
JesseHI'm trying to download 14.04 64bit desktop from here https://docs.lubuntu.net/releases/lubuntu1404_downloads and it's telling me that its not found.02:01
JesseHI'm trying an older version so that I can use the radeon driver, or at least get the amd catalyst 13.1 driver to work. I'm working with older hardware.02:02
kc2bez14.04 is end of life and not supported any longer.02:03
kc2bezlubuntu.me is the official website02:03
JesseHI was running 16.04 and the one issue that was preventing me from installing the catalyst driver from amd was some asm/i386.h not being found02:04
guivercJesseH, I tested Lubuntu 18.04 LTS (and later x86) on hardware from 2004- which I consider old personally02:04
JesseHThis graphics card for this one is the Radeon HD 320002:05
guivercLubuntu 18.04 LTS is the oldest supported release of Lubuntu (flavors have 3 years of supported life, 5 years applies to server (no desktop) or Unity 7 for 16.04), sorry I don't know your card02:05
JesseHI'll try a newer version02:05
guivercfyi: I dont' have anything with your card, hd2400, hd5000, & others but no 3x00 series sorry02:07
JesseHI'll try 18.04 and see what I can figure out02:08
misterkatI'm trying to get something like this: ffmpeg -i "concat:file1.mp3|file2.mp3" -acodec copy output.mp303:42
johnjbogle1Hello, I am trying to format my new external 2.5" ssd, but it is not being recognized in gparted or Disks. Looking for help on what to do from here. Thanks much06:43
diogenes_johnjbogle1, that might mean it's either broken or disconnected from the slot, see if BIOS recognizes it.06:49
johnjbogle1ok got it working with a different external case. Odd that this first case doesn't work with this ssd, but it works with others I have. Anyway, thanks06:57
johnjbogle1If I'm going to create a bootable usb or multiboot usb, what's the best file system I should format it to? ext4 or fat32? (or other?)07:14
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Lovepumpjohnjbogle1: What OSes are you intending to boot to?07:16
johnjbogle1Was thinking of trying out manjaro, mint, zorin, pop, elementary, and a couple others but can't remember which right now, but also ubuntu as well.07:19
johnjbogle1Would like to have a win7 copy on there too if possible, but it's not too important.07:20
LovepumpSo booting to iso images?07:20
Lovepumpgrub as bootloader, or something else?07:21
johnjbogle1Hmm, perhaps, but not sure completely yet07:21
johnjbogle1Probably from iso07:21
Lovepumpyou'll need a bootloader that can boot to isos - not familiar with actually doing it that way but I understand grub can do it07:22
Lovepumpso, in that case, the isos will need to be on a filesystem that grub can read them from07:22
johnjbogle1ok thanks for that. How do I do that? Is there a GUI utility or tool to do that?07:23
Lovepumpand grub itself will need to be "bootable", so on a UEFI system you'll want grub2 on a FAT32 partition, and any isos on a partition that grub car read from07:23
LovepumpI think rufus is decent as far as guis go - haven't used it much07:23
Lovepumpyou might also look into syslinux as bootloader its good but I've only used PXElinux variant07:24
johnjbogle1ok thanks, ill try07:25
Lovepumpubuntu has a boot disk maker, but not sure how capable it is for dealing with multiple iso images07:25
johnjbogle1Hi. I formatted my new external ssd to ntsf [b/c I'll need to access the files on a windows device occasionally]. I wanted to delete a couple files that I downloaded to it, but it's not letting me delete or rename any of the files on there. Any help please? Thx12:10
johnjbogle1Also not able to create any new folders now. Even though I already did create a folder on the disk about 10 minutes ago. Also, there are some weird chinese characters that inserted themselves inside some of the filenames. Very weird.12:15
diogenes_johnjbogle1, so format it again.12:20
johnjbogle1Omg are you serious??12:20
johnjbogle1Is there no other way?12:20
johnjbogle1What's to say it wouldn't do this again?12:21
johnjbogle1Is there some way to diagnose it?12:21
diogenes_johnjbogle1, your story is not complete.12:21
diogenes_there is a gap in the story between the moment you formated the disk and the files you wrote there.12:23
johnjbogle1That was exactly the process I did.12:24
johnjbogle1Formatted the ssd. Started to download files, worked with about a dozen or so, and then the subsequent downloads failed, and I noticed the issues from there.12:25
diogenes_try it on windows, it will offer you to scan and fix the issues, since it's NTFS, there's little you could do on linux.12:27
johnjbogle1i dont have windows12:27
diogenes_try: ntfsfix /dev/sdx12:29
johnjbogle1Btw, when I try to rename or delete a file, or create a folder, it gives me this error box: {filename}: Input/output error12:29
johnjbogle1ok, will try that...12:30
johnjbogle1"You should run chkdsk". How do I do that?12:31
diogenes_chkdsk is for windows.12:33
johnjbogle1hmm. So if I reformat it, what filetype should I use?12:34
johnjbogle1I will be downloading some large video and rar/zip files12:34
diogenes_johnjbogle1, it depends on your use case, usually there is no issues with NTFS on linux but that's for HDDs, no clue about SSDs.12:36
johnjbogle1Described my use-case12:37
diogenes_with NTFS on linux you must be very careful not to disconnect it while copying files.12:37
johnjbogle1hmm, ok that's what might have happened then maybe.12:38
diogenes_use case if you mostly use it at home or on linux PCs.12:38
johnjbogle1I didn't bump it or anything, but it did seem to have gotten interuptted at some point while downloading.12:39
johnjbogle1Yes; using it at home, mostly on Linux.12:39
johnjbogle1For storage of mostly videos/pdf's/png's.12:40
diogenes_ohh if it's gotten interrupted, that's a problem.12:40
diogenes_can you create or write anything now?12:41
diogenes_you can also try and reboot.12:41
johnjbogle1It was weird it did that though, it's connected beside me, and nothing bumped it or the usb cable. It was chugging along fine, and then seemingly completely randomly, it gaves that disconnection chime/beep, and then it was broken.12:41
johnjbogle1I'm not sure, I12:42
johnjbogle1I'll try that now.12:42
johnjbogle1Nope, nothing will write/download to it now.12:43
diogenes_try reboot.12:45
lubot<N0um3n0> We are having this error when updating 20.04, does anyone know what it is?13:44
lubot<N0um3n0> (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/v5GPRit.jpg Buenos dias. Alguna ayuda para solucionar este error, por favor?13:44
lubot<aptghetto> @N0um3n0 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/186637714:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1866377 in plymouth (Ubuntu Focal) "update-initramfs fails on plymouth hook due to missing target dir" [Critical,Fix committed]14:12
lubot<N0um3n0> @aptghetto [@N0um3n0 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/1866377], Thanks14:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1866377 in plymouth (Ubuntu Focal) "update-initramfs fails on plymouth hook due to missing target dir" [Critical,Fix committed]14:37
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