[09:24] got a confusion. +login does a request to the testopenid server, which is only on SSL. We have a self signed cert, how does that actually succeed? Asking because my 39A build is throwing SSL validation errors and I'm confused as to how it ever works in a development env. [09:25] tomwardill: See lib/lp/services/webapp/openid.py, which passes an extra certificate file to urlopen if the test OpenID provider is in use. I suspect you'll need to adjust the certificate path there. [09:25] oh, interesting [09:25] ta :) [09:26] (I might move that to a different place at some point for other reasons; the set_default_openid_fetcher function, anyway) [09:29] it lives! [09:31] \o/ [09:32] and just in time for flight boarding, look at that [09:32] * tomwardill -> FRA -> MAN -> SHF [10:06] gute Reise