip, did you?10:25
jphilipswas looking through this guide - https://askubuntu.com/questions/1156774/how-to-enable-event-sounds-on-xubuntu10:25
brainwashI've commented on some launchpad report about this10:25
jphilipsinstalling canberra, i did that and still no luck10:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1321445 in xfce4-session (Fedora) "enable sound events in xfce4-appearance-settings doesn't work" [Medium,In progress]10:27
jphilipslogin and logout sound aint working either10:28
brainwashthe steps mentioned in my comment worked for me10:31
brainwashwell, back then10:31
brainwashit's not too long ago though10:31
jphilipssaw your comment and the patch removed the sounds for window sounds10:32
brainwashand the info in the next comment?10:35
brainwashhow do you test sounds?10:35
jphilipswill test it and see10:39
jphilipsthis shouldnt be made so difficult for users10:39
brainwash[Sound Theme]10:39
brainwashmaybe it has to be a capital D10:40
brainwashthat would be pretty odd though10:40
jphilipsnot sure where the above relates to11:12
brainwashjphilips: the xfconf-query command11:17
jphilipsokay tried default, Default, and freedesktop and still no work11:18
jphilipsdid everything in the comment 2111:18
brainwashmaybe muted in pavucontrol?11:18
brainwashand again, how do you test?11:18
jphilipsno not muted11:19
jphilipsi log out and log back in11:19
brainwashstartup sound?11:19
brainwashis Xfce supposed to play that one?11:19
jphilipsi installed the gnome-session-canberra package11:19
jphilipsand session & startup has luanch gnome services on startup checked11:20
brainwashdon't think that this helps11:21
brainwashcan't you test something different? maybe even create those window event sounds and test them11:21
jphilipsokay will try those11:25
jphilipsdownload the .oga's from the git commit and put it in and still no working11:37
brainwashjphilips: I will test it myself then11:59
jphilipsfinally got it working. had to manually add the entry into session & startup and create an xfce4-session like steps 8 and 9 suggest11:59
brainwashyou still talking about login sound?12:01
jphilipsyes login and logout. the window sound effects never materialized12:02
brainwashyou can obviously add autostart launchers to do that job12:03
jphilipsi've noticed different times that xiccd goes haywire and takes up an entire cpu core. just now there were 4 of those processes going eating up 100% of my cpu12:03
brainwashhint: autostart launcher can be triggered on logout too12:03
jphilipswas thinking to do that, but just followed the guide :D12:04
brainwashhowever... no even cares about login/logout sounds?!12:04
brainwashI can understand that having a sound effect when an error dialog pops up can be useful12:05
brainwashor a bell sound for notifications12:05
brainwashso, I get no event sounds here also12:07
brainwashI wonder if this is a gtk2 vs gtk3 thing12:07
brainwashjphilips: sounds do work. I noticed the error sound when an error dialog popped up.18:30
brainwashhowever, only the window-unmaximized one of all window events works18:30
jphilipsbrainwash: wish i was so lucky. if you have a new set up steps to try, i'd be glad to test them18:30
brainwashno trash sound either18:31
brainwashyou got window-unmaximized.oga?18:31
brainwashI simply created a symlink to bell.org18:32
brainwashehm.. bell.oga18:32
brainwashnote that you have to have "input feedback sounds" enabled18:35
brainwashin case you disabled those due to testing18:35
brainwashthe checkbox below the "event sounds" one18:35
jphilipsbrainwash: yes both checkboxes were always enabled19:09
jphilipswindows-unmaximized.oga is in the folder19:10
jphilipsalso have bell.oga19:10
jphilipsknome: should we consider having the irc links go to kiwiirc.com for a better looking irc ui20:21
brainwashjphilips: if you want to waste time on that issue, you could check if you can get it to work in xubuntu 18.0420:52
jphilipsbrainwash: not planning to spend any more time on it. i'll leave it to the devs to try and fix20:54
brainwashso, to no one20:55

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